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28. Shopping At Canterlot Mall

When the family got to the mall they found a parking spot and parked Tom's car. The family of five then got out of the car and started walking toward the front entrance to the mall. When the family walked into the mall they looked around and saw all the amazing little shops in the mall. From shoe stores, food courts, clothing stores, and all kinds of other stores that impressed every time the Dazzlings came into the mall.

"Well, Sonata." Sunset said, making the girls turn around and face their mom and dad who were staring down at them. "What do you want to do here? Do you have anywhere you want to go? A store you want to visit and get something?" Sunset, Tom, and Sonata's two sisters turned to her seeing what she wanted to do.

Sonata thought about it as she put her hand on her chin, there were so many cool stores she wanted to go into, and she did want to get a few things. She smiled and looked up at her family. "There are a few stores I want to visit, and I would like it if I could get a few things, so if that's okay with everyone else?"

The rest of Sonata's family looked at her and smiled. "You don't have to ask us, Sonata. This is a day all about you, so whatever you want to do, we'll do it! Now cmon, let's go to the first store you want to go to." The family of five started walking around the mall, as one big happy family.

So with that, Sunset, Tom, and the Dazzlings started walking around the mall going to all the stores that Sonata wanted to go to. From going into clothes stores and buying new clothes, along with some new shoes, Sonata even got some presents for all of her friends. The whole time walking around the mall as one big family was super fun and the whole family agreed that it was a time to remember. And even though they walked in silence, it was enough for the family, all that mattered was the time they were spending with one another. Although there were only so many times that the family of five were together with how Tom's job was, every time they were together as a family, they made sure to make the best moments and make all kinds of memories.

After a few minutes of shopping and the family had done some shopping they decided to take a break and grab a bite at the food court. Tom went off to go get some food for the girls and the girls went to go find a table to sit at. The girls had done a lot of shopping with each of them holding at least a bag or two, or for Sonata's case, four. Adagio and Aria had gotten a bit of things for themselves, like some new clothes and some other things that caught their eye. Sonata placed her bags down and sighed as she wiped her forehead, all the weight from the bags was starting to get to her. Sonata had gotten some new clothes, some new shoes, some gifts for all of her friends and teachers, and even for her family, but they didn't know about it just yet. She had also gotten some stuff for herself, like some stuffed animals and some toys. She made sure to get the stuffed animals and toys when Aria wasn't looking, even though she was in high school, Sonata still enjoyed playing with toys and stuffed animals, and she probably wouldn't ever stop. The last thing she wanted was for Aria to tease her, and she didn't want that, not after all the bullying she had received from Dawnshine.

Dawnshine, the person that had caused all of this, was the one who caused her to hurt herself and caused her family to be worried about her. She felt like it was all her fault, if only she was stronger and didn't let Dawnshine's words get to her, then maybe she wouldn't have fallen into a depression and caused so many problems for her family. Because of Dawnshine, now she was being treated so kindly, which wasn't a bad thing, but her family was treating her just like a baby. She couldn't even go to the bathroom without someone by her side, as much as she told her family that what she did was a one-time thing and she realized what she did and promised that she wouldn't do it again, they didn't want to take any chances. Everywhere Sonata went she would at least have someone with her, she even had to sleep with someone in her room with her. But, she kinda enjoyed having little sleepover parties with either Adagio or Aria. But after all of this started happening, Sonata realized that she too enjoyed having her alone time, and she was getting sick and tired of always having someone by her side.

But, Sonata now knew that what Dawnshine had told her was wrong, she had known that for a while now. Her family had talked to her a lot and they let Sonata know that she was loved, and she felt it. She had been with her sisters for her whole life, and Tom and Sunset had taken her in to allow her to have a second chance in life and they treated her just like their very own child, so why did she still let Dawnshine get to her? She didn't know, but Dawnshine had gotten to her and Sonata let her get into her mind. Sonata still thought about the faces of her sisters and her mom when they walked in on her hurting herself, and the scar on her arm was still visible to the eye. She hated that she did that to herself, but she also hated that she worried her family so much, she didn't want her family worrying for her, and she wanted everything to just go back to normal. But now that she had done that, there was no telling what the future would look like for her. Sonata looked up and saw Adagio and Aria sitting down on their phones most likely either texting their friends or scrolling through social media, as Sunset sat down and watched as Tom had already ordered their food and was waiting for it to be finished making.

Sonata smiled to herself, she was glad for the family she had, along with some amazing friends at school. She had a lot of people who loved her and she loved each and every one of them. As Tom came back with the food and the family started to eat together, Sonata smiled as she thought about all the fun memories she had with her friends and family. No longer would she fall for Dawnshine's words, or anyone else's false words. She knew the truth and the truth was that many people loved her and that she was an amazing person who wasn't a failure but a person who was still growing and learning. Sonata knew that she was far from perfect but she was fine with that, she liked herself just the way she was.

After the family finished eating they grabbed their things and decided that it was time to make their way home. The drive back was silent as the family listened to the music on the radio, which the Dazzlings happily dance and sang to. Sunset and Tom heard them and laughed to themselves as they too decided to sing and dance with them, filling the whole car full of singing and laughter.

When they got home the girls went to their own rooms they put their new clothes and items away. Sonata then went over to her sisters and gave them a hug, she was feeling better than ever and she was glad that she had such amazing sisters. She then went downstairs to her parents and gave Sunset and Tom a hug, they may not be her actual parents that gave birth to her, but that didn't mean anything to her. They still loved her very much and to her, they were the best parents ever. Sonata went to bed happy that night, happy that she had the best family that she could ever have. She made a promise to herself that she would never scare her family like that ever again, and that one day her family would be okay with her being by herself. But for now, she would take one step at a time and continue her life doing the best that she could, knowing that she was loved by a family she loved as well.

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