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3. Highs And Lows Of High School

After having an amazing lunch with their friends, the Dazzlings started making their way to their next class of the day. With only three more classes left in the day, the Dazzlings couldn't wait to see what their next class would bring them. As the girls made their way and took their seats in their respective classes they thought about how their first day had been so far. For Adagio and Sonata the first day couldn't have been going any better, for Sonata she thought that high school was fun, along with her classes and all the new people she was meeting. For Adagio, she was just like her mom, and she enjoyed going to school and learning new things. Aria, on the other hand, her day was a bit slow to start things off, especially since she had to share her first two classes with Sonata of all people.

But now it was time for the fourth period and Aria was more than pleased to get away with Sonata again. So as the class went on, each of the girls happily paid attention to their teacher and what was to be expected through the year. With it being the first day of high school none of the teachers were giving out homework which the Dazzlings, along with all the other kids happily enjoyed. Things couldn't have been going better for the Dazzlings and even though school wasn't particularly the most enjoyable thing in the world, the Dazzlings had to admit that high school was going better than they thought. Even Sonata, who at first was scared about the idea of high school, was having a blast. And the more she thought about it, there was nothing to even be afraid of in the first place. She had her two sisters, along with all of her friends, and her aunt who worked at the school, along with her new teacher if she ever needed help or someone to talk to. Sonata silently giggled to herself so that no one around her could hear, and then looked back up to pay attention so that she didn't miss out on anything that was being said. She then let out a big smile, she was going to enjoy her next four years in high school.

It was later on in the day and the Dazzlings were currently heading to their sixth and final class of the day. A class they were all looking forward to because they all shared it with one another with it being P.E. Now for Aria and Sonata they were looking forward to it as P.E. to them, and to many others was an easy A and a fun class to get out some energy. However, the opposite could be said for Adagio who wanted nothing more than to not do P.E. but it was mandatory that kids did it in order to pass high school. She didn't like the feeling of being sweaty and doing all those workouts and getting hot, ruining her perfectly done makeup and especially their hair. But she had to do it if she wanted to not only have a good grade but in the end, finish high school. So although Adagio didn't want to do it, she had to suck it up and not only finish but also pass the class.

Before making it to the gymnasium, the Dazzlings had to take a quick locker stop and put some things away in their locker. So, now the girls were putting some books away in their lockers. However, as Aria unzipped her backpack to pull out some books and supplies she didn't need to keep in her backpack, she was then knocked from behind causing her to drop her books and supplies that then crashed onto the floor dispersing all through the hallway floor.

Aria gasped as she saw her stuff all over the hallway floor. She growled and gritted her teeth as she turned to head to whoever knocked her from behind. "Hey!" Aria's yell echoed throughout the halls of Canterlot High. Adagio and Sonata whose lockers were a bit down from Aria's made their way to see what was the problem. When they got there they saw Aria glaring at someone with her stuff all on the ground.

"Aria?" Aria turned around to see Adagio and Aria looking at her confused. "Is everything okay?"

Aria rolled her eyes and turned back to the girl who had caused the accident to happen. "No, this girl knocked into me and made me drop my stuff! Now I want you to apologize! Who do you even think you are?"

The girl just looked at Aria and smiled. She had dark purple hair and skin, wore a night sky color dress, and wore some black shoes. "My name's Dawnshine... not like you should care." The girl who was now known as Dawnshine word's only made Aria want to punch her even more. "I don't know why you're so mad, it wasn't like I did it on purpose. You were the one who wasn't paying attention, you caused the mess, now pick it up." The girl shrugged her shoulders and started walking away from Aria but she then stopped. "I know what you girls did a few years back, we all do. Don't think you're all that just because you three won the Tag Tournament. All of that means nothing here, so what if you won, no one cares. Just do me and everyone else here a favor and don't try to be in the spotlight." With that, Dawnshine walked away and off to her last class of the day.

Aria who was still glaring at Dawnshine walking away turned her head when she felt a hand touch her shoulder. Turning her head she sees Sonata with her hand on Aria's shoulder, the two made eye contact and Sonata gave Aria a weak smile. "C'mon, let's pick up your stuff and head to the gymnasium before we're late." Aria sighed and nodded her head as she and her two sisters helped pick up her things, put them in her locker, and made their way to their final class of the day.

The girls made it to the gym and took their seats. Since it was only the first day of school, they didn't have to get dressed or do any workouts, which Adagio was very happy about. So for the whole class period, the gym teacher went over what kind of activities the class would be doing and what their workouts would look like. Sonata and Adagio paid attention to the teacher, and as the teacher showed on a screen what their workouts would look like, Adagio cringed seeing all the things she would have to do. 'I'm going to hate this class.'

As everyone else paid attention to the teacher, Aria was still thinking about Dawnshine and what she had done. Her attitude, her voice, her face, everything was annoying to Aria. What played in her mind the most was what Dawnshine said at the end when she told her and her sisters that no one cared about them and what they did and to stay away from the spotlight. Who did she think they were? Even though Aria thought Sonata was annoying and a pain to be around, Dawnshine easily took the cake. 'This girl better not be the next Gabby. I have no problem dealing with her and showing her who's boss.' Sonata who was sitting near her saw her sister and couldn't help but feel bad for her. She wanted to say something, anything, but she didn't know what to say to make her sister feel better.

Before the girls knew it the bell rang signaling the end of the first day of the school. The Dazzlings got their things and made their way out of the school. As the girls made their way out of the school and toward their mom's car they saw Dawnshine in front of the statue in front of the school looking at her phone. The Dazzlings walked past her and as they were passing by Aria and Dawnshine made eye contact glaring at one another.

The girls got into Sunset's car and proceeded to tell Sunset all about their first day of school. The Dazzling's first day of high school had come to an end and to say it was a good one was an understatement. Even though the first day of high school was over and they still had the whole rest of the year along with the other three years, the Dazzlings were confident that their high school years were going to be amazing. Besides Dawnshine, everything seemed to be going well, and the Dazzlings could only hope that it would continue that way for the rest of the years to come.

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