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36. One Final Day At Camp Everfree

As the Dazzlings woke up the next morning they got dressed and walked out of their cabin to hear what their final activity would be for the day. "A paintball battle?" The students of Canterlot were surprised when they were told that they would be having a paintball battle as the final activity, but they weren't upset, no, they were ecstatic.

Sonata jumped up and down in joy, she was ready for whatever the battle brought her, and Aria smirked as she rubbed her hands, she was determined to win the battle no matter what. As for Adagio she too was happy, but she was worried that the paint from the paintball was going to ruin her hair, she could only hope that the helmet could fit and protect all her hair. Teams were quickly made and everyone went to put on their gear for the battle. The Dazzlings were lucky enough to be put together, Adagio had a feeling that Gloriosa did that on purpose since they were sisters, but she didn't mind working with her sisters once again. So people, Dawshine, had tried to say that having the girls who won the Team Tournament on the same paintball team was unfair, but the teachers had made up their minds.

Once everyone finished putting on their gear and got their paintball guns and ammo, Timber took one team to the left part of the forest while Gloriosa took the other team to the right part of the forest. Luna and Celestia had stayed on the campgrounds to both watch over the camp sight and watch the battle unfold in front of them, and thankfully for them, they had popcorn which Pinkie Pie happily gave to them, how she got there they didn't know, but they just went along with it because it was Pinkie Pie.

As both teams got into their places and ready for the war before them they then heard the sound of a loud bell ring through the forest. Both teams took that as their cue that the battle had started and everyone started charging through the forest on a mission to find members of the other team and to win the war! As the Dazzlings rushed past trees with their team with them, they smiled at each other as they took different paths in the forest, the war had begun and they were ready to win!

Adagio had run off in one direction with Sonata following her. Sonata had gone her way at first but she soon got scared when she realized that she was all alone and quickly raced off with one of her sisters. So here the two of them were slowly walking through the forest hiding behind trees when they heard any sound. Pinkie hid behind a tree and when she saw the course was clear she slowly started walking backward to get behind the three, but as she was doing that she bumped into something. She turned around and her eyes made eye contact with those of Joy. The two stared at each other for a second before jumping back at pointing their guns at one another.

"Stop or I'll shoot you!" Both Sonata and Joy yelled as they held their fingers on the trigger. Adagio who was still moving up ahead had heard the yells. 'That's Sonata!' Adagio quickly ran back and saw that Sonata and Joy had their guns pointed at one another.

Adagio quickly ran over and pointed her gun at Joy. "Stop, Joy! It's over, if you shoot Sonata you won't have enough time to reload and I'll shoot you! You can't win this, give up!" Joy realized that she was in a losing battle but she wasn't going to go out without a fight.

"You won't take me alive!" Joy then pulled the trigger and shoot her gun at Sonata who quickly shoot back. Both the paintballs went flying and surprisingly collided in midair. The paintballs shoot and exploded making paint go flying covering both Joy and Sonata.

Adagio who had jumped back to avoid the explosion of the paint hoped that she avoided the paint. However, she felt the splash of paint hit her head and she raised her arms to feel the paint on her hair. She gasped but then looked down at the ground, her hair covering her eyes. Sonata and Joy looked over at Adagio who had an unreadable expression, but they then saw Adagio start to shake and her fist tightened. Sonata saw this and knew what it meant. "Oh no."

Just then a group of kids from the same team as Joy came running over and held their guns as they saw Adagio and Sonata. "Joy!" Frizzle yelled as she saw that Joy was covered in paint, showing that she had been eliminated along with Sonata. "Adagio must have eliminated her! Let's get her back for defeating our teammate!" The rest of the kids nodded their heads and held the trigger of their guns with their fingers as they pointed them at Adagio. "Stop and give up Adagio! You can't win!"

Adagio looked up at the team as her eye flashed green for a split second. Sonata saw this and her eyes widened, they were in danger. Adagio then pointed her gun at the team and let out a cry. "MY HAIRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!" Her screams echoed throughout the forest scaring other kids and the adults teachers. Birds fled from their trees and flew for their lives, the sounds of kids screaming could be heard from a mile radius.

Adagio panted as she stood tall above all the bodies laying on the ground around her. Sonata and Joy fell to the ground in shock at Adagio's power, she was against fifteen kids and she had defeated them all without a problem in the world. She regained her breath and then started running off, she was in a rage and she was going to defeat everyone who stood in her way. Sonata and Joy looked at each other and run after her, they heard the sound of a gun shooting and saw a boy on Joy's team on the ground, he had been hit in the chest with the paintball. The battle may have only just begun but Sonata had a strong feeling that the battle was going to be over faster than she thought.

In another part of the forest, Dawnshine had just defeated a group of thirty kids without an effort. She smirked and held her gun with one hand as she started to walk away from the massacre she had just unleashed. Dawnshine looked down at her geode and smiled, it was shining brighter by the second. She had decided to take it out for a test spin and the results were amazing! She had already eliminated at least fifty people without breaking a sweat and still felt like she had more in the tank to unless. "This is way too easy." She started walking around the forest continuing to take out anyone who came in her way.

As she was walking around she saw a group of students on her team covered in paint. Dawnshine walked over to one of the girls who was trying to stand, but she was having trouble getting up. She looked up at Dawnshine who just stared at her. "W-We were ambushed, Aria got to us! She made a bomb with the paintballs and got all of us in one go, along with the grappling hook that she has somehow, we didn't stand a chance! She's like a natural when it comes to stuff like that! She beat Valex and Leon in a two-on-one without a problem either! She's a pro, you got to be careful of her!" Dawnshine rolled her eyes and started to walk away, if there was anyone who was going to defeat Aria, it was going to be her.

On the campgrounds, Aria had taken out another batch of kids who had tried to fight her. But one by one she took them out without a problem and was sweeping through the kids like they were flies. Celestia and Luna, along with Sonata and Joy cheered for Aria as she was pulling off all the stops to beat all the students who stood in her way. Doing spins and flips, and using her grappling hook Pinkie had given her to catch them off guard, and not before long, she had defeated everyone who was on the campgrounds. She panted as she looked around and saw no one. She smiled as she raised her gun. "We win!"

"Not so fast!" Aria turned around and saw Dawnshine smirking as she walked toward her with her gun in hand. "I'm still in this thing!" She then pointed her gun at Aria. "I'm not losing to you, surrender now if you know what's good for you!"

Aria smirked as she pointed her gun at Dawnshine. "I don't surrender to anyone, I will defeat you!" However, Aria didn't shoot, she was afraid that she was the only one on her team left and there was someone she had missed on Dawnshine's team, as much as she wanted to shoot, she had to play smart. Dawnshine too had her hand on the trigger, she knew that she could beat Aria with her geode, but something was telling her that she wanted to beat Aria without it.

As both girls continued to stare at each other, they were unaware of the danger coming in hot. "DIE!" Aria and Dawnshine turned around to see a raging Adagio jump off from a cabin and launch fire on Dawnshine. The girl being caught off guard was blasted with paintball after paintball. Dawnshine fell to the ground, covered in paint, she gasped as she looked at herself and everyone laughing at how she looked. Dawnshine then gritted her teeth and growled as she stared at Adagio who started yelling and shooting paintballs in the air.

"And the red team wins the paintball fight!" The red team cheered as the blue team went over and congratulated them.

Dawnshine watched as everyone congratulated each other for the fun battle but she continued to glare. 'If only I had used my geode, I would've won... but I cocky... again!' Dawnshine then looked back over at the Dazzlings who were celebrating with one another, with smiles on her faces. 'Make no mistake, I will defeat you one day!' Her eyes flashed blackish-purple as the dark energy radiated off of the geode.

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