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18. Finals On The Horizon

Sighing, the Dazzlings sat on the living room couch completely exhausted from the week they had just gone through. It was a Thursday afternoon and after four rough days of Finals testing, Finals were ironically over. After six Finals, it was over. From doing Math, Science, History, English, Spanish, and P.E., they had finished them all and now they could only hope that they had done well with all the studying all hard work they had put in. However, they were too tired to think about that as the three girls walked up to their rooms and into their comfy beds. Once their heads hit their pillows all the Dazzlings soon went into a deep slumber.

When the girls arrived at school on Monday they immediately went to their first period. Each of the girl's schedules were different so they all had their Finals on different days. On day one the Dazzlings were lucky and they didn't have any tests on Monday, however, Monday was used as a day for everyone for a day to study for Finals that would take place the next three days. The Dazzlings had come across Arctic who had asked them for help as he needed a partner for his project, and with Adagio and Aria knowing about Sonata's little, or should they say, big crush on Arctic, pushed her into being his partner. Day one was a good day for all of them as they got a bit more studying in before Finals would officially happen tomorrow. They were glad they had more time to study, especially since it was with one another. The girls were accompanied by Arctic Ace who was a big help in helping them study for their Finals. Even though the Dazzlings said they didn't need his help Arctic had told him that he wanted to help Freshmen who needed help with studying and Finals, so they let him help them since he had two years of experience.

Day two was the day that Finals began, and the Dazzlings to say the least were scared. For the next three days, they would be having two Finals each which they were fine with as it gave them time to study for their other Finals. Tuesday, Aria had Science and English, Adagio had Science and History, and Sonata had English and Spanish. And thankfully the first of Finals had gone fairly for the Dazzlings.

Adagio and Aria had Science together and their teacher had allowed them to choose partners for the Final project. Aria learning from her past mistakes took her time and helped Adagio which led to, thankfully no explosions and a pretty good finished project if they said so themselves. The two smiled and high-fived they were certain they were going to get a good grade on their project. Later on, Aria had English which went alright, there was a lot to go over and she did get stuck on a bit of problems but more the most part she felt as though she did well. Adagio had History and she blew through the test without a problem, she did feel a bit embarrassed that she was the first one to finish but that just meant she had extra time to study. Sonata, meanwhile, had thankfully gotten through both her English and Spanish tests without difficulty and she was happy about it. She felt confident with all the Finals, except for Math, she was the most worried about that one but thankfully for her, the Math test wasn't until Thursday so she still had time to study.

On day three, or Wednesday, the second day of Finals and the Dazzlings were ready. Aria had History and Spanish, Sonata too had History and Science, and Adagio had Spanish and Math. As the three girls went to their classes they hoped that their next few tests will be just as good as yesterday, but they could only hope.

Just like with Sonata, Aria had no trouble getting her Finals for History and Spanish. She was even able to get some time to study a bit more for her last two Finals which she was very happy about. For Adagio, she once again had no trouble getting through her Finals in Math and Spanish, sure there were some times she needed to stop and go over an answer again but she had gotten through it without any challenges. She, just like yesterday, was able to finish pretty early and was able to study a bit more for tomorrow. However, the only test she had to study for was English, for P.E. all she had to do was do a bit of exercise and she would be good. She just hoped that she would be able to get through them, not only that but she also had a mile to run and she was not looking forward to that. As much as she hated to admit it, but she was a bit worried about the Final in P.E. but she had to do her best if she wanted to pass. And as for Sonata, just like yesterday, she was able to blast through the Finals for History and Science with ease. But tomorrow was the Math Final and she had to study hard if she wanted to do good.

Finally, day four arrived, the last day of Finals, and the day the Dazzlings would finish the rest of their Finals. Aria and Sonata headed to their Math class, something that Sonata was not looking forward to but she had to get it done sometime soon. She was able to escape the Final until now but now it was time to take it, and she could only hope that she could do well on it. As for Adagio, she was going through the same issue as Sonata but for the Final in P.E., she could only hope that she did well on the exercises. She was not looking forward to failing the Final and then having to redo P.E. all over again. It was only Aria who was looking forward to both, she felt confident that she would do good on not only her Math but also her P.E. final.

Aria and Sonata had gotten their Math tests and they began. Aria was about halfway done with hers so she decided to crack her neck, not that she wanted to she just wanted to see how Sonata was doing, but she didn't want to be accused of cheating. Everyone had been told what would happen if they cheated, automatic failure, a talk with the principal, and talking with your parent, and nobody wanted that. So as she cracked her neck she looked over and saw that Sonata was happily writing away at the equations. Sometimes she would stop and look at the equation worried but then she seemed to have it figured out and started working on it, and for the problems she wasn't sure about, she skipped them for last. Aria smiled as Sonata saw that she was doing good, but she still had a test of her own to finish so without wasting any more time, Aria got back to work on her Final. Adagio meanwhile, had finished her English test in a matter of minutes, the fastest she finished one of the Finals. However, come sixth period would be the test for P.E. and she was not looking forward to doing it, but she had to, unfortunately.

After the girls had a good lunch with their friends one last time before their last Final, they arrived at P.E., gotten their P.E. clothes on, and were ready to start their Final, all expect for Adagio. The teacher had let them know that groups of around six kids would go do one workout while other groups did other workouts. The workouts were simple, a bit of jumping jacks, pushups, situps, and the mile run. Adagio sighed, four workouts and she was not excited to do them, to her it was four too many. The only good thing was that she was put in the same group as her sisters, but that still didn't change the fact that she had to do the workouts. Now Adagio knew that the first three workouts wouldn't be a problem, but the mile run was the one she was most worried about, even though she did a lot of running in soccer, doing a mile was different, mostly because she didn't want to do it.

The moment had come, the girls had done all the other workouts and now it was their group's turn to do the mile run. As the girls lined up, Adagio looked around worried. Sonata and Aria looked determined to do their best, along with the rest of her classmates. She slowly got in line and into position before the teacher made the call, she knew that she was able to run fast, she was one of the fastest people at the school, not to brag. But when it came to mile runs she was never a fan of, but now, all she had to do was run four laps. Four laps were all she had to run and it would all be over, the mile would be over, and the Final would be over. Now she had done pretty well on the first three parts, she was able to do the max amount of jumping jacks, and almost all of the pushups but her hands had gotten tired holding her body up, and she could only do a bit more than half of the situps before submitting defeat. And now Adagio was worried, she wasn't sure what she had done already was enough to make her pass, so now she had to do well on the Final. Adagio looked around at the track and sighed before putting on a determined face as she got ready next to Aria and Sonata who both looked at Adagio and then at one another with smiles. Four laps, that's what Adagio kept telling herself, four laps and it would all be over.

"Hey, Adagio!" Adagio was snapped out of her thoughts as she looked over at Aria and Sonata who had big smiles. "Race ya?"

With that, the teacher blew her whistle and everyone started running with the Dazzlings in the lead with Adagio leading the pack. Sonata and Aria smiled at one another as they raced to catch up to Adagio, however, Adagio was determined to get the mile done as soon as possible as she was racing around the track as fast as Usain Bolt! After the mile was over, with Adagio finishing before everyone else, everyone got some water and then cheered, they had finished their Finals!

But now here the girls were sitting on the living room couch exhausted but happy. The Finals were finally over and their work was done for the year. Tomorrow would be a new day, their last day of school and of their Freshman year.

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