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30. New Journeys Are Arriving

It was another day of school and the Dazzlings were in their last period of the day just working on their last bit of homework. Just then the teacher rang a bell that they had to get the class's attention. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata looked over at their teacher a bit upset that they had to stop working on their homework.

"Principal Celestia was generous enough to allow you, along with the rest of your grade to go on a trip. If you'd like to come take one of these papers and have your parents sign them. You'll be going to Camp Everfree and you'll be staying there for the next few days. The papers have all the information you need and what you should and shouldn't bring. If you have any more questions be pleased to come to me or any other teacher." The teacher said this with a smile as she then went over to her desk to work on some of her own work.

The school bell rang and one by one kids started walking up to the front desk and took the paper. The Dazzlings looked at one another with a smile as they grabbed their things and walked up to the front desk and each grabbed a paper of their own. Walking out of the classroom and out of the school the Dazzlings read the paper learning all about the field trip they would be going on.

"Hey, guys?" Aria and Adagio turned their focus from the paper and to Sonata who was looking at her them with worry. "Didn't Pinkie tell us once that she, Mom, and the others went to Camp Everfree and they were attacked by some sort of evil magical plant lady?"

Adagio thought about it and nodded her head. "I do remember her saying that, but I thought that was something she made up since she's... you know, a bit crazy. She also said that was the place where she and the girls got their powers from the geodes that they found in the forest. We didn't believe her at first but when we first saw Mom and her friends use their powers in front of us, boy were we in shock."

Aria looked at the girls confused. "That's all cool and all, but what does this have to do with everything? It's been years since Mom and her friends didn't go to Everfree any sort of magic that was there before is probably long gone by now, so there's nothing to worry about."

However, Sonata wasn't so sure. 'I know there should be nothing to worry about but I still can't help but be worried. That was where Mom and her friends were attacked before but what if there's still magic in the forest?' Sonata continued to walk out of the school with her sisters still worried about the dangers that might lurk in the Everfree Forest.

On the drive home from school, the girls told Sunset all about the field trip and thankfully she was okay with them going. Adagio and Aria smiled as they talked about what Everfree would be like and thought about all the kinds of fun activities they would do. Sunset smiled as the two talked in the back, but when she looked over to her passenger seat she saw that Sonata wasn't talking with them. Sonata looked down frowning and Sunset wasn't sure as to why she would be sad about a field trip, Sonata loved field trips, so why was she now looking disappointed? Sunset guessed that it was probably because they would be away from home for a few days and there would be no way to have contact with Sunset.

When the three girls got home they immediately headed off to their rooms and started packing for the field trip next week. As the Dazzlings were packing their things, Adagio went downstairs to get her laundry so that she would have clothes for the trip. Sunset, who had just finished signing the papers allowing the girls to go on the field trip, saw Adagio and smiled as Adagio grabbed her laundry basket and started to make her way to her room. "Hey, Adagio?" Adagio turned around to see her mom with the papers in her hand. "You mind taking these to your sisters for me? I got to start working on dinner."

Adagio smiled and walked over to her mom, putting the papers on top of her clothes basket. "Sure, Mom." Sunset smiled and nodded as she headed over to the kitchen to start cooking dinner for the family. Adagio then started up the journey back upstairs with the laundry and the papers in her hands.

She first went to her room and put down her laundry basket and put down one of the papers and put it in her folder and into her backpack to give to her teacher tomorrow. Adagio then walked over to Aria's room and knocked on the door. Opening the door Adagio could see clothes and other things around Aria's room. Aria looked at Adagio and then at the paper. "Oh, mom signed it?"

"Yeah, she did." Adagio then looked at something on Aria's bed. "Is that a grappling hook?" Aria looked over and saw it and started to sweat. "You've been hanging out with Rainbow again, haven't you?"

"No, Pinkie Pie gave it to me." Adagio just blinked and shook her head leaving Aria's room. She had no reason why Pinkie Pie had a grappling hook, but then again it was better to not ask. Aria, who didn't mind Adagio leaving, she continued to pack her things as she happily put the grappling hook in her backpack.

Adagio then walked over to Sonata's room, but before she knocked on the door she heard talking. "My sisters say that I shouldn't be worried but why do I feel like something bad is going to happen? Maybe I'm just nervous that we're going to be away from Mom for a few days, or maybe it's because we're going to be in the middle of nowhere. I know teachers are going to be there, but what if there's still magic in the forest that Mom and her friends didn't find? I just hope that my nerves are just getting to me, I don't want anything bad happening while we're there."

Adagio who was outside, had heard everything and she couldn't help but feel bad for Sonata. She quickly knocked on Sonata's door and left the paper on the floor and raced back to her room. Once she closed her door she heard a door open and then quickly close, it was most likely Sonata. "I don't know why Sonata is stressing over going to Camp Everfree, but if she has a bad feeling..." Adagio looked out her window. "We're going to have to be on our guard just in case something does happen, Dawnshine is going to be there and when she's around trouble always happens. I can only hope that nothing bad happens and we can all have a good time at Camp Everfree with all our friends and make fun memories." Not wanting to waste any more time, Adagio began packing her things, ready for what Camp Everfree would bring for them.

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