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22. Helping The Next Generation

When the Dazzlings walked into the school they immediately went over to get their schedules to see what classes they had for the year. As they were walking over they couldn't but watch as some teacher stood by just in case there was anyone who was confused and lost as to where to do. The girls smiled as teachers helped kids leading them in the right direction and how happy the kids looked when they were told. It made them glad that the new freshmen were able to get the help they needed, it reminded them of themselves on their first day last year.

Once the Dazzlings got their schedule they looked at one another's schedules to see if they shared any of the same classes with each other. As they were looking at each other's schedules they smiled at what they had seen. "Seems like I have English and Science with you this year, Nata."

Sonata smiled brightly and nodded her head viciously. "Yeah! It's going to be so much fun sharing those classes with you, Dagi! I'll be sure to pass those classes with you on my side! Oh! And it looks like I'm going to share Spanish 2 with Ari, fun!"

Aria rolled her eyes but smiled. "Yeah, yeah. But the good thing for me, I have Math and History with Adagio. Two of the most boring classes with the smartest student at this school, yeah I'm going to be able to get a lot of sleep time, alright." Aria smiled as she crossed her arms but her face jolted forward as a hand hit the back of her head. "Ow!" She looked back at Adagio who was glaring at her with her hand raised, she didn't seem happy at what Aria had said. Aria looked at her and gulped and started to sweat a bit. "I-I was just messing around, cmon Adagio you know I wouldn't do that!"

Adagio just let out a laugh, she knew Aria wasn't kidding about sleeping in class but the older sister had scared her little sister yet again making her second-guess her decisions. Just then something caught the corner of Adagio's eye. When Adagio turned she saw a girl looking down at her schedule looking very confused and worried, she looked as though she was about to cry. Adagio frowned, the poor girl was probably a Freshman and she was likely getting stressed out. Being the upperclassman that she was, Adagio started walking over to the girl hoping that she could help.

Aria and Sonata saw this and were about to start walking over to the girl with their big sister but a voice behind them stopped them. "Um... excuse me?" The two girls turned around to see a boy behind them looking pretty nervous as he looked up at the two girls. "Can you please help me find my classes?"

The two sisters looked at one another and smiled, the boy reminded them of themselves last year, and they weren't going to leave the poor boy all by himself. Aria looked at the kid and smiled. "Sure kid! Just show us your schedule and we'll be glad to help you!" The boy shyly nodded his head and gave his schedule over to Aria who started to look over it. It didn't take long for Aria to smile, she knew where all the boy's classes were and it wouldn't be a problem for the two girls to show the boy around his classes. "Alright I know where your classes are at, cmon, we'll show you around." Aria started walking with Sonata and the boy walking with her.

"Thank you so much, this is my first year here and I don't want to be late on my first day of school." The boy said as he pushed up his glasses and nervously messed with his hair.

Sonata smiled at the boy, he was acting just like she was acting on the first day. "Hey! There's no reason to be afraid, things are a lot of fun here! The classes, the teachers, and the students are all amazing here! It may be scary at first but trust me, you're going to love it after the first few days!" Something then snapped in Sonata's mind as she suddenly gasped getting the attention of the boy, Aria, and a few other students who were walking around before school started. "We never told you our names! My name is Sonata and this is my sister Aria." Sonata then pointed to herself and then to her sister. "We have another sister named Adagio but she's helping out another Freshman."

The boy smiled at Sonata. "It's nice to meet you, Sonata and Aria. My name's Moonlight, a Freshman if you couldn't tell." Sonata and Aria smiled at the boy. The three of them proceeded to talk as they happily showed the boy around the school and show him where his classes were.

Adagio walked over to the girls and smiled. "Hi, I couldn't but see that you seem a bit lost, do you need some help?"

The girl looked up at Adagio and nodded her head. "Yes, I'm afraid that I don't know my way around this school and I've been walking around for ten minutes now trying to find my classes but I seem to keep walking around in circles."

"Well, my name's Adagio, and I'll be glad to help show you around to help you out." Adagio smiled at the girl, she wanted to make sure that the girl could trust her and didn't get scared. "If you just show me your schedule, I'm sure I can show you around and help you." The girl blushed from embarrassment and gave her schedule to Adagio. Adagio looked at the schedule and what the classroom number was and smiled. She knew where the classes were so she could easily help the girl. "Okay then, let's get going so I can show you to your classes. Your first class isn't too far from here actually so I can take you there first and then show you the rest of your classes, and while we're doing that I can show you around the school as an extra bonus."

The girls smiled and started walking with Adagio down the halls of Canterlot High. "Thank you for helping me, Adagio. Me and my family just moved here so I don't know where anything is." The girl then thought about something. "Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to tell you my name. My real name is Ruby Grande but you can just call me RG, I'm from the country so I'm a bit new to the city life, but I hope that I can make all kinds of new friends."

Adagio smiled at Ruby. "I'm sure that you will, I'll be your first friend. And maybe later I'll introduce you to my sisters, Aria and Sonata, I'm sure they'll love to be your friends as well." The girl smiled at Adagio as the two started walking around with Adagio showing the girls around and telling the girl all about high school and what to expect.

After the three girls finished showing the new kids around the school they split up with Ruby and Moonlight as they started making their way to their own classes. The three girls were happy that they were able to help some Freshmen around and show them around the school and to their classes. Sonata and Aria had been able to show Moonlight around and he thanked them as he walked into his first class which just so happened to be their old Spanish teacher's classes. The two both agreed that Moonlight was a nice kid and they hoped that Moonlight had a good first year at Canterlot. Adagio too, had helped Ruby around and took her to her classes, and when the bell rang Ruby smiled and waved goodbye to Adagio as she walked into her Science class. Adagio smiled as she thought about Ruby, she was a nice girl and she hoped that the new girl in the city would enjoy it there. She knew it was a huge change from moving from the country to the city, and to an entirely new school where she didn't know anything or anyone, so being her best friend was the first step in making sure that Ruby enjoyed her stay at Canterlot.

As Adagio, Aria, and Sonata walked into their first-period classes and took their seats, they hoped that their second year of high school would be just as great as their first year. And they hoped that their first day would start off right and they could only wonder what the future would bring them in their Sophomore year at Canterlot High School.

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