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12. A Motherly Talking To

When the girls entered their mom's car, they knew something was up. The whole drive from the school and back home was silent, as much as the girls wanted to break the silence, they couldn't. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata, all knew what was up, Sunset was mad. They had learned throughout their years of being alive that whenever Sunset was upset she would stay quiet, silent but deadly as the girls would call it. And now, they couldn't help but be in fear, fear that their mom was going to yell at them, or worse, punish them for getting detention not even a month into the school year.

When they got home things weren't any better. Upon arriving home the girls went their own ways and into their rooms to finish whatever activities they had left. The girls had taken their shower and gotten their things ready for bed, but when they smelt the sweet sensation of food hit their nose they couldn't help but come out of their rooms and see what was for dinner. When the girls came down they saw all sorts of food on the table. The Dazzlings quickly rushed to the table and took their seats as they started grabbing the food that they wanted. Sunset sat across from them as she too started grabbing the food she wanted. Tom wasn't there that night as he had to work late, but it was probably best that he wasn't there. The girls watched their mom from across the table, she had an unreadable expression on her face which made the girls nervous even more. But, as much as they wanted to know what was up with their mom, they were hungry and they wanted to eat.

"So what is this I hear from Celestia that you three got into a fight with some girl at school?" The girls who hadn't even started eating for five seconds were immediately stopped by their mom's question. Adagio and Aria who had food in their mouths stopped chewing and looked at one another while Sonata on the other hand got a drink of water at the wrong time as she was now starting to choke. Quickly, Adagio patted Sonata on the back trying to help her out which thankfully helped. The Dazzlings then looked back at their mom as she stared at her three girls. "Well, do you have something to explain to me?"

The three girls looked at one another with neither one knowing how to start. Aria and Sonata looked at Adagio, and Adagio looked down as she sighed knowing that she would have to speak. Adagio then looked back up and made eye contact with her mom. "Well, Mom, you see lately there has been this girl causing us some problems at school for quite some time. Her name is Dawnshine and she's caused us nothing but trouble since day one." She looked up at Sunset to see if she was paying attention and Sunset nodded her head to let Adagio know that she could continue. "On our first day of school she purposely pushed Aria making her drop her things, then last night she pushed Aria in our match making us lose, and then today she started saying all sorts of terrible things about us, and well..." Adagio looked over at Aria, she hated that she had to do this to her sister but their mom needed to know the truth. "You know how Aria can be, she wasn't going to let Dawnshine get away with everything she's done and said."

Sunset sighed and looked at Aria who flinched from her mom's glare. However, she was lucky as Sunset there turned her attention to Adagio and Sonata who both flinched. "So then if Aria got into a fight with Dawnshine, and if you know how she can be what were you two doing? I don't understand how you two got in trouble if your sister was the one who got into a fight, answer me that. Adagio, you're smarter than that, and Sonata, out of all people I would less expect you of all people to get into trouble like that."

Sonata was fiddling with her fingers, she was scared, her mom was mad and with one wrong move, both she and her sisters could be in massive trouble. She looked up when she saw that Adagio was about to speak again. "Well, you see Mom-" Adagio was about to start speaking again, but she was suddenly cut off by a voice she would've never guessed.

"If it's okay with you, Adagio, I would like to tell Mom what happened." Sonata looked at Adagio and Adagio nodded her head letting Sonata know that she could speak. Sonata then turned to Sunset who let go of her glare and just looked at Sonata with full attention.

Sunset gave Sonata a smile, she knew that Sonata was easy to scare and she didn't want Sonata to feel scared telling Sunset. The smile seemed to help as Sonata smiled back at her. "So tell me Sonata, why is it that you and Adagio got detention?"

Sonata took a deep breath and began. "It's true that Aria was the one who fought with Dawnshine, and I promise that I and Adagio didn't get involved like with Gabby, but we did try stopping Aria. Adagio got in the middle of Dawnshine and Aria and was trying to speak some sense into the two of them but they didn't listen and they continued fighting with one another until Luna came. As for me, I was trying to pull Aria off of Dawnshine but Aria's stronger than me and when she gets mad, she loses control of herself. So while I was trying to help get Aria off of Dawnshine I couldn't and then Luna found us and took us to Auntie Celestia's office and that's when she gave us detention for fighting. She didn't say why me and Adagio got detention but if I had to guess it was because we were at the scene, they didn't really let us tell our story. Just that Aria and Dawnshine got into a fight because Dawnshine wanted to be a meanie and Aria hit her first."

Sunset nodded her head, out of all the girls she knew she could rely on Sonata the best. Mostly because Sonata sucked when it came to lying and she couldn't hide something for long. She had learned that the hard way when she needed the Dazzling's help to surprise Tom with a gift and Sonata accidentally told Tom about the surprise. Now although Celestia putting them all in detention was confusing to Sunset, she knew that this would be a good learning opportunity for the three of them. "Thank you for telling me that, Sonata. Now I'm sorry that you and Adagio got detention even though you were only trying to help, but sometimes trying to help isn't the best thing to do. Yes, helping others is always the right thing to do but if something like this ever happens again, run and go find a teacher or Celestia." Sonata and Adagio nodded their heads, happy that their mom wasn't mad at them. Sunset smiled at the two of them, she was glad that they wanted to help but since they were at the sight of the fight they had unfortunately gotten in trouble. Sunset then turned and glared at Aria who had been eating but then stopped when her eyes made contact with her moms. "And you. Tell me why you thought it was a good idea to get into a fight with that girl? Aria, I know you have a bit of an anger issue but you really need to get a grip on your emotions, you need to think of what your actions might cause you." Sunset then sighed. "But, I want to hear your side before I decide to do something."

Aria sighed and looked at her mom. "Look, Mom, I'm sorry for fighting, ok? But she pushed my hand! First, she makes me drop my stuff and doesn't even apologize and then she starts talking about how she doesn't want us to become popular in high school because we're already popular enough since we won the Team Tournament. Then, last night she ran into me making me miss my shot and making us lose the game. And then when I went to go talk to her about why she did that, she started saying it was all my fault that things happened. Then she had the audacity to start bad-mouthing the three of us saying how Adagio was a bad leader and a bad big sister, Sonata was a crybaby and she shouldn't have been the leader of our team in the Team Tournament, and then she started saying that I have anger issues and that I would never have friends or a boyfriend because of it! I'm not going to let her talk about us like that and not do something! And she was the one who raised her fist first, she was going to punch me so I used self-defense, something that you told us to use if someone tried fighting us."

Sunset sighed, she knew how Aria was but doing what she did wasn't the way to handle things, especially not in the future. "Aria, I understand that you don't like it when someone talks badly about you or your sisters. But fighting them isn't the answer, I told you girls before the school year that if someone was giving you girls a hard time to go to a teacher or to Auntie Celestia, not fight them and go to Celestia because you got in trouble." Sunset watched as Aria put her head down sadly. "For future reference, please don't fight someone if this sort of thing happens again." Aria nodded her head which made Sunset smile. "Well, I'm glad that you learned from your mistakes." Sunset's smile then went away as she then frowned at Aria. "However, that doesn't mean you're getting away so easily with what you did. Dawnshine might have raised her fist first but you were the one who hit her first. So you're going to be grounded for a week."

Aria frowned, she didn't like the fact that she got grounded but she knew what she had done was wrong. Now was she sorry for what she did to Dawnshine, no. But she wasn't going to tell Sunset that, she had been grounded for a week and she didn't want to be grounded for an even longer period of time. "Alright, that's fine." Aria grumpily continued to eat her food along with Adagio and Sonata.

Adagio and Sonata couldn't help but feel bad for their sister, but it was her fault. If she didn't want to get grounded she shouldn't have gotten into a fight with Dawnshine. But being the sister that she was, Sonata didn't want Aria to suffer by herself. Although she hadn't been involved in the fight, she felt as though she could've done more to help and stop the fight. "It's okay Aria, I'll join you. I'll be grounded for a week as well." Sunset was shocked but then smiled seeing Sonata's big smile. Of course, Sonata would do something like that, that was just how she was. 'You have such a big heart Sonata, you put others before yourself and I couldn't be more proud of you and everything you've done. Never change Sonata, never change.'

Aria and Adagio looked at Sonata in surprise, she was actually wanting to be grounded to make Aria feel better. Adagio couldn't help but laugh and smile at her sister. "Well, I can't just have you two being in trouble and I'm the only one who isn't. I'll feel bad seeing you guys grounded while I can do whatever I want. So, I'll be grounded as well with you two." Aria and Sonata looked at Adagio and smiled. It seems as though the girls would still be together as they were all going to be grounded for a week with one another.

Sunset smiled seeing her three girls, even though they had gotten older they were still as close as they had been since the Team Tournament. If anything the three of them had gotten even closer since then, and now they were even sharing their punishments. It was like it was the other day when Tom had come to her and Celestia's house and gave her the baby Dazzlings to take care of them and give them their second chance at life. Those three girls would then grow up and become the girls they were now as they were now in high school. The girls had done so much in their second life and Sunset couldn't be more glad for them. She only hoped that they would continue doing amazing things in their lives and have the second chance in their life that Tom wanted them to have.

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