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9. You Win Some And Lose Some

The Dazzlings were currently at lunch talking and eating with their friends. It had been an amazing past three weeks for them and they couldn't have been more happy at Canterlot. They had been having a ton of fun with their friends, their classes, teachers, and their classmates had been nothing but fun. Soccer too had been nothing but great as well, their team was full of talent and all the girls the Dazzlings played with were all special and amazing in their own ways. Their bond with one another was great and with Coach Rainbow, the team had been able to completely turn itself around over the past few years. For the first time, Canterlot had an outstanding record of 4-0, a record that they were proud of. Their team was stacked and with an amazing coach leading them, their team was one to be feared.

Their fifth game of the season was tonight and the Dazzlings, the whole team actually, wanted to continue their undefeated streak and go 5-0. Their team had a bond and were motivated to do their best, that was what was pushing them to do their best and what was probably the reason they kept on winning their games. But tonight they were going up against one of the best teams in the country so they were in for a challenge, but they were ready. The more the challenge the more the fun they would have. The Dazzlings could only hope they would be able to beat the other team and continue their perfect record.

The game had been nothing but a fight to the death, as both teams were coming at each other with everything they had. With both teams still having perfect records they were doing whatever they could to continue their perfect records. Sadly though things weren't going in Canterlot's favor, Aria and Adagio weren't having much luck that night. The score was 2-1 and sadly Canterlot was not the one who was winning tonight. Aria had missed the goal twice and Adagio had one of her shots blocked, along with Frizzle and Gabby also missing shots of their own. And unfortunately for Canterlot, Phoebe had gotten hurt earlier in the game and Joy was sick so she couldn't make it. Being down two starters against a team that was one of the best in the country was proving to be a problem for them.

There were only a few minutes left in the game and things were coming down to the wire. The girls had gotten the ball back and were now up against the clock. Rainbow had called a timeout to not only think of a strategy but also give her team a bit of time to regain their strength and energy. If they wanted any shot at still winning the game they had to get another goal to tie things up and go into overtime and hopefully win the game like that. As much as Rainbow hated that they had to do that, it was the only way if they wanted a chance to win.

The girls made their way back onto the field, they had regained a bit of their energy and were ready to tie up the score. Rainbow had given them a plan that was guaranteed to work if they executed it correctly, which wasn't a problem since the team had a strong connection. So once the girls got back onto the field and the whistle blew, things went underway. Adagio started with the ball and started running up the field as she went along with Rainbow's plan.

As Adagio was running up the field she made sure to look around at her surroundings. She saw that Aria and Athena were to the left of her as Gabby and Dawnshine were to the right of her just like how Rainbow wanted it. Just then a defender from the other team got in front of Adagio and started defending her, but Adagio smiled as she kicked the ball away and over to Athena.

Athena got the ball and started running getting closer to the goal. With Aria in front of her, Aria was able to help block her as she continued running up the field, and as a defender run over to her, she quickly kicked the ball away and over to Gabby. Gabby then caught the ball and started running with it while kicking the ball, time was starting to run out and they needed to get the extra point. She was about five feet away from the goal but a defender was stopping her from getting any closer. Not seeing any chance of getting away from the defender she kicked the ball over to Aria who was wide open. Rainbow smiled seeing as Gabby kicked the ball over to Aria who was wide open, it was just like she had thought. Her plan was going just as planned and now, once Aria kicked it in and got the extra point to tie things up they would move on to overtime and try to win the game like that.

Rainbow's smile then started to go down as she saw Dawnshine starting to run over to Aria. She was confused, why was Dawnshine running toward Aria, that wasn't a part of the plan. Rainbow then did a quick glance around the field, had Dawnshine seen something that Rainbow hadn't and she was trying to help out Aria? Seeing that there was nothing to be worried about Rainbow was the one who started to get worried. She knew how Dawnshine was with the ball so she had made the ball strictly so Dawnshine didn't get the ball and do what she always did. But seeing that Dawnshine was running to Aria, Rainbow could only hope that Dawnshine wasn't going to do what she thought. 'Don't try taking the ball away from Aria, don't try taking the ball away from Aria!' With Aria being wide open she had a clear shot at kicking the ball into the goal but with Dawnshine running over to her at full speed, Aria wouldn't have the time to kick. And without having any more timeouts to stop Dawnshine, Rainbow could only watch in fear as Dawnshine got closer as Aria cranked her leg back to kick the ball. 'She's not going to make it in time!' Rainbow gritted her teeth, she was going to have a talk with Dawnshine later if she actually did what Rainbow thought she was going to do.

Aria who didn't know Dawnshine was running up from beside her, had her eyes focused on the goal. In a split second, she saw an opening and fired. However, the next thing she knew she was hit from behind making her and the person fall as her shot was redirected. The ball shot up in the air and missed the goal as it flew over it. Aria gasped, but then it turned into anger as she looked back at who had slammed into her, her anger only got worse as she saw Dawnshine on top of her. Dawnshine only smirked as she got off of Aria and dusted herself off, she knew what she had done and she didn't care. Her team members glared at her, because of her not only Aria missed her shot but now the team had the ball again and would most likely kill the rest of the time that was left.

Rainbow sighed as she sat down, the amount of anger she had at Dawnshine was probably overflowing. She took a seat next to Phoebe on the bench as she watched as the other team kept kicking the ball to one another killing the clock and eventually ending the game for good. Rainbow felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Phoebe smiling at her. "It's okay, Coach. We'll make sure to get better from this loss, we just had a bunch of bad luck, that was all. Next game we'll be sure to win." Rainbow could only smile at Phoebe's positivity, now although she was sad she still had a smile on her face. However, Rainbow, along with everyone else knew that it wasn't just because of bad luck. Rainbow kept her eye on Dawnshine who was still getting glared at by her teammates. 'We might've won if it wasn't for her.'

Rainbow walked over to the other coach and the two shook hands. Canterlot's team and the other team shook hands as they went their ways. However, Canterlot's crowd could only boo as both teams started exiting the field, they were obviously mad that their school had lost. It was a shame once the buzzer went off, signaling the end of the game for good. The game was over, and for the first time that season Canterlot had lost, their perfect record was finally over.

The Dazzlings and the rest of the girls left the field and started making their way to the locker room to get changed and leave for the night. They still held their anger against Dawnshine, because of her, they had lost the game. Because of her, Aria missed her shot, and because of her, their perfect record of 4-0 was finally over. And as they kept thinking about it, it only made them sad. Adagio sat on the bench in the locker room just looking at her locker with a unreadable expression. Sonata sat down and put her hands to her face, hoping to stop the tears that were threatening to come out. And as for Aria, she was beyond furious, because Dawnshine had missed her shot and it was all Dawnshine's fault.

The locker room was quiet as everyone got changed out of their uniforms and back into their normal clothes. There was nothing to say, they all felt the same pain, they were a team after all. They had lost the game and it was all Dawnshine's fault.

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