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40. Putting An End To Year Two

The final week of Sophomore year, but this time the Dazzlings were more prepared for this year when Finals came. The girls did the same thing that they did last year and studied with one another until the time of Finals came. They even made sure to help out some of the Freshmen who were a bit stressed out with the Finals. But now that the Dazzlings knew what to expect unlike last year, they were ready for what Finals would bring for them.

From doing their Finals in Science, Math, History, English, and their second years of Spanish and P.E. It was no problem for the girls and they were even happy that the Finals were easier for them than last year. And on the last day of school in their sixth period where the girls were in their classes, they were given their grades for the Finals. Not much had changed from last year, Adagio still stayed strong with her all A's, Aria had managed to get all A's this time around which she was happy about, and as for Sonata, she had taken a bit of a drop in her grades because of the problems she was having emotionally, but she was okay with that. She may not have all A's like her sisters but she was determined to get just as good grades as her other sisters, that was a promise that she made herself.

The last day of school was something that the Dazzlings loved but also hated at the same time. They loved it because it gave them time to rest for the next year and it gave them time to be away from school and let them do all kinds of fun things to do during the summer. But at the same time, they hated it because they would go away from school, and the girls liked hanging out with new people and learning new things. They said goodbye to their teachers and goodbye to their friends on the last day, but they all knew that they would see each other in a few months.

When the girls got home they started thinking about about what their next year would look like. Although it didn't hit them until right now but they were now officially halfway done with high school. It felt like it was just the other day and they were heading into their first day of high school, but here they were, just months away from going into their Junior year, their third year of high school. The girls were happy that they were halfway done, they had worked so hard and their grades were showing. They had some of the best friends they could ever ask for, they each had some pretty good grades if they said so themselves, and they had so far always had the best teachers, but then again Canterlot always had good teachers. And with a support system of both their mom and dad, their aunts, and all their mom's friends, they were in a good spot in their lives.

But they all knew that the next two years were going to be the most important next years of their lives. They had been told by their teachers and parents that Junior year and Senior year were the years when students had to start figuring out what they wanted to do in their lives for careers. The girls knew just how serious it was and Sunset had told them it was best to start thinking over the summer. But no matter how much they looked they didn't find anything that struck their eye in what they wanted to do later in their lives. However, they weren't too worried, they still had time so they didn't need to know what they wanted to do until later on. They still had their Junior and Senior years to think and figure out what they wanted to do, but they knew that those two years could easily fly by before they knew it. Their first two years had flown by before they need it, so there most likely won't be a difference with the last two.

"It's still crazy thinking that we're just two years away from graduating. Still feels like it was only a few days and we were in the final match against Gabby and her team in the Team Tournament. Man, those days were some of the best, I wish we could still have days like that." Sonata had suddenly said as the three girls were just sitting around doing nothing but mindlessly scrolling on social media.

Adagio and Aria looked up from their phones and from one another. "Yeah, there's days really were fun." Adagio smiled as she thought back to all the fun matches she had with Achilles on her side. They were a team, such a good team that they became World Champions, and that was one of the best moments of her life, and one she would never forget.

Aria smiled too and nodded her head. "It was awesome when we became Champions of the Team Tournament, it showed just what we could do together as sisters." Adagio and Sonata smiled at Aria's words, the three of them really did make a good team, the best team. "But." Aria then frowned which got the attention of Adagio and Sonata. "Now that we're in high school we don't have time to do things like that. We're going into our Junior year and like our mom said, we have to start thinking about what we want to do for our careers in life. As much as it use to be to have matches with our friends with our Beyblades, we have to focus on school. We have two years left and when you really think about it, that really ain't much time to decide when there's so many jobs out there that we could choose from." Adagio and Sonata nodded their heads, their sister was right, as much fun as the past was, it was time to focus on the future ahead of them.

"Well, we'll just get through this just like everything else we've gotten through. Together we'll find out which career choices we'll make in the future and we'll do whatever we can to make them a reality." Aria and Sonata smiled at what Adagio said. She was right, no matter what the three of them would figure out what they would do, together.

"Yeah!" Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all smiled, they would figure out what they wanted to do as jobs in the future, together. Sophomore year had come to an end, and now the Dazzlings were halfway done with their high school adventure.

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