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42. Game Against Crystal Prep

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata sat in the locker room waiting for the call. It was the first soccer game of the season and their opponent was Canterlot's worst enemy, Crystal Prep. The Dazzlings were so excited that they were already in their uniform and bouncing with excitement for the game to begin. All the girls were in the locker room either putting their uniform on or sitting down in silence.

While the girls were waiting the door opened with Rainbow walking in. Rainbow looked at the girls and nodded her head, she didn't need to say anything, the girls knew. They all got up and walked out of the locker room and out to the field where their fate awaited them. Running out to the field the crowd booed them, but they didn't care. Canterlot was playing at Crystal Prep so they were prepared for the boos they were going to receive. Rainbow had taught them not to show them any emotion or they would use that against them and thanks to all the practice they were more than ready to show everyone what they had.

The starters for both teams immediately went to the field and got into their positions. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata got into their positions, along with the rest of their teammates and Crystal Prep's team members. The girls were in the zone and they were ready for whatever was to come. Once the ball was set and the referee blew his whistle, the game began and both teams were coming at the other with everything they had!

The fight to earn their first victory of the season wasn't going to be an easy one, that's what the girls knew upon entering this game against Crystal Prep. There were about ten minutes left on the clock until the game was over and the score was still tied at 0-0. Both teams were playing good defense shutting down the other team's offense and keeping the game tied.

Aria was currently on the bench after being subbed out for Dawnshine, which she wasn't quite happy about but she was too tired to care about being on the field for the majority of the game. She watched desperately as she waited for her chance to go back into the game. Crystal Prep had the ball and was getting past Canterlot's tired defense, Aria gripped her water bottle as one of the players on the Crystal Prep team kicked the ball to one of their teammates, and that teammate kicked the ball toward the goal. Sonata, who had played goalie all game blocking multiple shots was too tired and too slow to stop the ball in time and the ball slammed into the net.

The Crystal Prep team cheered as the crowd exploded. It may have taken a while but their team was finally on top taking the lead 1-0. Meanwhile, team Canterlot sighed and looked at their opponents. With being down by one and only having six minutes left, their chances of winning were slim but they weren't going to give up and let their worst enemies win so easily without putting up somewhat of a challenge.

Adagio signaled her team for a team meeting as the girls came in for a meeting. Aria who was originally on the bench was finally back into the game after she was subbed in for Frizzle which she was more than happy to be back in. Joining the huddle, Aria looked at Adagio to hear the game plan.

"Okay, listen up girls. We're down by one but we have a shot to tie this thing up. I know you're all tired but you have to push for just a bit longer." The girls nodded their heads as they listened to Adagio. Dawnshine meanwhile just stood and rolled her eyes and even though Adagio saw it she didn't care. "I know we only started practicing this move just this week, I think we got it down to at least try to attempt it." The team knew what Adagio was talking about and smiled. The team then got into their positions while waiting for the whistle to be blown.

Once the referee blew his whistle, Canterlot's counterattack began. Adagio started with the ball and immediately kicked it over to Aria who started running up the field and toward Crystal Prep's goalie. Seeing that she was about to be stopped she was skillfully able to kick the ball between one of the defender's legs and toward Dawnshine.

Dawnshine got the ball and started racing down the field with defenders chasing after her. Looking forward Dawnshine saw Athena on the other side of the field open, but she also saw the goal in sight. Taking a quick glance at her geode she smiled as the geode shined brightly in response. "Here we go." She whispered to herself. Running faster to the goal she glowed as she kicked the ball toward the goalie with incredible speed. The ball launched toward the goalie and right into it without a problem.

The crowd was silent, in awe at Dawnshine's goal. Crystal Prep's fanbase started booing of course while Canterlot students cheered now that the game was tied up at 1-1. The girls went over to Dawnshine and congratulated her for her amazing shot.

Sonata who was near the goalie had seen everything, she rubbed her eyes with her hands. "Did Dawnshine just... glow?" Sonata wasn't sure, she thought she had seen Dawnshine glow but maybe she was just tired? "But people can't glow... the last people to do that were us and Gabby but that was due to us connecting with our Beys and I don't think Dawnshine has a Bey..." Sonata rubbed her chin but shrugged it off. "I'm probably just tired." Just then the whistle blew and Sonata jumped into her position.

Crystal Prep had the ball with just barely more than a minute and was charging down the field to try to kick one last goal before time expired. Gabby and Aria were doing their best to stop the ball but Crystal Prep was smarter and kicking the ball around to all their teammates confusing Canterlot's defenders. Seeing where the ball was being kicked, Adagio tried to intercept and regain the ball but she was too slow as the ball was given to yet another teammate of Crystal Prep.

The ball was within ten feet but Canterlot was playing goal zone defense blocking any kicks Crystal Prep tried to attempt. Time was running out and if Crystal Prep wanted any chance of winning they had to do something and fast! But Canterlot wasn't going to let that happen and was trying their best to send the game into overtime. One of the Crystal Prep members kicked the ball up for grabs as two of Crystal Prep's team members while Adagio and Joy tried going for it. Somehow, one of the Crystal Prep players was able to hit the ball with their head. Not being able to react in time, Sonata missed and the ball bounced into the goal just as the game clock hit zero.

The crowd cheered, their team had won and beat Canterlot. Adagio looked at the clock and there at her team members who were looking down in sorrow. They came into the game and fought with everything they had, but it wasn't enough for them to win the game.

Walking over to their sister Adagio and Aria sat down next to their sister who was on the ground in shame. Aria reacted first and put a hand on Sonata's back. "It's okay, Sonata. We did everything we could, but we tried our best and had a lot of fun. Our season isn't over this is only the first game, we've got a whole lot of soccer, or football, whatever you want to call it, left to play."

Adagio was next to put her hand on Sonata who had gotten up and was sitting with her sisters. "Ari's right, we've got this. This team is strong, one loss isn't going to affect our season. This team is going further than ever before and we'll win the championship sooner or later."

Sonata looked at her sister's and smiled. "Yeah, thanks." The Dazzlings looked at the crowd in front of them, all the Crystal Prep students were going crazy about their victory, and the Dazzlings couldn't blame them. They started the season off with not only a victory but a victory against their worst enemy, what a better way to start their season? The Dazzlings watched as their players shook hands with their opponents and started to walk off the field and back to the locker rooms.

The three sisters got up and started making their way toward the locker room. The Dazzlings made eye contact with Dawnshine who was passing them, she glared as she walked in front of them and into the locker room. Adagio, however, caught a glimpse of something from the corner of her eye. She stopped in her tracks confusing her two sisters.

Sonata walked over to her sister and put a hand on her shoulder. "Everything okay, Dagi?"

Adagio looked down at Sonata, then at Aria, and then at the locker room entrance where Dawnshine had just walked into. "I... I think Dawnshine has a geode just like we do." Sonata and Aria's eyes widened as they looked where Dawnshine had just walked into.

"But there were only three, how did she get her hands on another?" Adagio looked at Aria and shrugged her shoulders. "Great, first we lose our first game of the season and now we find out that... she has a geode." Aria sighed and then looked at Adagio. "You know she's most likely going to use that geode for evil purposes or against us, right?"

Adagio nodded her head. "I know... but until that happens we have to be prepared." Adagio's sisters nodded their heads, agreeing with their sister. The three sisters walked into the locker room together.

Sure things didn't go the way they wanted things to go but that was just how the cookie crumbled. After realizing that Dawnshine had a geode just like them, the situation has now gotten serious. Whatever the future would hold, the Dazzlings would have to be ready for it. But no matter what came their way, whether it be school, life, or Dawnshine, whatever or whoever was to come their way, they would be prepared.

Upon entering the locker room, as the girls started to get changed Adagio looked over at Dawnshine who was taking off her shoes. 'Whatever you have coming for us Dawnshine just know that me and my sisters will be ready for you.'

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