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50. Celebrating The New Years

The excitement was palpable as Sunset Shimmer and Tom busied themselves around the hotel room, preparing snacks, drinks, and decorations for the little New Year's Eve celebration they were having. The Dazzlings, also known as Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were buzzing with anticipation, eagerly helping around with the decorations and setting up for the countdown party. Although it was just going to be the three of them, they didn't mind spending time as one big happy family. Aria helped Tom decorate their hotel room with decorations to help with the mood, while Adagio and Sonata helped Sunset prepare treats. Technically Adagio helped out while Sonata tasted the treats to make sure they tasted good, but if you were to ask Sonata she would say that she had the hardest job of all. Sunset and Tom exchanged smiles, thrilled to ring in the new year surrounded by their lovely daughters.

The living room was adorned with colorful streamers, balloons, and a glittering "Happy New Year" banner. Sunset had set up a cozy area with cushions and blankets for everyone to gather and watch the countdown on TV.

Sunset looked around the room with a smile while Adagio gave a small smile at Aria who smirked. Sonata on the other hand had her mouth wide open looking at all the stunning decorations. "This place looks amazing, you guys did a great job."

Tom smiled as Aria gave a closed-eyed smile. "Thanks, but..." Tom then turned to Aria who was about to grab one of the many snacks on the table and put his hand on her head as he began to rub it. "It's all thanks to Aria here. She was the one who did most of the work, I just helped where I needed to." Aria blushed and turned her head away which made everyone laugh at her cute dismay.

As the clock ticked closer to midnight, laughter and chatter filled the air. Sunset and Tom shared stories of their own New Year's celebrations from years past with their friends and family, while the Dazzlings listened and mingled and shared their excitement for the night ahead as they were prepared for the next year ahead of them. Now of course the girls had and joined many New Year celebrations with their friends and family but this year was different, but in its special way. This would be the Dazzling's last New Year celebration before officially being "adults".

As the final minutes of the year dwindled, the room fell silent, all eyes fixed on the television screen displaying the countdown. Sunset and Tom stood together, their daughters beside them, as the countdown began in unison with the rest of the world. The final few seconds were upon themselves as everyone watched from their homes with family and friends by their side.

Elsewhere, all of the Dazzling's friends were also with their families excited for the new year that was coming toward them. Arctic watched on his couch with his family with a smile on his face. Bael, Venus, and Valex were all hanging out with each other looking at the seconds until the new year. Athena, Frizzle, Joy, Phoebe, Leon, and Gabby were all having a big New Year party enjoying the time with each other before the year ended. Sunset's friends were at Pinkie Pie's house having the time of their lives enjoying all the snacks that Pinkie had made for all of them.

"10... 9... 8..." The voices of everyone in the room joined in, echoing the countdown with enthusiasm. The girls watched as the clock continued to count down as the second went down and down. Sonata smiled as she hugged her sisters while Sunset and Tom hugged each other in a loving embrace. "3... 2... 1... Happy New Year!" Cheers erupted, accompanied by hugs, high-fives, and the popping of champagne corks. Sunset and Tom exchanged a heartfelt kiss, their daughters hugging them tightly in shared joy.

As the clock struck midnight, signaling the start of a brand-new year, Sunset raised her glass for a toast. "To new beginnings, cherished memories, and the love that binds us together," she said, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity.

The Dazzlings clinked their glasses with their parents, their drinks being soda, and each other, sharing wishes for a year filled with happiness, success, and continued togetherness.

With the formalities of the countdown over, the room transformed into a dance floor. Sunset and Tom, along with the Dazzlings, danced to upbeat music, letting go of inhibitions and embracing the joy of the moment. Adagio twirled gracefully with her Aria who showed off her dance moves with infectious energy, while Sonata laughed and spun around with her sisters, creating memories that would last a lifetime. Sunset and Tom watched with pride and happiness as their daughters and their loved ones danced and celebrated, grateful for the bond that held their family together through the years.

After the initial excitement subsided, the family gathered around the dining table, where Sunset had placed a stack of colorful cards and markers. "Okay everyone, each person is to write down their New Year's resolutions and dreams for the upcoming year, don't be afraid either, they can be whatever you want them to be, it's your dream after all."

The girls nodded their heads as they began to write down their dreams and goals for what they wanted next year. Adagio, the eldest of the Dazzlings, wrote down her resolution to focus on her career aspirations and spend more quality time with her loved ones. Aria wrote down her desire to travel more and explore new opportunities, while Sonata vowed to pursue her passion for creativity. Sunset and Tom also wrote down their resolutions, emphasizing the importance of family bonding and personal growth. Together, they discussed ways to support each other in achieving their goals and dreams throughout the year.

As the night drew to a close, Sunset and Tom gathered their family for a moment of reflection. They expressed gratitude for the year gone by, for the challenges overcome, and for the moments of joy shared. Looking ahead with hope and optimism, they embraced each other in a group hug, knowing that no matter what the new year brought, they would face it together as one big, happy family—the Dazzlings and their parents, united in love and support.

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