• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,642 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

Meeting Grandpa

"Gotta admit," King Kai chuckled after being introduced to the group, "I didn't even know a planet like this existed. Too bad I don't know how to get here, either. I'd probably slap me down a vacation house here in a heartbeat!"

"Perhaps once this is all said and done we might be able to help with directions." Celestia answered, intrigued by the thought of interplanetary visitors, "Although I am curious as to how you managed to arrive here."

"Oh, when Princess Luna mentioned she could enter dreams, I did a little experimenting and figured what she does is a variation of astral projection. Of course, she jumps in with both feet, or all four hooves in her case, and can transfer herself physically. So, I found a quiet spot to sit down and locked onto Spike's energy signature. A little meditation later, and here I am, heh."

While most of the group looked like they weren't quite sure what he meant, Twilight was obviously giddy at the prospect of learning what could possibly be a new form of magic. Thankfully, Celestia was quick to keep things from being derailed too much. "Now, I believe the floor is Spike's, so to speak."

"Yeah, um...well, I guess first off is this." He concentrated and a figure wearing an orange coat over a black karate gi appeared.

Twilight saw the bushy white mustache and quickly recognized it as an elderly male human. "I take it that's him?" she asked, seeing the wistful look on Spike's face.

"Yeah. Girls, Mom, Luna..."

"Oh, I'm not late for the show, am I?" Discord asked, his head popping up out of Luna's mane.

"And you too, Discord." Spike added.

"Yes, Discord, Spike has just started. Now get out of my mane!" Luna responded, shaking him out, "You better not have been eating popcorn in there again. I find kernels and you are dead."

"Relax, LuLu." He replied, "My paw and claw are clean."

Spike simply shook his head. "Anyway, like I was saying, this is Gohan, Goku's and my adopted grandfather." As he said this, a small square hut with a pagoda-style roof appeared. "And that was where we lived."

"Well, I'll admit it does have a certain...rustic charm." Rarity commented, giving the building an appraising look, "Seems a tad small, though."

Spike chuckled, "A little, but aside from sleeping and eating, we spent most of our time outside. Anyhow, the whole thing started with me hearing him as I came to..."

"Came to...You were unconscious??" Celestia asked, the familiar 'mother's worry' filling her voice.

"Pretty much. I don't know if it was backlash from the magic or whacking my head on something along the way, but I was out cold when he found me."

Before any of them could responded, the scene quickly shifted...

"Ah, it looks like our guest is finally waking up." The elderly voice spoke up as he cracked his eyes open.

"Huuhhnn...?" He mumbled groggily before wincing from a sharp pain in his head, "Ow!"

"Whoa, easy there!" the voice spoke up again, "You had a nasty wound on your head when I found you. Thankfully it looked fresh then, otherwise I don't know if you would have made it." When things came into focus, he found himself laying on what looked like a mat with a blanket pulled over him.

"Wh...where am I?" he managed to get out, the fog gradually lifting. Turing to where the voice came from, he found himself face to face with an old man, "Who're you?"

"Oh, I guess I should introduce myself, shouldn't I?" The old man chuckled, "My name is Son Gohan, and this is where me and my grandson, Goku live."

"Now hold on a second." Applejack broke in, "Spike, you said his name was 'Gohan', not 'Son."

"It seems to be a cultural aspect similar to Neighponese, where they put the family name first as well." Twilight offered.

Spike quickly jerked a thumb towards her, "Yeah. What Twi said."

"My..my head?" he reached up to feel a bandaged wrapped around his head, hissing a little at how tender it felt.

"Indeed." The old man said, "I found you out near the bamboo grove not far from here. Unfortunately, it looks like you may have had a run-in with bandits and they took everything you had. You didn't have a stitch of clothing on. Luckily I never got rid of that spare nightshirt."

He looked at Gohan before lifting the sheet to check. His current attire looked at least two sizes too big for him, "Oh. Uh, and thanks for finding me."

Gohan chuckled, "I certainly couldn't just leave you out there, little dragon."

"What...? D..dragon??" His voice was steeped in confusion

"Well, of course." Gohan responded, reaching over to pick up a nearby mirror, "You definitely match the description for one. Although, I will admit I've never seen one as young as you."

His eyes widened as he looked at his reflection: a reptilian face, covered in scales and a row of small, blunt spikes running along the top of his head, "I'm a dragon?"

"As much as I'm an old man." Gohan replied, "Which reminds me; you know my name, but I'm afraid I don't know yours. For that matter, what brings you out to these parts?"

"Oh, it's S-Spike. My name's Spike. I'm here...here..." he tried to give an answer only to come up blank every time, "I...don't know why I'm here."

"Well, where are you from?"

Spike looked at him in hopelessness, "I don't know that either..."

"Oh, yeah." Spike chuckled nervously as every head swiveled towards him, "Did I forget to mention that I woke up with a bit of amnesia?" he scratched the back of his neck, "About ten years before I really started to remember anything"

"Something tells me a little forewarning would've helped, Spike." King Kai deadpanned.

Author's Note:

This chapter was kind of a pain to write. heh

Ignore the halo on the picture of Grandpa Gohan. It was the only full one I could find that didn't have him with that rabbit mask on.