• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,650 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

Medical Treatment and Reveal

"What the hay was THAT!?" Apple Bloom yelped, peeking out from Spike's arms after he grabbed her and Scootaloo to pull them out of the way of...whatever that spinning thing was.

'That was a...oh crapbaskets! And it came from where I left Sweetie Belle!' Before the two fillies could ask anything else, Spike took off back to where their third member was. When he got near, they spotted her on the ground, huddled up and crying.

"She's hurt!" Scootaloo yelled, pointing towards a patch of red on the ground by her. "She's bleeding!"

Landing nearby, he let them and ran towards her. "Split Form!"

"What the!?" They yelped, watching as Spike suddenly became two.

"Quick! grab the medkid! I think it's number fifty-two!" One of the Spikes yelled.

"I'm on it!" The other yelled, blurring out of sight.

"Sweetie! What happened?" The first Spike said, kneeling down beside her as Bloom and Scootaloo caught up.

"I-I was just making that glow appear w-while you were getting the others..." She got out between sobs, slowly telling them what happened.

Watching Spike take off after the others, Sweetie took a few slow, deep breaths, feeling a bit of relief as the urge to hurl receded some. Her stomach managed to settle soon afterward.

She had no idea how long it'd take for him to catch them, so she decided to entertain herself and called the ki glow back. Watching it sparkle on the end of her horn, she started wondering if she could could something with it, like make it move, or glow brighter. Just for fun, at least.

With that in mind, she focused on the glow. Since she had to picture the glow to get it out, maybe imagining it doing what she wanted would work too. She started by imagining it inflating a little, like a balloon. It took a bit more concentrating then with magic, but she was rewarded with the sight of it slowly growing until it was the size of a baseball. She couldn't help squeeing a bit at her success.

She also noticed that the spark- now more of an orb - was spinning. It was slow, but the rotation was visible. And for Sweetie, it was irresistible. It was then that she found herself wondering if she could make it spin a little faster, remembering a little top her daddy had gotten her when she was little. It took a bit more concentration, but yet, using ki felt a little easier than magic. In almost no time the orb started speeding up, gradually spinning faster and faster.

As it did though, she saw it flatten out, like the pizza dough they'd twirl around at the pizzerias in Canterlot. The faster it spun, the flatter the orb became, until it looked more like a record, and the edge of it was almost sparkling. That drew her in. She wasn't sure why, but the urge to touch it, to see how it felt - if it was was tangible - was irresistible. Slowly, she reached up to it.

Only to learn that the edge was now razor-sharp as it cut into her hoof. It wasn't deep, but it nearly went across her entire underhoof. With a mix of shock and pain, she flung the disc away, sending it flying.

"Sweet sassafras!/Heavens!" Applejack and Rarity yelled at the sight that greeted the group when they got home. The six had just gotten off the train when a oscillating whir caught their attention...and a glowing disc struck the ticket booth, slicing the top quarter clean off.

"What was THAT!?" Twilight called out over the commotion from the other ponies around. "I don't recognize any spell capable of that! Is the ticket stallion all right!?"

"He's fine!" Pinkie called back, peering into. "A little shook up though..." She sniffed and quickly backed up. "Among...other things. Eww."

"Come on, something might be attacking the town!" Rainbow hollered, taking off in the direction it came from, the others hot on her heels.

Spike sighed as the other him returned, tossing a capsule into the air before they re-fused back into one. "This is why I said check with me and your sisters/Rainbow Dash before trying something." He caught the medical kit that appeared and took out some antiseptic and bandages.

"What was that thing, anyway??" Scootaloo asked, too worried about her friend to ask where the first aid box came from.

"Sweetie, without knowing it, created a Kienzan. It's a ki technique used primarily for combat. Its sole purpose is to cut something...or someone, in two." Hearing the three fillies whimper a bit at the idea of that made him wince a little, but he felt it better they knew how dangerous it was. "I've seen the damage it can do."

"I...I'm sorry..." Sweetie was visibly fighting the urge to pull her hoof away from the sting of the antiseptic.

"It's ok, Sweetie. I should've been a bit clearer on what I mean." He bandaged her hoof up, making sure it was on snug. "Thankfully the cut was shallow, but you'll wanna stay off that hoof for the rest of the day." He'd finished and just recapsuled the kit when the others came running up. "Hey, guys. You figure out what it was the map sent you to do?"

"Yeah...we did..." Twilight said, looking around. "Where's the attack..??"

"What attacker?"

"Something sliced off the top of the ticket booth at the train station!" Pinkie jumped in. "It just 'sshing!' and like a foot and a half just popped off! Scared the poop out of the ticket guy too!"

"An'....WHY is mah lil sister floatin' like that!?" Applejack semi-demanded, staring at the hovering filly.

"And Scoot too!" Rainbow stared, almost bug-eyed at her. "She's not even flapping her wings!"

"Check it out, Rainbow!" Scootaloo squealed, unable to contain herself as she zipped around the older pegasus, leaving a faint contrail of her own. "I can fly now!"

"Me too!" Apple Bloom did a loop-de-loop. "Think of the apple buckin' Ah can do like this!

"Oh...um...heh." He scratched the back of his head. "Well. You see..."

"I knew I felt an unfamiliar ki signature around here!" Chronoa called out, popping into view, her arms loaded down with bags and wearing a flower-covered sunhat. "Taught the lil squirts to fly, huh?" She asked.

"Me too!" Sweetie squeaked, doing a slow lap around a now startled Rarity.

"Sweetie! Your hoof!" She cried out, seeing the bandage on her sister.

"Yeah. She got a little overexcited with her ki and had a mishap." Spike replied. "Thankfully it's nothing serious, but it'll be tender for a little whi-" He suddenly found himself with a face-full of hyper alicorn.

"How'dyoumanagethatwewereonlygoneacoupleofdaysandyoutaughttwononpegasiflightImeanthescientificramificationsaloneare--MM!" Twilight flailed a little when Spike abruptly, but gently, pinched her lips together.

"Twi, calm down. I just showed them how to draw on their ki. After that, flight's easy." He pointed towards where the three fillies were putting on a little show for the others. "Besides, you know how badly Scoot wanted to be able to fly with Rainbow.

"Admirable on several levels, darling, but...why teach Sweetie and Apple Bloom?" Rarity asked as her sister floated by upside down.

Spike shrugged. "Didn't seem fair to leave them out."

"Spike." He looked over as Rainbow walked his way, her face a near expressionless mask.

"Yeah?" He managed to ask before she darted up, wrapping her front legs around his neck in a surprisingly emotional hug.

"Thanks..." She said quietly, her voice muffled from being buried in his shoulder.

Author's Note:

Ok. next chapter'll finally have things get back to the actual story. (gotta rewatch the first few episodes too)