• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,670 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

Foray Into Dreams, Part 2.

"All our stuff..."

It took a little while...along with Applejack and Rainbow Dash trying to slow him down, a half dozen spells meant to hamper movement, and Celestia using the infamous 'Mom' voice...but Spike was eventually dissuaded from his plan to inflict yet more mayhem on Tirek (who was currently in the Tartarus less-than-intensive care unit)

"I know, Spike..." Twilight curled up beside him, "Lost count of the memories we had there." She sighed, "Unfortunately, we can't do anything about it except go on."

Taking note of the morose air that was starting to settle, Pinkie was about to try and lighten things up when Spike spoke up.

"And this planet doesn't have Dragonballs. At least, I don't think it does."

Rarity scrunched up her nose in shock, "Spike! I know this is an unpleasant discovery, but it's no excuse to be so crude!"

"Wha..? No, the Dragonballs are a set of seven orbs that can grant someone a wish when they're all brought together. And trust me, they can be pretty powerful."

"Dare I ask how powerful?" Celestia asked. Given her experience with the Elements of Harmony, she was quite familiar with the risk certain artifacts could pose if misused.

"As in able to bring a person back from the dead or make someone immortal." He responded, earning several looks of shock "Which, unfortunately, made them targets for some less than pleasant characters, too."

The others looked ready to start throwing out questions when Luna coughed to get their attention, "Um, perhaps we should save the questions until we see things for ourselves." Seriously! She added silently, I mean, what's the fun of a dreamtale if the teller spills everything beforehoof!?

"Yeah, Luna's got a point. Be easier to show you what they can do as well as everything else that happened." Spike added, fighting the urge to chuckle a little at the reluctant agreement from the others.

-----------Later that Evening-----------

"Anyone else noticed this place seems WAAY bigger on the inside?" Pinkie asked as she fiddled with a pair of binoculars after Celestia led them through the entry hall to what she liked to call 'The Hall of Friendship': a sizable throne room with six crystal thrones, each one bearing their Cutie Marks and surrounding a star-shaped dais.

And a seventh that, to Spike, looked a little odd, "Um, Mom?" He asked, "The thrones for the girls I think I get, but what's with that one?" He pointed to the large throne beside Twilight's, a large, jagged green 'S' was emblazoned on it.

Celestia simply 'hmm'ed, "Not a fan of jagged lettering myself, but all in all, rather tasteful." She then gave him a look that told them all she knew a lot more than she was letting on, "You didn't think it was going to just be them here, did you?"

Knowing it'd most likely be an uphill battle trying to get her to tell them exactly what that meant, he just shook his head, "So...I take it everyone's ready for this?"

She responded by procuring and using her magic to inflate an air mattress, "Luna and I made it a point to let the nobles know Day Court would be held late tomorrow. Thankfully they didn't put up too much fuss."

"I just canceled mine tonight." Luna grinned cheekily.

"Better believe it!" Rainbow laughed, pulling out a cloud that she had, somehow, managed to stuff into her own saddlebag, along with a blanket and her pajamas.

"I'm ready-eddy!" Pinkie chirped, already in her PJs and sleeping bag.

The others followed suit.

"Wait, we all have ours, Spikey, but where are you going to sleep?" Rarity asked, putting her sleep mask on.

"I'll be ok, Rarity." He replied, laying down on the floor, "Learned I can nod off pretty much anywhere" Finding out you can sleep clinging to a multi-mile high tower kinda helps, heh. He finished to himself.

Once they were all settled in, Luna's horn lit up, covering them all briefly in a dark blue light, "The spell I just cast will alert me to when all you enter REM sleep. As soon as that happens, I'll enter Spike's dream and pull you all in. With that said...enjoy your forty winks."

A couple of hours passed as the group worked to let sleep take them, making small talk and guessing about what they might during their excursion. Well, most of them were. Spike had zonked out within minutes, now sprawled out and and snoring away.

One by one they began to doze off, Luna quietly watching as the sound of relaxed breathing became the only sound there.

"Story time." She giggled, vanishing in a burst of blue.

----------Inside Spike's Dream------------

"Um..." Sweetie Bell started as she looked around. Instead of what they expected, all they could see was a massive stone floor that stretched endlessly under a white void, "This is..."

"Boring." Scootaloo said, her voice echoing slightly.

"And kinda creepy." Apple Bloom finished, "There's nothing here."

"This is the default appearance of a dreamscape, " Luna explained, her hoof slippers clicking faintly on the tiles, "It's usually this way when the sleeper hasn't quite entered a dream state, simply isn't dreaming that night," Her gaze shifted to something behind the group, "Or in this case...." She smirked and pointed.

They turned almost as one to see Spike, chomping away at an emerald the size of an Ursa Minor.

That's Spike for you. Twilight thought, fighting the urge to laugh at the sight, "Spike, we're here."

"Mmph?" He looked up mid-chew, "Oh."

Pinkie and Rainbow fought, and lost the fight, leaning against each other to stay on their hooves in laughter.

"I got kinda hungry waiting for everyone." He grinned, scratching the back of his head.

"That's putting it mildly." King Kai's voice piped up, causing every pony to jump when a short, stocky figure faded into view beside him. It was blue-skinned with pointed ears, dressed in what seemed to be a long, black shirt, small sunglasses and a cap with long feelers on it, "Oughta see this guy when he REALLY gets going."

"King Kai, I presume?" Celestia spoke up once she'd gotten over the sudden entry.

"That's me." He replied, taking a look at the group, "So, Spike, you gonna introduce us or what?"

Author's Note:

And now it begins.