• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,642 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

Another Reunion and A Therapy Session.

Zecora let out a slow exhale as she balanced on her meditation pole. The last few days had been rather surprising; the demon Tirek's attack, Twilight acquiring a palace of her own...and as near as she'd picked up, a newcomer who had been strong enough to beat the centaur to within an inch of his life before the former element bearers were able to retrieve the magic he'd taken.

In a way, that cheered her up somewhat, especially after what had happened half a year ago. While she'd personally came to terms with it, she couldn't blame Twilight or the others for still feeling the hurt from that loss...

"Hey, Zecora!"

"Wha...whoa! Oop!" She flailed all four limbs to try and regain her balance after the unexpected greeting caught her off-guard. After a moment, she managed to steady herself and looked to where the voice came from. What she saw was enough to make her rub her eyes, doubling checking to make sure she wasn't seeing things. While the orange and blue outfit was odd, the purple and green scales were unmistakable. "Spike?? Is...is that you? We all thought..."

"Yeah, kind of a long story. I...well, I ended up on another planet."


It took a little while, but he managed to explain things as he set up a fire. "Made it back a couple of days ago and kept Tirek busy while the girls got what they needed to de-magic him."

"To clarify my understanding, you were displaced when Twilight took wing, and this Chronoa rescued thee, placed elsewhere till you could return to we." She said.

"Pretty much. I know it sounds hard to believe..."

"How normal this feels is what is strange, the rest is the norm...save your funeral arranged." She pointed to the now roasting chupacabras. "I do not believe these beasts your appetite can appease...and why do they smell like old cheese?" Her nose scrunched up when she took a whiff.

"I'm sure the taste'll make for it." He said, taking a bite...


"Well, you can't be blamed for seeking to try it...though even manticores leave them out of their diet." She commented, wincing a little at the sound of him retching into a bush.

Once he'd finished saying his prayers to the porcelain gods, Spike quickly reduced the bodies to ashes, not willing to let the local wildlife get the same unpleasant surprise. After saying bye to Zecora, he made his way back to town, making sure to get something to wash the taste out of his mouth.

"Something wrong, Luna?" Celestia asked as she got ready to go to bed that night for the next dream.

"I'm not sure, Tia." Luna replied. "I just have this odd feeling that I forgot to do something. It's probably nothing, though, but still annoying me a little."

"Well, maybe it'll come to you while we're in the dream." Celestia hopped into bed. "I've lost count of how many times i've let something slip only to have it pop back up a little while later."

"Probably. Anyway, I'll see you in dreamland, sis."

Once Celestia was asleep, Luna did her thing. With a light touch of her magic, she met her sibling in one of her usual dreams...and already standing by a cart loaded with donuts. "I know it's a dream, but I don't care." Celestia said the moment Luna looked at her.

"Don't ever change, Tia." With that, they jumped to Spikes dream. On entry, however, they were greeted to an unexpected sight; Chronoa and King Kai were already there, munching on popcorn, but Spike was again in his transformed state. He was also ruthlessly pummeling a being that resembled a tall and extremely bald Abyssinian, dressed in something akin to ancient Neighgyptian attire.

"Wha...!?" Celestia started, wincing a little when the being took a knee right into the face. The impact jarring both princesses a little.

"Hey girls." Chronoa said, spotting them. "Check it, we got a pre-story fight!"

"What...who is that??"

"Something that pretended to be of Spike's tougher foes from his past on Earth." King Kai responded between mouthfuls. "Chronoa and I got here in time to see this pony-shaped thing pop up and make itself look like him before attacking."

"It put up a fight until he went Endless level two." Chronoa added. "Now he's trying to beat it back into it's original form."

"Gotta give it credit, though!" Spike shouted as he slammed the faux-Beerus into the dreamscape's floor, head first. "This...whatever it is can take a beating!"

"Pony-shaped...?" Luna's ears flattened. "Um, by any chance did it have the same coloration as my mane?"

"Yep!" Both kai's nodded.

"Oh dear...that's the Tantabus." Luna gulped. "Well, that explains the funny feeling earlier. How'd it get loose?"

"Luna, what are you talking about? How do you know what that is?" Celestia said, using her 'older sister' tone.

King Kai noticed the quick show of guilt crossing Luna's face and cleared his throat. "Hmm...maybe this is something Luna should talk with a more impartial side before hashing things out her big sis. Whaddaya say?"

The pony siblings gave each other a silent look before Luna stepped over to talk to him in a more private forum.

(A three minute explanation later...)

King Kai calmly adjusted his robe. "Okay...let me make sure I heard right: a millennium ago, you let yourself become consumed by negative emotions, which caused you to turn into this monster calling itself Nightmare Moon, nearly destroyed the world, and ended up sealed away in the Moon by your sister.

Luna nodded. "That is correct"

"And this whole thing - more or less - happened 'cause the two of you weren't communicating all that well, and she didn't understand the pain, rejection, and loneliness you were going through."

"A an accurate, if painful, summation of what happened..." She winced a tad. "But, yes."

"Right." King Kai was resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. "So your solution to keep that from happening again, and deal with your guilt over it, is to create a monster in your own psyche designed to make you relive it over and over every time YOU go to sleep... and all without talking to your sister about your feelings whatsoever.

"This is my burden, and I must deal with it myself as my penance for my crimes."

He sighed. "Okay, how should I put this without being offensive...?

"We are both royalty. Please, speak thy mind." She replied, inadvertently slipping back into Old Equestrian.

"Alright." He inhaled deeply. "That is, without a doubt...THE DUMBEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD!" He bellowed, blowing her mane back. "And I trained Goku!"

"What? I-" She stopped when he put up a hand.

"You said speak my mind. So sister, I'm speaking it! Look, if a lack of communication is what caused all that to begin with, than what in HFIL makes you think that's gonna help now!? That's like trying to heal a bruise by punching it! Seriously, that's one of the biggest things a family is for!" He took a second to calm down. "You already know my full title/name is Northern King Kai, so you can assume there's an East, West, and South Kai. We aren't related, but we're family in a way, right down to bickering with them like siblings. If we have a issue, we aren't afraid to bring it out and work things through."

"But I have to prevent myself from succumbing to that evil again!" Luna protested.

"The fact you don't want to is a good start, but going at it like this isn't. Listen, I know I'm being harsh, and I do understand feeling like you have to punish yourself for a past mistake, or wanting to be certain it isn't repeated...but think of it like an old wound. Looking at the scar to remember what you did and why you don't want to do it again is fine. However, tearing it open every time you do look is only going to get it infected, know what I'm saying?"

"So...you're saying that repeatedly reliving the event, rather than helping to prevent a recurrence, is making it impossible for me to recover move on?"

"EXACTLY! Supreme Kai, it's nice passing wisdom on to someone who actually understands what you're saying. Spike's a good kid, and you'd never ask for a more loyal friend...but by Me he could be dense! Between you and me, I think he spent a little too much time out in the wilderness with Goku."

"Hey...I wasn't THAT bad!" Spike protested, folding the tanta-beer-bus around his fist for the seventeenth time.

"Spike, you and Goku both thought Bubbles was me when you first arrived!" King Kai answered back.

"Bubbles?" Celestia asked.

"My monkey." The princesses faces turned red. "My pet monkey!" He quickly added over Chronoa's gigglefit, muttering about 'hentais' again.

"Well, after some of the people we ran into over the years, can ya blame us??"

King Kai shook his head and turned back to Luna, seeing the uneasy way she was looking at Celestia. "Let me guess, you're worried about how she might react when you tell her?"

"A little." She admitted. "This is a fairly big secret I've been keeping for a while."

"Thankfully I have a little experience as a mediator. Just say when."

"Let's go ahead. Soon we get this done..." She followed him back to the others. "Celestia? I have a confession to make." It took a few minutes, but she finally managed to get everything off her chest, still expecting the older Alicorn to react negatively. A chuckle, however, caught her and King Kai both off guard.

"I can't really blame you for not telling me, Luna." Celestia looked a tad sheepish. 'To be honest, I lost count of how many times I told myself I should've tried harder to talk things out...even considered making something similar."

"You did...? B-but what kept you from...?"

"Had no clue how to even start making one." Celestia grinned a little. "Dream-based magic was always your specialty, Luna." That was enough to get a light chuckle around out of them both."

"So, things ok between the two of you?" King Kai asked, motioning to the fight.

"Guys? What do you want me to do with this thing!?" Spike yelled over the squeaks and growls the Tantabus kept letting out with each punch.

"Your call, Luna." Celestia said.

"Hm. Well..." It was subtle, but Luna was standing taller. "I don't need it anymore, but seems a shame to just get rid of it." A grin crossed her face. "I think I know just what to do. TANTABUS!" She yelled, making both it and Spike stop dead. A jet of sapphire-colored light shot from her horn striking the dream monster dead center. "GET OVER HERE!"

The Tantabus squawked as it was yanked back to Luna, who promptly conjured a small box which sucked it in, the box vanishing as quickly as it appeared.

"I feel MUCH better now!" Luna chirped once that happened. "Since that's out of the way, we should probably get the others. Spike still has the rest of his story to tell."

"Oh yeah." He said, watching Luna and King Kai pop out to get them. "You guys get to meet the Ox King next!"