• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,650 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

The Adventure Begins: Rabbits, Robots, and Wishes, Oh My!

"It took Bulma and Oolong a little while, but they finally managed to find the dragon ball in the rubble." Spike said once the memory ended. "That and Master Roshi invited Goku and me and come train with him."

"So, that just left one more?" Night Light asked.

"Yep, though that didn't quite go how we expected. Guess I better start with our run-in with Monster Carrot."

"Pfft!" Celestia snorted loudly, trying not to laugh. "Who'd go by a name like that?"

Spike pointed to the figure that appeared. "Him."

"Ugh, and I thought West Kai's taste in fashion sucked." Chronoa recoiled.

Rarity shrieked. "THE CLASHING! IT BURNS! IT BURNS!"

"Poor color choices aside, is...is that a giant bunny?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah. He was the leader of a group calling themselves the Rabbit Mob, a bunch of jerks who pretty much spent their time bullying the whole town we stopped at. Me and Goku didn't have any trouble taking out the two we saw, though one did call in the leader. Still don't know why everyone was so terrified, soon as the guy made the call they all bolted indoors."

Bulma looked around, obviously less than imprrssed. "So, is something supposed to happen? They called their 'boss', but I don't see or hear anything.

"You'll see soon enough!" One of the thugs snapped as the sound of a car got closer. "Here he comes now!"

"Wow, looks more like the circus dropped by." Oolong quipped when a bunny-themed car rolled up."

"It's so ADORABLE!" Fluttershy squealed, giving the car a starry-eyed look. "I want one!"

"Me too!" Pinkie added.

"They're kidding right? That furball's their feared boss!?" Bulma asked when the driver stepped out. ("That ugly-plot outfit literally hurts my eyes..." Rarity muttered.)

Oolong snorted. "Looks more like a reject from an Easter parade."

"Watch it, Bacon Bit!" One thug yelled.

"Or what? You'll wiggled your noses at me? Ha!"

The rabbit looked at his lackies. " You dingalings expect me to believe that you got beat by a couple of ki...eh, why is the scaly one staring at me like I'm a buffet platter?"

The others looked to see Spike standing with a wide grin on his face, visibly drooling.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Goku piped up. "Spike REALLY likes roasted rabbit."

"Rosted...rab...bit?" The rabbit and thugs paled.

"Yep! Especially when he roasts it himself." He added as Spike reared back, wisps of green fire flicking from his mouth.

"Tell me you didn't actually eat him." Discord muttered, looking revolted. "The fuzzball looks like you'd get a better meal chewing on nylon."

"Not really. He managed to get back into his car before I got him."

"Spike, is there really a point to this guy?" Pinkie turned off the lampshade she was wearing. "He seems more just a big bully than anything, and you didn't say if he had the dragon ball."

"Now that you mention it...not really. I mean, we really only stopped there 'cause we were out of fuel. Found out he could turn you into a carrot if he touched you, but that's about it. Goku managed to get the power pole in and bop him a couple of times. The townsfolk must've seen it, 'cause they came out with shovels, brooms, and all kinds of stuff to keep him away. Think a few even found out gloves worked too." Spike shrugged. "Oh well. Anyway, we got back on the road and Oolong got mad when he found out what Bulma wanted to wish for."

"Well, given' how she acted when you first met, Ah'm bettin' bits to buckles it wasn't somethin' you could all benefit from." Applejack watched as the scene changed up.

"Didn't really make sense to me either...wishing for a boy friend seemed silly. I mean, just asking a boy to be friends would be a lot simpler."

"I...I'm not entirely sure how to respond to that." Discord said lightly.

"Me either..." Rarity sighed, her mind drifting regretfully back to the way Spike used to act around her before he disappeared. Key word, used to.

"Well, while they yelled at each other over that, our car blew up."

"Come again?" Twilight deadpanned. "It...blew up?"

"Yeah, something made it explode, we got tossed one way, what was left of the car went another. Then this big tin can showed up and made off with Bulma's suitcase, with all five dragonballs that were in it."

"Wait a sec." Rainbow could seen trying to add up something in her head. "You said you only had one more to get."

"Yeah, me and Goku were taking turns holding onto the four-star, so it didn't take all of them. we tried chasing it down, but when we found it, it wasn't moving at all. Fell over soon as we touched it. Didn't know someone had been driving it then."

"So you were in the middle of nowhere with no ride?"

"For a little while. Luckily Yamcha came by and was able to give us a lift."

"Indeed, 'lucky'." Luna snorted a little. "Fifty bits says he was hoping they led him to the balls." She whispered to Cadance.

"Sucker's bet, Auntie." She replied.

"The trail led us to this big castle. We aren't really sure what was in there, but we wanted the dragon balls back."

Yamcha squinted, looking down the poorly lit hallway. "Keep an eye out. Who knows what kind of traps might be here.

"Can barely see my hand in front of my snout!" Oolong grumbled, nearly walking into Puar.

Once they hit a turn, Goku took a look around. "This way seems clear." They barely made it a third of the way down when pillars suddenly started shooting out from random spots in the floor, walls and ceiling. Bulma screamed as one pillar threatened to smash her into the ceiling, but Yamcha managed to break it. With that, he, Goku, and Spike went on the offensive, smashing through the ones out as well as the few still emerging.


"Spike! That can't be good for your teeth!" Bulma yelped, seeing him bite through one.

"I'm guuf...*THEWIE* Yuk!" He shook his head, spitting out the pieces stuck in his cheeks. "They taste nasty, though."

"Wow, Dashie! I didn't know you and AJ could turn that red!" Pinkie commented.

Rainbow could only stare as she watched the formerly harmless dragon break solid stone with his bare hands and feet. "Whoa..."

Applejack wasn't faring much differently. "Ah'll...second that." She let out a shuddering exhale.

Thankfully for the both of them, neither saw the twitchy glare Chronoa and Rarity gave them, though Shining did scooch away from them.

Not seeing any of it, Spike carried on. "We got through that quick enough, but ended up stuck in this room that we couldn't break out of. It was then we met that Pilaf guy. He was weird. The only downside is he sprayed us with sleeping gas and managed to steal the last dragon ball. What happened after that...let's just say I'm not a fan of pinball now."

"Say no more. I feel the same way about air hockey." Pinkie shuddered. "Uuhhgg...pucks!"

Twilight started to say something in response, but quickly changed her mind. "So, did Pilaf get his wish?"

"Well, he got a wish." Spike chuckled. "Goku was able to blast a hole in the wall with a Kamehameha, but it was too small for all of us to really climb out of. We were about to see him outside, starting to summon the dragon, and that gave Bulma an idea."

"Are you sure about this?" Yamcha asked, sounding highly dubious about the whole thing.

"It's got to!" She replied. "Spike's a dragon; so there's a chance the Eternal Dragon'll respond to him better." She gestured to the setup: Oolong and Puar had changed into platforms for Goku, Power Pole in hand, to stand on. Spike was in front of the hole. "All Goku has to do is launch him through then, Spike should be able to keep Pilaf from making that wish."

"Well, I guess it makes sense when you put it like that."

"Ready, guys?"

"Here goes!" Goku drew back to swing, and Spike jumped up, curling into a ball as tight as he could.


Spike shot through the hole like a bullet, flying straight towards Pilaf.

"Nice shot!" Shining and Night Light said in unison.

"Good aim, too." Discord held up a card with a '9.7' on it.

Spike laughed. "That was kinda fun. Think Goku wanted a turn afterwards."

"Ah wouldn't mind a try!" Apple Bloom piped up.

Scootaloo's wings buzzed excitedly at the speed he hit. "Me too!"

"Hehe, no." Applejack shot her sister a gimlet eye.

"What happened next?" Fluttershy looked oddly eager to see what happened.

"I landed nearby in time to see Shenon appear." Spike and the ponies watched as a beam shot into the sky from the balls.

It twisted and coiled, taking the shape of what Twilight recognized as a massive Oreinantal dragon. "It..it must be over a mile long!" She squeaked.

"Yeah, he is pretty big. Not too bad a guy. Pilaf wasn't happy about it, though."

Pilaf jumped when Spike hit the ground beside him " YA-HA! How did you get out!? N-no matter, you can't stop me now! Eternal Dragon, grant my-!"

"I'll be with you in a moment. I must greet my kinsman first."

"W-what!? You can't be..."

"Oh, hi." Spike looked up at the bigger dragon. "Wow, and I thought Ox King was big."

"Hello, young one. It is good you are here; I bear a message for you.("This is ridiculous! I won fair and square!")Despite the life you have, you have questions about times before."

"You mean before Grandpa and Goku found me?("Mai! Shu! Quit standing there, twiddling your thumbs! Do something!") Well, I've been kinda curious."

"Then you must know that your true power comes from beyond what you know,("Quit talking to him and listen! I demand you grant me my wish!")and only by understanding that power will your answers be found."

"My true power? What do you mean?"("Didn't you hear what I said!? I summoned you...!")

"You will learn in time."("Am I talking to myself!?" "Yes, Sire." "Shut up, Shu!") "Further guidance, however can come from only Kami. Seek him out once you get the chance.'


"Quit yakking and gimmie my wish already!" Spike gave Pilaf an annoyed look when he wouldn't stop hollering.

"I wish you'd stop talking, Pilaf! I can hardly hear-"

"Your wish is granted."


The wannabe ruler grabbed his throat as it and his mouth glowed for a moment. Once it faded, he proceeded to shout something...only for nothing to come out. Pilaf tried yelling some more, but he was completely silent.

"Looks like the dragon's got his tongue. Literally!" Mai remarked, causing Shu to snort back a giggle.

"Remember, young one; understand and the answers will come." Shenron erupted in another flash of light. "I bid you...farewell..."

"Well, they always say be careful what you wish for...or what someone else is wishing for in this case." Discord said, before he, Pinkie, Celestia, Shining, and Rainbow all fell over laughing at the look on Pilaf's face.