• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,650 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

The Adventure Begins: Ox King Ahoy and Fire When ready!

"Ok, I'm really curious about this 'Ox King' guy Celestia said you mentioned, Spike." Twilight said once the group was gathered. "I mean, the Oxen here have an Empress, but never heard of an actual King.

"Well, you'll see him in a minute, Twi. Though, first off you gotta see what used to be his home." Spike replied as the memory came into view. "Fair warning, it freaked all four of us out when we first saw it. Say hello to Fire Mountain."

"HOLY HORSEAPPLES!" Shining, Night Light, and Rainbow hollered in unison when the sight of the massive, flame-engulfed mountain appeared.

"Yeah, that was kind of our reaction too."

Fluttershy stared up in a mix of awe and fear before speaking up. "Put those marshmallows away, Discord!"

The draconequis pouted, tossing a plastic bag over his shoulder.

"According to Oolong, the Ox King used to live in the castle up there." Spike pointed to the top. "He said the Ox King hired a magician to make a magical fire to protect it, but the fire got out of control and left him stuck outside. It was also where the next-to-last Dragon Ball was supposed to be."

"Then how'd ya'll even get it, much less get up there?" Applejack asked. "That place looks hotter than one of my cousin's habanero popovers."

"Got that right. Heat's never really bothered me, but the others were feeling before we even saw the mountain. As for getting up there, we tried what seemed to be the obvious path at first. But, the fire kept rising to block us on the Nimbus. So, I tried something else"

"You sure about this, Spike?" Goku asked as they flew over the inferno on the Nimbus. Their initial attempt to reach the castle failed when the fire kept shooting up to block them.

"I'll be ok." Spike replied, taking his clothes off. "Remember how many times Grandpa found me napping in the fire? This heat isn't that much worse."

"Ok. I'll keep a look out for when you find it."

"Here goes nothing! Cannonball!" Spike yelled, jumping off the Nimbus into the flames."

"A cannonball?" Twilight looked at him. "Really, Spike?"

"It's the only dive I know."

"Uh, you guys did see him just jump into a raging inferno, right?" Chronoa ask, looking around with confusion at how

"And...?" Shining prodded.

King Kai nearly facefaulted. "He just hopped straight down onto a mountain. Covered in FIRE! Doesn't that concern you a little??"

Fluttershy raised a hoof after a moment. "Actually Rarity and I've seen him swim around in lava. It's like a hottub to him."

"And in terms of harm, dragons are highly magic resistant." Twilight added. "It's why I always felt safe testing new spells on him."

"Which I wouldn't mind if you asked first." Spike looked at her. "Especially when I was eating. Be eating a sandwich and suddenly I'm a feather boa."

"Not to mention dragon scales are sturdier than most types of armor, and their internals are built along similar lines. Celestia joined in. "To be honest, I'm more worried about whether or not the crater he left on impact upset the balance of the spell and caused the flames to go awry.

"Ok, she's got a point there. Spike, what were you thinking?!" Twilight scolded him.

"Hey, I landed on my feet!" He replied. "Besides, I hit a building first."

"That doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence."

"Anyway, I couldn't find a way in; wound up just wandering around and walking into stuff. Ended up coming back out at the bottom. By the time I got out, there was this really big guy and a girl with them, who I found out was the Ox King and his daughter, Chi Chi." A pair of images appeared as he said the names.

"Ooh...he be BEEG!" Pinkie yelled, falling backwards as she looked up at the hulking figure.

"Whoa nelly...an' Ah thought the yaks were big fellers!" Apple Bloom whistled.

"Um, question...what in BLAZES is she wearing??" Rarity pointed at the girl. "That looks like something from the shows Daddy used to watch when HE was a foal!"

"Beats me. I'm more of a one-piece bikini kind of girl." Chronoa shrugged. "Anyway, I'll take over the story for this bit since Spike didn't see. While he was looking around the fire...still wrapping my head around THAT...Bulma and Oolong found the Ox King. Or, to be more accurate, he found them. You could guess he wasn't exactly thrilled about having people snooping around. Spike could't hear her scream over the fire, but Goku did."

"Hey, who are you!?" Goku yelled as he flew down, drawing his Power Pole.

"Hm?" The huge stranger looked back. "Wha? Hey! I know that cloud!" He cried out, pointing at the Nimbus.

"You do?" Goku looked down it.

"Yes, and there's no way you'd be riding it if you'd stolen it; so who gave it to you!?"

"Oh, I got it from a guy who called himself the Turtle Hermit."

"That's my old teacher, Master Roshi!" The large man seemed to cheer up some. "You know where he is?"

"The big guy quickly introduced himself and the two of them actually bonded a little over the Power Pole. He told them that he and old man Gohan were Roshi's students." Chronoa continued. "After that, Ox King asked if they could find Roshi and get something called the Bansho Fan, that was supposed to be able to get rid of the fire. So, they made a deal; he'd give them the Dragon Ball in his castle when Goku got the fan. He also asked him to keep an eye out for his daughter, who'd gone out looking for the fan before they arrived."

"Wait, isn't that the girl Yamcha knocked out in a panic?" King Kai asked. "Man, he's lucky her pop never found out. Even at his age now, Ox King could probably still fold him up like a chair, literally."

"Well, to make an already somewhat long story short, Goku found Chi Chi, who quickly fell for him during their trip to Roshi's. However, when they did get to the old guy's island, Chi Chi was a little skeptical that he was the real deal and smacked him wit the blade on her helmet to be sure. You lot should've see the looks on both their faces when it got lodged in his forehead!" She cackled for a moment. "Of course, getting there had good news and bad. The good news was he knew about the fan...the bad news was he didn't have it anymore."

"Then how'd they handle the fire?" Night Light asked.

"I'm getting there. Since he couldn't find it, he went to Fire mountain with them. Him and Ox King were having their reunion when Spike finally got out of the flames."

"Papa! Look! Something's coming out of the fire!" Chi Chi yelled.

"That's impossible, nothing could survive those flames!" Ox King replied, only to freeze when they saw something come walking out.

"Gah!" Goku yelped. "I forgot Spike was in there!"

Bulma looked at him. "What do you mean Spike was in there??"

"Who's Spike?" Chi Chi asked.

"He's my adopted brother; Grandpa found him in the woods a few years ago. Fire doesn't bother him, so he went down to see if he could find a way in."

"Well...I-I guess that makes sense, since he's a dragon." Bulma looked understandably freaked out as Spike came into view.

Ox King's axe fell to the ground with a thunk. "G-Gohan adopted a D-d-dragon??" His jaw slackened some at that reveal.

"Yeah, fire breath and everything..."

"Why is he naked!?" Chi Chi squeaked, covering her eyes.

"I didn't want my clothes to burn." Spike replied, finally close enough to hear them. "No luck finding the door. There's too much fire to see anything up there."

"Well...can't say you didn't tryyyyEOW!!" Bulma patted his back, only to screech in pain. "YOU'RE BURNING HOT!" She hopped around, holding her burnt hand.

"Yeah, it got pretty warm in there." He was actually emitting a heat shimmer by now, and the others could see where he scorched footprints into the dirt. "Gonna have to let my scales cool down before I get dressed.

"Wow, I've heard of boys being called 'hot stuff', but that's getting WAY too literal!" Scootaloo said, feeling the urge to step back some.

"I'll say!" Sweetie squeaked, glancing at the scorched footprints.

"No clue what that means, but after Ox King paid his respects to his teacher, Master Roshi stepped up to deal with the fire himself." Spike said, the memory shifting a bit. "And believe me when I say it was...intense."

Spike watched as Muten Roshi began focusing power into himself...and he could feel it; each and every cell of the old man's being overflowed with unleashed power. It was a sensation he'd never felt before.

As his body suddenly bulked up with expanded muscle, Spike could sense the tightly controlled energy struggling futilely to escape the ancient man's iron hard control. Gone was the oddly-behaving old man. in his place was a fighter that he was sure that him and Goku together wouldn't be a match against.

When the power reached its peak, Roshi shifted his stance, bringing his hands before him and cupping them towards each other.


Spike felt the growing surge as the energy throughout the old man's body focused into the space between his palms, compressing down to a single point.


As Roshi brought his hands to his side, the gathering energy became so intense it started to become visible, forming a sphere in his hands. The sight sent a thrill through every cell of Spike's body as he felt the shaping in the marrow of his bones...and deep in his throat, silently mouthing each syllable along with the old man.


As the energy stabilized and took shape, Spike's eyes glowed as the shaping of the power anchored itself in his mind.


Roshi thrust his hands forward, and the energy lashed out, erupting in a focused beam that sent out shockwaves a it plunged into the mystic flames and, in a blinding explosion of light and energy, eradicated them...

...along with the mountain they surrounded.

"Whoops. Guess I overdid it a little." Roshi chuckled in embarrassment after seeing the results. "But, gotta admit, not too shabby at my age, hehe!"

"Our home!" Chi Chi cried out.

"The Dragon Ball!" Bulma screamed, looking ready to throttle the Turtle Hermit.

'Whoa....!" Celestia's eyes nearly bugged out at the damage that beam did. "That was insane! I mean...I can do that too, but it takes the strongest spell I have!"

"What was that, anyway?" Cadance asked.

"That was the Kamehameha Wave, a move he created a long time ago. Wait till you see what he does with it later down the line." Spike replied. "Though, I did feel bad for Ox King and Chi Chi. Their house did just get vaporized, even if they said they could rebuild. After that, Bulma and Oolong went looking for the Dragon Ball in the rubble. Me and Goku on the other hand..."

"That was incredible!" Goku laughed. "Can you teach us how to do that?"

"Yeah!" Spike was nearly bouncing.

"Sure, but it'll take you fellas fifty years." Roshi replied. "It requires an almost complete mastery of your body's energy."

"Fifty years?" Both of them pouted a little at that.

While Bulma continued looking, Ox King went to talk to Roshi, leaving the two boys to their own devices for the time being.

"Goku, when he did that, did you feel all that energy building?" Spike asked.

Goku noded. "Yeah! I think my hair stood on end even more than it usually does. He's way stronger than he looks."

"You think we can really learn how do it, too?"

"Well, he said it'd take fifty years. Maybe we better get to practicing?"

"Ok." Spike stood beside him, and taking stances similar to the Hermit's, they started to focus.


It started as a spark, barely noticeable, but Spike felt it. And it was growing. He had a feeling Goku felt his own as well.


The spark had changed to something akin to a fire building in him, slowly concentrating itself.


As it reached what felt like its peak, itching to be let loose, he found that the point wasn't focusing in his hands like Roshi, or even Goku, if the glance over had any indication. Instead, he felt it in his throat again, building in the same way he'd pull on his fire. Feeling it there, he responded in kind.


The conversation nearby halted as the two boys unleashed simultaneous Kamehamehas, albeit nowhere near as intense as the one Roshi fired. However, while Goku's had the same blue-while tone, Spike's was tinted green...and coming out of his mouth. Both beams struck the car they'd been aiming at, hitting with enough force to crumple in the side and flip it.

"Whoa, Spike! How'd you manage to fire yours like that!?" Goku looked at him in amazement.

"Dunno. I just felt it in my throat, like I do when I'm gonna breath fire." He sounded a little disappointed. "Wasn't anywhere as big as the Turtle Hermit's, though."

Goku looked contemplative. "Yeah, I saw that too. But, it's a good start!"

"Got a point there."

"Well, didn't expect that." Ox King commented.

Roshi, on the other hand, just kind of stared, jaw slowly descending in shock, until... "You gotta be kidding me!" He yelped, his sunglasses now hanging from one ear. "It took me fifty years to get that move right, and you two just pull it off...like THAT!? Not to mention the purple one doing it outta his mouth!"

Ox King shrugged. "Shouldn't be surprised, really. They are Gohan's grandsons, after all."

Roshi stared at him. "....what?"

"Yeah. Still kinda surprised he adopted a dragon."


"Should we tell them about the 'deal' Roshi made?" Chronoa whispered to King Kai. "About expecting some time with Bulma in exchange for going there."

Kai just shook his head. "Nah. Besides, you wanna remember what Oolong did to get back at her for making him go in her place?"

Chronoa turned a little green at that. "Good point."