• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,670 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

Intermission: Meeting Time's Kai

With a mix of surprise, caution, and a hint of annoyance, the group stared at the newcomer who'd just draped herself over Spike's shoulders. It was obviously female, with purple-pink skin, short pinkish-red hair, long pointed ears.

She was dressed in a tight, sleeveless shirt, odd sleeve-like gloves that went just past her elbows, baggy pants that were skin-tight from the knee down, high-heeled boots, and a long jacket that was so big on her, only her elbows were able to keep it up on her arms; and even then it still looked ready to fall off if it wasn't for the sash tied around her waist.

Twilight looked at King Kai. "Supreme what??"

"The Supreme Kai of Time." King Kai replied. "It's Chronoa's job to make sure the multiverse's timelines stay running smoothly."

"What Northy said!" she chirped, nuzzling the bemused dragon, much to Twilight and Celestia's chagrin.

"Come on, Chronoa!" King Kai half-whined. "You know I hate that nickname!"

"So, y'all know each other?" Applejack asked, edging away from Rarity slightly when she noticed the fashionista's eye twitch.

"More or less. All Kais are familiar with each other since it's basically our job to try and make sure the cosmos stays in once piece." he replied. "Technically, my full title is Northern King Kai. I watch over the North section of the universe."

"W-wow..." Rainbow Dash piped up. "Those are some serious credentials..."

Chronoa just shrugged. "It's a living."

"Wait, I recognize you now!" Spike looked at her." You're that girl I ran into on occasion!"

"That's me! Well, that and the gal who transferred you to Earth in the first place."

"YOU WHAT!?" all four alicorns and Velvet bellowed, bowling Kai, Scootaloo, Night Light, Pinkie and Fluttershy over.

"I had to! Whatever it was that sent Miss Purple there to that pocket dimension caught him with the blast wave. He was out cold and floating through a chronological void when I found him. Unfortunately, he was there long enough for his own temporal mark to destabilize and threw him out of alignment with all of yours, to the point where putting him back risked a reaction that could've possibly erased your planet, and every living being on it, from existence."

"Ehh..." Discord grimaced. "I believe I speak for all of us when I say..." he suddenly sprouted multiple heads resembling everyone else, speaking in unison. "Not my thing, thank you very much."

"So, I placed him in the nearest compatible timeframe until he caught back up with you."

"Ya lost me at 'chronological void'..." Apple Bloom said, rubbing her head.

"Basically, I couldn't safely put him back until he re-synced with you."


"That's all well and good, but...WHY are you here?" King Kai asked.

She gave him an amused look. "After all the effort I put into making sure he adapted and could make it back home safe and sound, you really think I wouldn't pop in on him? This just made it easy-Ooh!" her eyes quickly brightened in recognition. "This is where you're from, isn't it, Spike?!"

"Technically, we're all asleep, except for you and King Kai. This is his dreamscape" Luna responded, doing her best to take her sudden appearance in stride. "But yes, you are currently in the land of Equestria, the town of Ponyville, to be exact.

She proceeded to pull out something resembling a pocketwatch and looked as a flurry of bizarre symbols flew across the face. "Wow, it's not even my jurisdiction." Chronoa let out a whoop. "VACATION TIME!"

"Hoo-boy..." King Kai sighed

"Wait...King Kai, you...you said she's in charge of handling Time?" Celestia asked, her voice faltering a little.

"Yep. That's been her job for the last seventy-five million years."

Her eyes shrank to pinpoints. "Seventy-five m-m-million!?" she teetered slightly upon hearing that. " She's been looking after Time for that long??"

"Give or take a millennium."

Celestia let out something that could easily be mistaken for a weak giggle. "Riight...and she just declared that she's going to spend a vacation...here..."

"Princess Celestia, are you all right?" Shining asked, seeing her wobble.

"Fine, Shining...just fine...just found out we're going to be hosts to basically the God of Time."

"It's not that bad." King Kai used his best reassuring voice. "She can be a handful, but at least the worst you'll get is an argument." he quickly added in a lower voice, "Or her cooking. Word of advice; never invite her to bring something to a potluck."

By this time, though, Celestia just looked ready to pass out.

"I'm a lotta stuff, but a God is definitely not one of them." Chronoa responded, her tone suddenly serious. "You really don't want any of those guys showing up around here. Believe me when I say messing with them is a VERY bad idea." she added, shifting back to cheerful just as fast before plonking herself in Spike's lap.

Rarity's eye twitched again, a bit more violently this time. "Yes...a bad idea indeed..."

"Ah, yes." Luna focused on something briefly."Well, as engaging as this tale has been so far, I'm afraid it's time for all of us to wake up. It takes a bit of concentration to keep so many in a single dreamscape."

"Aw, but I was starting to like having hands." Shining semi-whined, scratching Cadance behind her ear'

Luna fought the urge to giggle at the look of goofy bliss on her niece's face. "Don't worry, we'll be able to continue tomorrow night."

"I can work with that." Spike threw in. "I'm kind curious about what I've missed since then."

"Agreed..." Celestia said, regaining a bit of her composure. "And I believe we all have a bit of catching up to do."