• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,642 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

The Battle Ends...

Tirek exhaled a snarl as he recovered from the wave of force that the dragon had suddenly thrown out, narrowly missing one of the larger rocks it had flung in the process. Though the larger debris had stopped, a large cloud of dust and smoke draped over everything, obscuring his sight until the rain started to clear it.

When it did, his eyes widen at the sight. The dragon was still in the same spot, but he had...changed. His scales had become several shades darker in color and the spines along his head were now a serrated, jagged-looking fin. And though it wasn't by much, he was noticeably more muscular as well.

However, that wasn't what truly caught the self-proclaimed ruler of Equestria's attention...

It was the thrum of power emanating from him. Tirek's eyes widened and his jaw went slack briefly when he could see the air literally pulsating around his opponent. Deep down, a part of him was screaming that he should get away; to run before something else unpleasant happened to him.

"Heh, haven't used this in a while. Almost forgot how much of a rush transforming can be." Spike spoke up as he calmly rolled his shoulders, his voice talking on a slightly gruffer tone as well. "I guess I should blame Goku's influence for this, but...Tirek, you've already seen what I'm capable of so far, so I'm gonna go ahead and give you two choices. Choice one: you can give up now, return all the magic you stole, and go back to where you came from under your own power. Choice two," He cracked his neck to the sides, "I make you give up."

The part screamed louder, yelling at him to take the first choice. Unfortunately, it was quickly, and thoroughly, ignored. He lunged forward with a roar, bringing his fist down with the intent to drive the dragon into the ground with everything he had.

Spike responded by putting his hand up. The two appendages met with a loud 'THUD', Tirek's fist stopping dead on impact, "You know you could've made this easy on yourself, right?" He knocked the fist away and rocketed into Tirek's chest with a shoulder tackle, hitting him with enough force to fully take the centaur off his front hooves, following with a spinkick to his jaw that sent him teetering back onto his hind legs before blurring away.

Tirek let out a painful cough as he tried to regain his balance, his eyes darting about madly. "*Hack, hwah.!*Where....where did that bastard go!? I swear I'll...!"

"BAN-BUCKING-ZAI!!" The battlecry echoed from above, drawing his attention upward; just in time to see the dragon, wreathed in blue flame, rocket down onto him.

In a split-second, Tirek's vision was filled by dirt and rocks as his head was plowed into the ground, accompanied by a searing pain on the side of his head.

Spike landed a short distance away and watched since it seemed he was out cold. Several seconds passed before Tirek's arms finally moved, shaking as they did to slowly lift him up a bit. Needless to say, the centaur was a bit of a mess: one eye was beginning to bruise up and blood trickled from a gash at his hairline, adding more red to the formerly white mane. Once he managed to get one arm into position to prop himself up, he reached to his head with the other to feel where it still throbbed.

Only to make an indecipherable noise when his hand clutched the busted stump where one of his horns used to be. Panic briefly crossed his face when he saw it...several feet away. " M-my foci..." Without both his horns his real power-his spell-casting ability-was gone.

For the first time in as long as he could remember, Tirek now felt fear. Doing his best to try and get back to his feet, he looked to see the dragon, just standing there. A crack of lightening lit up the area, showing him watching, staring...completely still and silent. Still clutching the stub, he screamed, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?"

Spike imply shrugged, "Me? I'm Son Spike, Twilight Sparkle's assistant, her unofficial brother, and Princess Celestia's adopted son. I'm the adopted brother of Son Goku, grandson to Son Gohan, the man who taught me how to fight, and uncle to Goku's son, named after Grandpa. I'm a student of the Turtle Hermit, Muten Roshi, and managed to make it to the finals of three World Martial Arts Tournaments. I've faced off against armies, power-hungry alien fighters, a living machine obsessed with destruction, and a psychotic manchild of an entity that was almost indestructible. Granted, I didn't face them alone, or come out unscathed. Hell, I even died once or twice, and been brought back. I've fought against, and alongside, beings who could tear you and this planet apart before you even started to look for a place to hide. And I'm still standing." He looked Tirek dead in the eyes, flexing his arms "But, for now, I'm just the dragon that's going to kick your ass. Tsuinryuunakkru!"

The centaur could only looked on in shock as Spike's forearms were engulfed in a bright white glow. The moment they were covered, Spike looked at him...

And charged.


"So, any idea what the last one is?" Applejack asked once they reached the Chest of Harmony. The five currently found keys still resting in it.

"Well, we know so far they're items received from tests based on each of our elements." Twilight hesitated, "I don't know what mine is supposed to be, though. At first I thought that mine was guarding the magic the princesses gave me, but it doesn't look like that was it."

As the six mulled over the problem, Discord quietly fingered the medallion Tirek had given him, " Twilight?" He spoke up, "When Tirek demanded you choose, what were you about to say? Before our scaly associate arrived I mean."

"I was about to give the alicorn magic up so he'd let all of you go. Yes, even you Discord." She responded, seeing the look of surprise he was starting to take on, "To be honest, I don't really know if he would make good on his word, but I couldn't just leave my friends like that."

The draconequis looked at her, "Well, surprisingly, that actually makes this a little easier to say. I messed up; listening to him was one of the biggest mistakes I've made. I mean, even after what I pulled prior to all this you were still willing to let me in. Especially you, Fluttershy." He glanced over to her, "And what do I do in return? And like you said, you were going to surrender that power to to get everyone out there, even me. I know I'm no position to ask or expect forgiveness. And to be honest, I doubt you should even bother anyway. To put it bluntly...I'm sorry, for letting myself join Tirek, for breaking the trust you'd put in me, and...for everything, actually." He reached up and removed the medallion, "Tirek said his brother had given this to him as a symbol of how close they were. I'd say you're a lot more deserving of it than I am, Twilight." He finished, handing it to her.

The moment she touched it, she felt a sensation course through her and a wide smile crossed her face, "I think I figured it out." She said as the medallion began to spin and glow, "The test wasn't magic." Within seconds the medal had transformed into a golden six-pointed star matching her cutie mark, with one point the handle to the last key as it floated to the chest to join the rest, "You guys ready?"

"Oh yeah!"

"Darn tootin'!"


"Oh my!"


"On three." Twilight gripped the one bearing her mark with the others following suit, "One...two...three, NOW!"

The sound of locks opening echoed in the Tree of Harmony Chamber, followed by a flash of color as the lid of the chest opened. The color struck the tree, resulting in a blast of light that enveloped all six mares, imbuing them with power.


"HYA!" Spike yelled, slamming another fist into Tirek's face and sending him back to his knees, "Feel like giving up now? 'Cause I haven't even broken a sweat--" He stopped when something touched his senses, whatever it was, it felt familiar "Huh? What's that? Kinda feels like..."

The answer came in the form of a glowing orb emerging from a rent in the ground not far from where they were. Inside it were the others, but now they were transformed. Each one of changed; their hooves were clad in markings matching their cutie marks, manes and tails were much larger and literally rainbows of color. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow's wings were larger as well, wrapped in colors matching their manes.

And that was the physical change. Spike could feel the energy emanating from them. He didn't know what it was exactly, but it was obvious this was more bad news for Tirek.

"Hey guys!" Spike called out once he saw them, "Where'd you get that new power? I could feel it before you showed up!"

"Wha...huh...h-how...your magic....I took....I took it..." Tirek managed to spit out, albeit weakly as he forced himself back to his feet.

"Holy crap!!" Dash yelped along with the others when they saw him; the centaur's face was now a swollen and bloody mess. It looked like only one eye was currently usable, his beard and hair were more dark red than white now, the tip of the remaining horn was cracked, his torso and even parts of his lower body were covered in bruises and cuts, and judging from how his left arm hung, it was broken.

"Oh..heh, yeah." Spike scratched the back of his head, "I kinda got mad at him. He's all yours now." He began floating away to give them room.

"Do..don't you wa..*cough* walk away.....y-you....you wretch..." Tirek responded, trying to growl, and failing, "I'll kill... kill you...!"

"Over our dead bodies, Tirek!" Twilight snapped once they recovered from the shock of the sight, "You're finished!" With that, bolts of rainbow light shot from the group and struck the pummeled centaur before merging into a single beam. Tirek screamed as the magic was ripped away from him, reverting him back to his original decrepit form.

"Whoa!" Was all Spike could say as he watched the Mane 6 scatter across Equestria, returning the recovered magic. Within minutes the drained ponies were returned to normal. "That was awesome!" He yelled when they returned.

Unknown to him, while he was admiring what they had done, the excitement and adrenaline of finally defeating Tirek quickly drained away and was replaced by the realization that someone they cared about and had thought was dead for the last six months was back.

Spike was back. Needless to say, the resulting emotions hit fairly hard

"Any chance I can learn that? I mean, it seems kinda specialized, but it looked fu-HUUUU!" And said dragon was promptly knocked off his feet and dogpile...er, ponypile-hugged by six crying mares. "Girls...it's ok." He managed to wheeze out after figuring out why they were acting like that, "I'm back."

Author's Note:

Tsuinryuunakkru: the best I could get for Twin Dragon Knuckle.

For those somewhat curious, Tetsurou and I estimated Tirek's power to be around that of Lord Slug due to the damage he was able to do; and Goku took him out w/o going SSJ.