• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,642 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

Hazardous Mareterials.

Spike scratched his head as the CMC sat in front of him, eyeing him intently. "Well, To put it bluntly, the flying I use is more or less using ki for propulsion. Now, ki is, for lack of a better term, one's latent energy; once you learn how to pull it out, there's a lot you can do with it." He held up a finger, and a glowing energy ball appeared on the tip.

"Ooh, pretty!" Sweetie squeaked.

"Wicked!" Scootaloo's wings buzzed in excitement.

He chuckled and let it dissipate. "First off, you're gonna have to sense it before you can draw on it. Now, it's not going to happen all at once, and it may take you a while to do it, but if you focus, keep calm, and be patient, then it will happened. Ok?"

"Right!" They said in unison.

"First step; just relax, look deep within yourself. Search for what should feel like a glow, or spark. Once you find it, try and picture yourself drawing on it, pulling it out through your hands-er, front hooves, in this case. Remember, the results won't be instant. Just give it time and work on it when you can. Once all three of you get it, then we can start on the next step." He was about to get up when...

"Wow, Bloom!"

"Whoa nelly...!"

"You're kidding me! Already!? How'd you even do that!?"

Floating between Apple Bloom's front hooves was a small, flickering point of light. "Ah...Ah dunno. Was doin' what Spike said, an' Ah felt somethin' kinda like earth pony magic, but...different. Gave it a tug, an'..." Apple Bloom looked at the glow.

"Well, earth ponies do tend to be stronger, and one of the biggest applications of Ki is boosting strength." Spike chuckled, not even hiding his own surprise at how fast she got it. "But, like I said, once all three of you get it, then I should you the next step. Bloom, for now, just practice drawing on it. Maybe describing how it feels'll help them pick up on it too."

'You sure teaching those hyperactive little fluffballs to fly is a good idea?' King Kai's voice spoke up in Spike's head, once he'd left the fillies to practice at their own pace. 'Kids their age can get into a little mayhem just on the ground. Imagine when they get airborne.'

'Relax, King Kai. It's not like they'll be learning the Kamehama or Kienzan. Scootaloo really wants to fly. Besides, it just didn't seem fair to not teach it to all of them.'

'Well, you got a point, but I hope you're ready to explain that to their sisters.' With that, the ancient trainer left him alone.

"Where are you putting all that!?" Luna yelped at the restaurant they stopped at as, over the course of three hours, Spike downed his fiftieth donut, along with two trays of pesto lasagna, ten bowls of oatmeal with fruit, enough spaghetti to feed almost two dozen ponies, an eight inch high stack of pancakes, and four pounds of cheddar, gorgonzola, and swiss.

"Actually this is kind of a light meal compared to what I normally chowed on." Spike replied around an eclair. "Only down side is ponies aren't meat eaters."

"Oh, you ate meat on Earth?" Celestia asked, her expression showing that, while she knew that other races were carnivorous to varying degrees, she still felt it was an odd thing to enjoy eating.

"Yeah." He tapped one of his fangs. "These aren't just for gems, heh."

Before either princess could respond, the door slammed open as three fillies came charging in. "SPIKE! WE DID IT!" They squealed in unison, skidding to a halt in front of him.

"Already??" He asked, looking in surprise they promptly displayed three glowing points of light in their hooves, and on the tip of Sweetie's horn.

"It kind of tickles!" Sweetie giggled.

'Ok...mental note. If I ever see Videl again, never tell her about this.' Spike said to himself.


"You ok, Videl?" Hercule asked his daughter when she sneezed loudly while they were having dinner.

"I'm fine, Dad." She said, rubbing her nose. "Think you put too much pepper in the roast." 'Why do I have the strangest feeling that I should be annoyed at someone right now?'

"I'm guessing you three want to get to the next lesson..." He paused when three pairs of eyes started glittering, and three tails started wagging. "I'll take that as a yes." He turned to Celestia and Luna. "You wanna come watch?"

"Tempting, but I'm afraid we have to get back to Canterlot before the nobles realize we're gone and decide to be stupid." Celestia said, wiping some tomato sauce off her mouth.

"Which is whenever they start talking." Luna smirked a little.

"Now that's not nice, Luna." Celestia chided her sister lightly. "It's true, but still not nice." She Kissed Spike on the cheek. "We'll see you in the dream tonight, honey. I'm interested to see what happens next."

"Ok. See you later, Mom." He said as they paid the bill and teleported out. Once they were gone, he turned to the three fillies. They were so excited they were nearly pronking in place. "All right, all right. Let's go find a quiet spot to do this. However..." He added as they went outside, "...before I even start, I want all three of you to understand one important thing. Learning to fly is all well and good, but until you're fully accustomed, I expect you to have at least one adult around who can watch you in case something goes wrong, ok?"

"Ok." They said in unison.

"Also, and this is a big deal; flying's one thing, but Ki manipulation can be really dangerous, or possibly fatal if you aren't careful with how you mold it. If any of you wanna try something besides flight, I want you want to run it by me and your sisters or Rainbow Dash first to make sure you can handle it safely, understand?"


By then they'd reached an area not far from Sweet Apple Acres that. No one was around, so they wouldn't bother anybody. "All right, next lesson. Now that you've figured out how to feel out your ki, the next thing is to draw it out and expel it. Kind of like when you set off a firework. First step; let your muscles relax and loosen up. Don't tense up or you're mess up your focus." He fought the urge to snicker when they wobbled around for a moment to do just that.

Once they got that out of the way, he continued. "Now, relax and draw on that power, feel it in your core and push it out. This is is a bit more involved than just feeling it out do it might take a little.."

"Whoa...!" Bloom cut him off, looking at Scootaloo who'd began floating several inches off the ground.

"I...I'm flying?" The young pegasus looked to see she was in the air on her own power 'I am..'. Her expression of surprise quickly morphed into an ecstatic one as she began gliding around. "I'm flying....I'm flying!" She squealed in joy, doing a loop-de-loop in the process. "I'M FLYYYINGG!!"

"Then again, it might not take long at alOOF!"

He stumbled when she slammed into him, wrapping her front legs around his neck like a life preserver. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!" She cried.

"Ok, ok." Spike laughed, getting his balance back. "Here, just try floating around until they get..."

"Ooh! Spike I think I ...I got it!" Sweetie squeaked, lifting up a few feet in the air.

"What am Ah doin' wrong!?" Apple Bloom complained a few minutes later, hopping in place while the other two hovered around nearby.

"Bloom, relax. Remember, tensing up like you are won't help." Spike crouched beside her. "Feel the energy in your core and push it out.

"'Kay..." She took a deep breath and followed his instructions. Closing her eyes, she focused, and soon the grass around her began rippling outward, like from an unexpected wind. Moments later, she began to rise into the air.

"There you go!" Spike chuckled.

"Ah did it...Ah'm flyin'!" She laughed, gliding over to Scoot and Sweetie.

"WOO-HOO! Wait'll Rainbow Dash sees this!" Scootaloo whooped, flipping around.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS ARIAL SQUADRON!" They hollered together, buzzing around the area like a trio of wired hummingbirds.

"All right you three. Take it easy, you can run out of energy pretty quick at first." Of course, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were too caught up in the excitement and were now well into a game of flying tag. Sweetie however, was slowing. Although, when he saw her looking a little green, he surmised that it wasn't because of him. "You ok, Sweetie?"

"I feel kinda dizzy..." She groaned, holding her stomach, belching slightly. "Ew...think I went too fast."

"Ouch...here, just sit there, or maybe lay down and let things settle." He sighed and looked up where the other two were zipping off. "I have a couple of speed-junkies to catch." He quickly went after them.

"Gotcha!" Bloom yelled, giving Scootaloo a fly-by booping. "Yer it!"

"Not for long!" She smirked, giving chase...until Spike blurred into view in front of them.

"JUMPING SASSAFRAS!/YOW!" They shriek, flailing to a stop before they hit him.

"How'd you do that!?" Apple Bloom squeaked, clutching her chest.

"Just something that helps with catching fillies that get ahead of themselves. Let's head down. No sense tiring yourselves out right off---"

It was then that they heard Sweetie Bell's scream.