• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,642 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

The Return

Barely a pinprick against the inky backdrop of space, the tiny, one-man spaceship plowed its way through the void. After what seemed like an eternity, its target was soon coming into view.

"Entering Planetary Border, T-Minus Three Minutes." The on-board computer of the small spherical craft beeped as a small cloud of gas was briefly vented into the face of its lone occupant, "Applying Recovery Vapor." Within seconds, a pair of green eyes shone inside the dark cockpit. The figure blinked a few times before looking out the front window of the rapidly approaching planet.

"There it is...after all this time..." He sighed.

"So much for the saying, 'you can never go back', huh?" A nasally voice spoke up in his mind, grabbing his attention.

"King Kai??" He responded, his tone lightly tinged with surprise.

"What, you were expecting the pizza guy?" The voice chuckled briefly, "A lil nervous, I take it?"

"Kind of. I mean, I've been gone for a long time..."

"Relax, from what you've said about your buddies down there, I doubt they'd have forgotten you that easily."

"Yeah...guess I'm more worried about whether they'll still be around. Like I said, it's been a while."

" Well, you won't know until you get down there. Speaking of getting down, they did warn you about the so-called landings with those capsules...didn't they?"

"What do you mean? It's just gonna touch down, right?"

He heard the otherworldly being mutter something less than flattering about a blue-haired scientist. "You might wanna brace yourself. Sayian spacecraft tend to make quite the impression when they land...liter-whoa!" Kai blurted out before finishing his sentence.

"What's wrong?" He asked, alarmed at Kai's sudden stop.

"It's a good thing you're arriving now, 'cause there's a fairly high power level down there. Mean sonovagun, too, from the feel of it. Better get your game face on."

"Right." He took a took a breath and braced himself as his ship entered the atmosphere. "Figures I'd have a fight on my hands the same day I make it home."

-----------On Equestria-----------

The hulking centaur known as Lord Tirek chuckled darkly as he looked at Twilight Sparkle, the newest addition to the Equestrian Princesses. Above him floated six transparent orbs, each one holding her friends hostage: Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and the draconequis, Discord; all of them looking pale and weakened after having their magic stolen by him.

"So, Princess," he mocked, "What will it be; the magic...or your friends?"

Twilight bit back the urge to call him something foul and looked at the others; with the exception of the morose-looking Discord, all of them were yelling for her not to give in to the demand. Before she could respond, though, a faint whistling sound from above caught their attention

"What in Tartarus is that noise?!" Tirek blurted out, looking up.

Twilight followed his gaze to a strange object hurtling down from the sky, "What IS that? Doesn't look like a shooting star, it's not burning up. Moving far too quickly for a normal meteor, and... it's heading this way!" She yelled out loud.

Without another thought, Tirek leaped back as far as he could - bringing his prisoners along, since he still needed his bargaining chip - and Twilight teleported to what she hoped was a safe distance. Within seconds of them clearing the area, the object thundered into the ground, throwing up a massive cloud of dirt and debris on impact. The group stared at the sight in various stages of surprise, shock, and confusion.

Even Discord's attention had been aroused, "Well...that happened."

"Yeah, but what the hay WAS it!?" Applejack responded.

Once the dirt and rocks cleared, and the resulting cloud cleared enough, Twilight tentatively made her way to the impact sight. " Celestia's fetlocks!" A massive crater, almost thirty feet across and fifteen deep, lay before her.

However it wasn't so much the crater itself that surprised her; it was the large silvery sphere resting at the center, indicating that it had been the object they were watching. Her eyes widened at the sight. 'Whatever it is, it's definitely not natural or pony-made!' One side had a large red-colored circle, resembling a disc or cap. And the curving lines she could see reminded her, oddly enough, of a tennis ball. 'Where did it come from?!'

As if picking up on her questions, a sudden hiss emanated from it and the red capped side swung down, revealing itself as a hatch. The inside was too dark for her to see.

Whatever it was, it had been occupied. As soon as the hatch was down, a figure slowly climbed out.

"Man, King Kai wasn't kidding when he said these things make an entrance," The stranger muttered, its voice alarmingly familiar to Twilight and the others. Once in view, she saw the newcomer was dressed in an odd orange and blue outfit with a strange symbol on it. Judging from the build, they appeared to be male, with purple...

Her breath hitched when she saw he had purple scales, a long reptilian tail that ended in a spade-like tip, and long, green spines trailing along the top of his head. It was then that he looked up and spotted her, his expression brightening.

"Twilight? That you?"


Author's Note:

This is mostly just something to help me try and get me back in the spirit of writing.