• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,642 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

Spike VS. Tirek: Let's Get Ready To Rumble!

Author's Note:

Fair warning: I've never really written a real fight scene before, so...

Seven pairs of eyes widened when they saw Tirek get slugged. Spike's blow packed enough force to nearly lift the centaur off his front hooves. He would've fallen over if it wasn't for him staggering back several yards.

"Did...did anyone else see that!?" Rarity managed to speak up, though it came as more of a squeak.

Applejack winced as she watched Tirek try to regain balance. "Ah think Ah felt it!" the look on his face was enough to show some damage had been done.

"You kidding? The guy's got a glass jaw; that wasn't even one of Spike's hardest punches!" All seven jumped when they heard the voice in their heads.

'WHOA! Whda-watzah!?" Rainbow almost flipped herself over in shock as she tried to find the owner.

"Did..did the rest of you hear that!?" Fluttershy yelped.

Twilight looked around in alarm, "I think we all did, Fluttershy. But, what WAS that, anyway!"

"Well, at least you all heard me. Look, I'll explain everything shortly, but for now you might wanna get going."

"Who are-?" Twilight started to ask, only to have the rest drop off when they all saw Spike follow through with a left jab/uppercut combo that sent Tirek stumbling back even further.

"The name's King Kai. I said I'll explain, but the sooner you open that box or chest or whatever and get that magic back, the sooner I can! Besides, judging from how miffed Spike is, that spot's about to become a war zone."

"I..." She sighed, "All right. Let's go."

As Tirek tried to recover from the attack, Spike glanced over to see them running from the area, 'Good, their getting away. Now to keep this bastard focused on me for a while.' He chuckled mirthlessly, watching the centaur wipe away a bit of blood from the corner of his mouth' "Don't tell me the 'mighty' Lord Tirek can't handle a couple of punches."

"You've signed your death warrant, whelp!" he growled murderously, charging up a magic blast from his horns. "DIE!" the orange and black beam lanced towards Spike, who seemed to pay the attack little mind...

Until he suddenly appeared to the side, letting it pass to gouge out a bit of the nearby mountain. He looked at the twenty-foot wide hole with a mix of confusion and slight disgust. 'Is..Is he kidding?? Piccolo's Makankōsappō packed a bigger punch than that back when he still hated me!'

"I don't know how you managed to avoid that, but now your expression tells me you've realized just who you're up against." Tirek sneered, though his voice was still laced with fury.

"That was pathetic!"

"What!?" Tirek hissed.

"I mean, seriously! Barely felt anything from that when it went by me!" He snorted somewhat derisively. "I guess all that magic you stole went towards making your fat ass look intimidating, huh?"

"RAH!" the centaur roared, unleashing another attack. Once again, the dragon hung motionless in the air. This time, though, he tensed, preparing to redirect the beam when the purple upstart dodged.

Howerver, he wasn't prepared to see him fly right into it. Tirek's eyes widened as he watched the dragon disappear inside. Moment's passed before he let out a triumphant laugh. "Was THAT your grand plan to stop me, whelp!? Kil yourself? HA! HA-HA-HAHAHAHA!!"

"No really. More like demonstrate something."

His laughter died immediately when he heard the response, the resulting loss of concentration caused the beam to end, revealing Spike floating scant meters away.

And without a scratch on him. Even his garments looked untouched.

"Like I said..." he continued before blurring away.

Tirek never got a chance to react before something thundered into his solar plexus, causing him to bow over and cough up a mouthful of blood. He'd been struck before, but those were spells or attempts with spears and hooves. Nothing like this; the pain was unreal! The only reaction he was capable of making was a slight gagging/hacking sound before managing to force himself to look down.

Just in time to see Spike remove his feet from his gut.

If he had just two legs the impact would have folded him up like a chair, though it was still capable of sending him down to three knees clutching his stomach, coughing up more blood and trying to fight the urge to vomit.

"How much of that magic are you even really using and how much went towards just looking tough?"

"You...miserable...!" Tirek gasped out once he was able to breath properly. Noticing how close his opponent was, he threw himself forwards, lunging both hands out to grab him. "I...I'll crush...you!"

His hands were just withing reach when Spike raised his own up to the sides of his face, fingers fanned out.


"Solar whaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" with that, Tirek's world erupted in searing white


Meanwhile, the the group had reached and entered the Everfree. They were making their way to the tree when they heard the scream.

Twilight stopped abruptly and looked around, "What was that?"

"Ooh...sounds like me when Ah tried usin' a flashlight the first time." Applejack scrunched her eyes up in sympathy, "Had the wrong end pointed at mah face." A glare was sent at Rainbow and Discord when they snickered. "Hey! Ah was a filly back then! And those industrial style ones HURT when they're that close!" She grumbled, "Was seein' dang spots till dinnertime."


Spike watched Tirek thrash around, screaming in a mix of pain and fury.

"MY EYES!" the centaur raged, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY EYES!?"

"The Solar Flare. A defensive technique designed to temporarily blind the target." Spike responded, not really bothering to make sure he was heard correctly, "Then again, I don't think it's ever been used at point-blank range."

"YOU FILTHY....AHH! I'LL KILL YOU!" He blinked rapidly as his eyesight slowly started to return, his beard now stained red with already drying blood.

"Big talk considering I'm the one doing the ass-kicking so far." Spike watched him begin to crawl back to his hooves, "All that 'power' you claim to have's been real help for you, hasn't it?" He quickly threw up a forearm to block the punch Tirek threw at him, a loud thud signifying the impact.

Another followed, an uppercut this time. It was kicked away, his talons leaving a gash across two of the knuckles. He responded with a straight right, his fist finding its mark between Tirek's squinting eyes, and once again sending him stumbling.

"Like my brother said once, 'You're just a big target for me.'"

"ENOUGH!" Tirek howled once he could see again, flickers of orange and black-colored magic crackling around his eyes and between his horns. "I AM LORD TIREK, I CONTROL ALL OF EQUESTRIA; THE LAND, THE INHABITANTS, AND THE HEAVENS THEMSELVES NOW BOW TO MY WHIM!" as he said this, the clouds up above began to draw in. The closer they got, the more they began to spin together until a massive storm cloud had formed, giving everything an eerie, almost nighttime look. "AND I WILL NOT BE MOCKED BY A MISERABLE UPSTART LIKE YOU!"


Spike looked up when the crack of thunder echoed and simply frowned at the beginning of rain hitting him. A second bolt of lightening struck the ground not far from them.

"And now yow will feel my wrath!"

"You done?"

"Far from..."

"No," Spike cut him off, landing back on the ground. "Are you done with your little bitch fit? You've gone on about how strong you are, but so far all you've really done is scream and make it rain. Like you said, all of it is magic you stole from the ponies. Key word: stole. None of it's yours, not really anyway. Just what you took away from others." a scowl covered his face. "You're nothing but a megalomaniacal parasite." he paused to crack his knuckles and take a stance, "How 'bout I show you what real power; power EARNED looks like?"

"Your head will adorn my new throne!" Tirek growled out, preparing to unleash all he had on the dragon. It was then that he heard it; faint at first, like something in the far distance gradually getting closer-and louder...


It was coming from the dragon. A loud rumble emanated under him from the rocks and chunks of the ground itself that were suddenly ripped up by an unexpected force.

Before they were sent flying by the following shockwave.


"Anypony else have the urge to suddenly scream 'ROCK THE DRAGON!' ?"