• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,671 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

The Adventure Begins: Monkey Madness

Once the laughter, and snortfest, died down, Spike looked back at the scene. "Yeah, judging by the way Pilaf was stomping and flailing around, he wasn't really happy about losing his wish and voice."

Velvet fought back a snort of her own. "Compared to how he sounded, it's an improvement."

"Well, after that, I saw the dragonballs starting to flying off in different directions. Turns out they scatter around the world again after the wish is made. Anyway, when I saw them doing that, I tried to chase after what I thought was the four star ball."

"Hey, wait! Come back!" Spike took off in his attempt to catch up with the one he thought was Grandpa's, barely acknowledging a furious Pilaf, who was trying to mime his orders now. Unfortunately, the ball flew a lot faster than he could run and disappeared into the distance. "Grandpa's dragon ball..."

He stared at where he'd last saw it for a moment and sighed, turning back to give Goku the bad news when he saw him and the others had managed to finish getting through the wall. He also recognized the tired look Goku had whenever he was hungry, and it reminded him that he hadn't had anything in a while either. The way his stomach decided to start growling then didn't help, either.

"Spike! What are you doing!? We gotta get out of here!" Bulma yelled, only to shriek when the other lady started shooting at them. Yamcha grabbed the out-of-it Goku and took off across the balcony, leaving him to hurry and catch up.

"Wow, not a good spot to get hungry at." Celestia said, watching as they were forced back into the castle.

"Yeah. Kinda hard to run around when all you wanna do at the moment is sit down to dinner. All the dogs they let out to chase us didn't help." Spike rubbed his stomach. "I managed to knock out a few, and the others got some as well, but we ended up having to surrender when the lady and dog guy got the drop on Bulma."

Bulma ran her hand over the metal wall of the room they'd been thrown into. So far, nothing they'd thrown at it worked; punching, biting, even a kamehameha and fire didn't put a scratch in it. Goku's attempt to jump through the glass room only got him a bump on the noggin. Spike tried to dig through the floor, but could only score it at best.

"Well, I, for one, am not giving up." Yamcha declared. "We're getting out, then I'm hunting down those dragon balls again to get my wish."

"That's just it, we can't make another wish. Not for a year, anyway." Bulma replied.

"W-what do you mean??"

"It's part of the legend; after the wish is made, the balls scatter back all over the planet and become inert for a full year. Until then, they're little more than round stones."

"You mean we won't be able to find Grandpa's 'till then?" Spike gulped, worried about what might happen to it in the meantime.

"I have to be nervous about women for ANOTHER year!?" Yamcha whimpered, Puar doing his best to console him.

"And another year before I can wish for a boyfriend..." She slumped against the wall.

"Hello? Hello, this thing on? Ow!" The voice of the dog guy spoke up over an intercom nearby. "Right, um, Emperor Pilaf wishes to let you know that waiting a year is the least of your...workies?...warbles? Your penmanship is horrible! YEOW! Ok, ok! Oh, 'worries'. Because he personally designed that room. He calls it his Easy-Bake...Orifice?...wait, 'Office'"


"What? It's not my fault Pilaf's writing is bad! OW! H-he built it to see just how hot a room could get from absorbing sunlight. So, enjoy the rest of the night, because when the sun rises tomorrow, you all fry like chickens. Ew...so much for wanting fried chicken tomorrow-OWIE!"

Rainbow forced her jaw back up after that. "Ok, that Pilaf guy officially qualifies as a grade A cowpatty!"

"Really, Rainbow! There no need to use such language!" Rarity scolded. "It's true, but still no need."

"On the bright side, we didn't stay in there for very long" Spike added. "How we got out...heh, that's a different kettle of fish. While Bulma and Oolong argued, Puar tried to relax with a bit of moonwatching."

"That sounds nice." Fluttershy's wings flapped a little in appreciation.

"Yeah, except it reminded me and Goku about the monster that shows up when the moon's full, the one that killed Grandpa. Bulma didn't believe us until we told her about that part. We still didn't know what it looked like cause Goku had passed out, and I went to hide like he told me to. We didn't know why they acted so odd at that, but they probably figured out what had happened..then Bulma yelled at him to not look at the moon...while pointing right at it."

"And that made him look at it." Twilight mumbled something that showed she wondered about the girl's common sense.

"Pretty much. Nothing happened at first, so they all figured they'd panicked over nothing...then he started changing."

Everyone else quickly stepped back when they saw Goku's transformation into a massive, and vicious-looking ape-like beast.

"Woo...almost forgot how big those guys can get." Chronoa looked up at the fully-changed boy.

"'Those'? You mean there's more people how can do this!?" Shining squawked, pointing weakly at the sight.

"There used to, as in a whole race, but they aren't really around anymore. And the ones still around lost the ability." She snickered at the way he still looked at Goku.

"Anyway, he managed to break through the roof, and started smashing up the palace." Spike turned as the scene started back up.

"We better get outta here while we're still in one piece!" Oolong yelled once they managed to climb out of the hole Goku had made. The pig looked up to see the monsterfied boy flatten one of the palace towers with one punch. "Like NOW!"

Spike, on the other hand, spotted something poking up out of the rubble not too far off. "The power pole!" He yelled, seeing the red staff.

"Spike! What are you doing!?" Bulma screamed, seeing him run opposite of where they were heading.

"I can't leave our pole behind!" He called back, prying it out after a couple hard tugs. "Wait a sec..." He looked back at where Goku was smashing things. "Hang on a second!"

"ARE YOU INSANE!?" They all shrieked when he ran towards the epicenter of destruction.

"Power Pole, Extend!" He shouted, planting one end in the ground and riding it up until he was eye-level with his brother. "Goku!" He called out, getting the giant ape's attention. It roared at him, looking ready to take a swing at this new target. "Come on, Goku, knock off all the smashing!" Spike yelled. "You remember how much trouble we got into the last time we broke a building!"

Goku halted for a moment, still growling and snarling, but a bit more subdued.

"What do you mean 'the last time you broke a building'?" Velvet and Celestia asked in unison, giving him a double Mom-Voice.

Spike hesitated before answering. "We kinda found an old house in the woods a few miles from our place. Goku and I thought no one was around, and it was empty, that it'd be a good place to spar...and kinda leveled it." He laughed sheepishly. "Turns out a relative of the old owner knew about the place and was planning to sell it. He wasn't too happy to see it in pieces...Grandpa got onto us about it and we weren't allowed to practice without him around for a week."

"Spike..." Twilight facehoofed slightly.

"What? We apologized, and there wasn't a sign or anything saying it."

"Still..." She said.

"Um, anyway..."

"So just put that wall down." Spike called out, seeing Goku look like he was calming down. "Well, we know why Grandpa said never look at the full moon now." He pointed at him. "We kind of owe him an apology, you know?"

The giant ape snorted reluctantly.

"Well, come on, let's find a way to get you to change--OW!" Spike yelped as he and Goku were suddenly pelted with gunfire from an airplane that was circling over them now. "Owowowowow! Cut it out-ow-that stings! Those things hurt!"

Goku roared, shielding his face from the stinging gunfire while the plane kept buzzing out of reach. Meanwhile, the others had ran for cover.

"Spike, get out of there!" Bulma shouted. "They're trying to kill...MISSILE! THEY HAVE A MISSILE; MOVE!"

"A miss-what?" He looked at the plane and saw something come out from underneath it, right before it came flying right at him and Goku. He didn't know what it was exactly, but Bulma's screaming meant it wasn't anything good.

The missile shot straight towards Goku, who turned out to be a lot quicker on the draw than expected. Soon as it was close enough, Goku snatched it out of the air and raised it up above his hair just as it exploded, covering him and Spike in a heavy cloud of smoke.

For a moment, the whole area was quiet, except for the rumble of the plane engine, and what sounded like faint cheers from the cockpit. Then a coughing fit was heard as the cloud faded, leaving both of them unharmed.

And covered in soot from the blast. "We're fine!" Spike waved from the pole, chuckling some. "Wow, that was loud." He looked at Goku...and both sputtered into laughter at how silly they looked now.

Which was bad news for the plane, because when Goku waved an arm in his laughing, he clipped it, knocking a wing off and sending it spiraling off the the dirt. The result: a heap of busted metal and its three occupants sprawled out, and for lack of a better term, knocked shitless.

'A fun end to that, all thing's considered, aside from the paper work that gave me because of how much was changed from the last time.' Chronoa thought to herself, watching the others stare intently at the scene.