• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,650 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

Cotton Hiding Iron.

The look on Starlight's face was confident, almost smug, when the group arrived at her house. "Ah, ready to learn what true friendship is?"

Twilight fought the urge to snap back at that and schooled her face into a neutral expression. "Actually, Starlight, we've been looking around, and...well, curiosity's gotten the better of us. Why do you all the same cutie mark? I though that occurred only among identical twins."

"Well, not to boast, but, it's thanks partially to my hoof. When I began my crusade for equality, I realized that different marks representing different talents would only cause jealousy and resentment. So I took it upon myself to rectify that!"

"And the equal sign cutie marks you all have now?"

"Since it represents things having the same value in math, I felt that it was the best way to symbolize how all ponies should be! No striving to prove you're better than somepony at something and vice versa."

"Interesting, but how in the world did you manage that?? As far as we're aware, that...that's impossible." She did her best to make it sound like she was showing a measure of interest.

It must have worked, because Starlight chuckled lightly. "Well, that little miracle came about when I discovered the Staff of Sameness! One of Mage Meadowbrook's nine enchanted artifacts, you see. With it, I was able to free all these ponies from the strife and misery their marks were causing them!"

"Intriguing, but why destroy the marks?"

"Destroy? Oh, heavens no. All the marks are kept in the vault as a reminder of their dangers. Come, I'll show you. When you see it, I'm sure you'll agree it's the right thing to do."

With that, Starlight led them off to a nearby cave. Along the way, Twilight continued pressing for information. "So, Starlight, what exactly happens when a pony's cutie mark is removed?"

"Once the mark is gone, that so-called 'special' talent goes with it, leaving a pony who is no more or less talented than any other! Unicorn do things by hoof, and pegasi walk, same as anyone!" It was impossible not to hear the pride and sense of vindication in her tone; something that left a bad taste in all six of their mouths for some reason. As they walked, the others noticed Twilight would quickly hit various places on the wall with a spell of some kind whenever Starlight wasn't looking. None of them recognized it, but kept quiet, knowing she must've had something in store.

Soon, they reached an open area of the cavern. In it was a veritable wall of cutie marks, all contained in glass boxes. In front it rested a two-pronged staff. "Behold, the vault and Staff!"

"Well, I must admit, darling. that is quite the impressive display." Rarity commented.

Rainbow whistled. "That's a lot of cutie marks."

"Quite. And once you add yours to it, you'll see why equality is best for all of Equestria! When ponies learn a princess has joined us, everyone will make a pilgrimage to our town!"

"Just...hang on a moment, Startlight." Twilight held up a hoof. "Now, I take it the aftereffects of losing their talent is mild."


"Of course. I mean, it's bound to be jarring at the very least." She continued. "Since technically you are removing part of a pony's body. And while the short term effects may seem negligible, there are also the long term psychological and potential health ramifications. Exactly how long HAVE these ponies been without their marks? And was the process done with a licensed medical team on site?"

"Uh...well...It's the Staff! One of Meadowbrook's artifacts! Of course it's safe...!" Starlight blustered, breaking into a nervous sweat.

Twilight shook her head. "I'm sorry, but this violates multiple statutes in regards to equine experimentation. Now, I have nothing personal against what you're trying to do here, and I respect your intentions, but until the magic involved is thoroughly tested and confirmed safe for use on ponies with no negative long term side effects; mental, physical, or otherwise...as a citizen and princess of Equestria, I'll have to confiscate that artifact for examination and ask that you halt your efforts for the time being."

"Confis....no! You...you can't do that!" Starlight nearly shrieked, backing away from them.

"Well, you said unicorns here don't use magic, and since you gave up your own special talent...I kinda think she can." Rainbow didn't even bother to hide her snarky tone. The idea of giving up her beloved mark still rankling her.

"Unless that ain't the whole story..." Applejack said, her eyes narrowing.

Starlight lunged for the staff, pointing it at them. "You'll join us ANY-AHHH!" She screamed when Twilight proved faster, hitting the staff with a burst of lavender light, shattering it like a hammer on fine china. She stumbled back onto her rear, surrounded by the splintered remains of the staff. "The...the Staff of Sameness...you destroyed it!"

"I used a standard Repulsar, designed to push actual magical items out of someone's grip. The only way the staff would shatter like that is if it was never magical to begin with." Twilight kicked a larger fragment aside. "And, just for the record, Meadowbrook only made EIGHT items. Which means the magic used in removing the marks...is all yours."

"NO!" Starlight's horn lit up as she attempted to teleport away...

Only to land in a heap back where she was. She tried again, and got the exact same result.

"Teleportation detour charms. I decided to play it safe and set up several on the way here be sure we couldn't be ambushed from outside. Of course it also prevents teleporting out. Now..." Twilight's voice and expression hardened as she advanced on the sweating unicorn. "Talk."

"I may be stuck, but I can STILL take your cutie marks!" Starlight snarled.


"FLuttershy!" Rainbow yelped, dodging Starlight as she tumbled past.


"What 'what'? You just clocked her with a frying pan!"

Fluttershy glanced at the slightly dented kitchen implement she still had a hold on. "Well, she was going to try and take our cutie marks-"

"No, I mean, where'd you even get it!?"

"Oh. From Pinkie."

"What?" The pony in question spoke up from the looks she got. "You think I'm not gonna bring something to cook with after tasting those nasty muffins?" She looked over at Glimmer, who was trying to clear the cobwebs. "But first...!"

"Uhhh...you little feathered..." She snarled, rubbing the growing knot on the back of her skull. Any further insults died when she realized the barrel of a cannon was somehow now staring her in the face, along with a miffed Pinkie Pie.



"Son of a...!" Starlight managed to get out before a cloud of high-speed confetti sent her flank over teakettle. Before she could recover from that, her head snapped to the side as something slapped the taste out of her mouth. "OW!"

Twilight cocked an eyebrow at the designer handbag Rarity was now brandishing.

"You saw the atrocities they tried to call 'capes'!" The fashionista replied, giving Starlight another whap for good measure.

"Forget the shpel!" Starlight growled through swelling cheeks. "I'll tear em off wit my teef!"


"WAH! STOP HITTING ME IN THE FASHE!" Starlight screamed, holding her eye after something ricocheted off her noggin.

"AJ...is that..." Twilight asked, looking the red, wrinkled, and VERY hard-looking object Applejack picked up.

"Yep, meet Ol' Ruby, the first apple Ah ever bucked off a tree; had her since Ah was a filly. Plus, she can give a pony a concussion at twenty paces!"

Staggering some, and more than a little wobbly, Starlight bared her teeth, still trying to fight. Then she spotted Rainbow up above...and busy eating popcorn. "Are...*pthooie!* are you gonna hit me too?" She asked, spitting out a loose tooth.

"Not really." Rainbow said between mouthfuls. "The others've all been thematic with how they smacked you, and there just isn't enough room in here for me to punch you with a Sonic Rainboom-"

"Wait, WHAT??"

"-so I got Pinkie to whip up some popcorn so I can watch."

"It's Twilight's turn now, so I made some for everyone!" Pinkie chirped as she and the other four gathered around a big bowl. Meanwhile, Twilight was slowly walking towards her opponent, an almost unholy glow coiling around the alicorn's horn.

Starlight 's ears drooped, and her eyes shrank to pinpoints as the glow seemed to climb along the floor and walls of the cavern and the stones around her groan, some cracking. "Heh..." She chuckled weakly. "Is it too late for diplomacy?"

Twilight just frowned. "After proving you've lied to this entire town?"

"I HAD to! I know that staff was fake, but they wouldn't have listened to me if I said I knew a spell that could it! I HELPED them! I saved those ponies from any more misery! No cutie marks means they won't have to go through what I did!"

"What you went through...?" Twilight looked in disbelief. "What could have possibly happened that warranted all this?!"

As if on cue, Starlight launched into a story about how her childhood friend, a colt named Sunburst, had gotten his cutie mark before her and the two drifted apart, except she blamed the mark for him 'leaving her' and how it kept her from making any other friends because she didn't want to have them leave her when they got their marks. So now she's made it her duty to remove all cutie marks so what she suffered didn't happen to others.

"Wait, waitwaitwait...hold on." Fluttershy looked at her, her expression showing she didn't buy any of that. "So, because you and your friend drifted apart because he got his cutie mark before you, you're determined to make everyone as miserable as you, just so you don't have to admit you didn't even want to TRY and find other friends?" She suddenly exploded. "THAT'S THE STUPIDEST, MOST ASS-BACKWARDS EXCUSE I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE!"

"WHAT!?" Starlight snapped, glaring at her as she horn lit up. "What do YOU know about...!"

"Ok, opening fire." Twilight muttered.

Outside, nearly every pony was startled, and more than a little scared when a bright light shone out from the cave the cutie mark vault was held in, coupled with a faint oscillating howl that lasted for several seconds before it, and the light, faded.

Inside, once the smoke and dust cleared, Twilight coughed, shaking a bit of rock from her mane, the others sat where they were, their manes blown back by the force of her spell. "Ah think ya overdid it a mite, Twi." Applejack managed to get out, looking to the far side of the cavern.

Embedded in a crater in the wall, a twitching, scorched, and 'knocked-the-buck-out' Starlight Glimmer could be seen.

"Girls! The vault!" Rarity pointed to the sealed marks while she tried to restore her curls.

They looked over in time to see the boxes cracking; the shockwave from Twilight's spell having damaged them. Within seconds, they shattered, releasing a swarm of cutie marks that immediately began flying back to their owners. All except for one.

"Say, anyone else notice that?" Rainbow asked. "Not one cutie mark flew over to Starlight."

"I know. And once we get out of here, the town'll know too." Twilight said, using her magic to pull the unconscious mare out.

Outside, though, the town was in a panic about getting their marks back. Some were furious or terrified, while a small number looked wistful at feeling their old talents coming back to them. All of them began bombarding the girls with questions when they saw them exiting the cave with Starlight floating behind them.

"What happened to the vault!?" Party Favor cried out, looking more surprised than anything.

"What happened to Starlight??" Sugar Belle asked.

"What'd you outsiders do to her!?" Another demanded.

"Startlight Glimmer lied to all of you." Twilight said simply, levitating her over to let them see.

"She's still got her equality mark...!?" Double Diamond stepped closer amidst the shocked noises of the others. "How...?"

"Simple. Pinkie?" They watched as the party pony used her tail to wipe the equal sign off, exposing Starlight's real cutie mark. "She never gave hers up. This whole thing started because her childhood friend got his cutie mark before her. But, instead of going to talk to him about why they didn't hang out together, or even try and make other friends, she blamed it all on cutie marks while wallowing in her own self-pity."

"So she talked us into giving ours up?" Double's friend, a mare by the name of Night Glider asked. "Just so others would hate cutie marks with her?"

"Pretty much." Twilight replied, setting the mare on the ground in front of them. "The sad thing is, she never even thought about what could've happened if she'd gotten hers first. But..." She just shook her head.

Unfortunately, by then, Starlight was coming to. "Wha...oh...anyone get the name of that yak...YOU!" She hissed, leveling a death glare at Twilight.

"Actually, Glimmy, I think you have bigger problems." She pointed towards the angry-looking crowd.

"You lied to us!" Night Glider yelled. "I can't believe we thought you were helping us!"

Starlight tried to justify what she did, claiming she freed them, that she created harmony for them, getting more and more belligerent until...

"HORSEAPPLES!" Sugar Belle yelled, looking ready to sock her. "You know, I thought your spiel was a good idea at first, but I've come to HATE not having my cutie mark! You have ANY idea how much it sucks not being able to do what you really enjoy!? I love baking, but those...those things - I can't even call them muffins without feeling like I've committed a mortal sin - it's impossible not to see how any of us could barely stomach them! ("PREACH IT, SISTAH!" Pinkie screamed.) I LOVE baking! Pies, cakes, cookies...and I love the look on ponies faces when they bite into something that's tasty, and actually edible!" She looked Starlight dead in the eye. "And to be honest, Glimmer, you were always kind of smug about being able to remove cutie marks and I'm glad to have mine back."

"Same here!" Party Favor added, sticking a top hat made from balloons on Double's head. "Feels good being able to do this again!"

Several other ponies voiced their agreement, expressing how much they missed their old skills, until Starlight let out a shriek of fury, her horn lighting up. "You'll PAY for this, Sparkle! You and your gang!" She screamed, teleporting away.

"Should we go after her?" Rainbow asked.

"Nah, she's bound to pop back up soon with some kind of 'payback' scheme." Twilight paused when she felt her mark pulsate, along with the others. "Well...I guess that means we've done what we were sent to do." She added, watching the townsfolk. "Pinkie, where you going?"

"Sugar Belle can cook again, and I'm hungry!" Pinkie bounced back to the cafe.

"You really think Spike can teach those fillies to fly?" Luna asked as they watched the CMC scramble around on his shoulders.

Celestia shrugged lightly. "After what we've seen so far....pretty fair odds."