• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,650 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

Chapter 31

"You two ok?" Spike waved a hand in front of Ember's face. "Hello? Yoo-hoo."

"NO! No! Nope! Not possible!" She yelled, making him zip back a little. "I call...I don't know what to call it, but THAT..." She pointed at Spike, giving him a look that screamed 'Explain. NOW', "...is exactly what it is! How!?"


"THAT!" She ranted, gesturing around him wildly. "No wings! No! Flipping! Wings! And you're just...just FLOATING there!"

"Wow..." Spike tilted his head. "And I thought Scootaloo was adorable when she acted like that.

"This is complete HAX! I call bull-I who what??" She cut herself off when it clicked, her snout turning bright red.

Torch couldn't help smirking at his daughter's reaction. "Well...they are the same size." He mumbled-for himself, at least.

"F-FATHER!" Ember squawked, the red moving to her whole face.

"Oh HEEELLLL NAW!" Chronoa growled, along with Rarity...and for some odd reason, Fluttershy and Applejack.

Spike just floated there. "Am...am I missing something?" He flicked his tail lightly. "If there's a punchline somewhere, I think I missed it.

"Never have I felt so jealous and relieved at the same time..." Garble fell onto his ass once his knees stopped shaking.

After enjoying his daughters embarrassed fuss, Torch decided it was best to get things back on track. "Anyway, you should probably be aware that all dragons are bound by magic to obey a direct command from the Dragonlord, without question."

Spike raised an eye, wondering where he was going with this.

"And in that bunch of nitwits down there, are quite a few who's first orders would be to go ruin things for your pony fri-HOLY HELL!" The massive dragon nearly jumped back when Spike once again erupted into a shrieking ball of energy.

"Um...AJ? Your nose..." Fluttershy offered her a tissue.

"Could I have one, too?" Rarity's voice cracked slightly.

Chronoa, meanwhile, was huddled at the ledge, giggling in a way that would've made Roshi proud.

"Start the dumb race." Spike barely gave them time to respond before shooting back down the starting line.

"Right..." Torch held up what looked like a fancy toothpick, but the greedy noises other dragons made told Spike it was way more. "The dragon that reaches and attains the bloodstone scepter wins the title of Dragonlord!" With a flick, Torch sent it flying off into a nearby volcano. "BE-"

Ember quickly looked around. "Where-?" She never got the chance to finish due to the explosive shockwave that suddenly hit the starting line, sending several shellshocked dragons cartwheeling.

That, and the side of the mountain exploding at nearly the same time. Though, it blew inwards.


"Son of a...watch it, Dash!" Twilight yelled, having to teleport away from the pegasus' wings snapping open.

Rainbow never reply. Instead, she stood watching, wings stretched out almost painfully. Until...


"I thought they weren't supposed to take a shortcut!" Ember stared at the impact site. The hole was big enough for her dad to put his head in!

"I didn't expect them to make one!" Torch responded, nearly slapping away in front of him when Spike reappeared, scepter in hand.

He rested it on his shoulder. "So...I'm Dragonlord now?"


"And whatever I say goes for all dragons?"

"All those young enough to need ruling, yes."

"Good. I've got stuff to take care of back home in Equestria." He tossed the scepter to Ember. "She's in charge. Keep these idiots from getting anyone killed."

Ember yelped and nearly fumbled the scepter in surprise. "W-what?!"

"You're the only one of the competitors who looks like they actually have a brain." He gave her a pat on the head. "See you around!"
He promptly flew to where the others were waiting, leaving Ember holding the scepter...and a magnificent shade of red on her cheeks.

"Hmm...I'll have to talk to Celestia..." Torch grinned, scratching his chin in thought.

"Oh, HFIL no!" Chronoa leaned over the cliff edge, flailing her fist at him. "Don't even try, you dime-store Porunga knockoff!"

"Whosh Por-whoever she shaid?" AJ asked, through the mouthful of jacket she had hold of to keep the Kai standing.

"Well, THAT was bucking anticlimactic." Rainbow muttered on the way home.

Twilight looked at her. "Well, given what we've already seen Spike's capable of, what'd you expect?"

"A really harrowing quest through a series of hazards to prove draconic toughness, ingenuity, and ferocity with a half-cup of crazy hijinks?" Pinkie offerd

Rainbow pointed a hoof at her. "Yeah, what she just said."

"Eh." Spike shrugged. "I saw the obstacles that were in the mountain. That stuff was nothing compared to training with Master Roshi."

"Yeah, if there's one thing that old perv is good for, it's coming up with creative ways to bring out someone's best." Chronoa added.

"Oh? Like what?" Applejack asked, riding with Rarity on Spike's back.


"See it yet?" Goku asked, the ocean spreading out under the two of them as they rode along on the nimbus.

"Nope." Spike's head went back and forth "Just lots of water!" He looked back at Goku. "Are we going the right way?"

"I think so, its just an island...wait! I think I see it!" He pointed to a small dot of land out in the distance.

"Wa', 'e 'idn't e'n 'ive oo 'ire'ons!?" Celestia half-shouted, her cheeks puffed out from donuts.

"Say it, don't spray it, Tia!" Luna gagged, using a wing to shield herself. "We may be in a dream but chew first!"

"I should say I'm surprised....but I'm not." King Kai sighed. "Roshi's good at martial arts, but a twit at lots of other things."

Comments ( 16 )

More good

"Wa', 'e 'idn't e'n 'ive oo 'ire'ons!?"

I’m sorry, but not even I can translate this level of Highland Cakeeaterish without more context. What did she say?

nice work look forward to more:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::twilightsmile:

Loose translation: he didn't even give you directions?


My GOD was this funny, amazing job as always.

"Hmm...I'll have to talk to Celestia..." Torch grinned, scratching his chin in thought.

The (ex-)Dragon Lord's first diplomatic visit in a thousand years is about his daughter's future? Never thought Torch has this side in him.

Celestia: Long time no see Torch. Why does it take you to step down before you would visit me?
Torch: Sorry about that. I am here to demand your son, Prince Spike, to marry my daughter Ember, the current Dragon Lord.
Celestia: I don't see any reason why my son has to follow your demand.
Torch: He already proposed my daughter. He need to follow it through in order to preserve my daughter's honor.
Celestia: WHAT!!
Torch: He gave my daughter a valuable gem and she accepted it. By dragon tradition, he proposed her and she accepted. Now the only thing left is for him to take her as his wife and give me grandchildren.

I am so happy this is continuing after so long.

Wonder if Smolder falls for Spike too?

Finally, it's back.

In the words of Dr. Frankenstein.

IT IS ALLIIIVEE! :pinkiecrazy:


Yooo, glad to see this one back. And the quality has only went up.


I'm so happy this story isn't dead, I absolutely love it.

Now that I think about it, since Spike is gaining a harem here iirc
Wonder if Smolder and Ocellus will join his harem too?

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