• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,650 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

Low Point

Twilight blinked, "His death?" Part of her wondered what happened to the elderly man, especially after the way Spike had first recalled him. But, she felt he'd expand on the subject when, and if, he felt like it.

"Yeah." there was a dead tone in his voice when he said it, the memory visibly affecting him, "A mistake I made. A big one."

"Spike, it couldn't have been that bad..." She started, but Spike cut her off.

"It was, Twi!" They all saw his hands tighten a bit, "He warned us about not looking out during the full moon, and I should've remembered!"

"What's wrong with looking out at a clear night sky?" Luna asked, looking a tad affronted at the notion.

"Because of what came out when the moon was full..." As he spoke, the memory began to play.

A handful of incoherent mumbles escaped Spike while he returned from the bathroom, scratching his back with the spade of his tail, ready to fall back into bed. When he passed by one of the windows, a strange urge hit him. For some reason, he felt like he just had to take a look out, even if just for a moment. Blinking the sleepiness away, he pulled back the curtains.

The sight that greeted him sent any thoughts of sleep swiftly to the wayside for the moment; with the exception of a couple of clouds it was a clear, ink-black sky dotted with what seemed to be hundreds of glittering stars.

"Whoa.." He whispered, staring up at it. And unknowingly waking Goku up in the process.

"One of my favorite types of night." Luna commented, the glances she was giving everything indicated she was taking mental notes for something similar, "Pity there's no moon out."

"Actually, it was, but...I didn't see it just then..."

"Spike? We're supposed to be in bed." Goku commented sleepily when he noticed the dragon looking out the window.

"Goku, you gotta see this!" He said, motioning for him to come over, "This is some view!"

"But we're not supposed to look out at night, especially on a full moon! You know what Grandpa said!"

"But there's no moon in sight. C'mon, just one look wouldn't hurt."

"Well...ok. But just one." Goku got off his futon and hopped over beside him. As soon as he looked out, his eyes widened as much as Spike's, "Oh, wow!"

Both boys were quickly mesmerized by the sight, "Look over there! I think I see one of those 'constellation' things Grandpa told us about!"

"Yeah, it was fun then...but it was also when things went bad, very bad..." Spike sighed, "Neither of us knew that cloud was the only thing keeping us from seeing the moon."

"What's so wrong about the moon!?" Luna pouted, looking a little offended.

"It wasn't the moon itself, Aunt Luna." Spike replied, "It was the effect seeing it had. Remember when I said Goku wasn't human?"

The two were so enthralled by the sight that neither of them noticed one of the clouds had shifted to the side...

Revealing a large white sphere.

"Hm?" Goku looked over, catching it in his peripheral vision. When he did, though, he immediately froze.

"Hey, I that's a shooting star!" Spike called out, nudging him, "Goku, check it out!" He looked over when the other boy didn't respond, "Goku? Goku, you ok?"

A low growl rumbled from him as his face twisted into an expression of unrestrained fury. His arms and chest began to slowly expand and his eyes took on a reddish hue.

"Go..ku..?" Spike backed up uneasily.

"What's all the ruckus?" Gohan called out, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Grandpa! Something weird's happening to Goku!"

"Hm?" The old man looked at him and he paled in fear, "Oh no! Spike, quick, run!"

"Run? Wha-"

"Hurry!" Gohan pointed out the door, "Run! Don't stop until you're in the woods, find a hiding spot, and stay there till morning! And no matter what happens, or what you hear, don't look back! GO!"

"That was the first time I'd seen Grandpa that scared, but I did what he said and ran." Spike slumped in a chair Luna conjured for him. They could all see he was trying to blink back tears, "I think I made it halfway to the wood when I heard him scream, then this loud roar. I didn't know what it was then, just that it sounded...big."

"H-how big?" Fluttershy's voice wasn't much more than a whisper as she backed away from the memory.

"Was too scared to even think about looking behind, I just ran until I hit the treeline and managed to find hollow I was able to squeeze into. Then I just curled up and waited for the sun to come up..."

"Hold on...why would looking at the moon do that?" Shining asked, looking confused.

"He's right, sugarcube," Applejack piped in, "Ah mean, that sounds more like a timberwere deal, and those are a fairytale."

"Well, the reason why'll come up later, but I can tell you now if you want." Spike looked at everyone

"I'll wait." Rainbow replied, "I don't like spoilers."

"Me too!" Pinkie added.

"I agree." Celestia sat down beside him,"Skipping ahead tends to lead to more questions and confusion."

The others soon agreed.

"In that case, I guess I better finish...you know..." He looked over as the memory started back up.

"Hmmm...?" Spike groaned, squinting a little when the early morning rays hit him. He blinked a few times before he fully remembered. "Grandpa! Goku!" It took him a second to get out of his hiding spot, but he was soon hurrying back to the house. "Grandpa! Goku! Where are...you...guys..." He trailed off when he saw the damage done to the area; trees and rocks smashed or uprooted, places where it looked like something had slammed into the ground, ripping up large areas of earth.

Spike felt a chill down his spine as he looked around.

"Hnnn..?" A groggy voice spoke up not too far away, "Why am I outside?"

"Goku!" Spike yelled, recognizing it and running over to a figure who was slowly sitting up.

"Huh..? Spike?" Goku rubbed his eyes, "What..." By then he saw the damage, "Gah! What happened!? This whole place's been wrecked!"

"I tried to explain what happened, but I had no real clue; just ended up telling him I ran off and hid when Grandpa told me too. After that, we started looking for him..."

"Grandpa!" Spike called out, climbing over a tree, "Grandpa, where are you? Goku, any sign of him?"

"No, I don't see him anywhere." Goku replied, "You think he had to run from whatever did all this?"

"I don't know. Grandpa's tough, but..." Spike trailed off when he noticed something laying on the ground, "What's that?"

Goku squinted, then his expression brightened, "Haha! It's Grandpa!" Laughing in relief, the two boys immediately started running towards him. "Why's he laying down?"

"He must've gotten tired fighting whatever did all this." Spike replied, "It had to be pretty strong. I hope he's not too mad at us for being up!"

The closer they got, the more they noticed that Gohan wasn't moving. "Wow...he's out cold!"

"Come on, let's wake him up!" Goku kneeled down and nudged him, "Grandpa, you did it! You fought off the monster!"

Spike got down beside him, "Yeah, what was it!? I heard it roar while I was running!" He gave the old man a shake.

Gohan didn't move.

"He must've REALLY been exhausted." Goku shook him a little harder, "Grandpa, rise and shine!"

"Come on, Grandpa." Spike join in on the shaking, "Wake up."

The old man was still.

Thinking he was playing a trick, the boys resorted to tickling him, but to no avail.

"Grandpa, wake up! This joke's not that funny."

"Wake up, Grandpa! Spike, why isn't he getting up!?"

"I don't know!" Spike shoved him, "Grandpa!"

"Say something!"




"Grandpa....wake up...please...!"

"Nothing we did worked...and then we managed to roll him over." Spike audibly fought back a sob, a few tears already running down his face, "His eyes were still open..."

*wumf! wumf! wumf!*

He quickly found himself in the middle of a triple pony hug, courtesy of both Twilights and Celestia...


And...a pair of small, purple-pink arms.

"Oh, Spike! I'm so sorry you had to see that again!" A young-sounding voice cried from it's spot on his shoulder.

"Um, I'm not the only one seeing this...am I!?" King Kai asked.

Spike slowly turned to see the arms' owner, "H-how'd YOU get here??"

"Better yet, WHY is she here!?" King Kai yelped.

"You know her?" Cadance asked.

King Kai gulped and nodded, "Y-yeah...Um, everyone, this is is Lady Chronoa, The Supreme Kai of time."

Author's Note:

Whew, sorry bout the wait!

And now...let the DB saga begin