• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,650 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

Aftermath Afterthoughts.

Twilight shook her head. "I'm guessing none of the futures ended up how she wanted."

Chronoa started ticking things off. "Not unless she wanted Equestria taken over by Nightmare Moon, a still rotten Discord, Queen Chrysalis, at war with a Sombra controlled Crystal Empire, or just rendered into a barren wasteland." She gave a still sobbing Starlight a mild glare. "Because without the Elements of Harmony, any of those were possible."

Twilight sighed. "Ok, Starlight. I need to ask you something, and I'd like you to be honest with me; why didn't you just go talk to Sunburst when you started worrying about your friendship with him?"

Meanwhile, Spike was nearby, just glad a mess was averted. He wasn't fully paying attention to Twilight giving her a talking to, though a few words did slip through.

"Starlight, trying to punish others for your past actions..."

'Past actions'. It was probably not the right place, but he couldn't help grinning a little as those two words, for some reason, had him recall some of these that had happened over the last few days in between the dream meetings.

Like Trouble Shoes, the supposed criminal in Appleoosa who kept wrecking the rodeo. Until the crusaders found out he was just a stallion with supremely bad luck who wanted to be part of it.

Or the recent Gala, where Fluttershy brought her new friend, Treehugger. Spike had initially expected Discord to have a tantrum over not being invited. Thankfully, Fluttershy took the initiative to ask where the aspect of chaos' own ticket was, even asking him and Twi to check with Celestia.

He'd nearly fallen over laughing when they finally discovered Discord had gotten the munchies and mistook his for a tortilla chip.

Pinkie and Rainbow had recently had a map mission to Griffonstone, but he wasn't too sure what went on, aside from Rainbow had made up with Gilda. That and apparently they told her about what he could do, since she'd asked if he could try and help find a precious relic of the griffons that'd fallen into a gorge.

He'd made a note to go that afternoon.

Then there was Cranky Doodle and Matilda's wedding, which, due to a misprint, had everyone believing it was an earlier date than planned. Thankfully, the town managed to pull together, and aside from a pesky bugbear they had to shoo off, the wedding went off without a hitch. He also learned weddings made Shining cry.

And the delegation...Celestia...that was a pain! Twilight had ran herself ragged making sure everything was set up properly until she was too tired to even form a coherent sentence. So, he'd put her to bed and did his best to redirect any questions or complains.

Instead he got swamped with idiots who wanted to bitch at her over crap like someone stealing a seat, running out of capers, the freaking placecards not being in a font they liked! Granted, a snarl and quick flare of ki made them back off, but he still wondered if Twilight or Cadance would've held it against him if he'd gone ahead and made good on his threat to punt a few into Horseshoe Bay. At least he still had some of Bulma's anti-allergy tablets to let him deal with all the Dragonsneeze planted around there.

Once all that was done, he stopped to drop in to see their friends in Canterlot. He'd heard that Twilight had reconnected with them while he'd been gone, but found she'd forgotten to tell them he was back. 'Didn't think a unicorn could move THAT fast.' He thought, idly rubbing the spot on his chest where Moondancer had impacted from her mach-two glomp.

Another annoying group had been Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan and his entourage. The whole town freaking bent of backwards to try and recreate some of their traditions to make them feel welcome. Did they show any appreciation? No...all they did was scream 'not perfect' and threaten war for it...until Twilight had enough.

"Very well. We accept your declaration of war." Twilight calmly replied, much to the prince's surprise. "However, I feel it only fair to warn you: we have ponies that can make dragons cry with a glare, the embodiment of chaos itself is one of our closest, allbeit somewhat annoying, allies. We've fended off an invasion led by the Changeling Queen herself, we can control the weather like we're setting a table, project city-wide force fields, our leaders are able to move the sun and moon by sheer dint of their will."

She then pointed to Spike and Chronoa. "My unofficial little brother has recently beaten seven shades of poop out of the demon Tirek." She then pointed to a black object off in the distance that had moss already growing on it. "He snapped off one of his horns. And he's friends with a Goddess of Time." In an instant, she was in the yak's face. "Care to reassess your odds, Spanky?"

"What do you need me for? Spikey's got enough power to obliterate a planet by himself."

It was then they all heard multiple thuds. Rutherford and his group had fainted.

'Think they peed themselves if the smell was anything to go by. Phew.' Spike's nose wrinkled at the memory.

By then, Twilight was winding down from the scolding she was giving the mare. "And if you have been spying on us all this time, you realize that I'd be fighting a lot more intently than in the cave, and you would've had a dragon who can break planets in the fight as well...right?"

"'Planet-Breaker' is right..." Starlight admitted, before bashfully scraping a hoof on the floor while she looked his way. "Um, you doing anything later?" That was followed by a squeak as she was given a collective death glare by every other female in the room.

Spike scratched his head. "Um, I promised Rainbow I'd head to Griffonstone..."

Author's Note:

Bit of an odd chapter, I know, but we'd realized we'd skipped just about all of season five before Starlight tried to time travel. working on rectifying that a little.