• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,650 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

The Adventure Begins: The Turtle Hermit

"While we were asleep, though, we ended up getting a visitor." Spike continued. "After what Bulma called breakfast...still don't understand how someone could stand eating so little...Goku and I went out for some morning exercise."

"What? Calisthenics? Some aerobics?" Rarity asked curiously.

"Crushing boulders." He replied, causing said memory to appear.

"HAA!" The two boys yelled, the large rocks they'd hoisted up shattering from the sheer force they were applying with their bare arms. Well, Goku's shattered a little bit sooner than Spikes, but both were soon standing in rubble.

"I think we...hrrnngg...need some bigger rocks!" Spike grunted as he moved to pick up a weird greenish looking one.

"Dahh! Hey, whoah! Yipe!"

"Spike!" Goku pointed at it franticly. "I think your rock's talking!"

"Guys, meet Turtle." Spike smiled a bit when Rainbow squeed a little. He remembered that she'd developed a fondness for them ever since she'd gotten Tank.

"Turtle the talking turtle?" Pinkie raised a brow. "Can't tell if that's clever, rude, or just a little redundant."

"Wait a cotton-pickin' minute. That there's a sea turtle!" Applejack pointed at the flippers. "How in sam hill did he get THAT far inland??"

Spike shrugged. "He wasn't sure either. Guy got turned around somewhere. So, Goku felt we should at least try and help him out. Bulma, on the other hand, wasn't too thrilled about taking a side route from going after the Dragon Balls."

"Got a feelin' Ah ain't gonna be likin' this Bulma gal too much." Apple Bloom muttered.

"You and me both!" Sweetie replied.

"I went with Goku. Seriously, he didn't really have any way to defend himself aside from his shell. Just didn't feel right leaving him out there. So, we got Bulma to tell us which way the sea was and headed off. Actually helped out too since me and Goku took turns carrying him along the way. Ran into a big bear bandit that wanted us to hand Turtle over for dinner, but he went down pretty quick. Before long, we finally made it.

"Whoa....so this is the sea." Goku said in awe as he sat Turtle in the water. "It's so blue!"

"It's huge!" Spike added, watching the surf.

Bulma sighed a little. "Isn't it beautiful, guys?"

Turtle, however, after multiple thanks, asked them to wait there, saying he had something to give them. Before Bulma could ask for clarification, he was already out of sight.

"So, what did he have for you guys?" Luna asked.

"More like a 'who'. It was his master, the Turtle Hermit, Master Roshi"

Night Light slowly tilted his head to the side. "I think I saw an old Buck-Fu movie with a pony that looked like him one time."

"Is that a turtle shell on his back?" Velvet asked, squinting a little.

"Guess that's why he went by the name. Never really asked him, though. So, he was pretty grateful to have his buddy back, and in return, he gave me and Goku the Flying Nimbus."

"Wow, it looks like a big pile of yellow cotton!" Spike chuckled, poking at the fluffy cloud. "What do you do with it?"

"Do? Ya ride it!" Roshi replied. "But, I should warn you, only the pure of heart can ride it! Kinda picky like that. Watch!" The old man took a leap...and went right through it, landing hard on his rear. "Ow..."

"I knew it, you did something you shouldn't have, didn't you Master Roshi?" Turtle scolded him.

"Ah, who asked you!?"

"Hey, let me try!" Goku said, bouncing from one foot to another.

"Knock yourself out." Roshi replied as he climbed back to his feet.

"Here goes!" Goku jumped onto it, and it was solid for him. "Hahaha! I can ride it!" He laughed, jumping in glee."

"Well, guess you got yourself a cloud." Roshi looked more than a little surprised at the sight.

"My turn!" Spike jumped on, both boys helping each other balance on it due to the slight lack of standing room. "All right!"

The old man's sunglasses almost fell off. "A dragon and a kid with a tail that can ride the Nimbus...You don't see that every day."

"Aw...I wanna ride on a cloud." Pinkie pouted a little.

Shining agreed with her. "Yeah, that looks like fun!"

"Oh man, I know a few pegasi who'd have a fit if they saw something like that!" Rainbow whispered, watching as it showed the two flying around on it, whooping and laughing their heads off.

"Speaking of having fits...Auntie, you know some of the Canterlot nobles are going to either demand Spike teach them, or have him banned from flying when they find out." Cadance looked over at Celestia.

In standard princess fashion, Celestia responded with a raspberry. "And to them, I say 'tough cookies'. They wanna fly, they can ask my son nicely."

"Um, I have a question." Twilight raised a wing. "If only someone with a pure heart could ride it, then why couldn't Roshi...?"

"'Cause Roshi's a world-class perv." King Kai replied. "Bulma found he had a Dragon Ball as well and he wanted to see her panties in exchange for it."

Applejack looked confused. "Uh, what's a 'perv'?"

Kai glanced at Chronoa nervously. "Um, he has a dirty...mind?"

"Oh, like my wife?" Shining grinned and got swatted on the shoulder for it.

Chronoa had to fight back a snicker. 'Probably shouldn't tell them that she didn't know she was flashing the goods at him. "Anyway, once that was done, and they had ball number four, they were back on their way to hunting down the rest. Of course that led them to a little town where they met...uh..." Chronoa scratched her chin. "What was his name again? Darjeeling? Pekoe?"

"You mean Oolong?" Spike asked. "Oh, yeah. When we got there, the whole town looked like it was deserted. Kinda creepy at first, though Goku had a feeling there were still people around. So, we went and checked out one of the houses. In hindsight, we probably shouldn't have punched a hole in the door to get inside." He rubbed a spot on his head. "Maybe then I wouldn't have gotten hit with that guy's axe."

"You were hit with WHAT!?" All four alicorns yelled in unison.