• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 11,642 Views, 726 Comments

Dragon Bro Z - MrWriterWriter

A certain purple dragon find himself in the realm of fighting, crazyness, and a set of wish-granting balls.

  • ...

An Abridging

"Well, I'd say that was definitely worth the price of admission." Discord chuckled from the theater chair he was curled up in. "I do hope a sequel is in the works."

"Not. Funny. Discord!" Luna yelped, a hoof covering her eyes and a fresh blush on.

"Oh, my goodness...!" Fluttershy's voice was barely audible from behind her mane.

"Ah..Ah'll second that." AJ replied, a poleaxed look on her face.

"Q-quite..!" Rarity added, following Luna's example.

Rainbow Dash just stared.

"Sh-Shining..??" Twilight managed to squeak out, "Are..are you all right?"

"Feel a...a little funny. But aside from that, yeah..." came the bemused reply from the now humanoid stallion. "The hands are kinda cool, though." he added, holding up one of the new appendages where his forehooves used to be.

"Mmmm, I'll say." Cadance purred from her new seat in his lap, the other arm wrapped around her.

"Can we look now?" the CMC asked in unison from behind Celestia's wing.

"Wow.." Spike mused, a grin on his face. "You're almost as tall I am now, Shining!"

Meanwhile, King Kai was off to the side, and Pinkie could hear him muttering to himself about 'henati' and a female version of something called a 'Roshi'.


Once things had finally settled down (and Shining was conjured up some pants) Twilight took the opportunity to them all up to speed. "So, Spike ended up in another world with no memory aside from his name and was taken in by an elderly man named Gohan. And that's pretty much where he's at the story so far."

"Wow..and that's just the start?" Night Light asked.

"Basically." Spike replied. "In all honesty, not that much really happened for the next couple of years. I can show the highlights, though."

"That would probably be best." Celestia replied, bouncing on her hooves slightly. "I'm getting antsy to hear when your encounter with these Dragonballs begins."

Spike chuckled at his mom's antics. "Well, I guess I'd better get started." With those words, the group was surrounded with images of the trio: eating, talking, and other activities. "Oh yeah, there's one of the time Goku showed me how to catch fish with my tail."

"You sure about this, Goku?" Spike asked as he dipped the spade of his tail into the stream, copying the other boy.

"It's easy, Spike!" Goku smiled. "I've done it a bunch of times. Sometimes you gotta wait a bit but there's always a bite sooner or later if you wiggle your tail some."

"Well, yeah; your tail actually looks like a big ol' worm. I don't know what they'll think of..."


"Mi-hi-hi-EEEYEEOOWW!!!" He hollered when a sizable fish clamped some rather sharp teeth onto him. The shock was enough to make him pull up hard, bringing his catch along "OWOWOWOWOW! Get it off! Get it off!" he ranted, running around with the fish latched on. As he did, every now and then, a small gout of emerald flame accompanied his yells. "It's CHEWING!"

Goku, however, just watched. "Huh, I never breath fire like that, though." He cocked his head to the side. "How're you making it green?"

"Oh yeah, that was also when I found out I could still do that, too. Thankfully it just took me learning I had to want the fire to come out for it to work. " he said, pointedly ignoring Rainbow and Scootaloo's laughter.

"That's one aspect of Goku I don't think he EVER grew out of." King Kai commented.

"Tell me about it. Luckily he did eventually snap out of it and get that fish off my tail."

Meanwhile, Rarity, Celestia, and Fluttershy were giggling and cooing at a scene of the two of them horsing around in the bathtub.

"Say, Spike, what's that one over there?" Shining asked, pointing over to an image of Gohan and Goku facing each other in odd poses."

A fond look crossed the dragon's face when he saw it. "Ah, that's from when I first saw them sparring. Grandpa's the one who taught me and Goku the basics as well as the Jan Ken style"

"Jan Ken; where have I heard that before?" Twilight mulled over the term briefly before her ears pricked up. "Janken...that's Neighponese for 'rock,paper,scissors'!"

"Oh yeah, I remember that style! Old Gohan cooked that one up when he was younger if I remember right." King Kai chuckled and held up a fist. "First, the 'rock'. If that got blocked, 'scissors' with the other hand." He raised two fingers in a V. "Mainly to the eyes. Then, 'paper'." his hand opened with all fingers spread out. "Right in the mush. Truthfully, some martial artists would call it dirty fighting, but even I know that there are times when pragmatism is the only way to survive the fight."

"I think we can all attest to that at one point or another." Night Light commented.

Velvet looked at him. "Honey, if you're referring to the incident with that little spider..."

"Little nothing! That monster was the size of my hoof!" he shot back. "And don't think I forgot about you laughing your tail off the whole time."

"Still, I didn't know you could jump like that when we weren't playing 'Miss Lacy Sadd...'"

"OOOOO-KAY!" Twilight cut her mother off, face bright red.

"Lacy wha?" Apple Bloom asked.

"We'll tell ya when yer older!" AJ blurted out.

"MUCH older...!" Luna quickly threw in

Spike looked at them curiously before shrugging and continuing, "Anyway, I watched them for a bit." He smirked at Rainbow's sympathy wince at the kick Goku took to the side. "Yeah, I was surprised too when I saw them wailing on each other like that. But, even at those ages they could both take a punch."

"I wouldn't mind some punch." Pinkie squeaked when they saw Goku retaliate with a knee to the jaw. "The drinkable kind, I mean!"

"To be honest, I thought they were pissed at each other over something until Grandpa explained things. Luckily it turns out dragons are pretty quick healers; just under a week and I was able to get the bandage off my head...which prompted him to invite me to train with them. Let's just say it was an experience."

"Remember, Spike, always keep your wrist firm when using a fist or palm strike." Gohan said, giving his arm a quick adjustment.

Spike quickly threw another, doing his best to follow the old man's advice. "Like this?"

"Much better. Just keep practicing and it'll become second nature."


"Come on Spike, only ten more miles to go!" Gohan called out cheerfully as he jogged in place, Goku right beside him. "Once you get used to the distance we can start on your speed!"

Spike wheezed from his spot several yards behind them. "'Only ten' he says..."


"Nice one, Spike!" Goku smiled from above the prone dragon. "You almost hit me that time!"

Spike simply looked at him, too sore to form an appropriate response

"Yeah, Goku had a bit of a headstart on me in that so it was a few months before my body started getting used to a workout that intense."

"That was just a workout!?" Celestia blurted out, watching the run again.

"More like a warm-up. Once I got accustomed to it, he started me on what Goku was doing. An extra ten miles, mostly to hunt up firewood and food when we didn't want fish, full-contact sparring." He laughed and rubbed his side. "Lost count of how many times he knocked me out before I finally managed to tag him. And a bit of weightlifting, which was mostly just doing everything while lugging some heavy rocks with us."

"Sounds like something Generals Ironhoof and Eclipse would love to implement for royal guard training." Shining spoke up.

"Luckily for the guards, they both retired recently." Celestia turned back to her son, "How long did you do all this??"

"Long? Um..hm..well, the warm-up part took me about nine, ten months. And did the rest for a little over three years...so, around four."

"Four years!?" Every mare in the dream yelped, staring at him.

"Sheesh! I like pushing myself to the limit, but that seems a bit much even for me!" Rainbow looked at one of the rocks Spike was carrying in the memory.

"Maybe it could be considered a little overkill, but it did bring us together in a way. After all, you never really know someone until you've given each other a black eye." he grinned.

Apple Bloom looked at him, "Who actually says that?"

"Get me a wavier signed by eight family members and we'll talk." Discord replied.


A few minutes later (after everyone had finally processed that info), the group was glancing at the memories Spike had made available when they all heard a light squeal of 'oohh'. A brief look around was all it took to reveal the source: Fluttershy was looking over at another memory, forehooves over her mouth and a expression of glee.

"Fluttershy, what'd you find?" Rarity asked as she and the others gathered up behind her.

Gohan chuckled when Spike and Goku came in; though Spike was walking a bit slower, "Still getting accustomed to this, eh?"

"More or less." he replied, flexing one of his arms to show the muscle that was gradually showing. "Though I'm getting there."

Gohan smiled, "Well, the two of you go get cleaned up and ready for bed. We're going to the nearby village for supplies so you need to be up early."

"Ok, Grandpa." Both boys said in unison. They promptly looked at each other like they didn't expect that before laughing.

The old man's eyes widened slightly, a little surprised himself before letting out a slight noise of appreciation.

"Ooh...!" Velvet let out her own happy squeak at the sight, "I think that qualifies as an official family."

"Uh, Pinkie, what you doing?" Rarity asked, seeing the partyholic mare scribbling wildly on a piece of paper.

"You saw that, Rarity!" she replied. "Spike got found by a nice old man and his grandson, got taught marshal arts, and now we saw him call Mr.Gohan 'Grandpa!' How else am I gonna remember what all on put on the party banner? Oh, I hope I have enough banner it all."

"That's 'martial', Pinkie." Rainbow threw in. "As in fighting. Like what he did to Tirek?"

"Tirek??" Pinkie looked back at the paper and started writing again.

King Kai watched the antics "Uh, shouldn't we tell her we're still in a dream and that paper's not really there?"

"Knowing Pinkie Pie, she'll have it on her personal stationary when she wakes up." Scootaloo held up a hoof, "Just trust us, your brain cells will thank you."

As all this went on, Twilight noticed Spike's attention was elsewhere. He was currently glancing over to another memory, except unlike the others, he didn't seem too thrilled to see it.

The memory itself was much different than the others as well; while all the rest around them were brightly colored, this one looked dull and grey, like a bottle of paint remover had been taken to it.

"Spike? What's wrong?" she asked, stepping over to him.

He sighed, "That's a memory I kinda hoped wouldn't show up."

"Is that why it looks so...so..." she searched for an appropriate word.

"Dreary? Depressing?" he offered. "Fitting considering what it is."

It was brief, but Twilight spotted something in the corner of his eye, "Spike?"

"That's the one of Grandpa's death, Twi."