• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

  • ...


Chapter 77 - Mistakes

Mistakes. Mistakes have been made. - PRHL

“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Morrigan and Ull! Happy birthday to you!” Everyone sings in unison: Fade, PRHL, Cloud, Pops, Fizz, Lizz, Gramps, Stella, Doc, Nyuel, and myself. It’s the kid’s ninth birthday. Just seems like yesterday when Doc delivered the twins and handed them to me. The look on my face when I first held them was priceless. I was over the moon when I first laid eyes on them; two healthy babies, crying in my arms. Well, Morrigan was the crier, I didn’t hear Ull cry until he was about a month old. They were so tiny, but look at them now; growing like weeds.

“Blow out the candles and make a wish!” Cloud hollers.

“On the count of three, Ull.”



“Three!” The both of them desperately try to blow out all the candles, nine blue and nine pink. “We did it!” I still can’t believe how fast they’ve grown. On their fourth birthday, Ull thought it would be funny to throw some cake at Cloud; it hit her square in the face. She retaliated by throwing some back, long story short, everyone ended up wearing the cake instead of actually eating it.

“What’cha wish for sis?”

“I ain’t tellin’!”

“Awwww! But why?”

“If I told you, it wouldn't come true!” On their sixth birthday, Morrigan was too excited to take her nap, so by the time it was time to cut the cake she had passed out and fell face first in it. I don’t know who was laughing harder, her brother or aunty Cloud.

The party was a disaster as usual. But it wouldn’t be a normal party if some cake didn’t get thrown or Cloud drank PRHL under the table or some other shenanigans. Madness in this house is the norm, and it’s never a dull moment with the twins around.

- - -

Dreams can have such powerful effects they can have in our daily lives. They can inspire us to do great things, allow us to wake up on the right

“A desired path. A joyous path. A sacrificed path. A path you chose not to take,” a cold, distant female voice announced. “One’s subconscious shields one’s self from the truth.” I stir in an eerily warm, thick puddle with a metallic taste in my mouth.

“W-Who a-...” My stomach twists and knots up, it feels as if I’m stuffed with smoldering coals.

“Resilient scales safeguard thee from tainted wastes, but not thine cohorts.”

“T-Tainted wat-?” My feeble limbs give way as I try to push myself from the slurry of goop.

“A hardened soul, unable to observe the path thee chooses-.”

“I’m sorry. B-But my head is absolutely splitting right now... Can you s-speak less cryptically?” I barely manage to claw and scrape myself out of the warm muck.

“My apologies, I couldn’t help myself. With how inferior the locals are and all. Right, you must have questions, I can answer some but the longer you take, the worse-off your cohorts will be.”

“My cohorts?” Tail is a great deal of help when it comes to trying to get back up on my feet. My knees are shaking more than a vibrator.

“Your cheese-legged lemmings. The Taint can have such an adverse effect on the changelings.”

“Is that why this mining operation was abandoned? You poisoned them with this taint of yours?” This just boils my blood, hurting innocents like this.

“Would you have us kill them? Or would you rather have them sick with minor radiation poisoning?”


“Don’t worry, they just experienced enough for some minor discomfort and nausea.”

“What about me? I’m not going to die in some pit because of your freaking radiation!”

“You’re fine. Your brain isn’t mush yet.”


“‘I’ nothing. You listen here! Be thankful that you have those scales of yours. They’re the only reason why you can even form a cohesive thought right now. Your cheesy lemmings are a different story. You see? They don’t have scales. Put two and two together.”

“Why did you show me those dreams? What’s your gain in this?”

“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

“... Thank you, for showing me those dreams...”

“You can thank me in the future.”


“Wwwwait, one last thing. Heed the Lone Wolf. Cya Kalameet!”

- - -

Just like that, I wake up in the real world; and again in the same eerily warm puddle of taint. “It feels like I’ve been mauled by a bear driving a truck.” My bones throb with a dull ache.

“H-Horror,” PRHL says weakly as his horn eliminates a faint green glow.

“PRHL, are you okay?”

“No... W-We need to leave quickly. Belle came down here and fell unconscious... I-I don’t kno-...” He stumbles forward, losing his footing he collapses onto the floor with Belle spilling off his back.

“Fuck me sideways...” Tail finally comes to, dragging himself out of the pool. He looks at me in disgust; by which I mean jabbing in me the side of the head, and pointing at himself. “We both need a deep cleaning after this... First we gotta get these two out of here.” Tail shakes himself dry, like a dog flinging water off his coat. “No idea where I came in at...” Tail scoops up my lemmings as I search for the hole. About ten feet away from the puddle was the minecart I hit. Which begs the question: did I bounce after my landing or did she drag me there? Finding the cart secures our escape route. “Whelp, this might be a problem.. I can’t jump fifteen feet... Any ideas, Tail?” He’s no help. He won’t help me until I bathe him.

“Think 27... Think...” I paced back and forth, running through scenario after scenario. “Maybe if I... No that wouldn’t work... What if I? No, that would end badly... Wait, I got it!” I gather up the mining cart, and a few barrels, stacking them in a stair formation. I don’t know if this will work or not, but here’s hoping. “Going to be difficult with my bum arm... Okay Tail, here’s the plan. First, we’re going to embed two pylons in the bottom of the hole. Then we’re going to jump off of the makeshift stairs. Your part is to carry our lemmings. If climbing is too difficult, I’ll carry and you’ll help; sound good?” He shrugs. “Here’s hoping.” I take off running for the stairs, leaping up them before launching myself into the air and grabbing the embedded pylons.

“Ha! So far so good.” The climb started off sketchy at best, loose footing and handhelds made it difficult; doing it with one good arm only hindered certainly didn’t help.

My body was already hurting before starting. Now it’s begging, no screaming at me to stop, to give up and rest. Every muscle burns with exhaustion, joints are sore from abuse, and my insides feel like an over-baked potato. I can’t afford to make any mistakes, not now at least. First priority is getting these two out of here and some medical attention, and only then I can take care of myself.

Time seems lost in here, just myself and the darkness. My body cries as I claw my way out of this pit. Every step feels like I’m running in place. “H-Hor-,” PRHL faintly whispers.

“Don’t worry, we’re almost out of here,” I told myself.

“No... Colt... Fel-.. Belle chas-... Didn’t find…” he rattles off as he falls unconscious again.

I didn’t see Colt down there, I doubt PRHL did either. I can go back later to find him, these two are more important. “Save your strength friend, we’ll be home soon enough.” I soldiered on, disregarding my body’s pleas for rest. “I-Is that the platform I hit on the way down?” I asked myself as I climbed towards it. “Well... I think we’re high enough that the radiation can’t reach us... Five minutes wouldn’t hurt.” I scurry to the other side of the pit wall and pull myself onto the platform. “C-Colt?!” Fortunately I stumble onto him passed out on it. “You lucky sumbitch.” I find a semi-comfortable position next to him and take a quick breather. “You just make things more complicated... Why wouldn’t you?” I hash out a new plan, were Tail would carry the dead weight and I’ll the other two.

The break was unfortunately short, but greatly appreciated. My speed, if you can call it that, is at best a snail’s pace now; Colt’s excess weight is dragging me down. The risk with every leap, every reach for another hole to grab hold is exponentially increased. “I swear to god or whatever higher power that watches over this world: If I get us out of here, I’ll make sure you know the consequences for your stupidity.” I don’t know how long it took me to get to the top, but that final grab, that rampant pull to safety makes me feel invincible. “Me 2, gravity... Yeah lost count on that.” I strut about like the pit is now my personal bitch.

I zip out of the cave as quickly as physically possible. As soon as I step out of the cave, I stop dead in my tracks. Something is off; I can feel, no, see it. I’m green, grass green, all of my scales from head to toe. “What am I? The Jolly Green Giant now? Jesus... No, no can’t obsess about this... Not yet. These guy’s health is vital. I’ll deal with my... Green-ness later. God I hope it’s not permanent.” Heads turn at break-neck speeds as I walk through the back door in the kitchen.

“Colt!’ The girls scream, all shooting up from the living room and bum rushing us.

“Stop!” I yelled and they stop just a few feet away. “No one, and I mean no one is allowed near any of us. Back to the living room now!” I get mixed responses of fear, confusion, and shock.


“Now!” I growled and they flee into the living room like scared rabbits.

“27, what’s with all... Oh my...” Fade stops in the hallway, her hand covering her smurkish smile. “You’re... Green...” She tries to hide her giggling but utterly fails.

“I know... And I don’t know how this happened.”

“W-What happened to Colt?” Fluttershy whispers.

“All four of us are irradiated. That means we’re all toxic. Colt and Belle got the least of it, they should be fine.”

“W-What happen to your arm? It’s bloody,” Fluttershy squeaked again.


“How’d you guys become ir-ra-di-at-ed? Was it some kind of magic?” Trixie asks.


“Waitwaitwait! Who’s that other changeling?!” Pinkie Pie blurts out.

“Introductions will be made later. We’re going to be fine.”

“But what’s wrong with Cloud? She’s out like a light,” Pinkiepie quickly adds.

“I’ll explain that later. Someone get her out of my room. Keep your distance, at least 15 feet for now.”

“I-Is there anything we can do to help?”

“Yes, water. Get several buckets of water and boil them. Does anyone know Doctor Helping Hoof?” Everyone shakes their heads no.

“I-I d-do,” PRHL says weakly as he drops to the floor. “I-I can g-get him.”

“You shouldn’t. You can barely stand.”

“J-Just a little weak.” His horn flickers weakly, he concentrates harder and the flickering becomes a meager glow before creating a gateway. “I’ll,” he sways, almost stumbling over, “be back shortly.” The gateway dissipates after he steps through.

The girls continue to stare in disbelief at what just occurred; parasitic magic. How alien it must seem to them. “27,” Fade calls out from the hallway, “go get some rest, the room is cleared.” Fade, still worried about me, restrains herself from grabbing my hand as I pass her.

I separated Colt and Belle, each on the opposite sides of the room. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Exhausted isn’t a strong enough word to express how tired I am, how sore I am. Sleep, sleep is good.

- - -

I must’ve slept through the entire night; when I wake up it’s light out. I look around the room and I’m the only one in it. “Ah, you’re awake,” says the Doc standing in the doorway. “Good.” He trots over to my cot, studying me with his stethoscope. “The changelings made a full recovery. The human is fine, no lasting damage from the radiation exposure.” His expression grimly twists from its neutral expression. “You’re green,” he states. “Still green.”

“Yeah, I noticed that too.”

“You’re just full of surprises. What’s next? Wings?”

“Oh god I hope not. No more evolving; it be painful.” The Doc helps me out of bed. My body is stiff; stiffer than when you first have a cast removed and you try to flex your muscles for the first time in months. “Haven’t felt this bad in ages. I certainly could use a chiropractor. And a stiff drink. Definitely a stiff drink.”

A sly grin creeps onto his face, “I brought both.”


“Nyuel accompanied me here. Her chiropractic skills far surpass mine.”

“Okay, okay. Oh hey, did you pop the question?”

“There were some, complications. But she said yes.”

“Congrats Doc! I’m excited for you! But what do you mean by complications?”

“The short of it is that I had to travel to Unyasi, alone, to ask Caesar for this union. It was, an experience to say the least.”

“But still, congrats Doc. Now, about that drink?”

“It’s nine o’clock in the morning Subject 27.”

“What better time to start?”

“Alright, alright. I’m not the one to stop a thirsty stallion.” He floats out a small silver flask from his bag and hands it to me.

I unscrew the top and take a swig. It’s a nice whisky that burns on the way down. “Oh boy, I can’t tell you the last time I had something this good to drink!” Another swig before giving it back. “Am I fit for duty? Or does the good Doctor say I have to be bedridden for awhile?”

“Well, I strongly urge you to not fall down any pits anytime soon; forever would be optimal. Some rest and easy going is all I can prescribe as of right now. Let’s do some basic tests to make sure everything is still connected and I’ll send Nyuel in.” The tests lasted maybe twenty minutes, just routine things. Afterwards he leaves and Nyuel takes his place.

“Demon, how nice it is to see you again,” she greets me with a warm smile and a friendly hug.

“Nyuel, it’s great to see you again! Congratulations on baggin’ you a successful doctor.” It’s hard to spot it on a zebra, but if you’re especially observant, you can see them blush.

“I’m just surprised as you are. But thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Doc says you can beat the aches and pains out of me?”

“Oh no no no. The aches and pains come from unbalance, if spirit and body aren’t one, then there’s unbalance. Lay down face first so we may begin the restoration.” She spreads some kind of warming balm across my back; the warmth penetrates my scales and deep into my muscles. She starts off working in the center of my back, slowly moving outwards applying an even, heavy pressure as she does. To be honest, not five minutes in I fall back asleep.

- - -

“I kinda feel left out. Unwanted, unloved.” Friend sulks in a ruined corner, where his gothic chapel once stood. “No one ever talks to me, I’m just the grandma waiting for her grandchildren to call.” I walk over to him and place a hand on his shoulder, as soon as I make contact he bursts into a million hummingbirds that fly away in a swarm. “Lad!” His deafening laugh bellows out from behind me. “Best friend, buddy ol’ pal! How’ve you been? Take a load off! Kick up your feet! Stay a while!” In his mad antics, I’m spun around in a violent twister; was that a cow I just saw? Regardless, when I land, or stop spinning, I can’t tell which; I’m setting in a red and black leather chair with a whisky glass filled with an ominous glowing substance floating in it.

“What’s in this glass?” I asked, swirling it around.

“Nothing but the finest!”

“Souls, isn’t it?”

“From my own private stock.” It’s been too long since my last good soul sucking. If he’s offering, why not?

“It’s good, a little bite to it, but good.”

“Atta Lad! Here, let me refill that for you!” He’s being oddly friendly. And I don’t mean that in an evil, chaotic way but really chummy.

“Thanks. Question Friend. Who was that down in the pit? She seemed to know me.”

“You mean Baby Swiss?”

“No, no. The ‘mysterious’ female down there.”

“Oh, Lil’ Swiss?”

“No, not Belle. The one that mind probed me.”

“Only one who’s been in here is me. Just lonely, old, me.”

“So wait, you didn’t see or hear anyone? It’s just been you in here this entire time?”

“Mhmm, forever alone.”

“Wait a minute... You actually miss Fade, don’t you?”

“What? No! Whatchu talkin’ ‘bout?” His eyes dash back and fourth.

“Thats it! Isn’t it? That’s why I found you sulking in that corner!”

“I don’t know whatchu talkin’ ‘bout!”

“If you want, I can get her back in here.”

“Nein-nein-nein-nein!” I honestly don’t know why he suddenly started saying ‘no’ in german, but whatever.

“Okay, okay, calm yourself. You obviously don’t miss Fade.”

“That’s right!”

“Familiarity breeds contempt I guess. Thanks for the drinks Friend, I’ll be back to check on you.” I awkwardly wave goodbye to the off-sided grinned face Friend. I guess even he could get lonely.

- - -

“Subject 27, good, you’re awake. Something urgent came up.” You know, actually waking up, after taking a beating from mother nature, feeling refreshed and almost as good as new is freaking phenomenal! Whatever magical mumbo jumbo that Nyuel did worked! “New symptoms came up with your human friend. I require your help.”

“Wha-?” I say in a haze, confused by this sudden ambush. “Symptoms? Colt?”

“Correct. I can’t tell what’s wrong with the boy due to his immunity. Come quickly, there’s no time to explain.” I’m forcibly dragged out of bed and into the hallway. “Common symptoms such as the flu, topped with crippling abdomen pain and a spiking fever.” He drones on about his symptoms as Colt violently vomits into a bucket.

“Are you sure it isn’t radiation poisoning Doctor Helping Hoof?” Trixie sneers, shooting me a dirty look.

“Positive.” Sitting on the coffee table are several empty vials.

“Colt... Did you go through my potion collection?”

“Yes, he did.” Trixie sneers again. ”He was hurt and wanted some of your magical healing potions.” Nyuel sees the bottles and quickly inspects them.

“You rummage through something that didn’t belong to you and stole several things that you are completely ignorant to.” Idiot. Stupid, stupid idiot.

“Demon, may I seek counsel with you?” She gestures to the room and I follow suit.

“You’re thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Yes. He consumed a vial he shouldn’t have.”

“These three are healing potions. But the fourth wasn’t...”

“It’s Demon’s Bane” she says with a grim tone. “You brewed it, yes?”

“Yeah. I did it during my stay at the Don’s. How potent is it?” Nyuel’s expression darkens as she sizes up the bottle.

“A tablespoon would stamp out the most vicious creatures that lurk my home land; a Vraxx.”

“Please elaborate.”

“A Vraxx is a creature of agility and cunning. It has the body of a serpent, two heads of a fel-imp, fangs that no armour can safeguard from with the strength of twenty manticores. It takes the strongest of zealot packs to carry its massive body.”

- - -

“Oh! Oh! I know what those things are! It’s basicly a 300 pound two headed snake-demon-imp-thingy that would literally fuck up your day. I had one of those as pet once, wouldn’t shut up, even when I broke one of it’s jaws. His name was Bob.” Friend chimes in. “I didn’t care for Bob.”


- - -

“And Colt drank the entire bottle... It’s a damn miracle that he’s even alive.”


“So this poison he drank. What's the severity of it?”

“Excruciating.” So, to put it lightly, Colt, a human, a human who miraculously made it this far; is going to die due to his own stupidity. Ironic if you ask me.

“This isn’t going to be pretty. Nyuel, things are about to get ugly. Real ugly.”

“I’m sorry, Demon. Losing a friend is painful.”

“This is going to sound strange... But he isn’t my friend, he’s just... There.”

“What do you mean by ‘there’”?

“He’s more of Cloud’s friend than he is mine. I don’t particularly dislike him nor like him. He’s just... There.”

“Oh. I understand.”

“Yeah... Come, don’t want your fiance getting jealous, do you?” My attempts at lightening the mood succeeds with Nyuel laughing.

“Demon, by chance would you have anything to ease his pain?” Tail fishes out a cold, white bottle from the front pocket of Cloud’s bag and hands it to her. “Frozen Wraith Extract?”

“As cliche as this might sound, fight fire with fire. Nothing we can do to save him. This fucker sealed his own fate by being immune to magic. Least I can do is make him comfortable.”

“Very well.” The walk back to the living room felt long, uncomfortably long. Colt’s harem is staring at me. They blame me for Colt’s condition, I can feel it.

“Dude... I, I ain’t feelin’ too good,” Colt moans as he holds his stomach.

Tail grabs me the nearest free chair and I plop myself down in front of the couch. “Colt.” I heavily sighed.

“It, it feels like there’s glass in my stomach,” he cries.

“Colt, I’m going to be straight with you. You. Are. Going. To. Die.” His harem gasps in surprise.

“We all gotta die sometime dude.”

“No, I mean today. Probably in the next hour.” His face pales. “You drank a vial of poison, enough to kill fifty men.”

“Whawhawhat are you talking about?!” Pinkie, Trixie, and Belle all blurt out, while Fluttershy faints.

“This ain’t funny dude, don’t kid around with me.”

“You brought this upon yourself.”

“How?! How the fuck did I bring this on myself!?”

“You went through something that you shouldn’t have, and your ignorance is what got you into this mess.”

“Literally, what the fuck! Why don’t you fucking label your potions?!

“Because people usually know to ask before taking medication.”

“You were fucking asleep!”

“Yeah, you should’ve woken me up or waited!” A moment of silence falls upon us. Colt sits there in shock as his harem cries.

“Nonononono! There must be something you can do!”

“Your immunity is stopping us from doing anything.” The ‘all powerful’ Daimon couldn't stop this.

“What-if-you-turn-him-into-a-horror!?” Pinkie Pie blurts out in a single breath.

“It wouldn’t help.”

“Why not?!”

“Because it wouldn’t have enough time to counteract the poison. If he was a horror before he drank the poison, then maybe.”

“B-B-But... I... Isn’t there anything you can do man?”

“I can ease your pain, make it so you feel like you’re just falling asleep. Or, end it all now; quick and painless.” Silence falls on us again, even more awkward than the last as his harem slowly move in to hug him.

“I...” Colt mumbles. “Give me the first option, what little time I have left, I’d like to spend it with my loved ones.” Tail hands him the Frozen Wraith Extract, without question he downs it.

“It’s... cold. Really cold.” His lips instantly turn pale blue, goose-bumps break out, teeth chatter, and he begins to shiver. “I-I guess this is how it feels to have F-F-Fade inside you?”

“Heh, more or less.”

“Is, is my body suppose to be numbed?”

“Yeah... Colt, it’s been a pleasure.”

“It’s been... nice knowing you... dude.” Time drags on, minutes feel like hours. The girls are crying as Colt’s body desperately tries to fight off the sleep. Fade silently stands by my side with a hand on my shoulder and my hand on hers. PRHL quietly stands at attention in the corner, observing everyone. The Doc’s stethoscope is glued it Colt’s chest with Nyuel at his side. “It’s getting dark...” His breathing becomes shallow and soon stops all together.

“C-Colt?” The girls cried. “COLT!?” Belle emotionally shuts down, Fluttershy and Trixie both break out sobbing while Pinkie Pie’s mane deflates and tears fill her eyes.

“Time of death. October the first, one thirty PM.” The Doc announces, slowly pulling away from Colt. “My condolences, everypony.” The next few hours felt like days, the harem spent it crying and clinging to Colt’s body. Doc and Nyuel quietly sat there, Fade continued to stand by my side, not saying a word.

“If there’s anything I can do, please, let me kno-.”

“You’ve helped enough!” Trixie snaps.

“Trixie, 27 is ju-.”

“No!” she cuts off Fade before she can finish. “If it wasn’t for him, Colt would still be alive!”

“This is how it’s going to pan out?”

“We should’ve never come here in the first place!”

“Surely you don’t think that, Trixie,” Fade protests.

“Yes it is! His potion! His house! It’s his fault!”

“Fade,” I whispered in her ear. “It’s fine.”

“I wish we would never have met you! All you did was fight and fight, and every time you almost killed Colt! I guess you finally got your wish.” Words seeped through her grinding teeth like bile.

“Well, I reckon you’re right. I also reckon you got a corpse to bury. I’d suggest to you all, that you carry on with your lives.”

“You’re a soulless creature!”

“PRHL, show them the door.” He nods before creating a green gateway. “Girls, this will take you back to your house. If you ever change your minds, my door is always open.” Trixie envelopes Colt’s body in a light blue glow and carries him through the gateway with the other girls in tow. “That, went as expected.”

“Subject 27, my condolences.”

“Appreciate it, Doc. But save your pity for when I actually lose someone important to me.”

“Very well then.”

“Hey Doc, may I have a word with you? In private?”

“Yes, of course, lead the way.” He follows me to the soon to be baby’s room where Cloud is past out on a cot. “What is it?”

“Cloud has taken an experimental vaccine that I created. She’s the first to take the vaccine.”

“I see, how long has she been in this comatose state?”

“Almost two days since possible infection. Vitals are stable, no change that I can see. You mind double checking for me?”

“Yes, of course, anything in particular?”

“Anything out of the ordinary. Mutations, ulcers, so on.”

“Very well. One moment.” His horn glows a dull grey that slowly traces over Cloud’s body; several passes are made before the glow dissipates. “Hmm,” he said for a brief moment. “I’ll be frank. The scar tissue I’ve found indicates an botched abortion; most likely from a butcher of a surgeon. In summation, her tubes have been removed. For the virus? I’ll need to run some blood tests.”

“Very good, thank you.” Cloud never told me about an abortion, nor do I believe she was ever going to tell me. This does worry me quite a bit, but it’s not my place to know. I won’t ask or prod her about it. If she tells me, she’ll tell me on her terms. “If you wouldn’t mind doing me another favor. Take a vial of the vaccine, see if you can improve on it.”

“Yes, of course. But why?”

“Just taking precautions.”

“I understand. On a brighter note on this grim afternoon, congratulations are in order. When’s the due date?”

“Actually, I don’t rightly know, guessing early spring.”

“Spring, what a wonderful time to have a child. Is it a boy or girl?”

“It’s unknown. I know every soon-to-be parent says this, but as long as my child is healthy, I’ll be happy.”

“Indeed. Shall we get to work? It would be distasteful of us if we kept two beautiful mares waiting.” He draws blood from Cloud and myself, storing it in his little black medical bag, along side the vaccine. “Your changeling companion, Lighting Charmer, was it?”

“Yeah, what about him?”

“It’s rare to see an ‘unchained’ changeling, not as rare as you be that as it may; still rare nonetheless.”

“I don’t think he’s as willingly to be studied as I am, Doc.”

“Oh nonono. I’ve finished my research on changelings during med-school; wrote a thesis on their medical culture and history which completely re-wrote our medical viewpoint on them.”

“Neat. What brought on this subject?”

“I’ve never seen one as loyal. One as devoted in others that aren’t his kin.”

“What brought on this observation?”

“Last night, he never left your side. At times I thought he was a statue. Doesn’t slouch, sits up straight, head held high, short and even mane; remnants of his former life. His demeanour is interesting for an unchained. ”

“Of what he’s told me, he was high ranking in Chrysalis’ army. But why is this weird?”

“Unchained changelings typically shed and discard every aspect of their former life. He’s retaining most of it, strange.”

“Well, from one military man to another, it’s hard to forget your training and everything you’ve been through. Maybe it’s the case that he can’t forget.”

“Changelings are different, their entire purpose is to change everything about themselves.”

“Maybe he’s just different from the other unchained you’ve encountered?”

“Perhaps, perhaps. Oh, look at me gabbering your ear off, come, let’s retire to the living room.” Nyuel and Fade are conversing at the kitchen table, their catching as if their old friends seeing each other for the first time in years.

“Ah, you’ve returned, all is well?” Nyuel asked, breaking the conversation.

“Yes, everything is fine. Nyuel, it’s getting rather late, are you ready to leave?”

“Very well. Farewell Demon and Fade, may we meet again.” The Doc’s horn shimmer’s with a light grey before a greyish ball shoots from his horn, creating an almost exact replica for PRHL’s parasitic gateway.

“Feel free to visit whenever.” Doc and I exchange handshakes and Nyuel gives me a friendly hug goodbye before their departure. “To be honest, didn’t think it was possible for a unicorn to cast parasitic magic.”

“The stallion did say he wrote a thesis on my kin. Or perhaps he’s a changeling incognito?” PRHL phases in by the front door.

“Is he changeling?”

“How should I know? I’m just an old military dog like yourself.” He shrugs with a shy grin.

“He isn’t dear, just a skilled unicorn.” Fade reassures me. “It was refreshing to chat with Nyuel and the Doc again.” She lets a long, drawn out yawn. “Come, let’s retire to our chambers.” It’s like eight o'clock, literally eight.

“Hmm, sure? PRHL I guess set up camp wherever.” With haste, Fade grabs hold my hand and leads me to our room; shutting the door behind her. “What’s this-?” As I turn around, she pushes be down onto the bed, fully unclothed.

“The guests have finally left. We’re alone. Just You. And. I.” She slowly lays down on top of me, pulling herself up to eye level before locking lips.

“Fade, I-.” I’m interrupted by her tongue darting into my mouth. “Fa-. Fade-!” I barely manage to get a word in edgewise.

“I thought you liked it when I’m the dominant one?”

“I do, but it’s not that.” She props herself up on my chest as she lets her hair slowly fall down around us.

“Then what’s bothering you?”

“It’s just... I’m really not in the mood right now.” It’s not that, my instincts are yelling at me to mount her. But, it seems really awkward having relations with a pregnant woman. “Can we just cuddle? I promise I’ll make it up to you.” She stares at me with a flustered expression before rolling off of me.

“Fine.” She pouts as she slyly unbuttons and unzips my pants. “Lose the pants.” An order if I ever heard one. Off they go and she’s already snuggled up tight against me. “Just a nibble.” She whispers as her slender finger traces the green scales on my neck. “That’s a good boy, just relax and let me do all the work...” Her fangs easily penetrate my scales like a hot knife through butter while her hand snakes its way down to my nether regions.

“Fade?! Love! I’m fine with you feeding but please, not tonight.” Sweet Baby Jesus, she’s being super persistent.

“You taste like granny smith apples anyways.” Another pouty face.

“What do I usually taste like?”

“Savory. Like steak. It’s your new color... Shed the scales or something.” Note to self, again. Denying relations from a very hormonal Fade, even if the reasons are good, equals a grumpy, bossy Fade. “Hmpm, you don’t find me attractive anymore, isn’t it?”

“What? No! Th-.”

“Look at me! I’m a whale!” Let’s backup here for one second. She’s approximately 10 weeks in; she looks like she’s 16 weeks along. “No man wants a fat cow like me.”

“Fade. Nononono.” I protested. “No matter how large you become, I will always be attracted to you. Plus, I like all that junk that’s in your trunk.” This earns me a flurry of weak punches.

“Asshole!” My pillow silently smacks against the door. “Leave me be tonight!”

“Fade, I men-.”

“Leave!” Looks like I’m sleeping on the couch tonight.

The couch looks less inviting than a skunk’s business. “I don’t like you and you probably don’t like me after my scaly derriere. Let’s put our differences aside and let’s get this over with.” The couch groans as I try to find a comfortable position. I toss and turn on the hell spawn for some times before PRHL comes up from the basement.

“Trouble in paradise?”

“You can say that. Can’t sleep?”

“You can say that. There’s a dusty bottle up in there cabinets if you’re thirsty.” Maybe a drink is all I need to help me sleep? Yeah, something to calm my nerves.

“Thanks PRHL, care to join me?” I asked, already wiping off the dust on the bottle and glasses.

“I don’t drink.” Smells like whisky, looks like whisky. My drink of choice.

“Why not?” Both glasses already filled, just need a drinking buddy.

“I don’t drink.” He states flatly.

“Okay, okay. You don’t drink. That’s fine, just means more for me.” I raise my glass into the air.

“Bottoms up.” I take a sip. It burns like hell going down and tastes like sawdust. “That bad?”

“Jesus. That. Is. Some strong stuff right there. Another I say!” First glass burns like fire, second one as well. Third not so much.

“Horror, there’s something I need to get off my chest...” He says grimly. “I was standing by your side when Colt snuck in and started pawing through your potions. He asked for assistance... I told him which ones to take... In silence I watched as he drank the last drop of poison.” He watches me as I push the glass over the table to him. “Mistakes. Mistakes have been made.”

“Drink.” Is the last thing either of us say this night. One drink blurs into several, in the end, only a empty bottle lays on its side with a passed-out changeling next to it.



frieD195 - Tsujin Rilauco

Comments ( 2 )

Just read the discription and all I see is CLICHE MOTHER FUCKER. NOW I am NOT saying that your story is bad it's just that the millitary thing is so overdone it's sad, and sadly I'm not going to be reading this, though the deranged Deamon sounds interesting...hmmm... Maybe, but it would go to the bottom of my priority list.:moustache:

Not badly written, but it never really goes anywhere. Even for a canceled fic it seems rather unfocused. Still worth a thumbs up for what it is though.

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