• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Meet The Monster

Chapter 28 - Meet The Monster

My own soul and body both have been mutated and corrupted by the Horror, every new day my soul feels as if a yet another piece has been tainted and violated beyond comprehension. If I can’t regain dominance over the Horror then I’ll need to fall back on plan B... And that involves me embracing the Abyss as I destroy my physical form.

My deep train of thought is broken as the alien form that’s jutting out from my body pokes me in the back of the head. My mind tries once again to simply process this new limb, but fails as it moves around as though it has a mind of its own. After a brief but very long-seeming minute, my very fragmented mind began to process the new limb; I can finally put my thoughts together on what the new alien limb was.

It was a tail. Plain and simple; an honest-to-goodness, flesh-and-blood, scaly, slowly wagging tail. The tail itself was about three-quarters as thick as my thigh and tapered to a point after a length similar to my height. It also had a rounded shape in its cross-section. There was a deep black, ebony-like color to the scales that covered the entire surface...well almost the entire surface. The scales themselves began around my lower back in an almost random pattern before becoming densely packed and overlapping, much like the scales that appeared whenever I transformed using my now-absent Friend’s power. I notice that the bottom surface of my new, apparently prehensile (I swear it’s slightly sentient!), tail lacks scales of any kind, instead only showing a slightly pale grey skin with a large black vein running down the center.

The top of the tail is much different; instead of an unbroken swathe of densely packed overlapping black scales, a row of decidedly deadly looking spines occupies the center portion on the topmost surface of my new tail. The spines start a couple of inches from the base where the tail joins my body with each spine spaced about 2 inches apart running down the total length of the limb. The spines jut from the surface at a slight angle for about an inch and a half before angling a little more sharply towards the end of the tail. I also notice something odd about the base of each spine. It appears as though there are no scales directly touching the spines themselves, rather a black colored, slightly puckered ring of hard muscle.

This reminds me of a cat’s retractable claws, perhaps these follow the same principle. The edges of these spines have a definite cutting edge, leading me to believe I could possibly use them as some sort of halberd-type sword. I reach down and experimentally flick one of the spines. It emits a short, dull ring leading me to believe it’s likely made of an extremely hard, metallic substance; perhaps a substance similar to Tungsten

The color of the scales, thickness, length, the spines, the near-constant slow wagging motion; ALL of that I was fine with. The truly disturbing thing were the sensations coming from this alien limb. I could feel each muscle contraction as the tail moved. I concentrated and managed, with great difficulty, to get the tail to stop moving. My small victory was short-lived as the moment I lost focus, the damned thing started moving again. At least I didn’t have to drag it behind me wherever I walked. When it was simply moving back and forth, it somehow kept itself a few inches off the ground.

I look away from my new limb and saw a small floating screen that showed the outside world. I could see my body slowly rise up off the ground as the Horror is now in control; I pray that it doesn’t see or hurt Nyuel. I helplessly sit back and watch the Horror as it adjusts itself to its new body.

- - -

I slowly get to my hands and feet, my tail wagging back and forth as the blue haze starts to dissipates. I look up to see three zebras standing at the edge of the trees as they watched in horror to see that I’m still very much alive and kicking. I pop my neck before rearing up and releasing a deafening roar, echoing throughout the jungle; silencing everything.

One of the zebras turns tail and runs into the jungle while the other two are paralyzed with fear. I charge at the two remaining zebras; still on my hands and feet. Closing the gap in a matter of seconds, the zebras finally come to their senses as my tail swings above me and wraps itself around one zebra’s neck; lifting him up into the air as it strangles the life out of him.

The other zebra lunges at me, only to be smacked down out of the air by my tail, sending both of them into the ground with a wet “thud”; their bones crunching under the brutal impact, blood starts to pool under them. I start sniffing at their bodies, trying to get their scent so I can give chase to the fleeing zebra.

Sprinting into the jungle after my next prey, I can smell the trail of fear he left; potent as though a skunk had just sprayed. Faster and Faster my legs and arms pumped with frenzied blood and energy, jumping over fallen trees and running through large bushes; still hot on his trail. Chasing after prey brought immense amount of pleasure to me. Licking my lips as pleasure and adrenaline flooded my brain.

I catch up with the other zebra as I break out from the trees, and into a small camp filled with more zebras; ironic, the hunters become the hunted, let the games begin. My eyes hastily scanned the small camp, seeing where each one of my new little meatbags stood. I then spot the one I’ve been chasing through the jungle. I charge into the camp after my little meatbag that reeked with the stench of fear; I was like a cat trying to get its paws on a bag of catnip. A few zebras jump in my way; trying to stop me as each one lunged at me.

One of their hooves makes contact, landing on my right shoulder; causing me to topple over mid-charge. I land face first into the ground, my horns tore into the ground as I come to a sliding stop. Another zebra vaults into the air, bringing down one of his hooves down onto my scale-covered back; temporarily stunning me. My tail grabs him by one of his hooves, and launches his body into one of the nearby zebras; their bodies colliding together and sending both of them flying into a nearby hut.

The last zebra that had charged me dodges my tail as it lunges for him and goes straight for my neck. The stunning strike from earlier starts to wear off; giving me enough to time to roll to the side and evade the attack. He rushes me again, trying to land a paralyzing blow on me so he could finish me, only to be met halfway as I headbutt him; the top of my head makes contact with his hoof, his bone shatters underneath the pressure. He cries out in pain as I tackle him, crushing his throat with my bare hands, killing him in less than a heartbeat.

I tore through the small camp, killing every single zebra as I search for the one I had chased through the jungle. Reaching the center of the camp, I come across a few corpses of gryphons including one still alive but badly injured; she’s bound to a post in the middle of bodies. Her eyes focus on me, as I sit there on all fours; my tail wagging back in forth in the sheer rapture of hunting the zebras.

I slowly approach the gift that was left for me; it even had a pretty bow tied on it too. She struggles to move, but her bindings keep her from doing so. Her beak starts to clatter together as she watches me slowly approaching her licking my lips. I come to a stop tilting my head as her beak clacks together, the Horror seems to be intrigued by her as she shakes in abject fear.

Sitting there, studying her very closely, I listen to the clicking sound she’s making. I slowly start to calm down as I sit there, the gryphon is mimicking my language perfectly. I can feel the my muscles slowly loosen as I’m hypnotized by the gryphon, I start to click back at her, trying to communicate with her. She stands there, her beak still clattering together in fear as I approach her once more.

I’m just a few inches away from her, I can smell her fear that’s radiating off of her body. Examining her injuries closely, her right wing is bloody and seems to be broken or at least dislocated; her blood-stained face appeared as if she had been beaten repeatedly. A tear makes itself known as it beads from her eye and starts to make its way down her face; my tail gently wipes it away, causing her to flinch. I stop clicking after wiping away her tears, she regains control over herself and settles down, her beak stops clattering together... I have no idea what’s going on as I watch from my mental prison; I’ve never seen a Horror react like this, it was always mindlessly killing anything that moved, but this gryphon seemed to calm it down somehow.

I noticed something moving out the corner of my eye, it was the zebra that I was originally chasing through the jungle. I see him jumping over the gryphon as he tries to strike at me, only to be grabbed mid-air by my tail; strangling him, his body flailing about in the air his throat collapses within my tail’s mighty grip; like a boa constrictor strangling its prey before devouring it.

I pull him close to my face so I can watch his life fade from his eyes, he’s still flailing about as his hooves try to grasp the part of my tail that’s around his neck; only falling as he goes limp. I lift him into the air and whip his lifeless body into the ground, his bones breaking as his body makes contact. I rear up and release another deafening roar in triumph over my victory.

Turning my attention to the terrified gryphon, her face portrayed the most beautiful expression I’ve ever encountered, a mix between fear and relief. Using the blade like spines on my tail, I cut off her bindings off with surgical precision; not even drawing a single drop of blood from my new “pet”. Did the Horror want to be in a pack like the others back in that bunker? Or was it simply keeping her alive for an easy meal later? My mind becomes tranquil as I sit there with my tail swaying back and forth. Nows my chance to reclaim dominance over the Horror while it’s distracted.

Taking the reins back from the Horror, my body goes limp and slumps to the ground, my tail follows suit as the Horror loses dominance and I take back over. The Horror rampages through my mind as I take away its new plaything; it’s almost like taking a child’s favorite toy away to teach them a lesson. I lay there on the ground, the warm dirt feels good against my chest. I let out a moan as I sluggishly get to my feet; I stretch out and pop my back as I get to my feet.

“God, fighting like that is just murder on my back.” The sound of my back and neck popping was most satisfying.

Turning my attention to the injured gryphon, only to be tackled back down to the ground as she wraps her talons around my throat. I can see rage festering in her eyes, but her face has a fearful mask on it.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t end your life!” Yelling in my face as she pins me to the ground.

“If you wanted me dead, you would've done it by now.” A grin breaks out across my face.

“Who and what are you?!” This is a rather... Interesting way to be integrated.

“That’s a good question, one I’ve been asking myself every single waking moment. I wish I could answer your question, I really do.” I can feel her talons tighten around my neck.

“What do you mean? How can you not know who or what you are?!” Still yelling, but her voice isn’t steady, she’s more scared of me than I am of her.

“Simple, I lost all my memories. I don’t know who I am. But as for what I am, I don’t even know anymore.” The rage still burns in her eyes, but the mask of fear she’s wearing is starting to lighten up.

“W-What was that thing that saved me?”

“That thing is called a Horror, it’s a very long story, I don’t have the luxury of time to explain it. Now would you kindly get off of me? Neither I nor The Horror mean you any harm, you’ve done nothing to provoke me and something about you was able to calm the Horror down long enough for me to reclaim control.” I can feel talons slowly loosen around my neck.

The gryphon slowly gets off from on top of me and I get back to my feet. She’s breathing heavily as her chest heaves with each breath she takes. I notice her hurt wing and look at the left one, her left wing is retracted and resting again her body, as her right wing seems to be bent out of position.

“You’re wing seems to be broken, or at least dislocated, how did this happen?”

“Some asshole was falling through the air and slammed into me mid-flight. My team was able to save me from falling to my death, but other guy just hit the ground.” She looks over the gryphon’s bodies.

“Were these your teammates?” She silently nods in response.

“Sorry for your loss, war is a bitch.”

“War? What are you talking about? I was just doing a simple tour over Unyasi, there’s no war.” She turns her head back to me, her eyes catching my medallion that hangs around my neck.

“W-Wait... That medallion... Are you working for Princess Luna?” Huh, so she calls her by her name and not by Nightmare Moon, strange.

“Yeah, that too is yet another long story, and I’m sorry about your wing.” She cocks her head to the side after my apologies.

“Sorry for what? The idiot who hit me is de-...” Like clockwork, a light bulb lights up over her head she as she puts two and two together.

“Wait... Don’t tell me... you’re the asshole who collided with me mid air?!” There she goes, finally piecing the puzzle together.

“Yeah, I’m the ‘asshole’ who hit you. There was no way I could've avoided you or your team.” She stays quiet after hearing me admitting what I did.

“And before you ask; yes, I survived, don’t ask me how because I don’t even know myself. There is a war going on Unyasi and you and I are in the thick of it, now there’s two options I see that you have right now. A: you follow me and I can do what I can to lead you to some sort of safe haven, or 2: you and I walk our separate ways, but your chances of living are increased if you accompany me.” My words hit her hard as she tries to come to terms with this.

“But the Fa-.” Cutting her off before she can try to find a third option.

“I’ve been in your same position before, whomever you’re working for won’t be sending a rescue team for you; they’ll cut their losses and move on. Or they sent you here to die, either or, those are the two options that you have right now. I won’t force your paw on which one you should pick.”

“If you were in this same boat that I was, then how did you survive?”

“I fought through hell and back just to survive, only to end up getting caught in the end and being tortured. Someone rescued me, but he didn’t give me an option, I giving you one though. You should choose quickly before what ever scouts they have come back.” If she decides to come with me, then hopefully it will keep the Horror at bay.

“I don’t want to believe you! They would never leave one of their own behind!” Shouting in denial at me; I doubt she even believes her own words.

“Before you decide, let me ask a question real quick about your wing. Can you move it at all?”

“No... Every time I even touch it, it feels as if a pony is bucking me.”

“You mind if I take a look at it? If it’s dislocated then I might be able to pop it back into place.” She hesitates before nodding her head.

“Okay, extend your left wing, so I can see how to move it. I’ll be gentle, I promise.” She extends her good wing and lets me move examine it.

I move her wing, moving it in any position that seems natural. The wing itself is extremely light-weight, if its like anything of a typical bird’s wing the bone is probably hollow to make it lighter weight. I look back up to see her face turning a light shade of red as I move her wing around, I move my hands closer to her body, where the wing and body meet, I move the wing a little more and able to rotate it a full 360 degrees. I can hear a low moan coming from her as my hands move around her wing.

“Am I being too rough?” I don’t want to cause any more pain to her, so I’ve been gently touching her wing.

“No, if anything you’re not being rough enough.” A playful tone fills her voice as a smile slowly creeps its way onto her beak.

“Okay... I have a good grasp on how your wings work, by the looks of it your right wing seems to be dislocated, I can pop it back in, but it will hurt...a lot.” I make my way to her other wing, I look up to see her face still a little red.

“Are you ready?” She nods in agreement.

I place my hands on her wing, causing her to flinch as my hands make contact. I slowly move my hands on both sides of her wings and towards the joining point where wing meets body. As far as I can tell, her wing doesn’t seem to be broken. I reach her body and feel the bone was out of its socket. I barely press on it, causing her to scream in pain.

“Okay, this is going to hurt like I mentioned before. You might want to bite down on something.” Saying this my tail raises itself next to her beak and retracts its spines. God this thing is going to take a lot of getting used to...

“Huh, didn’t know the spines could fully retract like that... If you want you can bite down on my tail, the scales will protect it from pretty much anything.” My tail starts to wag as I talk about it, as if it were actually happy.

She puts my tail in her mouth and gives me another nod before I went to work.

“Okay, on the count of three I’ll pop it back into place.” I take a deep breath before I start counting.

“One.” POP!

I pop the joint back into its socket, causing it to make a loud popping sound as I do so. Her eyes go wide as the searing pain races throughout her body, she bites down as hard as she could on to my tail; I was correct about the scales, her beak isn’t strong enough to cause it any harm. Tears start to flow down her face as she collapses to the ground, she balls up her talons and starts to punch the dirt. I reach into my pocket and retrieve a healing potion, I uncork it and raise it to her beak.

“Drink this, it will ease the pain” She hastily opened her beak, letting my tail fall out and downs the potion.

“You ASSHOLE! How is one thre-...” The prototype healing potion goes to work quickly, but the side effect causes her to black out.


Editor - Idea and details for the tail


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