• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Be A Good Girl, Silver

Chapter 46 - Be A Good Girl, Silver

I step outside into the warm sun’s rays, S.K. stretches out her wings in front of me. I look down the dirt path to see how well Isaac has cleaned the mess up, the bodies have been removed in addition to the traps. A sweet scent blows in the wind, I turned and followed the scent into the Everfree Forest.

“Horror, where do you think you’re going?” All she got in response was my senseless clicking.

I marched into the forest as the scent only grew stronger, my eyes scanned for the source. I stop at a tree and looked up to see a fedora resting among its branches, tail grabs it and lowers it to eye level. This is the scent I’ve been tracking, I can smell Cloud on this hat and it drives me mad.

“A fedora? Why would a fedora be here in the forest?” S.K. grabs the fedora from tail and examines it closely.

“Hey, I know who made this! I can tell Gramp’s craftsponyship anywhere!” She purrs as she puts on the fedora.

“How do I look?” She winks at me, I don’t know to feel about this. Sure, she looks good with it on. But that hat belongs to Cloud.

“Hmm, may I have that back?” I plead with puppy dog eyes, well, Horror eyes.

“Come and get it, big boy.” She sticks her tongue out at me.

She knows how to press my buttons, playing on my Horror nature. Tail wraps around her body and brings S.K. closer to me, her face just a few inches away from mine. She blushes as my tail continues to coil around her body, its tip grasping the hat, but puts it back on her head and releases her.

“You’re right, you do look good with it on, keep it.”

“Aww, and I was just getting started too.” She pouts.

“Sorry, there will be time for playing later, first I need to go report bac-.” I take my PDA out of my pocket as I remembered the new passcode.

I turn it on and quickly made my way to the menu and selected the Abyss Folder, the little box requesting a passcode pops up, I punch in HikeWne and the folder unlocks. The only text that’s hidden away in this folder is “Go Deeper.” I look up from my PDA just stumped as ever. Before I can make any sense of it, S.K. snatches my PDA from my hands.

“What’s this new-fangled device you’ve been hiding?” She hits the home button by accident and it kicks her out of the Abyss folder.

“That’s my PDA, it houses a vast amount of knowledge that’s lost to me. I’ve only been able to open certain folders when my memories allow me.” Her talons fly across the screen, I’m thankful that my PDA is built to last, or she would be scratching up the screen.

She taps on the Music folder and accidently hits the shuffle button, Maroon 5 - Hands All Over She drops my PDA as the music starts, the sudden noise surprises her. I burst into laughter as I watch her face go from curiosity to shock in a split second. I tap my foot in rhythm with the beat as we listen to the song. Tail grabs my PDA as the song ends and hands it to me. I turn it off and slip it back into my pocket, S.K. is still trying to recover from what just happened.

“Think of it as a safe, it keeps my secrets safe including other data that might be useful to me. I haven't had the time to really go through it nor listen to any of the music; is your curiosity satisfied now?” She shakes the fog from her mind and looks back up at me.

“You’re full of surprises, Horror. Just when I think I’ve got a good grasp on you, something new comes along.” She gives me another wink.

“Yeah, if you’re a good girl, I might just show you something new.” My teasing causes S.K. to flap her wings fitfully.

“Can’t you just show me it right now?!” She pleads with me, I just smile.

“Nope, you’re not being a good girl, now are you, Silver?” She looks up to me with big puppy dog eyes. God damn, she can pull those off flawlessly.

“Please? Can’t you just show me now?” She begs, I have to look away from those ruby red eyes of hers.

“No, come on. I’d like to get to Canterlot and report to Princess Luna before night falls.” S.K. takes the lead, and once again heads the wrong way.

“Come on, I know the quickest way to Canterlot!” She shouts as she marches deeper into the forest.

“Hmm, S.K., yo-.”

“Shut up!” She yells back, not even looking me in the eye as she marches past me.

We break through the treeline and walked into Ponyville, S.K. absolutely has no clue where she’s going. She seems to be just walking in a random direction, I don’t know what she’s looking for, but if we keep on going this direction we might find the train station.

“God, I hate these small towns! I can’t find a the damn train station!” She spreads her wings and takes off into the sky, she searches for a few minutes before landing next to me.

“Found it! It’s this way.” Surprisingly she found the train station without my help.

“We might have one little problem... Since there is no influence at all in this town from the Family, we need some bits to buy some tickets...” Now this is where I come in handy.

“I got this, just sit back and watch me work.” I search the crowd of ponies for an easy mark, after a few minutes I find one.

He’s working behind a stall, distracted by a few customers. I take off my medallion and put it in my back pocket, would like to keep that fact that I’m a Lunar Knight a secret from everyone. Tail gets the idea and hides itself behind my back, I walk up to the stall and just wait for the owner to notice me.

“Hello, may I-..” He looks up from behind his glasses and sees my horns.

“Don’t mind me, I’m just browsing.” He sits there for a couple of seconds before tearing his eyes off of me.

He glances back after every sentence, I can tell he’s nervous just by my presence. But he really shouldn’t be keeping an eye on me, but tail. Tail slithers down my back, traveling behind my leg and onto the ground, keeping close to the stall so no one can see it. I spot a small coin purse resting just a few feet under the stall, right next to a small chest. The clerk finally trots back to me, he tries to look me in the eyes but every now and again I catch him taking a quick glance at my horns.

“It’s okay, you can look, they’re just horns.” I say as I lower myself to eye level with him.

“I-I’m sorry sir, but you’re so different from Colt, appearance-wise.” I take a quick look behind him to see tail snaking its way towards the purse.

“At one point he and I weren't so different. Then I came into contact with a lethal batch of Poison Joke. That’s how I’ve obtained these horns, I waited too long before taking the antidote and they became permanent.” Tail grabs the purse, some of the coins jingle, but I cover it up with a cough.

“Excuse me, something was caught in my throat.” Tail quickly returns back to me, hugging the wall of the stall, sneaky little bastard is making my job too easy.

“I see... Is there anything special that you might be looking for?” Tail puts the purse into my other back pocket and goes back to hiding.

“Nope, just browsing, thank you for your time.” I walk backwards and wave a good bye to him, he shoots me a puzzled look before greeting another customer.

“That was too easy, good work tail.” Tail wags happily as I praise him.

“Well? What happened?” I grab the coin purse from my back pocket and jingle it in front of her face.

“What happened is that I relayed on an old set of skills, that’s what happened.” She hastily grabbed the purse and opens it up, her eyes go wide as she counts the coins.

“Luna violate me with a moon rock! This is about one hundred bits!” There’s that colorful language of hers again, gets me every time.

“I’m going to assume that’s a decent amount, should be more than enough for two train tickets.”

“Well duh! Train tickets are only like ten bits apiece! Let’s hurry and buy a pair before the stall owner notices his little stash is missing.” She flies over to the ticket booth and buys a pair of tickets.

S.K. hands me my ticket and she gets onto the train, the cars are too small for me so I hand my ticket to the conductor and crawl into the caboose. I curl up into a ball and lay down in a sunbeam that’s peeking through the windows of the caboose, tail wraps itself around me and I drift off to sleep as the train pulls away from the station.

- - -

The warm sun beats against my back, my feet buried in the warm sand that’s stained with blood. The piano wire digs into my hands as my victim struggles to survive, the waves crashing against the shore almost muffle the sounds of gurgling blood in his throat. With one quick upward jerk, the wire slices into his neck and severs his Carotid and Vertebral arteries; his body slumps to the ground and stains the sand further.

I can’t wait to get this mission over, I hate being in North Korea, even thinking about this filthy country makes my skin crawl. Ice Cube’s friends want Kim Jong Un out of the picture, he had somehow gotten onto their radar after annexing South Korea, creating United Korea. Don’t know why they want him gone, but as long as they continue to pay for my certain set of skills, I don’t care.

“Horror, wake up! We’re here.”

- - -

I wake up to Silver poking me with her talons, I’m grateful she didn’t take advantage of me again while I was taking my little cat nap; I yawn as I stretch out, my muscles loosen up and so does my tail.

“I was having an interesting memory too.” I sigh as tail opens the door to the caboose.

“Memories? Wait, don’t tell me you don’t have dreams?”

“Nope, I’ve never had a dream since I came to Equestria. Memories are all make up my dreams; sometimes they reveal something about myself, others I’m... doing mercenary-related activities.”

“What was that memory about? Were you being a bodyguard or something exciting like that?” Her eyes light up as she asks me this, her ruby red eyes sparkle with curiosity and anticipation.

“Exciting? Yeah you can say that, come on, there’s work to be done.” I crawl out the door and S.K. followed.

“You’ve ever been to Canterlot before?” I try to strike up conversation while we walked through the streets of Canterlot and towards the castle.

“Few times, I’m not really allowed to be in Canterlot...” I notice a few guards paying close attention to us as we walked.

“Why is that? It’s not like you’re wanted or something.” My comment cause S.K. to stumble over herself.

“You could say that. The Princesses have been keeping the Family out of the Canterlot for ages. If anyone is even suspected of being associated with the Family while they’re in Canterlot, they’re thrown in prison without any evidence.” I spot a few pegasi flying over us as we walked and talked.

“Silver, when I give the word, run, I’ll draw the guard's attention.” She silently nods as I spot a few unicorns flanking us.

“Forgive me.” She stops and tilts her head, I turn to her and tail latches around her neck and flings her into the air.

I take off running while S.K. recovers mid air and flies away, the guards pursue me in chase. The pegasi pay S.K. no mind and chases me down, I dodge into a nearby alleyway and into the sewers. Tail closes the manhole cover and I squat in the sewers and wait, I hear the guards running past the manhole cover and I continue to wait.

After I lose track of time, I decided to come out of my little hidey hole. Tail pushes the manhole cover open and I as soon as I peek my head out, I’m hit upside the head with something metallic and knocked unconscious.

- - -

I plug my PDA into a the computer that’s controlling the security cameras. The command prompt comes up and my fingers skate across the keyboard.

"내 머리가 아프 오."

"Ooh, my aching head." I turn my head to see the guard still alive.

“네, 아직 살아 있나?”
“Still alive, aye?” I raise my heel and axe kick his head, his neck snaps like a twig.

I turn my attention back to the computer, I set the cameras on a infinite loop and I download the schematics of the building to my PDA before unplugging it. I take the dead security guard’s badge and lock the door behind me. I round the corner and walked down the hallway, only to be assaulted by a sudden blast of cold water.

“Wake up, prisoner.”

- - -

I raise my head, I can feel a cold metal collar around my neck. I try to move my limbs only to be stopped by chains, tail too is restrained by chains. Another splash of cold water hits me in the face.

“God, that will sober a man right up!” I laugh, only to be struck down by a hoof.

“Silence, prisoner!” A unicorn orders out.

“Do you know who I wo-.” Another hoof to the face.

“I said SILENCE! You’ll only speak when you’re told too!” I spit blood out of my mouth onto the ground.

“Now, who and what are you?” I only laugh in response, this earns me yet another hoof to the face.

“Is this fun for you?!” I spat more blood up.

“나는 섹시이고, 난 알아.”
“I'm sexy and I know it.” I say in Korean, which gives me mixed responses.

“You dare mock us?!” The unicorn hits be with the handle of a halberd in the stomach, causing me to gasp for air.

“Fick deine Hure-Mütter!”
“Fuck your whore-mothers!” I switch it up to German, which grants me yet another halberd to the stomach.

“Sir, we’re not going to get anywhere with this... Thing... Let’s just take a break and come back fresh.” The guards turn around and start to walk away.

“You wish to learn what I am? Unbind my tail and I can show you.” The guards stop dead in their tracks and turn around.

“Do you honestly think we’re that stupid to un-.”

“No I don’t, but if you’re giving up so easily interrogating a prisoner, I doubt the Princesses would be pleased by this.” They hesitate for a brief second before unbinding my tail.

“We’re watching you, Monster. Make one wrong move and I’ll slice your head right off!” I smile at him as my tail reaches into my back pocket and grabs my medallion.

“Y-You’re a L-Lunar KNIGHT?! Forgive us!” They drop down into a pathetic excuse for a bow.

“Now, I wonder what Princess Luna would say if she found out that you tortured her only Lunar Knight.” The royal guards start to tremble in their armor, tail unlocks me from my restraints and I drop to the floor.

“P-Please, forgive us! W-We didn’t know!” I stand up before the cowering guards.

“You were just doing your jobs. Now rise and act like the proper royal guards that you are.” I can respect them for doing their jobs, no harm done, just a flesh wound.

“This never happened, got it?”

“Y-Yes sir!” The guards say in unison as they salute me.

“Now, take me to Princess Luna, I have to report to her about my last mission.” The guards quickly turned and marched through the dungeon, with me in tow.

I put my medallion around my neck as we marched, the guards kept quite and so did I, after several floors we come exit through large iron doors and into the night sky. The guards continued to march in silence into the castle, we stop at the two doors leading to the royal hall.

“I got it from here, thanks. And like I said before, that never happened.” The guards salute be again before tail pushes the door open for me and I walk in.

Princess Luna rises from her throne while she sized me up. Her expression goes from a mixture of confusion, shock and terror. I stop halfway and kneel down and lower my head, she’s approaches me cautiously; the guards in the room flank me on all sides as she walks down the steps. Tail sits perfectly still behind me as Luna and the guards approached me.

“W-We do not know who you are, but you wear our medallion, explain yourself!” She tries her best to sound confident, but stuttered her words.

“Lad, guess what time it is.” Friend says mischievously in my head.

“G-Get back!” I yell out before Friend forcibly hijacks my body, scales erupts from my skin, covering my body completely.




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