• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Cloud's and Bell's Secret

This is another crossover chapter! The Co-writer is itsmyfuneral his story is The Darkness Within Us All. I strongly urge you to go read his story! We'll be doing more work together on crossovers later on.

Chapter 22 - Cloud’s and Bell’s Secrets

“H-He’s... Dead...” I can feel the dam of tears nearly overflowing again as I mention this.

“Cloud, sorry to say but, bull fucking shit! He nearly killed us! If he died then why hasn’t something exploded or a giant apocalyptic creature appeared? Because other than those two scenarios, I don’t see him dying by any other means except us.”

“Yeah, not to be rude but Daimon is right, he is a tough bastard, I’m sure he is fine, more or less.”

“Luna teleported him to the zebra nation, she said that she wouldn't be able to accurately send him there... I doubt he even made it there, let alone survive what ever hell he ended up in... It’s just easier for me to believe he’s dead than just to hope he’ll come back to me! I know this makes me sound like a monster but everypony I knew or even liked ends up walking out of my life!”

“Uh, Cloud sorry but. . . “


“Get a hold of yourself! 27 is not that easy to get rid of, and this is coming from the guy that tried to kill him! He IS alive and he WILL come back, if not I will simply go over there and rip the continent apart until I either find him or something that knows where he is. And in the very unlikely even he died there, Daimon and I would most likely kill everything in sight.”

“B-But... You’re right... I guess I need to put more trust in him... He did promise me that he’ll come back alive...”

“And if not then we could turn him into a zombie!”

“Z-Zombie?” I’m now even more confused by Daimon’s randomness.

“He means if he died we take his body and through the use of either magic or technology reanimate him, you know, bring him back from the dead.” Colt says, having read too many zombie books.

“Thank you Colt, I needed that” I start to laugh a little after hearing this.

“No problem, and sorry about earlier Bell, anything I can do to make up for being an ass?” Colt ask scratching the back of his head.

“Well, we could go to dinner.” Bell says surprised by your proposition.

“Sounds good to m-, wait a second. . . MY EGGS!”


Daimon and Colt both shout as they now realized that they had left the cafe before their breakfast had arrived.

“Oh, sorry about that. By the look of it, it’s about lunch time now and I’m getting rather hungry myself.”

“How about we follow Cloud and get some lunch.” Bell says to Colt.

“Oh, okay! I grew up in Trottingham so I know the best places to go for food! There are little holes in the walls that are hard to find but sure are worth it though!” I start to trot back into the two, as Bell and Colt merely follow.

You all walk for roughly ten minutes and go in and out of alleyways until you reach this out of the way place with a few ponies just hanging out and enjoying themselves, I come to a stop for a second as I try to remember where it was. I perk back up as if a light bulb goes off and I walk past a few stores before you all come to this little cafe tucked away in a corner.

“This place is so hard to find! It doesn’t even have a name! But it’s the best food in all of Trottingham!”

“Don’t care, need food.”

“Yeah, I wish there was a manticore around here we could eat.”

“Wait, you eat. . meat?” Bell says disgusted by the idea.

“Yeah... I said the EXACT same thing when 27 came back with a manticore on back when we were out camping in the Everfree Forest...”

“Oh you didn’t know? Sorry Bell, but humans are omnivores, we will eat almost anything, we have teeth for tearing flesh and ones in the back for plants.” He says as he shows Bell his canines.

“Don’t worry Bell, you’ll get use to it soon enough...”

“Don’t worry Bell, we wouldn’t eat you.” He says hoping to reassure her.

“Well actually. . .” Bell says as Colt and I walk into the cafe.

“Hey wait for me!” Bell says running in just as the door is about to close.

Colt bumps into me, nearly tripping over me as I spot Razor sitting down with the Boss..

“Celestia rape me with the sun... Hmm excuse me for one second Colt, why don’t you two go find a table, I’ll catch up with you.”

- - -

I quickly made my way to the table Razor and the Boss sat at, they both turned their attention to me as I reach there table.

“I didn’t expect to see you two here.” I say as I stand there, trying not to choke on the smoke from the cigar.

“Ah Cloud, Razor here has been telling me on how you handled both of the collection jobs I assigned you.” He pats me on the head.

“Yes, Cloud all in all you handled yourself fairly well today, I was not expecting you to be so...straightforward, but it worked out, and you got the job done without resorting to violence.” Razor face is still has the cold hard look on it.

“T-Thank you?” I don’t know if I should take this as a compliment or not.

“Oh Cloud, why didn’t you say you’re a friend of the ‘hero’?” Boss looks up and points at Colt as he and bell sets down at a table.

“Hey, this is just between us, don’t involve him in with anything.”

“Don’t worry Cloud, as long as you work for us you don’t have to worry about anything.” Razor says as he takes a drink from his water.

“Cloud, go spend some time with your friends, come see me when you’re done and I’ll have some more work for you.” He pats me on the head one more time before I take my leave.

- - -

“Sorry about that guys, something I had to deal with. What are you two eating?” I sit down at the table with Colt and Bell.

“I ordered two servings of eggs, a fruit salad, two muffins, some toast, and a glass of juice.”

“I just ordered a daisy sandwich.” Bell said still shocked at the mountain of food Colt is going to eat.

A waiter comes by the table and takes my order. You all just sit there enjoying each other company as you waited for my order. The waiter comes back shortly after with my food and sets it on the table, I take a look down at my food and then back up to the waiter with a puzzled look on my face.

“I didn’t order this...”

“Your friends over there said they’ll be covering your tab and said to bring you something special instead, please enjoy.” The waiter trots off.

“What you get?” Colt asks already shoveling eggs down his food hole.

“I ordered a daisy sandwich, but instead I get a rose salad...”

“Well it does look good.” Bell says as she takes a bite from her daisy sandwich.

“Free food is always the best food, dig in Cloud!” He says as he finished the last piece of toast and begin inhaling the muffins.

“Colt you really do like muffins don’t you?” Bell says with a small grin.

“Of course! I could eat nothin but muffins for a week and not get sick of them.” He says as he inhales the last bite.

“Good to know.” Bell says as she winks at Colt.

“Bell you alright? you have been blinking a lot lately.” At this she facehooves.

“Yeah, I’m fine. . . It’s just something is bothering me to no end. . . “ She says as she takes another bite of her sandwich.

“Anything I can do to help?” Colt asks as he places a hand on her shoulder.

“I wish.” Bell says as she goes back to eating her lunch.

“This is painful to watch... Bell I said be aggressive, not passive-aggressive!” I facehoof myself as I’m forced to watch this painful event.

“What do you want me to do? My flank didn’t work, he is too thick-headed for hints, and I would prefer not to die of alcohol poiso-.”

THIS!” I quickly get up from my chair and lean over the table and kiss Bell, interrupting her mid sentence.

As Bell pulls back from the kiss she looks over to Colt still face first in what little food he has left.

“What the hay was that about!” Bell whispers to me.

“That’s what being aggressive is all about! And don’t say you didn’t like it.” I tease Bell as I stick my tongue out at her.

“Sorry sweetie, I’m no cloud fluffer let alone a filly fooler.” Bell says sticking her tongue out back at me..

“You wanted to know what to do so I showed you! Now go by example and be aggressive!”

“Well besides that what else? I doubt even a kiss would cure obliviousness of his magnitude.” Bell says looking towards Colt as he had fallen asleep after eating the mountain of food that had been in front of him only minutes ago.

“Maybe he’s into stallions... Could explain why he hasn't been paying any mind to you.”

“Even if that were true any stallion would be driven mad trying to get him to realise they want to be more than friends.”

“Why don’t you just tell him that then? If he hasn't gotten any of the clues you’ve been putting out there than just be direct about it and don’t play games.”

“Are you kidding me? Teasing and flirting are different from being direct! I don’t think I can pony up and tell him.” Bell says as she looks at her half eaten sandwich.

“Yeah, and where has that gotten you? Nowhere!”

“Still, he doesn’t even know who I really am.” Bell says as she begins to tear up.

“Oh honey, don’t cry. We all have skeletons in our closets, if Colt knew what I’ve been doing I don’t know what he’ll do...”

“I don’t think you understand how big of a problem this is. . . “ Bell says as she leans in and whispers her secret to me..

“Oh... OH! Well then, that does put a damper on things then... Well a secret for a secret then.” I whisper back into her ear.

“Oh, yeah Colt would not be happy to hear that, seeing as he already captured four who tried to hold up a train and how he snapped the pegasus’ wing just because he was rude to you.”

“Yeah... Don’t worry though Bell, your secret is safe with me. And no matter what Colt will still like you for who you are, and I promise you this, no matter what he’ll protect you when and if the time comes.”

“Even if my mother comes?” Bell asks nervously.

“Well, one problem with that thought, I doubt anything could stop Colt even if they tried too. The only pony who can do anything about it is 27, even after taking a fatal blow to the chest he was still able to move. What I’ve seen so far there is nothing and I mean nothing that can stop Colt or 27 unless it is each other.”

“Okay, thanks Cloud, you are a go-”


“Good friend. . . “ Bell continues after Colt burps loudly and begin to wake up from his food coma.

“Hey girls *Yawn* Did I miss anything?” He ask as begins to pop his back.

“Oh nothing Colt, enjoy your nap?” Winking at Bell as I say this.

“Yeah I did, I dreamt I was in a world full of ponies.” He says.

“You’re so silly Colt.” I start to eat my rose salad after saying this.

“Yeah the only weird thing was I remember living in a house with someone, my dream cut out at that part, must be bad reception.”

“Colt, what am I? I’m not human, so what does that make me?”

“You’re a pony, specifically kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, class mammalia, subclass Theria, Infraclass Eutheria, order Perissodactyla, family Equidae, genus Equus, species Pegasus.”

“Yeah... I’m a pony... Are you sure your dream was a dream and not something that actually happened?

“Oh it was a dream alright, why else would I have a pet duck riding a unicycle?”

"You’re going to need A LOT of help with this one, sister.” I restrain myself from facehoofing again as I look over to Bell.

“You’re telling me. . . “Bell says.

“Also as for my dream being similar to this world, I’ll be honest, my dreams are half baked. Never very original, most of the time I don’t even remember my dreams, I just see a blank screen when I try to remember them.” Colt says to us.

“So Colt, what brings you to Trottingham? Thought you normally stayed over in Ponyville.” I finish my salad as I try to change the subject.

“The Cakes needed me to deliver some baked goods to a restaurant nearby and said I could have some fun while I’m here.” Clot leans back in his chair after saying this.

“Oh, I know a way we could have lots of fun.” Bell says looking over to Colt.

“What pray tell would that be Bell?” He ask.

“Do I really need to say it?” Bell says as if she was disappointed in his response.

“Sorry Bell, not a mind reader, but if I was things would be a lot funnier around here! I could go up to random ponies and prank them so bad!” He starts to smile a bit after saying this.

“Bell, go by example.” I give bell another wink, hoping she’ll do something.

“Colt I-” Bell tries to say but Daimon interrupts her.

“Wait, how do we know we can’t read minds? I mean I know what you’re thinking.” Daimon says standing next to Colt..

“Of course we know what the other is thinking, you live in my head! How the hell would I not know what is going on in there, well at least when it comes to you.” Colt says looking back up at Daimon.

I let my neck go limp and my head hits the table, causing a few things to bounce and grabbing Colt’s and Bell’s attention; I just sit there banging my head against the table out of frustration.

“Daimon, if you really want to learn how to read minds, try reading BELL’S!”

“OKAY!” Daimon says as he turns into an amorphous blob of a shadow which begins to crawl up Bell’s leg and into her ear.

“Huh, didn’t know he could do that. . . “ Colt says shocked at the aspect of Daimon actually entering someone's mind.

“Nor did I... To be honest that’s a little disturbing.” I say as a shiver runs down my back.

“Colt, w-what is he doing in my head.” Bell asks nervously.

“No idea, Daimon!”


“See anything?”

“I see thats she needs to clean her ears, other than that I got nothing.” As he says this the shadow seemingly leaks out and pools on the floor before re entering your head.

You all sit there in silence as Bell tries to recover from Daimon’s little adventure into her head and Cloud nursing a lump on her head from slamming her face into the table repeatedly.

“Let’s go guys, I think we’re all done eating so let’s go do something else.” I get up from the table after saying this.

“Y-Yeah, l-lets go, and Colt?” Bell says looking up at Colt.


“He is the only part of you I don’t want inside me.” Bell says winking.

I start to slow down, letting Bell pass us so I can speak with Colt privatly; I tap him in the back, he slows down to my speed and looks down.

“Colt, even a foal can put two and two together, rethink what she just said very carefully.” I whisper to him, hoping I can get it through is thick head.

“Yeah, two plus two is four, A plus I win.” Colt says as we walk through the restaurant.

We all make it outside from the restaurant and I’m surprised to see how late it was, we must of been in there for quite some time because now the sun hangs low in the sky. We walk down the steps and meet up with Bell who was waiting for us.

“Hey guys, I have an idea; you want to go get some cider? Maybe something a little stronger for you, Colt?”

“Yeah, cider didn’t do the trick so last time I was just handed something labeled XXX. It was a little better but eleven cups in and nothing. Rainbow Dash on the other hand, well, she kinda blew chunks.” Colt says thanking whoever invented the bucket.

“Hmm, I know just the place, it’s close by too!” I say as I start to trot off, Colt and Bell both just follow me like if I was a tour guide.

We walked only a couple of blocks before coming to another hole in the wall, I walks into the bar with Bell and Colt in tow, the bar itself only had a handful of ponies drinking and dancing as we entered, I make my way to the bar and place my order to the bartender who’s standing there with a smile on his face.

“Bartender! Three Apple Shines! And Two Apple Ciders!”

“Whoa Cloud, I hope you and your little friend there aren't drinkin’ all that Apple Shine.” The bartender says.

“Nah, the Apple Shines is for the big fellow behind me.” I point to Colt with my wing, the bartender merley nods and starts pouring the drinks.

As soon as the three drinks are poured Colt immediately down them one by one. Apple Shine is stronger than the typical Apple Cider, but by far Apple Bombs still take the take for the strongest stuff in Equestria.

“Careful there big guy, Apple Shine is potent stuff!” The bartender says with a surprised look on his face.

“What you consider potent I call delicious, get me twelve!” Colt says as he orders more drinks.

The bartender stands there with his jaw swinging open.

“You heard him! Twelve more Apple Shines!” The bartender simply nodded and started to pour the drinks.

Colt sits there downing each one right after the other, Bell and I sat there next to Colt enjoying our cider. As Colt finishes most of the drinks he begins to entertain himself.

“Hey girls look!” He says as he brings attention to the small pyramid of empty shot glasses in front of himself.

“Colt, how can you drink that much?” Bell says amazed at the size of his structure.

I finish my cider and I’m about to order another one when somepony grabs my attention.

“Cloud, the Boss would like to see you.” A gryphon says loud enough to turn Colt’s head.

“And who might you be buddy, if you are hear to cause problems for Cloud you can expect the same thing the last guy got.” He says turning to face the gryphon.

“N-No Colt it’s fine, I’ve been putting this off all day, you and Bell have a good night.” I say as I pat Bell on the back as I start to leave.

“Alrighty then, but if they bother you come get me.”

“And I’ll snap their wings off!” Daimon says glaring at the gryphon.

I smile back at Colt and Daimon as they make their normal threats before I take off into the twilight sky.




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