• Published 29th Apr 2012
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Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Chapter 47 - Gatekeeper

“Friend! What are you doing?! Of all the people you can kill for payment, why LUNA?!” I cry out in the Darkness, only to be answered by my own echos.

“Fade! Where are you?!” If I can’t take back control, maybe Fade can.

“Oh, welcome back, 27.” She appears right behind me and awkwardly hugs me from behind.

“Fade! Friend hijacked my body! And he’s going to kill Luna!” Fade quickly appears right in front of me.

“I won’t let that happen.” She says with confidence.

- - -

“I’m hungry, and the Lad owes me quite a lot of debt after that little suicide mission you sent him on in Unyasi. And you my dear, look mighty tasty right now.” Luna backs up, her horn already flaring up as I walked towards her licking my lips.

“Guards! Seize this monstrosity!” The flanking guards charge in, wedging their halberds into my body.

“Oh hello there! You must be the appetizers!” Another halberd strikes me in the back, barely breaking through my scales.

I snap my fingers and out pops my cane from nowhere, I grab my cane and start to play golf on the guards.

“FOR!” I strike one of the guards upside the head with my cane, caving in his skull as his helmet shatters into million of species, send shrapnel everywhere.

The shrapnel slices through the nearby guards, creating multiple lacerations on the unprotected parts of their bodies; the guards fight through the pain and drive polearms into my adamen. I raise my cane again, but one of the unicorns snatches it from my grasps and throws it across the room.

“No fair!” I yell out as a unicorn sends a laser beam through my upper chest.

“Now we're getting started!” One of the guards swings his halberd at me again, glancing off my scales.

Another beam penetrates through the base of my neck, cauterizing the wound and burning away the scales. Scales cover up the hole, protecting the wound as it regenerates. I backhand one of the guards who tries to drive his polearm into my neck, blood splatters across the room as he’s sent skidding across the floor. Luna lifts me up into the air, strangling me with her levitation spell. Her magic crushes my scales as if they’re made of paper.

“Is that the best you can do?! HAAHAHAAHAI laugh madly as I wrap my arms around my back, digging my claws into my back, drenching them in my black blood.

I throw my blood off my hands, casting it into the surrounding guards; madness ensues as the blood soaks into their coats. The guards start to scream as they lose control of their bodies, one of the guards breaks down on the floor crying as his blood crystallizes and turns him into a porcupine. Another guard’s horn flares up and she sends a barrage of lasers flying out across the room, killing two more guards. Another guard starts to speak in tongues as her head violently shakes and she blows up, sending giblets everywhere.

Luna throws up a shield, deflecting them, the last two guards are smacked in the face, my virulent blood seeps into their bodies via lacerations and hastily goes to work. One of the guards flails about on the floor, screaming in agony; the second guard just stood there speechless, not seeming to be affected by my virus-filled ichor-like blood.

“L-Luna! P-Please kill ME!” She screams as she continues to flails about on the floor, her body spasming as her skin starts to crawl.

Her armor fuses with her own body, I can’t tell where she starts and where the armor ends. She starts to vomit up black blood, it lands on floor and starts to boil. She looks up to me as black tears pour out from her eyes, begging me to end her life.

“P-P-Please... K-Kill me...” She crawls through her own vomit as more tears stain her face, I sit there and laugh hysterically at her as she crawls towards me.

“Now, where would be the fun in that?” She grovels at my feet, I bend over and whisper something into her ear.


“Enjoy the gift I bestowed upon you.” She vomits more blood onto my boots, she lands face first in her bile and stops moving all together.

Her body begins to morph into a horrible, yet beautiful new shape. Spikes gilded with gold armor shoot out from her back, her mane starts to slither around and turn into tentacles; each one moving around on its own free will. I lift her muzzle and watch her teeth become twisted and sharp, the scent of fermenting death admits from her mouth; I breath it in, the scent pleases me like a freshly ground coffee beans.

“Aren't you a beaut? Now, what should I call you? Hmmm, I wonder.” Before Friend could come up with name for his new pet, Luna sends a polearm through the back of its head.

“Awww! I was going to call her spot! And then use spot remover to make her vanish!” I look up to see Luna’s horn flare up again, I turn my head to see the last guard still standing, not even moving.

“Now, what has my corrupted blood done to you?” I tap my finger against my chin as I strolled over to the pegasus.

I flick the pegasus and a metallic ring resonates from his body.

“How marvelous! You’re a statue! How adorable!”

Fade takes control over my right arm and frees tail from Friend’s banishment, tail swings around front and reopened the wound in my neck. The scales on my right arm stand on end as the black smoke oozes out of them, the vein slowly pulses with Fade’s power. She clamps my hand onto my horns and jerks me down onto the floor face first.

- - -

“I can’t take full control over your body 27, you must find a way to reassume dominance over Friend.” She’s struggling to even keep control over my right arm and tail.

“I can’t! I’m not strong enough!” Fade slaps me, I look at her in confusion.

“Don’t ever say that ever again! You’re a lot stronger than you think!”

“I don’t know what I can do, Fade!” My mind races as I try desperately to find a solution to this.

“Go Deeper.” A whisper comes out from the Darkness, Fade doesn't seem to hear it.

“You’re clever enough gu-.” I start to walk into the Darkness, as if I had a purpose.

“Where are you going?!” She yells out.

“Going deeper... Buy me some time!” I wave my hand at her as I travel deeper into the Darkness.

It feels like an eternity as I walked deeper in the Darkness, as if I was just walking in place, going nowhere fast. I look behind me and only see more Darkness, around me was just empty nothingness.

“Deeper, go deeper.” I follow the whispers as I traveled deeper into my happy place, exploring forgotten areas.

These lost areas seems so very familiar to me, I can feel the Abyss pulling me along, beckoning me to; the urge of embracing with it is hard to resist. I see a red door peering out from the Darkness, it’s cracked open, barely letting the Abyss seep into my happy place.

I place my hand on the doorknob, hesitant at first, not knowing if I’ll be able to return from this little voyage of mine. I take a deep breath and step through the door and into the Abyss, the door slams shut behind me and Arkis stands there waiting for me.

- - -

“Welcome back, 27. Glad to see you came here in one piece.” He smirks.

“How long has this door been sitting here?”

“Every since that fateful day Friend came along, since that day the Abyss has been an influence to our lives.”

“Speaking of Friend, I think he’s throwing a monkey wrench in your kogs. Your plan is burning up in flames as speak.” Arkis simply chuckles.

“I foresaw this little event coming, he’s just showing his true colors right now.”

“Yeah? Than what’s your plan to stop Friend?” Arkis just smiles at me.

“Your only option is this; stay here and be the Gatekeeper for the Abyss and let me have a quick word with our ‘Friend.” Wait, we can do that?

“Or option 2: I give myself to Fade again, she becomes powerful enough to retake control from Friend.” Arkis just shakes his head and drags his hand down his forehead.

“I won’t let you do that, you’ve already spent your ‘allowance’, you’ll get no more. Now, do you want me to save your little Princess before Friend eats her pretty little soul?” I sigh and open the door for Arkis.

“Do I have your word that you’ll return?”

“Yes, I’ll return, the Abyss won’t consume your soul as long as you stay the Gatekeeper.” He walks through the door and into the Darkness, leaving me alone in the Abyss.

- - -

Tail has my legs bound together, I’m using my left arm to drag myself across the floor towards Princess Luna. She’s back pedaling back up the stairs, her horn flares up and hits me with a paralyzing sphere; it strikes true but only last for a few seconds. Fade has my right arm dug into the floor, dragging my claws through it as Friend inches himself closer to the Princess.

- - -

“Friend, there’s no need for this little temper tantrum; you need to stop it right now. Everything is still on schedule and you need to allow 27 to stay in control until the day comes. If he’s not in control, everything will be for naught.” Arkis appears right behind Fade, startling her.

“Arkis?! Is that really you? Jolly good show ol’ chap!” Friend says with enthusiasm.

“Arkis? The Arkis? The one who’s in 27’s memories?” Fade turns around to see Arkis calmly standing there.

“The one and only, now Fade. Subject 27 has told me quite abit about you and his little, how should I put this? Snack times. Whatever memories you’ve... Obtained... Is yours to keep. But if you spoil anything about how he got here, or who he is, you and I are going to have a problem.” Fade soaks it all in before answering him.

“I haven’t explored all his memories yet. But most of them just show basic missions and some other odds and ends, some from his earlier ages, and some during your... Later memories, I’ve found out something about you though. Who’s this Alex Orlov character? You and her h-.”

That, Subject 27 does not need to know, that’s personal.” Fade covers her face with her hand, hiding her smile.

“You sound almost regretful, Arkis. Did the cold blooded killer have one shred of humanity in him? Did the killer let his guard down and let someone in his life die? Is that it?” Fade teases, Arkis just grins at her before taking over.

- - -

Arkis takes full control over my body, bending Fade’s and Friend’s power to his will. The scales retreat back from my head and down to the base line of my waist, scales remain on my arms and shoulders. Tail unbinds my feet and helps me back up, my arms stay in pylon mode. I look up to see Luna with her horn still glowing a midnight blue, her wings are fully expanded and she’s ready to attack at a moments notice.

“I am terribly sorry about the little event that just aspired here. The thing you just met is known by the name of Friend, you already know Fade and Subject 27. I on the other hand, you don’t. Just think of me as a Gatekeeper. Friend won’t be causing you or your... Subjects any more problems. I come bearing a warning for you though; the day will come when Subject 27 will ask a favor of you; I would greatly appreciate it if you fulfilled it.” Luna lowers her wings, but still keeps her spell charged.

“We thank you, Gatekeeper for stopping that menace. We assume that Subject 27 is still well in there?” I nod noncommittally.

“And what is this favor you ask us for?”

“This favor is no small task, I need at least two thousand willing souls to fight for me when the time comes. I’ll send a letter when I need to call upon this favor, in return, you may use our body however you wish ; just say the word and we’ll go through hell and back just to pick a flower for you.” Luna’s cancels her spell, the overcharge dies away as she sits back down in her throne.

“We see... You are right about this, it is no small favor to ask. Very well, we’ll grant you this favor as long as you keep your end of the bargain.” I respectful bow, hiding my malevolent grin as I do.

“Thank you, Princess Luna, I’m in your debt. Now, let me return Subject 27 back to you.” Tail props me up while I’m still bowing.

- - -

“Friend, everything is on schedule, keep 27 alive long enough to see the plan through. Fade, it was a pleasure in meeting you.” Arkis bows before Fade and disappear back into the Abyss.

- - -

“Welcome back, Arkis. Enjoy your trip outside the Abyss?”

“I did what was needed, Friend is contained, he’ll no longer be a problem. He’ll make sure you stay alive long enough to see the plan is finished. After that, it’s all you.”

“That’s good to hear, I think?”

“I’m relieving you of your duties, now go back to that cold world you call Equestria.” Arkis pushes me out the red door and closes it in my face.

- - -

I stand back up from my bow, my lower back is killing me from holding it for that long. Tail wags happily at my return. I do a quick glance over my body to make sure I’m still in one piece, the remaining scales burrow themselves back under my skin.

“We are pleased to see your return, Knight 27.” I look up to see a soft smile on Luna’s muzzle.

“Glad to be back, sorry if Friend caused you any problems.” I look around the royal hall and see the carnage that he has caused.

“Yes, they’ll be dearly missed. Your Gatekeeper explained to us on what happened, as long as you keep this ‘Friend’ under control, you may keep your Knighthood. Now, we have another quest for you, we need you to infiltrate a gang that goes by the name of Black Talon. There’s one problem though; their hub is set up in Cloudsdale and you do not have a pair of wings; so you won’t be able to walk on clouds.” I grab my medallion and glance down at it, I can still feel the enchantment coursing through it.

“Caesar, the leader of Unyasi has blessed my medallion with an enchantment of Cloudwalking, no clue if it works. There’s no better time to test it than the present.” I laugh, getting mixed looks from Luna.

“And the whole reason why I came back here was to report to you about my last mission. I ended the civil war, Unyasi was infested with spirits and demons, Caesar and I left on good terms. Hopefully I strengthen the relations between the two nations, when would you like to me to leave for this next assignment?”

“You just returned, do you not wish to take break?” I shake my head, which earns me even more mixed expressions.

“No, I have a better chance of finding Cloud while I’m out on these quests. What would be the best way for me to get it Cloudsdale?”

“We can teleport you there when you wish, all you need to do is ask us.” The thought of being teleported doesn’t set right with me.

“Have you ever been to Cloudsdale yourself? Because the last time you teleported me, I fell from the sky with no more grace than a blue whale.” Luna laughs heartily, I’m glad she got the joke, or she just assumed it was a joke.

“Yes, we’ve been to Cloudsdale. And we’re sorry about that, we did give you a warning.” Tail peeks its tip over my shoulder and pokes me in the head.

“It wasn't all bad; I landed in a bed of Poison Joke, took a nap in it; woke up with these horns, was hit by a Poison Joke bomb, grew tail here, all in all, it was a pretty good trip.” I chuckle as tail moves over my shoulder and in front of me and waves ‘hello’ at Luna.

“Hello to you too, Tail.” She giggles, tail seems pleased by this and wags happily.

Tail pokes me in the forehead, and points towards the door, I sit for a second, confused by what tail is trying to say; he makes a swinging motion as if he’s cradling a baby. Then it hits me, it’s been a long day and I needed sleep.

“You’re right tail, sleep would be good. Luna, if you’ll excuse me, I need to try to find a hotel room at this late hour.” I turn to head towards the door, but Luna stops me.

“We’ll see to it that you’ll stay in royal chambers tonight. You are a royal knight, you need to be treated like it. Please, follow us to your chambers.” Tail pushes the door open and let’s Luna take the lead.

As I followed Luna, my eyes wander down her backside and onto her flanks, I don’t know if it’s just me, the Horror in me, or my soul being almost fully merged with Fade; but I wouldn’t mind taking a go at that. My eyes travel up and lock onto her flowing mane, something about her free-flowing mane just seems so excotic. Tail is thinking the same thing as he rests its tip on my shoulder and stares at the backside of Luna with me. We come to a stop and I tear my eyes off her flanks as she turns around, she envelopes the door in a midnight blue glow and pushes it open.

“Here are your chambers, my knight. Our’s are just down the hallway if you need anything.” She smiles at me before I enter the room.

Tail pushes the door close and I collapse on the small bed and the Sandman quickly sweeps me away to slumber land.




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