• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Kill Horror, Kill! That's a Good Boy!

Chapter 54 - Kill Horror, kill! That's a good boy!

“Fetch!” One of the fledglings throws a ball made out of dense clouds, I just play along and chase after it.

“Lizz! Watch this!” The younger of the two gryphons calls out as she jumps onto my back and grabs my horns.

“Up!” She pulls on my left horn, turning me towards the wall and I climb up it, she cries out in meryment.

Tail gets swept up in the excitement and turns himself into a makeshift swing as I cling to the ceiling. Stella pushes the older sister and Lizz swings back and forth on my horns, all the young girls seem to enjoying themselves as they use me like a jungle gym play set.

“My turn, Fizz!” Stella cries out, her and the older sister switch spots on tail.

Tail sets the two of them down on the ground and grabs Lizz from my horns and gently places her next to her sister; they look up to me with questioning looks. Tail anchors himself into the ceiling; I unlatch myself from the ceiling and tail easily holds my weight as I freely dangle. I grab Stella and Fizz with both my hands and Lizz grabs me by the horns again; I slowly rock myself back and forth, building up momentum; the girls laugh and squeal gayfully.

“Girls, it’s time for b-.” Uncle walks upstairs and stops as he watches me swing the girls back and forth.

“D-D-Daddy! Look what H-Horror can do!” Fizz yells out.

“Aunty S-Silver has the coolest pet!” Lizz lets go of my horns and flies up and hugs me.

“That’s enough, it’s time for bed girls. Horror will be here in the morning.” I place Fizz and Stella on the ground, tail lets go from the ceiling and I drop to all fours with Lizz still attached to my neck.

“Aww! Daddy! We wanna stay up and play with Horror some more!” I grab Lizz and remove her from my neck, tail pats them all on the top of their heads and scurrys them along to bed.

“Goodnight girls, stay in your room tonight, daddy and Horror will be downstairs in my study.” He closes their door and turns back to me.

“Okay Horror, I expect you to be vigilant tonight. Hope you’re fine keeping guard in the dark?” I silently nod in agreement.

“Good, I’ll be keeping the lights off, encouraging my assailants to strike tonight. My corridors is just down the hall. The only way in is through the front and back doors on the main level and the windows. The windows to my room and my daughter’s room are barred from the inside, should make your job a little easier. Now, I don’t need to tell you how to do your job, do I?” Tail and I shake our heads again in agreement.

“Good, hopefully we’ll be seeing each other in the morning.” He pats me on the horns before turning off the lights and walking back into his room.

There I stand, alone in the darkness of night, I lose track of time as I watch the shadows of the clouds creep in and out of the windows; It's quiet, too quiet; so quiet I can hear the water vapors in the clouds freeze as I crawl around on the walls.

“I’m surprised to see how well you’ve handled yourself with those kids, 27.” Fade whispers in my head, breaking the silences on this dead night.

“Glad you think so, Fade. I’m not going to lie, those fledglings were just too adorable, I just wanted to gobble them up.” I said in my head, Fade quietly laughs.

“With that said, on the other hand, I’m enjoying my new powers. Sure, I’m probably only scratching the surface with just freezing the water vapor in the clouds. I’m excited to see what other neat tricks I can do, how about you? What powers have you’ve gotten from our union?”

“Well, my appetite for souls has drastically increased, slowly at first, but now, it’s nearly overwhelming... Hey 27...” I facepalm, I know exactly where this is going.

“Not right now Fade, maybe after this mission I’ll let you have a snack.” I’m rewarded by happy squeals from Fade as she claps her hands.

“Is that all you’ve gotten from our union? Just an increased appetite? No new powers? Nothing?”

“Besides the memories that we share now, haven’t gotten the chance to see what powers I’ve unlocked. You’re looking mighty tasty right now, 27... Are you sure I can’t just have a little nibble? Pwease?” If she ask me one more time like that, I just might cave in.

“Not right now, Fade. Later, I promise.”

“I’ll hold you to it 27.” She happily hums to herself as she goes back to my memories.

A flash of blue lights illuminates the bottom half of the house, the scent of the air changes from water to a mixture of ozone and electricity. I climb up from the wall to the ceiling right above the kid’s door and pressed my body against the clouds. The clouds outside block out the moonlight, making the room nearly pitch black; but I had no problem seeing in the dark. I see four shadows creeping up the staircase, they’re not pegasi or gryphons, but unicorns; recalling on the memories that I’ve obtained from the SOS templar, I discover a higher ranking spell that mimics the Cloud Walking enchantment that's on my Medallion.




“Did you hear something?” Oh, this is going to be fun!

“Keep your wits about you.” The unicorn in front says, she sounds like the leader of their soon to be eaten group. Click.

“There it is again! I’m telling y-.” I scurry across the ceiling, the clouds finally pass over the moon, flooding it with its light. Click.

“Okay, I heard it that time, must be some sort of security system or something. Our intelligence has very little information on the Shard’s guardian. Keep your guard up, if you see it, bind it, if that fails, purify it.” The leader orders, time to go fishing.

I move right over the furthest one in the back, tail sneaks up behind him and in a blink of an eye wraps around his neck and muzzle. I pull him back up to the ceiling, he flails about, trying to warn the others; but tail keeps him quite. His throat collapses under Tail’s crushing might; his body goes limp and Tail releases him, he falls through the clouds and back down to Equestria. One down, three to go, like shooting fish in a barrel.

“Priest, take Nomad down that hallway and scout that room.”

“Ma’am, problem.” She turns around and does a quick head count and notice one head is missing.

“Where’s Nomad? His enchantment shouldn't worn off by now!” She whispers loudly.

I drop down behind their leader and stand up on my own two legs, I tower over them and the moonlight casts my shadow over them. The other two jaws drop as they point their hooves at me.

“What’s wrong with you two? Prophet, Priest, keep yo-.” I lean in close to her ear and clicked.

“Your last assassin or templar, or whatever you want to call yourselves failed. Now, since you haven’t done anything to provoke me, yet. Let’s try to be civil here an-.” Both Prophet and Priest horns flare up, creating glowing shackles around my hands, feet, and neck.

Their leader bucks me in the stomach; knocking the air out of me. I drop my my knees gasping for air, their horns flare up again, tightening my shackles. Tail burrows into the clouds, he snakes his way under the leader and grabs Prophet by the hoof and yanks him under. The sudden jerk causes him to yell out in surprisement, he struggles against tail but suddenly clings to tail when he sees the Equestrian landscape below.

“Now, by how your friend is clinging to my tail for dear life, I doubt he knows how to teleport. I’ve already dispatched of your friend, Nomad. Calm down and listen to me.” I would like to solve this peacefully and have the SoS stop hunting down Fade.

“Speak quickly, Guardian.” The commander orders.

“From the memories that I’ve obtained from your first botched attempt on our life, I know of your organization and why you want to purify us. I would like to resolve this matter with minimal bloodshed. With Fade in me, I’ve been near, hell, standing right behind Princess Luna and no Nightmare Moon.”

“As long as the Shard is in you, Nightmare Moon will not rise again. Now that the Shard can take her true form, if she comes in connect with Princess Luna, then the Dark Time shall fall upon Equestria once more!”

“The Shard must be purified!” Priest yells out, bad choice of words.

“May the Abyss have mercy on your souls.” Scales cover both my arms, tail lets go of his prisoner, the clouds block out his screams as he falls.

I effortlessly break free from the magical shackles, Tail slams himself into the side of the commander’s body, sending her flying into the wall. Priest’s horn overcharges to the second layer, beams of light shoot off of his horn like a shotgun blast. The small beams glances off my scaled arms, two penetrate through my right lung; causing it to collapse on itself. I cough violently as my blood seeps into my lung; feels as if I was drowning.

His horn glows a bright yellow, he shoots off another barrage of shotgun-like blasts at me; I swing my arms in front of me, the lasers reflects of my scales and randomly scatters through the room. Tail grabs him by his throat and yanks him towards me, before he can charge up for another attack I bite his horn off; I clamp his muzzle shut, muffling his screams. I spit his horn back into his face and laugh hysterically.

“Let’s see if you can still cloud-walk without your horn!” Tail and I release him from our grasp and he plummets back down to Equestria. Three down, one to go.

I turn around to see the commander's horn glowing a bright blue, I lunge at her but her spell goes off, disorienting and blinding me. Everything goes black and I stagger backwards coughing up blood as my body tries to purge the fluids from my right lung. My eyes feel as if they're on fire, I frantically rub my eyes; trying to free my eyesight from the darkness that plagues them.

“I-I can’t see! W-What did you do?!” I cry out, tail pulls on my horns, stopping me from staggering around.

“Flash, blinds my enemys with the righteous fury of Celestia’s light!” I violently cough up more blood, I need to end this fight now before I drown in my own blood.

“I-I’ll enjoy feasting upon your soul!” My horror side rears its ugly head, I revel in the urge to mutilate this unicorn.

I steady my breathing and listen for her movement, she takes three steps to the left and tail moves in to intercept her. His blades lacerate her left side; the scent of blood pushes me over the edge into a frenzy. I lung after the fresh blood, she sidesteps and bucks me on right side, I blindly swipe at her but she dances around me with ease. I chase after the scent of her blood, but to no avail, she easily moves around me; dodging my attacks and tail. It’s becoming extremely difficult to breath with my collapsed lung filled with blood.

I back myself into a corner, I listened to her movements, studying them; trying to find a pattern. Click. Click. Click. The first click bounces off the far wall and returns to me, the second one bounces off the last templar and returns back before the third one does, the third one bounces off the wall right behind the templar and returns. A grey image of the room imprints itself in my mind. The back wall looks fuzzy to me, the templar I can make out, but she too is a little fuzzy, the wall behind her is just as fuzzy as the first; seems that the further away something is, the worse it appears to me, makes sense. Click. Click. Click. The range on my sonar isn't the best, but it’s sure better than not being able to see at all.

The commander slows down her strides and tilts her head in confusion as I crouch in the corner, clicking. Tail coils around my chest and just starts to squeeze, I feel the blood shifting around in my lung the tighter Tail squeezes. I creep forward, the image becomes clearer the closer I come to the object; I can clearly see the templar now. She starts to move around again, but I easily track her movements. I open my mouth to cough, but Tail constricts around my ribcage; forcing the pool of blood up my windpipe and out my mouth, launching it at the templar. She tries to dodge it, but trips over her hooves; my bile splatters on her left side.

“Get ready Friend, this unicorn deserves our wrath!” I think to myself.

FANTASTIC! I’ve been wondering when you’ll be pulling that trick out of my hat! With the Lass’s power at your full disposal, this is going to be very interesting to see what happens next!” His mad laughter echoes throughout my head, music to my ears.

I push myself off the ground and start to run at her on my two legs, Tail rockets past me, aiming for her throat; she rolls out of the way, right into my path. I focus my power into my right arm, the vein starts throbbing, seemingly vibrating with a combination of Friend’s and Fade’s power. The scales on my right arm raise up, but not venting off the thick, black smoke, instead venting out freezing flames. I raise my arm into the air and cup bring my claws together; creating a deadly, frozen blade.

“Serene Demon Scythe!” I yell out, swiping at the templar.

Her horn lights up as she tries to dodge my attack, I rake my blade across her chest; cutting deep into her; the wound crystallizes over with her frozen blood. Before I can prepare for another attack her spell goes off, teleporting her to an unknown location..

“Horror! What’s with all this commotion?!” Uncle comes flying out of his room, I stand there clicking so my sonar picks him up.

“Four assassins just came, three dead, one fled, not before I mortally wounded her. They won’t be causing you problems any longer.” I hear Uncle turn the lights on, he gasps when he sees the bloodstained room.

“This is the first time I heard you speak, let alone see you up on your hind legs. Silver Wing was right, you’re a force to be reckoned with. I’m glad that you’re on our side.” He chuckles weakly, I can tell that I make him extremely uncomfortable so I drop down to all fours again.

“And what about yourself? Did the assassins cause you any harm?” I can feel the holes in my lung and chest regenerating, my right lung re-inflates with air; making a world of difference for me.

“Damage report, externally, minor bruising to my upper torso, a few new holes. Internally, hemorrhaging in my right lung, right lung received some minor trauma, mostly burns. Currently undergoing self regeneration, the damage has been dealt, but I’m still alive and able-bodied. Currently blind though, I don’t know if it’s temporary or if it’s permanent, I hope it’s just temporary. Using sonar as secondary sight, reason why I’m clicking.” The door to the girls’ room opens up.

“D-Daddy, w-what’s going on?” Fizz comes out rubbing her eyes.

“H-Horror! Are you a-alright?” Lizz cries out, flying past Fizz and Stella, hugging me by the back of my neck.

“Everything is fine, girls. Horror just stopped some bad ponies from hurting you, he’ll be fine girls.” Fizz and Stella bum rush me, hugging my arms.

“Are you sure Mr.U? He looks injured.” Stella chimes in, Uncle pats her on the head and laughs.

“I’m quite sure, his eyes are just bothering him right now. Why don’t you take him into your room? I think he’ll enjoy the company.” You shrewd bastard, I am not a teddy bear!

“Okay!” The girls say happily in unison.

“Come Horror, It’s bedtime!” Lizz pulls on my horns, leading me into their room, I stop clicking and let them lead the way.

“Sweet dreams girls.” Uncle turns the lights out and heads back down the hallway.

“Night Daddy!” Tail closes the door to the girls room, Fizz and Stella on my back as Lizz lead the way.

Lizz lets go of my horns and flaps her little wings and flies up onto the bad, Fizz and Stella both join her.

“Up!” They command, patting their paws and hoof against the bed, I jump up into it, the girls laugh gayfully.

“Lay down, Horror.” Stella orders, I crawl around in a circle a few times before curling up into a ball.

“That’s a good boy!” Fizz pets me, maybe being a pet isn't such a bad thing after all, a guy could get use to this kind of lifestyle.

Tail wraps himself around me, the girls grab the blanket and wrap themselves in it, they curl up in against my chest. I yawn and quickly fell asleep.




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