• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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27's and Hyper's Excellent Adventure (Censored)

Chapter 56 - 27's and Hyper's Excellent Adventure (Censored)

Caution! This is the Censored version of '27's and Hyper's Excellent Adventure'! It's CLOP free, Enjoy!

“I can’t believe I lost!” Silver whines.

“I can’t believe it’s not butter.” I say with a straight face.

“What?” Silver ask.

“Don’t worry about it.” I bluntly replied.

“So many things I want to try, so many toys I want to play with, such little time to do it all in; just one night, what shall we do, Demon baby?” Hyper purrs, his tail brushes up against the bell around my neck; jingle.

“And this collar, who’s idea was it to put such an adorable collar on you? I love it!”

“It was my idea...” Silver whimpers, I can’t tell if she’s more upset on losing the bet or losing me for a night.

“You and I need to go shopping sometime, sweetie. I love your taste on accessories; oh, idea! Wouldn’t Demon baby be so handsome in a black suit? I’m digging the ‘rugged’ look he’s effortlessly pulling off, but my curiosity is getting the better of me. I think he’ll just look smashing in something black; tall, dark, mysterious chunk of meat. We must go shopping sometime!” All I want to do right now is crawl into a corner and get some sleep; my body is sore and my mind is dull; sleep would do me some good.

“You still upset that you lost, sweetie? Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of Demon baby, I promise.” He pats me on the back with his hoof, I yawn; Tail pulls on my horn; turning my head in a new direction, I click once to see the bed.

“Sleep, good.” I slink away to the bed, I flop down on it and tail coils around me, before the Sandman and whisk me away Hyper jumps up in the bed with me.

“You want to get started now? Fine b-.” Tail pushes him out of the bed and coils back around me.

“No... I need sleep... Long night’s work left me tired and useless...” I know that I’ll probably regret thinking this; but I don’t even care that I’m a new plaything for some flamboyant pegasus who has the hots for me.

“Get some sleep then, I want you at your fullest when we play. Oh, Idea! How about w-.” I doze off before he can finish his sentence.

- - -

“A solid says that 27 is the catcher!” Friend yells.

“Solid?” Fade questions.

“A solid in our world is a favor, but carries more weight, so to speak.” I answer, I open my eyes to see Friend behind a booth with a lit cigarette in his mouth and a pen and paper in hand, taking down wagers..

“Welcome home, 27. Glad to see that you decided to drop by.” Fade vanishes and reappears right behind hind be, giving me an awkward hug.

“I’ll take your bet, if I win, what may I reclaim with a “solid”?”

“A solid is good for anything, as long as it’s reasonable request. Can’t be something ridiculous like, let’s say, Friend leaving me for good.” Fade tightens her hug, bringing her chili arms around my neck.

“But it’s Friend we’re talking about here though, I doubt anything is out of bounds with him.” This earns me a sinister grin from Friend, is cigarette falls from his mouth and shatters into a thousand shards of glass as it makes contact with the booth.

“I like it, I’ll match your solid with a solid of my own. I say if Hyper Crasher brings out a whip, I win.” Dear god, not a whip!

“A whip? That’s BRILLIANT! Why didn’t I think of that?”

“Since we’re all in a betting mood, I bet that the next time I get teleported, I won’t obtain any injuries. I wager a portion of my soul.” I feel Fade pulling away from the awkward hug, I look over to see Friend’s head literally spinning.

“By your current track record, I would have to be sane not to accept that bet! I’m in! I wager a solid! And what about you, Lass?” I tilt my head back to see Fade licking her lips.

“I decline, I don’t need to win a wager to snack on 27’s soul.” She bites down on her lower lip, I turn around to face her.

“I’m starving 27, may I pwease have just a nibble? That’s all I ask, just a tiny nibble.” I have no idea what’s gotten into her, ever since our merging, she’s been craving for more of my soul; heck, any soul in that matter.

“I g-.” I don’t have enough time to even say the second word before Fade jumps me.

She wraps her arms around me and sinks her teeth into my neck. The rush of ecstasy and freezing agony just last for a brief moment before she pulls herself away from me; I’m addicted to agonising pleasure that’s brought on by Fade. She licks the punctured wounds that her fangs left; sending chills up my spine and leaving an icy sheen of saliva on my neck. My scattered brain recollects itself; regaining my tranquil state of mind that was shattered from the night before. Fade looks up to me; her sparkling blue eyes seem to be endless, I could very well in doubt get lost in them if I wasn't careful. I lean in to give her a kiss, but Friend’s cane abruptly stops us.

“Annnnnnnnd cock blocked.” I pull away from the cane to see Friend shaking his finger.

“Really?” He nods his head.

“Why?” Friend jabs me in the temple with the point of his cane; destroying my serene mind set.

“Because, I don’t want to see that icky, nasty kind of affection in my house.” I look back to Fade, we stare at eachother before bursting into laughter.

“Aww, does someone feel like the third wheel?” Fade teases.

“Good thing he was in control when you and I went all the way, that would've been awkward for third wheel Friend.” Friend drops his cane; it clatters against the floor of the Darkness.

“Oh what, you didn’t know? Yeah, Fade and I did the deed, right where you’re standing too.” That was a lie, the spot was more to his left, but it got the job done.

“This is going to be fuuuun, is Friend afraid of intimacy?” Friend starts to dry heave, he moon-jumps back, far away from the spot I told him that Fade and I had our first time.

“S-Scared? N-No! You meat bags spreading your bodily fluids to each other is just... Repulsive!” I look back to see Fade smiling from ear to ear; I kinda feel sorry for the guy; he has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.

“You remember the wager you lost fair and square last night? You have to be more of a gentleman to me, which includes you not interrupting us when you want to spread our bodily fluids to each other.” With that said, Fade grabs my head and turns me to face her and sticks her tongue down my throat.

During our little exploration in each other’s mouths, I peek out the corner of my eye to see Friend revaulting in our reveals; he’s holding his sides while he vomits up butterflies. Fade bites my lower lip as she pulls away from that sudden, but in all honesty, enjoyable kiss. But now, both Fade and I have some rather, unique ammunition to use against Friend when and if we ever need to use it. The faint sound of hoofsteps leak into the Darkness, I look back to Fade and she silently nods.

- - -

My eyes rip open, unleashing ungodly searing pain on my damaged eyes; as if someone is pulling on the back of my optic nerve while flushing my eyes out in salt-infused lemon juice. Everything has a red sheen to it, I see the top of someone’s head peeking up over the edge of the bed. I lunge at it, wrapping my claws around the intruder's neck and pinning her against the around. She doesn’t struggle against my grip, she simply lays there smiling up at me, a familiar scent wafts up from her; it’s Stella, the filly from Uncle’s house. Unable to bare the crippling pain any longer, I shut my eyes and release Stella from the pin.

“I’m terribly sorry about that Stella, I don’t like to be snuck up on.” The pain still resonates in my eyes, I sit down and Stella gets to her hooves.

“It’s okay, that was kinda fun! Scary, but fun!” She says joyfully.

“Did I hurt you?” I rub the palm of my hands against my eyes; dulling the pain.

“Not really, so, whatcha doin?” She playfully pokes at me with her forehoof.

“Taking a catnap before you came in, still exhausted but it helped a little. Why are you in such a dark and dangerous place?” Tail moves past me and hugs Stella, she squeals in surprise.

“What are you talking about? This place isn't dangerous, everypony here loves me! They’re really nice to me and take good care of me when I’m around!” She hugs tail tightly.

“Where are your parents at?” The searing pain finally subsiding; just leaving a dull ache in its wake.

“I don’t know.” She simply states.

“You don’t know? Why is that?” Tail picks her up and begins to swing her back and forth.

“Because silly, I just don’t know where mommy or daddy is at. They’ve been out on a mission together for nearly two years! Everytime I ask somepony, they just awkwardly smile and say they’re still out on their mission.” I’m getting a bad feeling about this, I doubt the Family has any undercover missions, doesn’t seem like their type of thing.

“If your parents have been ‘away’ for so long, who’s been taking care of you? You’re other family members?”

“Nope, just mom and pop. And Uncle has been very kind to me, I’ve been staying with him and my two bestest friends for awhile.” My heart cracks and starts to flake away in utter sadness for this child, an orphan and she doesn’t know.

“Hey you!” She pokes my horns.

“I’m sorry Stella, kinda spaced out there, what’s up?”

“You’re still tired, right? Let’s take a nap!” That actually sounds like a splendid idea.

“I like the way you think Stella. Let’s take a nap.” I climb back up in bed and Tail puts Stella right next to me.

I lay down and Stella curls up against me and Tail rests his tip next Stella; she wraps her forehooves around him and snuggles him tightly. I bring my free arm over and rest it against Stella, she nuzzles her head against Tail and sighs happily.

“Hey Horror?” She asks softly.

“What’s on your mind?” I yawn, the Sandman already sprinkling his dust into my eyes.

“You’re not as warm as I would’ve expected you to be, why?”

“It’s a long story, I’ll tell you another time, I promise.”

“Kay.” She shifts around a little more before settling back down, Tail still in her grasp but he doesn’t mind.

My tired mind regains its tranquil setting as I just lay there, slowly being swept away back to slumber land. I listen to Stella as she softly snores, it doesn’t take me long to join her.

- - -

“That’s just precious, 27.” Fade beams.

“If you ask me, it’s an abomination, cute is bad, very very bad!” Friend sneers.

“Come on now Friend, why is cute a bad thing?”

“I-It.... It just is! Cute, fluffy, cuddly, adorable creatures make me feel all.... All warm and tingly inside! Warm and tingly is bad! Very very bad! It makes my blackened heart do something it hasn't done in decades!” I finally turn around to see Friend standing up on his pedestal.

“And what might that be?” I asked, Fade walks up next to me and looks up at Friend.

“Beat.” Fade says smugly. Friend’s pedestal fractures and shattered beneath his feet and he comes crashing back down.

“Lad, you need to get rid of that little... Fluff Ball of doom before I...”

“Start to what? Have feelings again? Oh my god! You like Stella, don’t you Friend?!” I facepalm hard at Fade’s conclusion.

“S-Shut it you! I don’t h-have feelings for that revolting, disgusting, tiny, cuddly, thing that you call a filly!” Friend stomps his foot, causing the rubble of his pedestal to dissolve into nothingness.

“I think Fade has a good point, I think you’ve grown found of Stella.” Fade tries to cover her smirk behind her hand; but she’s not doing a very good job at it.

“N-No I h-haven't! All I want to do is...”

“Is what? Cuddle with her?” Friend tries to keep a straight face, but it’s obvious that I am right.

“Nothing is stopping you, you know? I’m in here, she’s asleep, so you could take control and lay there and watch her sleep; hell, you could even go as far as to pet her if you really wanted to.” At this point, Fade bursts into laughter, Friend’s face becomes a bright red and he vanishes.

“Oh, my, god! He’s actually going to do it, isn't he?” Fade and I share in a good hard laugh.

“God, just the amount of shit we can give to Friend about this, you’re not going to ever let him live this down, are you Fade?” She only manages to shake her head while she holds her sides.

“I-It hurts t-to l-laugh!” I just stand there watching Fade crying while she laughs, after a couple of minutes she wipes away the tears.

“All better now?” She stands back up and nods.

“Yeah, I needed that. Now since we’re alone, I do have a question for you. Why can’t I relive some of your memories?”

“What do you mean?”

“I can access your mission memories just fine, but other then that, I can’t access anything else. The only ones I’ve managed to access that weren't missions were the day you meet Friend and the graveyard. Whenever I try to relive any other memories, it’s like someone is actively keeping me out. What about you? Are you having any problems with this?” What Fade says raises alarms, if this is true, Friend, Arkis and I need to have a little conversation the next time Fade is away.

“I haven’t actively tried to relive any memories, they just seem to come to me at opportune times. I’ve been too busy focusing on not dying or being the center of attention for everyone; which I don’t like I might add. Maybe when this is all said and done, we get Cloud back, maybe I’ll find us a nice, quiet place to settle down.”

“I like that idea, maybe somewhere out of the way; preferably cold; but we’ll go into more detailing later. I think you should get back to the little one sleeping next to you before Friend becomes too attached to her.”

“Alrighty, let me know if you manage to crack into these restricted memories that you’ve been talking about.”

“Hey Friend! It’s time to come back, you’ve probably already scared the poor thing for life!” Fade giggles.

Friend reappears in the Darkness with a satisfied look on his face; he spots us and it quickly turns into a scowl.

“We will never speak of this again! As God as my witness, I’ll turn both of your lives into a living hell!” He threatens us that are only half filled.

“God? Really? Of all begins, you use him? Wow, you must be serious to bring up the “big” guy. Alright, as long as you and Fade continue to get along nicely, I shall forget this event. Now, don’t wreck the place while I’m away, please and thank you.” I give Fade a quick hug before leaving the Darkness.

- - -

I stir from my slumber, I keep my eyes closed; not wanting suffer the all burning wrath that is the light on my critically injured eyes. Stella is still fast asleep on my right arm; which has lost all blood circulation to it. Stella and Tail are both cuddled up together, he’s in her grasp, but lies there like her teddy bear. The door slowly creeps open, I raise my head and click; the click returns and there stands Hyper Crasher with saddlebags on stuffed to the gills.

“Quite, Stella is asleep, what do you want?” I whisper, not wanting to wake Stella up.

“Aww, isn't that just precious? I’m here to collect.”

“Collect? Collect on what... Don’t tell me...” I click once more to see him grinning.

“That’s right Demon baby, it’s our time to play!” He says gayfully, Stella starts to stir from her slumber.

“H-Horror? W-Why are you being so loud?” She cries out, she tightens her grip around Tail.

“Great, now look what you did. You’ve gone and ruined a perfectly good nest we had going and you woke Stella up, you happy now Hyper?” Tail gently coils around Stella and lifts her up off my arm; unleashing the flood gates and reawakening my dead arm.

“W-Who are you talking to?” She starts to rub the sleep from her eyes, Tail turns himself into a makeshift cradle for Stella.

“Someone who ruined our nap, Hyper Crasher.” Stella’s head shoots up, wide eyed and beaming at Hyper.

“Hyper!” She yells out, she pushes herself off of Tail and flies over to Hyper and gives him a hug.

“You have a good nap?”

“Yeah! Horror makes a good teddy bear to take a nap with! Did you come to take a nap with Horror too?” You poor, innocent creature, you have no idea how right you truly are.

“You can say something like that, how about you go along play? I bet if you asked Hare nicely enough, he’ll go take you out for some late lunch.”

“Big Brother Hare is here?! Why didn’t you tell me so?!”

“I’ma go see Big Brother Hare, ‘kay Horror?”

“Go ahead, just make sure you’re somewhere safe, okay” She flies back over to me and hugs me.

“Kay Horror, love you!” I return the hug and she flies out of the room. Hyper waves goodbye and closes the door behind her.

“I thought she didn't have any family?” I hear Hyper trotting up to the bed and dropping the saddlebag next to it.

“You’re right, Demon baby. She doesn’t, poor thing parents went missing on a mission about two years ago. Every since then, everypony in the Family has been looking after her like she was their own; Uncle especially, he’s taken a shine to her. Hare, or as she calls him, Big Brother Hare is a gryphon, orphan like herself, he and her have been best of friends ever since the day her parents went missing.” I hear him unbuckle the saddle’s clamps and starts to unload its contents.

“That’s good to hear, I’m glad that even in an this life of organized crime, there’s good people willing to look out for one another; especially someone so young as Stella. I was never fortunate enough to have people going out of their way to take care of their own. So, what’s with the bag? Is that your big bag of tricks and toys?”

“No, this is the small bag of toys and tricks, didn’t have enough to prepare the big bag.” I hear him setting some things down on the nightstands next to the bed.

“You had all day to prepare, how much stuff do you have?” He stops setting everything up and chuckles.

“Not enough if you ask me.” I hear him strike a match. Seconds later the smell of smoke and candles scented like vanilla fills the room.

“Hyper I-.” Before I can finish, he places a hoof on my lips.

“Demon baby, I won’t do anything that you’re not comfortable with. But no matter what, both of us are going to leave this room very satisfied; I’m no monster, but you my tall, dark, chiseled Demon; after tonight, I can check one more thing off my ‘To Rut: list.’.” He removes his hoof and lights more candles.

I nervously sat there with an ever-growing pit in my stomach. He prances around the room, lighting more candles and unpacking his bottomless pit of a bag he brought. Tail snakes across the bed and peak his tip into the bag and fishes out something. Too busy on focusing on what Hyper is doing, Tail slinks back behind me and strikes me on the back with a whip.

“Holy shit! Tail! Why?!” I yell, Tail whips me again, sending me flying out of the bed, trying to get away from the whip.

The whip cracks the air as he sicks the whip on me again; the skin on my back breaks, blood seeps to surface and trickles down my back. Tail strikes me once more; creating a third bloody streak down my back. I turn around and slam my back into a corner so Tail wouldn’t be able to use the whip again on me. Tail collides with a bookcase, rattling it hard enough to send a vase toppling over to break on my horns; a shard of the vase whizzes past my cheek; creating a minor laceration with blood trickling down my left cheek.

“Oh, I didn’t know you were into tough love. Looks like I get to play with the whip after all!” I let out a three round burst of clicks to find out where I’m at in the room; I’m just in the opposite corner of the room with Hyper staring at me.

“You poor thing! You’re bleeding, let me clean that for you.” He trots over to me and props himself up on my lap and sensually licks the blood from my face.

“There there, settle down now, come back to the bed, I almost have everything ready.” My blood begins to clot up after a few licks, as I crawl towards the bed, Hyper smacks my ass, making me yelp.

“What are your thoughts for the night’s event? I’m just not the kind of guy who will get down and dirty with just anyone.”

“My thoughts are this: you shed your clothing and I show you the sort of massage skills that one learns growing up in a Trottingham whore-house.” I come to a dead stop right before climbing up onto the bed, the sheer thought of getting a massage from someone who has hooves doesn’t sound too pleasurable to me. I don’t want to hurt his feelings so I guess I’ll have to humor him.

Without thinking, I kick my boots off and they fall straight through the cloud flooring; plummeting to Equestria below, watch out everyone, those boots were meant for killing, not for walking.

“Huh, forgot that my clothing wasn't enchanted... Oh well, those boots lasted a lot longer than I expected. I guess I wont be needing my socks now.” I skillfully use my feet to free each foot of their socks and let them follow their brethren wake.

“Hyper, there’s something you must know before we do anything. The only way I’m able to walk on clouds is because of this medallion in my pocket that Caesar gave me with an enchantment of Cloudwalking on it. Is there a safe place where I can put my pant at so they don’t fall through the floor like my boots? I would greatly preferred it if I didn’t have to walk around naked.” I reach into my pocket and fetch the medallion and put it on around my neck.

“That thing is kinda gaudy if you ask me. And a picture of Nightmare Moon is soooo last century, we need to get you some better threads if you’re going to keep on working for the Family; you can just set them in my saddlebags for the night. Come on now, off with those pants and up into bed with you!” He orders, reluctant at first to strip down into my skivvies, Tail unbuttoned my pants and unzips them.

Making sure my PDA is safely tucked away in my pant’s pocket, I fold the pants up and let out a click to find the bag. Tail places them into the bag for me and I drop trow, Hyper lets out a whistle at seeing my naked body. I climb up into bed and lay down on my stomach.

“Looks like I need to clean your back before we get started,” He flies into the bed and slowly licks up the blood from my back with his warm, wet tongue.

After he finished cleaning my back of the blood, he reaches over the bed into his bag and grabs something from it. He squirts a cold, oil-based liquid onto my back. Surprisingly, being massaged by hooves gets the job done, I feel my knotted muscles unwind and loosen as his magical hooves goes to town on my back. He picks something up off the nightstand, I’m too far relaxed at this point until he scores my back with the whip; causing me to yelp once more.

- - -

“Looks like I win, Friend!” Fade purrs.

“Son of a WHORE! I can’t believe I lost, AGAIN!” Friend pouts.

- - -

“Sorry Demon baby, I couldn't resist. Don’t worry, I only swung hard enough to cause some pain. Now, roll over, it’s time to get started.” I do as I’m told and roll over onto my back.

I go to stretch my arms out, he quickly takes advantage of this opportune time and handcuffed me to the bed’s post. So, this is how it begins, forcibly being taken advantage of my someone who’s half my size... This is going to be an interesting night to say the least.

The next morning came all too soon for me. A ray of sun managed to pierce the blinds on the room's’ window and hit me right in the eyes; causing pain them to flare up again in their salt infused lemon juice bath. Hyper luckily woke up around the same time.

“Oh, you’re awake Demon baby. I trust you slept well?”

“Yes, yes I did. Although I am a tad sore.” Fade is already on damage control as I feel her icy touch numbing my rear end.

“For the first time in a long time, so did I and so am I. Shall we extricate ourselves from this messy bed and take a well-deserved shower?”

“Yes. Any longer and these bed sheets may end up permanently stuck to me.”




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