• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Spitting Venom

This is another crossover chapter! The Co-writer is itsmyfuneral his story is The Darkness Within Us All. I strongly urge you to go read his story! We'll be doing more work together on crossovers later on.

Chapter 44 - Spitting Venom

My right arm instantly covers in my black scales, they raise and vent off thick black mist. My whole arm shakes violently as my vein starts to overload with Friend’s and Fade’s combined power. I bear down on my teeth as I fight the urge to splatter Colt’s brains all over the walls and paint his house red and deck the halls with his organs. Tail lets go of S.K. and calmy wags back and forth.

“Colt, you need to stop talking right now before-” Every fiber of my being is screaming at me to just destroy him, the Horror’s urges are overwhelming.

“Calm down man, I’m just messing with her, it was too tempting to pass up.”

“The next time you upset S.K. I won’t hesitate killing you in your sleep...” My arm morphs back into its normal form and my body stops shaking.

“Fine, I’ll stop screwing around, but don’t think you’re the only one with some new tricks.” As he says this, his right eye turns bright red and his left one a deathly black.

Suddenly Daimon appears on the left side of the bed holding Rage as he hides his face in Daimon’s shoulder.

“Everyone, meet Daimon and Rage.” Colt announce as Daimon simply smiles mischievously.

“Demon, what is this being? He does not look like any spirits that I’ve seen, nor does he look like one of your kin.” Nyuel says as she tilts her head curiously.

“Colt, mind explaining to everyone what Daimon and Rage are? They are you after all, and vice versa.”

“I will explain, for whatever reason my mind split itself into various pieces, each focusing on a certain aspect, Daimon stands for demon in another language from our home world. So Nyuel in a way you are correct, but at the same time wrong. He’s a part of me that can manifest itself whenever I allow it, all he does is use the magic I absorb and he can take any shape he wishes. As for Rage, well you saw what he can do. As for how he does it I think his case is similar to Daimon’s, although I’m not certain of this.” Colt explains.

“Let’s put that theory to the test, shall we?” Isaac’s horn flares up and launches a laser at Colt, which only fizzles as it strikes his chest.

“Haha, stronger unicorns than you have tried kid, even Celestia’s magic has no effect on me, it just makes me stronger.”

“You honestly THINK Celestia is stronger than I?!” The kid’s eyes become bloodshot and his horn fully charges and becomes enveloped by a ebony black glow.

“Ah ah ah, not in my new house, kid.” Colt says as he sit up and grab his horn absorbing his spell and draining a bit of his magic before he pulls back.

“Colt sit back down! Kid knock it off! Both of you are acting like children!” Tail pushes Colt back down onto his bed and Isaac becomes flustered and pouts.

“Kid, this is the sole purpose why I asked you to cast a spell on him back in town. I didn’t know how much juice Daimon had in him, and to fully regenerate Colt’s body was going to need a lot.” Isaac continues to pout as he sits down in a corner and opens his book back up.

“Yeah, I am a magic sponge like that, also S.K. I apologize for earlier, didn’t actually think you were with the Black Talons; just tell them to stay out of Ponyville. If they set foot here then I WILL eliminate them.”

“Thank you Colt for apology-.” S.K.’s wing blocks my face, interrupting me.

“Like there’s any reason why we would take over this tiny town...” S.K. retorts.

“I said if I see them set foot here I will exterminate them, they would never get that far, now let’s stop before Rage starts crying.” Colt says as he looks back to Daimon patting Rage’s back.

S.K. calmly collects herself and lowers her wings, revealing the pain expression on my face. My soul is still too unstable to even control basic body functions, I can feel my soul ripping and tearing under the strain. I try to fight to stay up as long as I can, but I only fear that any moment I might lose control and lose consciousness

“Y-Yeah, let’s not fi-.” I fall over backwards, blacking out before I can even finish.

“H-Horror?” S.K. pokes at Tail, but it doesn’t budge.

“He’s fine, I doubt Madness would let his pet die so easily.” Isaac retorts back, his muzzle still deep in the book.

“Isaac don’t be such an ass, if I burned you alive and used your body as a wrecking ball, you wouldn’t look half as good as him. Well unless I cooked you.” Colt and Daimon laughs maniacally.

The kid lowers his book and looks up at you with bloodshot eyes he stares at him; not even blinking.

“The kid speaks the truth, Madness won’t give up his catalyst so easily. You may burn, break, or even destroy him, but Madness won’t let his powers go to waste.” Isaac’s voice is not his own, his voice is steady and flat.

“I assume you have a friend like Madness in there with you as well, you crazy kids and your demons.” Colt chuckled heartily.

“And how long did it take your feeble mind to come up with an assumption like that?”

“I had my theories but all the demon talk today seemed to prove it, also how can you blame me, I am split between three different people, maybe more. My mind is a dark place.”

“I am Demon of Cunning... Madness is no demon... But merely a-.”

“But a what? Oh please tell me you were going to say sea turtle!? HAAHAAHA! Friend assumes control over my body, cutting off the kid with his laughter.

“Hey Madness, wassup?” Daimon says as he waves at me.

“A sea turtle, now that would be interesting hahaha.” Colt laughs at Friend’s randomness, amuses him so.

“What’s up? WHAT’S UP?! I don’t KNOW! How MARVELOUS!

“Yep, just as crazy as ever, just don’t yell too much, Rage here isn’t a fan of loud noises.”

I jump to my feet, my body covered completely in black scales again. I snap my fingers and a cane with a skull on the top materializes out of thin air, I rest the cane in front of me.

“How’s this for loud noises?!” I inhale enormous amount of oxygen, expanding my chest beyond normal limits.

“Yay!” I whisper quietly at Colt.

“Oh my, t-that was loud.” Fluttershy whispers as she looks at me.

“Yeah, that is fine, just don’t make Rage upset or it’s likely we will all die, Daimon and I included.”

“Who’s a cute little inner fire spirit? You are! Yes you are!” I bend over and pat Rage on the top of the head.

“I wouldn’t do th-, ah crap.” Colt says as my hand catches fire.

“Isn’t that just the mildest little flame you’ve every seen?!” I lick the flame, tasting it’s spiciness.

“Yes, quite, mild, but not hot. Just like tabasco sauce.” I lick my hand a second time, putting out the flames.

“Can someone keep an eye on him, we don’t need 27 broken again.”

“Oh, that reminds me! This is the whole reason why I’m here! You know that little fragment of his soul he sacrificed to save your mortal soul? Well... Yay...”

“Technically I don’t know how much of my soul he saved, it is split up between all the people in my head, Daimon, and Rage might just be the first to come forward.”

“That’s what, five thirds of your soul?! Meh, never too good with your human math, to complicated! But anywho, so even though I TOLD the Lad not to sacrifice something that doesn’t even belong to him. He still did it!”

“Eeyup, oh well, anyone feel like ice cream or is it just me?” At this Rage perks up and turns to face everyone, eliciting a few gasps.

“I-I *Sniff* like ice cream.” Rage says through the gas mask fused to his face.

“Isn't that the most adorable little gas mask I’ve ever seen! I haven't seen one that small since the last time Lad was back on Earth!”

“Yeah, better than people staring at him.” Daimon and Colt say in unison..

“Friend, come back in here and let 27’s body rest, you’ve already healed it. Don’t overtax his body to the point where 27 can’t use it.” Fade whispers inside my head.

“Whelp, the Lass is nagging me to come back home, she won’t let me have any fun. But before I go, the Lad might be out for a little bit, the Lass is putting back together his soul as we speak. Good night, Y’all!” I fall back over and land on the ground with a thud, bouncing Fluttershy up into the air just a few inches.

“So how about that ice-cream, I’m buying!” Colt cheers, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen since I hit the floor.

“You need to stay in bed, mister.” The good doctor finally makes himself known as he approaches Colt’s bed.

“Damn, can’t you just duct tape me back together? Worked every other time.”

“No, I don’t quite know how your Human bodies work, yet. But just like any burn victims, you need your rest. And all this unneeded attention isn’t good for you, everypony out!” The doctor orders.

“Aww, can the girls stay? Hugs help.” Colt ask as he hugs them.

“Nope, if anything, the hugs could be damaging your already damaged skin before it can repair. Now everypony out, let the doctor work!” He stomps his hoof to add emphasis.

“Aww fine,” Colt sighs as he gives each of the girls a quick kiss before they’re sent out.

“Pardon me, Doctor Helping Hoof. But may I stay? I came to Equestria to learn the ways of pony healing? I am a healer from my tribe back in Unyasi.” Nyuel states, the doc thinks the idea over and nods.

“S.K. and Isaac, you two out!” The doc points his hoof at the door, they both leave as well.

“Okay, Colt, just lay back down and let me examine your wounds.”

“Well I got impaled at least five times from the guards and Celestia’s horn, the burns, probably some broken bones, and internal damage, nothing Daimon can’t fix.” Colt says as he looks at his open chest cavity, he pokes something.

“Anything else I should know about before I go to work?”

“I think that’s it, besides this is kind of fun.” He continued to poke his organs.

“Don’t do that, now Nyuel, care to join me in examining a Hu-”

“Hey wait, can you fill the empty space with candy, I could be a pinata!”

“Olay!” Daimon shouts as him and Rage fade away.

“No...” Both the doctor and Nyuel say in unison.

“Aww, Pinkie Pie would’ve loved that.” Colt begins to pout.

Colt lays back down on the bed and let Nyuel and the Doctor both poke around and study the Human anatomy. They both question Colt for several hours, but he was no help to them because he knew nothing of medical science. He eventually falls asleep after the second healing potion and his chest cavity healed. They leave Colt and I alone in the room to rest and they joined the others down stairs in the living room.

“So when did 27 get a tail?” Trixie asks.

“Yeah, why does he look like he’s dressed for Nightmare Night, I understand wanting candy but that is three months away!” Pinkie Pie says

“Well, when I first met Demon, he only had the horns, the tail came along after Poison Joke Bombs...” Nyuel states.

“Oh my, that plant is nothing but trouble.” Fluttershy says.

“When I first met Horror he had the tail, scariest thing I ever saw, that is until I took him down.” S.K. puffs up her chest with pride.

“After what they just did, nearly destroying the town and almost killing an alicorn, I doubt you could’ve taken him down.” Bell states flatly.

“Why y-.” Isaac speaks up.

“Sure Kill, the Changeling does have a good point. I doubt you could’ve brought him to his knees even when his powers were sealed. I on the other hoof was able to kill him.”

“Killing Colt or 27 seems to be simple enough, keeping them dead is a whole other story. Brag about it when you don’t just put him down for a nap.” Bell says.

“I would like to see you do better, Changeling.” Isaac retorts as he buries his muzzle into his book.

“At Least I’m not a depressing, cynical, anti-social little foal.” Bell sneers.

Isaac lowers his book and closes it, he looks up to Bell with a blank expression.

“Depressing? Yes, after what Subject 27 did to my entire family, who wouldn’t be? Cynical? I only trust knowledge. Antisocial, yes. But don’t judge a book by its cover, I might be a foal, but what lies underneath is something completely different.”

“We all have issues kid, stop using yours as an excuse for your poor behavior. And as for what’s on the inside, all I have seen is somepony who enjoys killing, pitiful.” Bell retorts.

“And what about you, Changeling? I’ve seen your kind in the facility, sucking out whatever they can just to survive like the parasites they are.” Isaac scolds Bell.

“Those were merely drones of the queen’s horde you saw, they ran on instinct alone, every species has its weak-minded Grunts.”

“And what would that make you, if you’re not a drone, then you must be one of the ‘queen’s’ offsprings, daughter, or maybe even a younger sister?”

“Don’t compare me to the queen, she is a hateful, abusive monster. She does nothing but cause pain and suffering for anypony she is involved with, which is why I left. To live in Equestria, and find a life of my own, so don’t even dare compare me to those things.”

“Are you sure you left of your own free will? Or did she simply let you leave, with you thinking that you obtained your freedom?” A smug expression now resides on his muzzle.

“I could ask you the same thing, did your father let you leave on your own or were you just too weak to use for an experiment?”

“Please, unlike your queen, my father was loving and nurturing. He only wanted the best for me, he spent hours upon hours loving me and my sister... Before my twin sister was too arrogant for her own good and was consumed by a spirit... I learned from her mistakes and became stronger than I could’ve ever dreamed.”

“Whatever you say kid, parents can lie to their children as well.”

“Oh trust me, I know. But I’m just biding my time until the day comes when I have Subject 27’s head on a fucking silver platter!”

“Please, like any of you can hurt my Horror.” S.K. purrs as she says this.

“Oh, and please explain to Trixie how he is yours?” Trixie asks.

“For starters, he’s obedient, his meat is tasty an-.”

“Oh please, any filly can simply spread her legs for a stallion, you seem more like his toy if that is all you do.” Bell says as Trixie nods her head in agreement.

“By his meat is tasty, I meant he’s a good cook, and how far have any of you girls gotten with Colt?”

At this Pinkie Pie, and Trixie grin from ear to ear while Fluttershy blushes.

“Trixie has been with Colt, as well as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, only reason Bell hasn’t is because Colt was too busy fighting an army and Celestia to rescue her, and what exactly have YOU done?” Trixie replies.

“Sorry to hear about that, Bell. And I’m also sorry about the number My Little Horror did on Colt.” S.K. says remorsefully.

“27 didn’t do much damage actually, most of the damage was from the fire caused by the child.” Bell says.

“B-Bell is right, the heat would of c-cooked him from the inside o-out.” Fluttershy says, still blushing from earlier.

“No need to worry yourselves, girls. Nyuel and I both looked over his internal organs, and Colt is going to be fine. He’s just going to be laid out for a couple of days, that’s all. So let him rest and no fooling around, you hear me?” The good Doc shakes his hoof at the girls, making his point clear.




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