• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Not This Time, Gravity!

Chapter 53 - Not This Time, Gravity!

“Okay S.K., what’s the matter?” I try to break the awkward silence as we made our way back to the HQ.

“First of all, I can handle myself in a little catfight.” Finally got her to speak, that’s a start.

“Second of all, are you ambidextrous ?” I didn’t know she stopped until I ran into the backside of her.

“What makes you think that?” I backpaddle and shake my head and look up at Silver.

“When Hyper was hitting on you, and yes he was. You didn’t brush off any of his advances, and what was that ordeal with you nearly choking to death?”

“I can’t remember the last time someone hit on me, it felt kinda nice. You’re the lucky one, I can barely keep my eyes off of you.” Tail taps me on the shoulder, poor guy, how could I forget about him?

“Tail, and I can’t forget about tail, can barely keep him off of you too.” Silver pats tail on the tip and he wags happily.

“Don’t change the subject, answer the question.”

“I’m willing to give anything a shot.” Silver seems to be at a lost of words as she just shakes her head.

“Even fooling around with a Colt-Cuddler?”

“Colt-Cuddler? I don’t even know the meaning of Colt-Cuddler.” Silver looks mortified by my response.

“Really? What about Filly-Fooler?” I shake my head.

“Wow, okay. Let me lay some knowledge down on you then. A Colt-Cuddler is when two stallions roll around in the hay, a Filly-Fooler is the same thing as a Colt-Cuddler, but with mares instead.” Makes sense, this world has just the strangest synonyms.

“Gotcha, okay, I get it now. Do you have any issues with Colt-Cuddlers and or Filly-Foolers?” Hopefully I can change the subject and get Silver off my case.

“What? No! I think they’re adorable! Everything about them I love, especially their mannerisms. I, on the other talon, wouldn’t be able to live that kind of lifestyle; father wouldn't approve and I would go insane without a partner of the opposite gender from my own.” Success! Finally got the spotlight off of me.

“Why would your father not approve what kind of lifestyle you went with?” Silver rubs her arm and looks away from me, breaking eye contact.

“Let’s go, Uncle is waiting for us.” She shrugs the question off and starts to walk away before I can prod her some more.

We walked the rest of the way to the HQ in silence, the guards out front open the door for us and we head towards the back office. The two guards stationed out front of the office quickly pushes the door open and I’m instantly assaulted by a wall of cigar smoke. I sneeze violently and curse my heightened sense of smell. Silver comes to a dead stop in the doorway and I smack face first into her backside, I look past her to see a changeling arguing with Silver’s Uncle.

“I did the job, now, where’s the bits!” He slams his hoof on the desk, causing his quill to roll off to the ground.

“Yes, you did the job, but you also injured one of our clients.” He calmly collects himself and straighten his parchments.

“The moron had it coming, he got in the way so I decided to shoot through him, collateral damage. The job is done and everyone is happy besides me; all because some bird brain gryphon won’t pay me!” I push past Silver, forcing her into the room, the changeling doesn't notice us.

“You nearly killed the client! You were supposed to protect him while he made the deal! Instead he ends up in the ICU in Trottingham’s hospital, he won’t be able to earn for us for at least a month.” Silver’s uncle stands up from behind his desk and leans over.

“If you want to get paid, next time do your job and don’t injure the client! Now get out of my sight before I send Razor to teach you a lesson!” He yells, the changeling silently turns around and finally spots us.

“Oh, it’s you... Hyper Crasher wanted me to pass you a message...” He heavily sighs.

“He said, and I quote, ‘If you see Demon baby, tell him I’ll be thinking of him, thanks LC!’. I don’t know why I said I would, he didn’t offer to pay me...” He walks past us, leaving us in an awkward silence.

“If it wasn’t for the fact that he was a changeling and a damn good thief, I would’ve thrown him to the timber wolves by now.” He bends over and picks up his quill and sets back down.

“You know I don’t like Lighting Charmer, Uncle. Sure, he’s good at his job, but one day he’ll back-stab you just for a bit. You need to get rid of him before that happens.”

“That’s why I like him, keeps me on my paws. But how was your dinner?” I open my mouth to answer but Silver beats me to it.

“Horror ate his weight in meat, never seen him so happy before. Hyper Crasher paid us a visit. It was...eventful...” You’re the one who didn’t choke...

“At least you finally got some food in your pet, are you ready for your first mission, Horror?” I eagerly nod my head in agreement.

“Good, because your first job is protection, your client is me.”

“Why you Uncle? Don’t you already have several guards?”

“Yes, but there’s been recent attempts on my life and I think one of my current guards has been turned. So, I decided to lower the amount of guards to one to draw out my assassin.” Fight fire with fire I guess.

“But Uncle, don’t you think that’s a little risky?” Silver says, her words filled with concern.

“Yes, but no one knows what your pet can do, which makes it all the better. I have full confidence in your pet after you told me what he did in Unyasi. If everything goes as planned, I might actually get a good night’s sleep.”

“Okay Uncle, you’re the boss in this sector, Horror and I will obey. And Horror, if you let one feather on Uncle’s head be touched, I’ll have to punish you.” She says in a cold, flat, serious tone, I don’t know if I should be aroused by the threat of punishment or scared for my life.

“Come Horror, it’s time to get started; you’ve got a long night ahead of you.” I look back at Silver one last time before leaving HQ.

We walked through the alleys, I keep my eyes peeled for anyone suspicious looking characters; I kept my distance and lurked in the shadows, keeping a very close eye on my mark. Surprisingly, he’s keeping his cool, walking with his head held up high. He doesn’t even bother to check behind himself. The urge to start clicking is unbearable; but I must keep quiet as I stalk my ward. I spot a few pegasi chatting in a nearby crossroads, he seems to know them as he stops to chat with them. I look up to check the skies and a idea comes to mind, if I can manage to get on top of the rooftops, that will give me a better advantage.

I place my hand on a cloud wall and a small area freezes; I call upon Friend’s power and sink my claws into the frozen surface. I give a quick test pull and my makeshift hole in the wall holds; I sink my other claw into the wall and pull myself up it. One quick look on my ward and he’s still having a friendly chat with the pegasi. I’m rather enjoying my new powers, probably not using them to their full potential but this is quite entertaining.

A little over halfway up the wall I encounter a small problem blocking my path. I lip jutting out from the wall, blocking my ascent up the wall any further. The distances from the wall I’m on and the wall behind me is approximately ten feet away, without a running start, I doubt I could clear that much distance. Tail pokes at the back of my head, I look at him and he points to himself and to the wall.

“Sorry buddy, that’s a ten foot gap right there, you’re only six feet long. You can’t re-.” Then what tail is trying to tell me dawns on me, he’s telling me to jump. What do I have to lose? If I don’t make it, I’ll just land on clouds.

“Okay buddy, on the count of three, well jump, got it?” He nods.

One... Two... Three! I push off from the wall and fall, tail anchors itself into the wall behind me and with my momentum and the sudden anchoring I swing down and slam face first into the wall. Good thing these pegasi are obsessed with building everything out of clouds, or I’ll most likely have a bloody nose right about now. I jerk my head up to see my mark wrapping up his business with the pegasi so I decided to scurry up the wall with great haste.

I run on all fours, jumping from rooftop to rooftop as I followed him; it seems that pegasi and gryphons don’t like to fly during the night, just me alone up here with the moon casting my shadow down onto the alleyways below. The wind starts to pick up, bringing the cool night air with it. There’s a small bridge connecting Cloudsdale to a smaller island of clouds with much nicer, bigger houses on it. He strolls across the bridge and I look ahead at the mcmansions.

I kick up the speed, going from a steady jog to a full on sprint, I near the edge of the rooftops and lunge without looking before leaping. As my feet leave the rooftops, time comes to a crawl as I look down and seeing the Equestrian landscape below, no cloud coverage, just dirt and grass. I look back up and the walls of the nearest building seems miles away, if I don’t make this jump I’ll probably end up in another coma or die from the fall.

“Take a look at this guy, Lass. He’s got a pair on him, doesn’t he?” Friend laughs in my head.

“I don’t know if he’s courageous or just plain stupid. How about a little wager? Could be fun!” Friend says,

“Are you really betting if 27 lives or dies? What kind of ‘friend’ are you?” Fade sneers.

“His very first friend, Lass! But it doesn’t mean we can’t have a little friendly wager, can we?” I start to lose altitude as I near the wall, I extend my claws out as far as my arms will let me, praying that I stick the landing.

“Fine, since I have faith in 27, I’ll accept, what are the terms of this wager of yours?” Fade replies, are they really betting if I live or die?

“If 27 doesn’t make the landing, and if he dies, you’ll allow me to occupy your mind AND give me some of 27’s soul you selfishly snacked on. If 27 makes the landing; which would be extremely boring if you ask me. But if he makes it, I’ll be more of a gentleman to you, sound fair Lass?” Wow, that’s extremely steep if you ask me. Let’s hope I make this landing for the sake of Fade’s insanity.

“Agreed.” She replies.

Time speeds back up, the tip of my claws barley kisses the side of the wall; just a few more inches and I’ll be home free! The cloud wall freezes as my claws sink deeper into it, but not deep enough to stop my descent. I reach out with my other arm and dig my claws in, but it’s too late as they swipe right under the edge of the clouds. I come to a stop just barely away from the bottom of the clouds. I didn’t realize how hard my heart is rattling against my ribcage as I dangle just inches from being gravity’s bitch again.

“H-Ha! Not this time, gravity! You didn’t win this ti-.” I’m interrupted as I feel my left claws start to slip from the frozen holes.

In a blink of an eye I sink my right claws into the cloud and Tail anchors himself deep into the clouds; god I love Tail, I’m glad that I obtained him back in Unyasi; I would be at a loss if something were to happen to the guy.

“Looks like I win, Friend.” Fade coos.

“Aww god damn it! Well I’m a demon of his word, a bet is a bet, you win Lass.” Friend sighs in defeat.

“Now, tell 27 that you’re sorry for doubting him.” She orders, I don’t hesitate before climbing up the wall and away from gravity’s forceful hand.

“I’m sorry... 27...” Friend whimpers.

“I’m sorry, I could barely hear you, mind saying that one more time?” I pull myself up onto the roof and quickly find my client as he continues to stroll down the sidewalks.

“I’m sorry... 27...” Friend says, he hangs his head as if he just lost a war.

“Now, was that so hard?” Fade teases,


Their little squabble dies down while I scaled slanted rooftop to rooftop. My client comes to a stop outside a fairly nice looking house; lights on, so someone must be home. He opens the front gate and walks up the main path. I jump onto the roof of his house and start climbing down the front side of his house head first; gravity takes effect and my blood starts to slowly flow to my head. I peek into a large window with the drapes drawn back: extravagant furnishing, flat cloud flooring; almost looks like fresh ice on a lake during winter. And toys, strange. I look back to see my ward approaching the front door, he finally looks behind him and notices that I’m not there.

“Did that scamp run off?” I chuckle to myself and climb down the rest of the house. Tail extends out and front of me and taps him on the top of his head, he looks up and sees me.

“Sweet Celestia! Don’t do that!” He jumps backs, clearly startled.

“Have you been creeping around on the rooftops the entire time?” Tail and I nod in unison.

“Glad to see that you didn’t run away as soon as you left Silver’s side. Come on inside.” I drop down right next to him and he opens the door and walks in.

“Daddy! You’re home!” We’re instantly greeted by two young gryphons and a unicorn, so adorable! I could just eat them up... I quickly push the mere thought in the deepest, darkest hole in my mind as I catch myself licking my lips.

“There’s my girls! Did Stella’s mom say it was okay for her to be here this late?” He hugs both of the young gryphons, they’re just so adorable.

“Yeah! Daddy, is it alright if Stella stayed the night?” Both of the girls say in unison with pleading eyes.

“I don’t see why not, I-.” The girls peek their heads over their father’s shoulder and spot me.

“Kitty!” They climb over him and fly over to me. Just look at their tiny wings! Can gryphon fledglings be any cuter? Just look at their tiny wings!

Not knowing what to do, I turn tail and scurry up the wall and up to the ceiling; like a cat bolting up a tree to escape predators. But the two fledglings and the foal fly up and wrap their claws and hooves around poor tail and I.

“Can we keep him?” Nooo! You may not keep me as a pet!

“Look sis! He already has a collar on him!” They squealed in joy.

“No girls, he belongs to Aunty Silver. She thought it would be a good idea if I brought him over tonight so you girls can play with him while she’s out on a mission.” I unlatch my claws from the ceiling and land on all fours with the girls still attached to me like leeches.

“Aww!” The girls cried, just too kawaii.

“Did you girls already do your homework assignments?”

“Yes! What’s his name, daddy?”

“His name is Horror, now go upstairs and play with your friend, I need to have a word with Horror. After we’re done, I’ll send him right up to play with you.” The girls finally unlatch themselves from me and fly up stairs.

He waits a few minutes until the we hear their playful laughter fill the room.

“I’m entrusting the lives of my family to a single bodyguard, and Silver Wing seems to be quite fond of you, I believe that you’re in this for the long haul.” He takes a second to to collect his thoughts before continuing.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is this, you’re family now. When you do decide to finally speak, you can just call me Uncle. Now, get upstairs and go play with the girls, they’re probably dying to play with you. If you need anything, I’ll be in the den.” Uncle pats me on the horns and walks into another room, I find the stares and crawl up them, only to be assaulted by the girls.




Characters - Lighting Charmer


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