• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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'Protection' Services

This is another crossover chapter! The Co-writer is itsmyfuneral his story is The Darkness Within Us All. I strongly urge you to go read his story! We'll be doing more work together on crossovers later on.

Chapter 20 - ‘Protection’ Services

“Razor, there’s been some store owners not wanting to pay for our ‘services’ to protect them, show Cloud how it’s done.”

“Sure thing Boss, which owner is it this time?” Razor lets go of my hoof and gives his full attention to my new ‘Boss’.

“There’s two this time, the owner of “The Trotting Calf’ and that new one, what was it called again?” Boss starts to scratch his chin as he tries to think of the name.

“La’ Stella, Boss.” Razor says, not even showing a hint of emotion on his face.

“That’s it! There’s a reason why I keep you around Razor, you’re the only smart one here. Now get out of here and make something of Cloud, would you?” Razor and I take out leave from room and step back into the gloomy building once more.

A few of the pegasi stand outside the door, each one eagerly waiting for us. One of them starts to whistle as the others start to hoot as they see me emerge from the boss’s room.

“Hey baby! Let me show you the ropes!” One of the hooting Pegasi yells out.

“Hey buddy! Let me hav-” The room goes silent as Razor expands his wings to full length.

“Listen up you peons! Cloud here is NOT here to become new product! If any of you thinks about laying a hoof on her, you’ll be answering to ME!” Razor yells out as all the pegasi slink away back into the dim room.

We walk through the building without any incident after Razor barked down his orders. We make it to the entrance of the building and leave, the sun blinds me for a second as my eyes start to adjust to the brightness of the outside world. Razor expands his wings and takes off into the sky, I follow him sheepishly. We left Cloudsdale and made our way to Trottingham, Razor is flying at a slow pace, all most if he was just lazy gliding through the air, I quickly catch up to him.

“Hey Razor, mind if I ask you a few questions?” He stops and just hovers in the air.

“Why aren't you like the others? I mean you seem like a fairly nice fellow in al-.”

“Don’t think you and I are friends, my only interest is to look out for my family. If you are accepted into the family then you and I can become friends, but until then you’re just a low level peon like the rest of those idiots. Something about you intrigues me, and I want to find out what.” Razor turns around and starts to fly lazily towards Trottingham.

We reached Trottingham and landed in front of the ‘The Trotting Calf’, we walked in and the store owner looks up and his face turns from happy and pleasant to sorrow. Razor flips the sign on the door to ‘close’ and made his way towards counter, the stallion behind the counter stands there trying his best to keep his pose.

“Now listen here you t-thugs! I-I don’t need any protection from y-you!” The stallion backs up a few steps as Razor stops at the counter.

“Are you sur-.” I cut Razor off, trying to impress him.

“Look here pops! Do you really want to piss off a gryphon who’s easily twice your size!? And you might be thinking, ‘Who’s this little mare standing behind the big guy who’s been quiet this whole time? I’m the Celestia-damned big guns! The brought me into oversee these little jobs when I was in the middle of napping! And I don’t like it when my naps are cut short!” I made my way up to the counter, slamming my hoof down onto it causing a glass to tip over.

The stallion quickly grabs a small bag from underneath the counter, his legs tremble with fear as Razor stands there just watching. I swear to Luna that I thought I saw a hint of a smile on his beak!

“Smart move pops, now don’t make me come back in here or there will be a problem.” I grab the bag and take my leave, Razor simply follows in my wake as the owner of the cafe cowers in fear behind his bar.

Razor flips the sign back over to ‘open’ as he left behind me, I turn around with the bag in my mouth and a smile on my face. I give Razor the big and look up to him, seeking approval for my handy work.

“Well, how was that for my first attempt?”

“For a quiet mare you sure how to work ponies, keep up the good work.” Razor starts walking down the cobblestone road towards our next objective.

I follow him, we walked at a slow pace down the road, no need to rush perfection, right? We walk for a few blocks and turn down to a different road, our next store ‘La Stella’ was in sight. I continued to walk towards it and stop as I see somepony sitting out front that filled me with joy.
It was Colt sitting there outside ordering food with a pony I haven't seen yet, must be somepony new.

“C-Colt, is that YOU?!” I yell out in excitement, he looks up and looks around aimlessly until his eyes land on me.

“Cloud? Damn, what are the odds of running into you here?”

I turn towards Razor as he looks down at me, he simply just nods and I start to trot towards Colt. I can see them talk among themselves the closer I got. After a short trot I reach the table and see Colt’s new friend.

“Who’s your new ‘marefriend’ Colt? She’s a cute one.” I teasingly say.

“She isn’t my marefriend, Bell here just needs some help.”

“So I’m not your marefriend? Hmph, now you don’t get to sleep with me anymore!” She says as she looks away.

“Cloud this is Bell, Bell this is Cloud. And wait, what?” Colt scratches his head.

“And you can forget about putting your hand on this!” She says as she stands up from her chair and puts her flank in your face.

*Shakey shakey*

“Quite a catch you have there, Colt” I stick my tongue out at Colt.

“Well what about your gryphon friend? You get tired of 27 already?” Colt says hoping this would be his chance for payback as Bell finally sits down in the chair once again.

Colt this is Razor.. He’s an associate of mine, and for 27...”

“Is 27 your plaything or something?” Bell asks.

After hearing Bell say this, tears start to build up. I can barely hold them back as is because the wound is still too fresh.

“I think we better leave that subject alone Bell.” Colt says, not wanting to see a friend cry.

“Cloud, let’s hurry up and get this over with, the boss does not like to wait.” Razor finally speaks.

“Sorry, let me handle this one Razor, excuse me for one moment Colt.” I trot off into the cafe, leaving Razor alone with Colt.

- - -

I made my way into the little restaurant, it was fairly quiet in here as only a few ponies sat throughout the dinning area. I stop the owner ‘La Stella’ talking to a mare, I tap him on the shoulder and he turns around and greets me with a smile.

“Oh, sorry about that miss, I didn’t see you there. How can I help you today?”

“I’m going to make this simple for you pops, you see the big fella outside sitting at the table? He’s the hero that’s been in the papers lately, you might’ve read about him. He’s a close friend of mine and if you want to keep your store in tact you’ll do as I ask. You owe us some bits for some ‘services’ for my gryphon friend who’s standing outside waiting for me. Now do yourself a favor and quickly fetch those bits for me and I’ll make sure the ‘hero’ doesn't trash your new restaurant.” I say in even tone voice as the stallion simply nods in fear and runs behind the counter and grabs a bag of bits for me.

“Now, don’t make me come back in here again or there’ll be a problem.” I grab the bag and left to meet up with my friends outside.

- - -

I push the door open to see Razor already looking at me, he sees the bag in my mouth and nods quietly. I swear! Right there! That was a tiny smile right there! I only take a few steps outside before I hear someone call to me.

“Hey baby! You came back to me!” You all turn your attention to see a grey pegasus trotting up to me with a sick smile on his face.

“What do you want, perv?!” I drop the bag on the ground as I see the perverted pegasus from before at the lake.

“Aww baby, don’t you mis-.” Daimon interrupts him as he appears before him.

“Oooooh another one with wings! Tell me, how much would it hurt you if I were to say. . . Snap the bones one by one and tear them from your body?” As Daimon says this Colt turns to me..

“Cloud, mind if Daimon ‘plays’ with this one?”

“No, go ahead.” I say as I stare him down.

“What are you idiots talking abo-” Before he can finish Daimon assumes control of Colt’s body and lunges at the pegasus.

“What the buck!” He yells as Colt pins him to the ground.

“Don’t worry, this won’t be over quickly.” Daimon says as he puts one hand to his throat and the other at the base of his left wing.


“AHHHHHHHHHHHH” the pegasus lets out a blood curdling scream as Daimon snaps his wing and begins to pull on it,

“Alright Daimon, that’s enough for now, I think he gets the message, Colt say as his eyes begin to fade from black and return to their normal dark brown.

“Now you go along your merry before I let Daimon out again, or maybe his associate would like to come out and play as well.” He say as the broken stallion begins to stand up.

I pick up the small bag and hand it to Razor, he opens the bag and looks back up at me and nods. Nothing still? Not even a tiny smile? Jeez this guy is cold as ice!

“You’ve done good work Cloud, let’s head back to the boss, he’ll be pleased at your performance.”

“Razor, mind if I stay and catch up with old friends? I’ll catch up later.” Razor merely nods before taking off.

“W-Wait, you’re wo-” The cowering pegasus shuts up as I turn my attention once more to the cowering pegasus.

“Don’t you think you have better things to do than just standing around here with a broken wing?” I say in an even, steady tone of voice.

“Yeah! Why not stay, I can give you another!” Daimon says staring at his bloody back.

The pegasus quickly turns tail and hauls ass away from you. You all can hear whimpering coming from his as his broken wing flails about as he runs.




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