• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Wish Master

This is another crossover chapter! The Co-writer is itsmyfuneral his story is The Darkness Within Us All. I strongly urge you to go read his story! We'll be doing more work together on crossovers later on.

Chapter 50 - Wish Master

I decided to take the day off and go visit Bell, so I told my little gang that they could do whatever they liked while I was away. I’d already made it to Colt’s little house in the woods and was just standing outside the front door. I’d tried knocking a few times, but no answer and it’s past breakfast. Are they seriously still sleeping?

“Anypony home?” I bang my hoof against the wooden door again, but no answer.

“Hopefully they’re not out... Hmmm.... Oh, I know, I’ll try Colt’s bedroom window!” With a quick flap of my wings, I take off around back of the house and to Colt’s window.

I peer into the window, placing my face against it to see if he’s still asleep. I can see his bed with what it looks like a pile of ponies sleeping on a large lump, must be him. I tap my hoof against the glass, hoping I only wake Colt and not the girls. I see the lump shifting around under the covers, eventually Colt emerges from the pile of ponies and sees me hovering outside his window. He rubs the sleep from his eyes as he stumbles towards window, he unlocks it and pulls it open.

“About time, I’ve tried the front door, but nopony answered. So I thought of the next best thing, your window. Looks like it worked,” I greet him with a smile.

“Well if you came by looking for 27, you just missed him by a good six hours, sorry Cloud.” He sits back down on the bed, my mind kicks into overdrive as I hear this exciting news.

“Wait, WHAT?!” I bolt into the room and tackle Colt down onto his bed.

“Cloud, be quite or else you’ll wake u-.” Before he can finish, he hears the girls stirring in their sleep, slowly waking up.

We both just sit there, not making a sound, waiting for the girls to go back to sleep. I want to tear his head open and start to pick his brain, wanting to find out everything about 27.

“Tell me!” I loudly whisper.

“Fine, but let’s discuss this down stairs so we don’t disturb them anymore. They’ve had a rough day; especially Bell.” He looks over to his pillow and I follow his gaze, I see Bell’s emerald hair splayed all over the place; I’m shocked to see she’s in her changeling form.

“Fine!” I jab him in the side with my hoof, pushing him out of the bed.

He tries to walk as quietly as he can, but I notice he’s having trouble walking; I fly under his arm and try to support his weight, we walked out of his room and down the stairs into the living room.

“Thanks Cloud, not in the best shape since a friend paid a visit.” He says as he falls back onto the couch, as soon as his back makes contact with the couch. He starts writhe around in pain before getting used to the discomfort.

“Want me to get you anything before we start?” I ask as I hover in front of Colt.

“No, let’s just get this over with. Ask away Cloud. Just don’t turn on the lights, you might not want to see me right now.” He Leans forward after saying this. I have a million and one questions to ask and I don’t even know where to start.

“Where’s 27, is he still alive? Is he still in one piece, tell me everything!” I sit down on the coffee table, the gears in my head turning faster than they’re supposed to. Shortly afterward, the pitter-patter of rain hitting the house could be heard..

“I don’t know where he was but if he didn’t show up in Equestria, everypony in it would’ve been burnt alive,” Colt says in a serious tone.

“W-What do you mean by ‘everypony burnt alive’?”

“Remember when we were camping out in the Everfree Forest and I somehow conjured fire?”

“Y-Yeah... The first night we spent out of the facility...”

“Well, Daimon’s associate made an appearance... and we all nearly died; Celestia, 27, and I.” He states in a calm tone of voice.

“G-Go on...” I stutter, my fore legs are shaking. I’m trying my best right now not to break down by the bad news of 27 nearly dieing.

“It started a little over a week ago, for some reason or another, more guards kept showing up. Eventually, Twilight Sparkle’s brother, the Captain of the Guard, showed up. Bell said they were watching her the entire time they were there, but never approached her. One day, I confronted two guards and interrogated them as to why they were following Bell. All they said was Princess Celestia ordered it. Later that night, Bell told me she was a changeling and that she was most likely being followed because of what she is and that they were going to arrest her. I wouldn’t have any of it though...” As he says this, I notice he’s balling up his fists with anger.

“Well... I guess I was wrong about whom the guards were after. I knew you were going to look after her if the guards tried to do anything.” I was really hoping that they were here because of me and not Bell.

“They did more than try, Celestia sent a platoon of fifty soldiers to apprehend her. I laid traps down to thin their numbers. But they wasn't enough, I was outnumbered and surrounded. It wasn’t long before I began to wear down, and when I did, Shinning Armor impaled me with a spear. Leaving me bleeding on the grou-.”

“That’s enough... Sorry if I sound rude, but I don’t care what happened to you. You’re still alive and that is all that matters...”

“Oh, trust me, the next part will interest you. After they had captured Bell, they sent guards to retrieve the wounded, and that’s when Rage made his debut. He set my body ablaze in such an intense fire, that my skin began to peel and fall from my body within minutes as I slaughtered the soldiers who stood in my way. Eventually Celestia had seen enough blood shed and tried to stop us; big mistake on her part. If not for 27 intervening, they all would’ve been killed and I would be reduced to a pile of ash. 27 managed to stop Rage’s massacre, last I saw of him was when a mobster gryphon, a zebra, and some smartass demonic foal came to check on my burns. Last I heard was something about him joining the Black Talons, that mob definitely needs the help, last ten or so members were pushovers.” My ears perk up as he mentions something about the Family and the gryphon.

“D-Did you just say the Black Talons?” My jaw drops and I nearly fall off the table.

“Yeah, some gryphon named Sure Kill was with him and she wouldn’t shut up about it, all I know is if they show up here, we will have problems.” Wait, he’s traveling with Sure Kill? The Sure Kill? Oh Celestia no...

“Sure Kill? I never... Errr, what about ponies just passing through, or stopping by to say hello to an old friend?” I would like it if Colt is ignorant about the fact that I’m working for the Family.

“I’ll do to them what I did to many of Celestia’s soldiers...” Yeah, no, definitely don’t want Colt to find out whom I’m working for.

“Are you here to play with me?” A child’s voice speaks up from behind me, scaring the living hay out of me.

I rocket up towards the ceiling after the voice spoke, I look down as I hug the rafters and see Rage sitting on the edge of the table.

“Is that the associate you were talking about?” There’s a little fire child just sitting there on the table.

“Yes, despite his size, he has the power to set all of Equestria up in flames. Now come down before you upset him.” I’m hesitant at first, but slowly descend from the ceiling, I perch myself on the couch besides Colt.

“Did 27 seem interested at all in joining up with the Fa... Black Talon group?” I have to make sure not to say the Family around Colt.

“No idea to be honest, but I did get the feeling he had a thing for the gryphon, something about his tail doing things on it’s own and such.”

“Wait, WHAT?! He has a tail?!” I yell in surprise, my eyes went wide as my head jerked so fast it could’ve easily fall off.

“Yeah, somehow he got a tail and some big ass horns on his head, no idea how he got them, didn’t care. But in all honestly I thought you would be more concerned that you have competition now.” He grins, I put the thought of him hooking up on the back burners as the tail and horns take up presidents.

“H-Horns?! What the hay happened to him?”

“Like I said, didn’t care, all I know is he stopped Rage. He apparently rutted the gryphon in his sleep once or twice, and he nearly died twice. Once from the foal, hahaha.” Colt starts to laugh, my brain feels as if it’s on fire as he mentions 27 nearly dying twice...

“H-H-He...” I begin to stutter again, all this information he just laid down is overloading my brain.

“He has a tail and horns now... Nearly died twice... And he’s been hooking up with a gryphon and maybe a zebra... T-This is just too much to take in all at once.” I rest my head against the armrest and just sit there.

“That’s what she said!” Daimon announces as he appears directly in front of me.

“Not now Daimon...” I don’t even bother raising my head from the armrest.

“Daimon, leave the poor mare alone.” A mare’s voice speaks from behind me, my head doesn't budge.

“Thank you whomever you are, I-I just...to process this all...” 27, w-what happened to you over there in the zebra nation?

“Oh, that’s Compassion, long story short she has the been hiding in my head since I got here and has been healing me throughout all my crazy shenanigans. I think Daimon was just taking credit for her work.”

“Don’t really care right now... Colt, what would you do if 27 joined up with the Black Talon and he came back to Ponyville for a visit?”

“Well seeing as not only I and the Princesses dislike them, they might step in as well since this is a bit closer to their castle than Trottingham, so probably not the best Idea.” Colt flatly states.

“I was asking what would you do, if it was a good idea or not.” I finally raise my head off the armrest and blankly stare at Colt.

“Same thing I did to the Black Talon members on the train and in the bar, eliminate the problem. I like this town, it’s peaceful, I would like to keep it clean of any unsavory influences.” Good thing he doesn’t know what happen to those train robbers, or I would be in hot water right now.

“Why didn’t you attack Sure Kill, if she was in the Fa... Black Talon, you’re obviously not sticking to your own words.” Damn it, got to keep on not saying the Family.

“Sorry, but burning alive and being impaled roughly five or six times wears a guy out. Also, you keep on almost saying something, I wonder... Are you in the Family?” He stares me down, I try my best to keep a straight face.

“W-What makes you think that?!” Keep calm, Cloud. Play it off like it’s nothing.

“In our world, we had mobsters too, even a few movies about them. Most always seemed to mention their ‘Family’, and they way you kept stopping yourself to say the Black Talons wasn’t very convincing. Plus your reaction just now proves it.” He says with a grin covering his face.

“I’m not, my father was so I grew up around it. Old habits die hard, right?” I give a weak chuckle, I’m going to have to think on my hooves to avoid from Colt finding out about my employers.

“Oh? Then mind explaining why you have a fedora with a rose as your cutie mark? I doubt you own a haberdashery or a flower shop.” Molest me with your horn, Celestia! I didn’t think he’ll ask about my cutie mark!

“Once again, grew up around it. One day when I was just a filly, a gryphon stopped by with a present for my dad. It was a fedora with a rose tucked in it. But instead the gryphon gave it to me, that’s how I got the cutie mark. A gift from a stranger.” I look down at my flank and move my wing out of the way so Colt could get a better look at my cutie mark. Hopefully he’ll buy this false truth lied.

“So, your whole purpose in life was receiving a hat? Oh well, even if you were in the Family I wouldn’t mind, you’re one of the few friends Bell has. You’re the one exception to the rule. But if I ever hear of you setting up shop here, your privileges will be revoked immediately.” Because I’m a friend of Bell, he’s willing to overlook his own rule? I don’t get this guys train of thought at all.

“So let’s just say if I was in with the Black Talon group, only reason why you haven’t thrown me out the window is because I’m Bell’s friend? What about 27? If he did join up, isn’t he still your friend?”

“You misunderstand Cloud, we aren’t friends... We’re merely the only two humans in a foreign land; if you were to call our relationship something it would be more along the lines of simple acquaintances.”

“I’ve been under the impression that you two were friends... Sure you two fight, a lot... But to me, you two just seemed like siblings just rough-housing.”

“Well I don’t usually make plans to kill my siblings if the time comes, but that is for you to decide.”

“Oh yes, right now we’re up to seven plans I believe.” Daimon says rubbing his hands together.

“Now that is progress, good work.” Colt gives him a thumbs up as they both laugh.

“What do you mean by ‘plans to kill my siblings’?”

“Well you referred to us as siblings, and I don’t normally plan on their demise, but in his case I would make an exception.”

“That’s a little unnerving to hear that you’ve been putting thought into that... What has caused you to plan this out?” I cock to my head to the side, confused to no end.

“Because, he asked for us to do this, and this seems like something Daimon would enjoy immensely.” My head corrects itself with great speed after he said this.

“H-He asked you to kill him? Why?”

“He said something about insurance, but I didn’t care to ask anything beyond that, plus it is pretty easy to kill someone you have no truly positive feelings for; Like the fifty or so soldiers Rage burnt to death.”

“Hopefully he doesn’t need you for whatever insurance policy he has in mind.”

“Well you are one of his rut-buddies, so next time you two meet, why not ask him yourself?”

“Yeah... about that. Are you Sure Kill and 27 were rutting? And this zebra, what makes you so sure he’s rutting with her too?”

“Well here’s my theory, so far every mare, a.k.a. you, he’s rutted at some point. Then he met Sure Kill, and Bell said she heard them two talking about something involving his tail going inside her a few times. So that is two-for-two confirmed, the zebra is just a hunch. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised with his current track record.”

“I need to go talk with Bell, will you be okay down here by yourself while I go pester her?”

“Just don’t wake the other girls, they need their sleep.”

I simply nod before silently flying up the stairs and into Colt’s room. I hover over bell and gingerly wrap my hooves around her, with ease I’m able to lift Bell off of his bed and I fly her out of his room and into hers. I close the door behind us with a rear hoof and toss Bell onto her bed. She bounces once and lazily opens her eyes to see me flying over here.

“C-Cloud?!” Bell nearly shouts as she is still in her changeling form.

“Did you break our promise?!” I yell back at her.

“N-No! Why?” Bell asks as she calms down.

“Because! I was just downstairs with Colt, lying through my teeth, covering my own tracks. He’s on to me Bell! He knows that I’m in the Family!” I grab Bell and start to shake her furiously.

“I-I d-d-don’t kn-know!”

“And what’s with this about a damn gryphon?!” I let go of Bell and slam my face into Bell’s pillow, and screaming into it.

“Oh, HER, yeah. Apparently while 27 was sleeping he rutted her once during his mission and once more on the way back. It made her even angrier to hear him use the excuse that he did it in his sleep so he didn’t know he did it.”

“Him rutting a gryphon doesn’t ruffle my feathers, it’s the fact that this Sure Kill character is trouble, Bell! I know all the mid and high ranking members in Trottingham and Cloudsdale, I don’t know anything about Sure Kill! I’ve only heard rumors and murmurs about her! You know how she got the nickname ‘Sure Kill’? It involves her taking down a rat that was being escorted by ten royal guards, all of them died!” I wear a fearful mask as I lift my head from the pillow and face Bell.

“Um, sweetie, you know who you’re talking to right, and how many things have died by Colt’s hands?”

“I know what Colt can handle, and 27 too. But if Sure Kill was able to pull something off like that, than she must be so far up the food chain that if she hears anything that she doesn’t like from 27, than I’m as good as dead!”

“Sweetie, he could smell you in my bed when he was here, trust me, he was obsessed with finding you; he started acting REALLY creepy.” Bell points to the blood on the floor from Pinkamena’s knives.

“D-Did you tell him that I came onto you?” I blush just at the mere thought of this.

“Yes, it just made him act like one of those stallions that abducts foals.”

“T-That doesn't sound like the 27 I know... Colt told me he has a pair of horns and a tail now...”

“Yeah, doesn’t bother me much because this was the first time I saw him.” Bell simply shrugs in response.

“So, what did you think of 27?” My red cheeks fade away as my face lights up with joy.

“When he was creeping on me he cornered me saying Colt couldn't save me if he tried anything, he then stabbed Colt near his heart and it took the four of us to stop him. So no, I am not a fan.” My joyful expression quickly dies down after hearing this.

“27 wouldn’t attacked unless he was provoked, what really happened to 27 while he was in the zebra’s nation? Did he say anything at all? All I got from Colt was Daimon being himself, Rage scaring me half to death. Colt stroking his own bloated ego.”

“How is his ego bloated exactly? Last time I checked he nearly killed Celestia and yet 27 was almost choked to death by Luna.” Bell sneers.

“Bell, I’m sorry if I sound a little snotty, but I knew Colt since the facility. He’s always seemed to be full of himself.”

“He may be full of himself sometimes but you only see the part of him that fights, the real Colt is caring, kind, and thinks of us First! You just don’t know him, plus what has 27 done? Cheat on you with a gryphon while Colt gave Trixie and I a place to live and someone who cares for us when nopony else would!” Bell shouts with eyes watering.

“I’ve seen my fair share of Colt while he isn’t fighting, I know him more than I care for.”

“Then why bother coming here if all you want to do is insult the only person who loves me for me!” Bell shouts, infuriated with me.

“And for what 27 has done, he’s saved my life. Gave me a second chance when I was sold off to the facility when I went for help! He’s given me everything, and he’s never asked for anything in return. And it’s just sex Bell, everypony needs to release themselves from stress from time to time. And Bell, I love you for who you are, who’s known the longest about your secret?” I embrace Bell in a hug, wrapping my wings around her.

“Yes, but Colt fought against Celestia herself without any regard for his own safety just to protect me! A mare who lied about who she was until the last moment, a mare he only knew for ten days! He didn’t care what I was, he didn’t ask for anything in return, he just wanted for me to be safe!”

“Bell... Listen to me very closely.” I whisper into her ear as I tighten the hug.

“27 and Colt are both Human, they’re not so different. 27 did the exact same thing for me, minus the Celestia part. I literally fell right in front of 27, and know what he did? He just simply smiled and limped into the next testing room, didn’t care who I was, he just smiled. After everything he’s been through, the first thing he did was make sure I was okay. Bell, just remember that we might not like each other’s humans, but they have a lot of similarities between them.” A tear runs down my cheek and onto Bell’s back.

“H-How about we just stop fighting. T-They do enough of that a-already.” Bell says as she wipes her eyes.

“Agreed, I’m just glad he came back alive and that you’re alright. If they did manage to take you, I would’ve done everything in my power to break you out.” I release Bell from the hug and wipe away my own tears.

“T-Thanks, and I-I know Colt would never admit it, but you are his friend.” Bell says as she starts to smile.

“And thank you Bell, you’re a great friend to have.” I let out a sigh and flop down on the bed.

“You know, you’ve got a pretty sweet set up here. When do you plan on tagging Colt for your own?” I stick my tongue out at Bell.

“W-What do you mean?” Bell stutters.

“Oh trust me, you know what I mean.” I playful jab at Bell’s side with my wing.

“E-Even if I wanted to you saw how bad he is, he can barely stand, not to mention his skin is still burnt.”

“Oh honey, honey, you misunderstood me completely. But you’re on the right track though.” I enjoy teasing Bell.

“What are you talking about now?” Bell asks, confused by my vagueness.

“You’re serious? You really have no idea what I’m talking about?” I sit back up in the bed, trying my best not to start laughing at Bell’s obviousness.

“N-No...” Bell says as she looks down, embarrassed that she can’t put two and two together.

“Two plus two is four, A+ I win!” Daimon shouts.

“Daimon, you aren’t in this scene now shut it, restart scene everyone...” A bodiless voice orders, then the world flew back a few seconds.

“You’re serious? You really have no idea what I’m talking about? I sit back up in the bed, trying my best not to start laughing at Bell’s obviousness.

N-No...” Bell says as she looks down, embarrassed that she can’t put two and two together.

I quickly look around the room, making sure the door was closed and it was just her and I alone in the room. I lean into Bell and whispered something into her ear.

“B-B-But I’ve o-only been with him f-for two weeks!?” Bell shouts.

“Well yeah, doesn’t mean you have to right now! I’m talking endgame stuff here! You know, when everything calms down and you get to know each other a little better. Hey, you and I are still very young and in our prime, we’ve got all the time in the world to have fun, I’m just asking if you’ve put any thought into this.”

“B-But there might be a problem with your idea Cloud... Well two to be precise.” Bell says with a sad look on her face.

“Oh?” I say with a concerned look on my face.

“First is my mother, after she finds out where I ran to she will find me and ruin what we have here, plus can humans and ponies even have foals?” Bell asks as she begins to tear up again.

“Okay Bell, A: It’s Colt we’re talking about, I doubt your mother can break you two apart. Just look what he did to the small army and Celestia when they tried. And 2: You’re a changeling, not a pony, you have a better chance than I having foals with a Human. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to have foals of my own with 27 someday, but I need to find him first.” The gears in my head come to a screeching halt as I think over what I just said.

“Wow... I guess 27 rubbed off on me more than I thought.” I laugh as I scratch the back of my head, didn’t realise until now I picked up a few of his mannerisms.

“Why would I have a better chance?” Bell questions.

“Just a theory I have right now, but if you practiced hard enough, you might be able to change into some kind of species that is compatible with humans. That is if ponies or changelings aren’t already compatible with them already, who knows?”

“Good theory, one problem though, I can’t change my appearances other than my coat color and hiding these wings. That is why mother hated me, said I was a failure of a daughter...” She flaps her wings as she says this.

“You’re not a failure of a daughter, Bell. You have a wonderful life right now, friends who love you for who you really are. I don’t see why you’re so hung up on what your mother thinks, only you can choose what path to take. She might force your hoof, but in the end it’s your decision on what you do.”

“I just wish I could prove her wrong...”

“Are you sure” A dark, mischievous voice echoes through the room.

“W-Who’s there?!” Bell shouts as she hastily looks around.

“Madness!” The sound of someone snapping their fingers rings out, the room is enveloped by a black void.

- - -

We’re both sucked through a wormhole into an unknown dimension. We both awake in nothingness, just laying on a ebony black floor with a twisted version of our own souls being reflected in the ebony surface. Bell and I rise to your hooves and look down and quickly become petrified with fear by what we see.

“W-W-W-Where are we?!” I shout as my legs start to tremble in fear.

“No bucking idea...” Bell states.

“May I have your attention, ladies?” The same voice calls out from behind us.

We barely manage to tear our gazes from our reflections, we turn around to see a man wearing a suit with a top hat and a cane in one hand. He’s sitting in a throne that seems to be made out of souls, he taps his cane against the ground and the throne turns into obsidian.

“Welcome to the Un-World!” His insane laughter is almost defining.

“Friend... Why the buck did you do this!?” Bell yells.

“Do what, Bell?” He leans forward in his throne, twirling his cane with one hand.

“This! Why did you teleport us here you moron!?” Bell shouts.

“B-Bell... D-Do you know this... Thing?” I whisper into Bell’s ear.

“This is Madness, or as 27 calls him, Friend” Bell says seething with rage.

“You know 27?! Where is he!?” I take off, flying towards Friend, only to be frozen in place by a snap of his fingers.

“Yes, I know the lad, and where he is. Will I tell you? Nope. I would rather go have sexual relations with a obese pigmy infected with smallpox. Wait, now that I think about it, that does sound like a marvelous idea!” He lets go of his cane, it continues to twirl in the nothingness.

“Tell me where 27 i-.” Friend snaps his fingers again, creating a zipper over my mouth, shutting it.

“So why are we here you freak?” Bell demands.

“Oh stop it with the pet names, you’re making me blush!” He covers his face with his hand.

“We are here, you are correct about that. Here is everywhere and nowhere at the same time! That’s the beauty of the Un-World! It shows your true colors, even if you don’t want it to!” He steps off his throne, the suit disappears, revealing his scaled cover body with scaly demonic like wings jutting out from behind him.

“I guess I’m not the only one who can change shape.” Bell says as she looks over Madness’ true form.

“You like? It’s been sooo long since someone saw my glorious body! You know how long I’ve been itching to get my wings onto my new body? Life times! But noooo, the lad had to grow my horns first, and a tail! Honestly, a tail of all things?! The inbred thing doesn’t even obey its master! I do so miss my wings, my loins ache for them so!” He expands his wings to their full length and with a single flap, a gust of wind blows me back to Bell.

“You want wings, we got ‘em. But why in Equestria did you bring us here?”

“Fine, I guess if you want the reasoning of why so badly, I’ll be forced to answer since you’re both my guests...” He pouts.

“I gave you a wish after you and I became the bestest of friends, Bell. Don’t you remember? Oh what happy times those were; such pain, such a rush of pure ecstasy!”

“You seriously gave me a wish, is that why you brought us here?” My hooves fumble with this damn contraption that Friend put around my mouth.

“Of course, I like you. You’re the second person I’ve given a wish too in many lifetimes. But, a heed of warning, Demon’s Code dictates that everything has a price. Be it a simple wish for food, or a lust for power. Everything comes with a price tag on it!” He leans forward towards Bell, with a grin on his face.

“Well I haven’t used it yet so why the buck did you bring us here?” Friend clears his throat.

“I just wish I could prove her wrong...” He mimics Bell’s voice perfectly.

“T-That doesn’t count! I didn’t know I had a wish at the time, I just thought you were an idiot!” Bell says trying to reason with Madness, when she realizes who she is arguing with she immediately stops.

“Since I just don’t hand out wishes like they were pieces of soul candy. I’ll let you do a do over. Think long and hard before you make this wish, I could come debt collecting now or later, or maybe never!” I finally manage to unzip my mouth, what madman created such a monstrous device?

“What have you done with 27!” I yell, surprising Friend.

“Aren’t you a feisty one? Riddle me this, how do you think 27 got to this unbearable world to begin with?” I try to recall any information on how 27 got here, but all I’m drawing is blanks.

“I-I don’t know...” I say defeatedly.

“Right O’ then, I’ll answer one question that you might have, but after Bell makes her wish. There’s one tiny little problem about her currently though, I can’t grant something that is already set in motion.” He pokes Bell on the horn with his index claw.

“W-What do you mean?” Bell asks, fearing his answer.

“Let’s just say there’s a powerful man who has almost everything planned out. Including this world’s events that will occur during 27’s visit. Let me dumb it down to where even a foal can understand it Bell, Mother Dearest is coming.” A sinister grin breaks out across his face as he laughs madly.

“No... No... No...” She repeats over and over again.

“Yes, yes, a thousand times YES!” If what he says is true... This is very bad news indeed.

“Bell... Remember what I said, you have Colt to protect you when she comes.” My words don’t make contact with her as she zones out, ignoring everything around her.

“Aww, I think I done just broke the poor thing, oh well!” He shrugs.

“Now then, time for our little Q and A session, Cloud. Ask away and I shall not hold back my answers.” He turns to face me, my mind kicks into gear as I start to think of what to ask.

“You said a powerful man has almost everything planned out for this world’s events, what did you mean by this?”

“Clever girl, this man has meticulously thought of every possible outcome for the fate of Earth and this world.”

“Who is this man you speak of?” This earns me a smile from him.

“Since I doubt you or anyone here on this world will live long enough to find out for themselves, might as well tell you. His name is Robert Paulson.” He laughs heartily.

“What’s so funny about that name?” He stops mid laugh, his mouth hangs open with his head tilt back.

“Oh wait, you’re serious? Let me laugh even harder!” Before he can laugh, I fly up and jab my hoof into his mouth.

“Okay, that was a joke I obviously didn’t get, enough of that!” I remove my hoof from his mouth and hover in front of him.

“Fine, but his real name is Warwick Freeman. The lad knew this gent, quite well if I might add.”

“Okay... What was the outcome this Warwick Freeman came up with for my world?”

“I thought it was obvious, you’ve already known the Harbinger the entire time he’s been here.” My brain lurches, stripping the gears in my head as I put two and two together.

“2-27 i-is the Harbinger?” He simply nods.

“Y-You’re lying! T-That’s not true!” I shout at him, wishing this is just a terrible nightmare.

“Now, why would I lie? I answered your questions truthfully.”

“Cloud, Cloud! Snap out of it” A voice penetrates into the Un-World, sounds like Bell. I ignore it.

“H-He c-can’t be... I d-don’t care what you say! H-He’s not t-the H-Harbinger!” I start to cry as I try to deny everything Friend just told me.

“27 has made a little insurance policy with the other human, Colt. It won’t help 27 nor Colt at all, none of them will, I’ll enjoy devouring Colt’s soul when the time comes. The plan has already been in motion since the very day 27 arrived here and there’s nothing you can do, nor anyone that can stop it. Now, don’t spoil this for the lad, if you do, you’ll be forcing my hand and I might just have to kill him.” He snaps his fingers, ejecting me from the Un-World.

- - -

I wake up in Bell’s bed, my muzzle damp from my tears, my cheek burns as if somepony just slapped me. I look up to see Bell standing there next to me on the bed.

“P-Please tell me I was just having a nightmare, Bell.” I continue to cry as I wipe away my tears.

“I-I don’t think it was, unless I imagined him saying m-mother was coming...” Bell says as she shakes.

“B-Bell... I’m scared, if what everything he said was true... I... I...” A torrent of tears stain my face as I continue to cry.

“You okay girls?” Colt ask as he staggers into the room before plopping down on the bed, only seeing me bawling my eyes out and Bell shaking.

My eyes finally stop producing tears, I bury my head into the pillow and Colt just simply looks at us, not knowing what to do.

“Colt...” My voice is barely audible through the pillow.

“What is it Cloud, what happened?” He asks, extremely concerned by what he sees.

“W-We met Madness... H-H-s true form was... grotesque, I-I can’t even put words together to describe it... B-But he did something...”

Colt scoots over to me and begins to stroke my mane, “What did he do, Cloud?” He asks in a caring tone.

“H-He told us something, something I wish that I was still ignorant about... H-He said Bell’s mother is hunting her down and 27... I-Is the Harbinger, h-h-h-he...” I’m shaking too badly to finish my sentence.

Colt picks me up and hugs me, stroking my mane, he tries to calm me down. But all this does just pisses me off even more, I need to find 27, I need to confirm with my own two eyes if what they say is really true. Bell just stares off into empty space, I push my rage away and just wrap my hooves around Colt, returning the hug.

“Colt...” He puts his finger to my lips, I don’t know what to think about this.

“Tell me later, that is if you still want to. For now, just try to calm down, okay?” He gives me a smile, which just sits the powder keg off.

“N-No... I have to tell you now!” I break the hug, forcing him off of me and hover over the bed.

“If I don’t tell you now then I won’t ever tell you! Madness said the insurance policy 27 bestowed on you won’t matter! Nothing will! H-He said that the gears are already in motion, nothing can stop it!” I blurt everything out to Colt, my eyes burns from crying, my mind hurts from everything I’ve learned today.

“Cloud, everything can be stopped, we just need the right plan, but for now just go find him before Madness’ little plan starts.” He says in a serious tone.

“You don’t understand, it has already started! Ever since the facility the plan was already in motion!”

“I meant the part of the plan where he tries to kill us all.” He quickly adds.

“If we manage to stop Madness, promise me this Colt; Please take good care of Bell.” I don’t wait for a response, I fly out the bedroom window in search of 27. Only to be stopped by Razor.

“Cloud, come, there’s work to be done.”

“Wait, what? I need to go find someone!” I plead.

“That can wait, there’s a VIP waiting for us in Trottingham, now come.” He flies away with me in tow.




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