• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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My Little Horror

Chapter 31 - My Little Horror

“S.K.... How long have we been....” Her talons still press me tight against her body, my words are muffled by the feathers on her neck.

“I don’t know, I woke up because your tail was coiled around me, but long enough for me to have some fun.” I can feel my tail beaming with happiness, as if it had done something good.

“This tail is going to be the death of me.” I let out a long sigh, as my tail retracts itself from S.K’s wing and back behind me.

“Don’t be so rough on him, Horror. I like the little fella.” Tail peeks its tip out from behind my back and wags its tip furiously.

“Horror... Is that my pet name now?”

‘Yeah! I think it's cute, now come along Horror, I’m hungry.” She releases me from her grasp and gets off the bed.

I start to stretch out just as S.K. leaves the bed; grunting as my bones start to pop, my tail impersonates my actions and does the same, stretching out to its full length before coiling up on itself. I get up from the bed and see Nyuel has already awoken and left S.K and I to our own devices. I hear the door open, as it catches my attention, I look up to see my pet leaving the room. I quickly follow.

I follow her lead as we walked through the hallways to the Main Chamber of the palace, my tail wagging happily behind me. I stare at S.K as we walked, I’m bombarded by feelings, whatever the Horror felt for or thought of her is now ingrained into my brain. I feel extremely protective over her, as if she and I were in a actual pack and I was her Alpha male. Another feeling washes over me as my eyes start to wonder down her back side, my heart starts to beat harder as my eyes travel, a feeling of longing, of lust for S.K resonates throughout my very being. The Horror and I must have melded together on a deep enough level for whatever feelings it had, if any, to now become my own. It’s going to take me quite some time to sort them all out, but for now it's going to take everything I have to restrain myself from actually mounting S.K.

I use very little effort to control my heart rate. I shake my head to try and rid myself of these thoughts as we reach the two large wooden doors. My tail reaches out past us and pushes one of them open for S.K, she walks through the door and into the other room. I start to approach the open door, only for it to be slammed shut in my face by my tail.

“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” I glare at my tail, it slowly slinks back behind me.

I push the door open, to see S.K and Nyuel already eating, Caesar is just sitting at his throne and watches over us. I made my way to the table and sat down away from Nyuel and S.K. My tail grabs a piece of fruit at random and brings it towards me, I reach out to grab it, but my tail pulls it away quickly; keeping it out of my reach. It dangles the juicy pieces of fruit right of my face, each time I grab for it, my tail just pulls it away.

I became flustered as my tail won’t let me have the fruit, S.K and Nyuel both start to snicker as they watch me desperately trying to grasp the fruit. After the third attempt my tail finally gives me the piece of fruit, I glare at my tail. I swear it's mocking me.

“Tail... If you and I are going to work together, we need to go over some ground rules first...” My tail hangs its tip in shame as it hides behind me.

We eat our breakfast fast, we chat amongst ourselves as we eat. I finish first, shortly afterward, S.K and Nyuel finish. S.K gets up from the table and heads towards the door before giving me more orders.

“Come on Horror, we got work to do!” I look over to Nyuel and she just shrugs and gives me a smile.

“We’ll be back before you you know it, Nyuel. We should only be gone for a couple of days, a week at the most. Caesar, I’ll make sure that I put an end to this cult.” I look up to see him simply nod before S.K and I leave the palace.

We’re greeted the sun blasting us with its heat, my tail covers the top of my eyes, blocking out the sun as it blinds me. S.K moves her wing in front of her, shielding herself from the sun, we stand there for a brief moment until our eyes adjust to the brightness of our current environment. S.K takes the lead as she walks in the opposite direction from where Caesar said where the Cult was at.

“Let’s go! There’s cultist to kill, and things to do!”

“Hmmm, S.K... You’re heading in the wrong direction... Caesar said the Cult was inland, you’re heading towards the ocean....” She comes to a dead stop, and turns around, not even looking me in the eyes.

We walk through the jungle, I can feel the sun’s rays sinking deep into my scales, curses, why do my scales have to be black and not white so they can reflect the heat, instead of absorbing it?! I curse the sun as we walked, wishing it would just become night, instead the sun only grew in strength as the day wore on.

“Hey S.K, I notice you didn’t eat much breakfast, you feeling alright?” I try to strike up some conversation, hoping it would break the silence.

“I’m doing fine, I just don’t care much for fruit. I prefer meat. It helps build muscle and is better for me too.” A girl after my own heart, at least now I can catch something and not worry about being scolded for it.

“You have no Idea how happy that makes me. I love meat; can’t get enough of it, bloody or cooked. Every since I’ve arrived here, the only thing I’ve been eating was fruit and veggies.”

“Since you arrived in Unyasi?”

“Nope, since I’ve arrived to Equestria.”

“Wait, if you’re not from Equestria, where the hell did you come from then?!” She comes to a stop, turning her head with confusion on her face.

“Earth.” I simply state it.

“Earth? I’ve never heard of it, is it a small island or something remote?” She cocks her head to the side, even more confused than before.

“Oh, I never told you. Yeah I’m not from this world, hell not even from this realm of existence.” If S.K’s head tilts any more I’m afraid it might snap.

“Horror, you lost me at ‘I’m not from this world’. Start from the beginning.”

“You might be thinking that you’ve never seen anything else like me before, will that’s correct. I’m a human, there’s another human who’s also here in Equestria who goes by the name of Colt. If you take away the tail, horns, and the scales on my back, I’ll look more human than, well, a monster. I’ve already told you I lost nearly all of my memories, so I don’t know who I am or how I got to this realm in the first place. All I just know I’ve been fighting almost every waking moment here just to survive. I’ve made some friends who’ve been helpful in my survival while I’ve been in Equestria, and I’ve meet one of the rulers, Princess Luna, who made me a Lunar Knight. My original home is Earth. I really can’t tell you much more on the subject though.” S.K flops down to the ground, she sits there quietly soaking up the massive amount of knowledge I just hit her with.

“So wait, if you’re such a badass killing machine, then what did you use to do back on this so called ‘Earth’?” I take a moment to formulate the answer in my head before answering.

“Will, blatantly put, I was and still am an a soldier of fortune. My body and mind both have been trained to effectively handle any situation.”

“I see, so by soldier of fortune, do you mean you’re a mercenary?”

“You can put it like that, I’m technically working for Princess Luna right now, she paid me to come here and solve whatever is causing the civil war here.” Her face starts to light up as she puts everything together.

“So Horror, what do you call home?” Her head un-tilts and returns back to its normal position.

“For me, home is where I lay my head at night. I really don’t see any settling down for myself in the near future.”

“I see... So, do you have anything planned for when you’re finished with this contract of yours?”

“Nothing of yet, just a promise I made to someone that I need to keep before I do anything else. Why, did you have something in mind?”

“Yeah, actually I did. When we get back to Equestria and you finish whatever promise you made, you should come work with me and the Family. We could have a lot of fun; and I think you would look good in something black.” She gives me a smile as she raises an eyebrow.

We continue walking as we talked, pondering over this rather tempting idea. Going to work for the mafia does sound like fun.

“I might have to take you up on that offer, tell me more about the Black Talons.” Time flies by as she tells me what kind of jobs she’s done while working with them.

As we get deeper into the jungle, the atmosphere becomes heavier, something foul hangs in the air. I look up into the sky and the sun is no longer visible as black clouds block it out. S.K keeps on talking away as we walked. Feeling of dread and death hits me like a tidal wave, S.K doesn’t seem affected by this powerful aura as she’s still chatting away.

“S.K, do you feel something odd?” My question causes her to stumble over her words.

“No, what’s u-.” A dark red energy beam tears through the trees, and flies towards us.

“GET DOWN!” The beam is much larger than any other magical beam I’ve seen.

S.K freezes, like she was a dear being stunned by oncoming headlights. I tackle S.K to the ground as the beam reaches her, the beam singed a good bit of the scales off my back. We hit the ground with me on top of S.K, the air around us is filled with the aroma of burnt flesh and hair, my scales smolder as smoke rises from my back.

“H-Horror...” Is the only thing S.K can say as she looks up to me and sees my agony filled face.

My body starts to shake as my brain starts to register the pain coming from my back, if it wasn’t for the scales that beam would of easily taken my spine and left me dead, or at the very least, paralyzed.

“Are you okay?” I bite down as hard as I could on my teeth, I only manage to say a few words without screaming in pain.

“Hor-.” I cut her off before she could call me by my pet nickname.

“ARE YOU OKAY!” I’m fighting the urges to get up and tear the next thing I see to giblets as my protective instincts for S.K are still in control.

She simply nods with a shell-shocked expression on her face. I command my body to work, my back is screaming in pain with every muscle I move, but I don’t care, I just want whomever was responsible for that attack dead. I can feel Fade’s icy presence coursing throughout my body as she goes to work, the scales on my back rise up and stand on end as a thick black smoke starts to vent from them. Smoke oozes from the scales on my tail as it slowly moves back and forth, I turn my head and look back at S.K as she starts to get to her paws and talons.

“Stay close to me.” She simply nods as she watches the black smoke venting off my body and tail.

Fade’s frozen presence numbs the pain in my back, I become more energized as my blood runs cold, my mutilated body is more Horror than Human now. The spines on my tail unsheathed themselves, the tips of them now a cobalt blue as Fade’s power is now my own; the vein in my tail slowly coursed with Fade’s power.

I start running towards the burnt and smoking trees that the beam cut through, S.K stayed close by. I drop down to all fours and went into a charge, my speed drastically increased as I barreled on through. Another dark red magical blast flew past S.K and I, either it was not aimed at us or the pony behind it was a really bad shot.

I make it to a clearing, burnt corpses littered the ground, two more zebras are fighting a small, grey unicorn. The unicorn’s horn flares up a crimson red and one of the zebras starts to float in the air, he flails about screaming in pain as he’s torn apart; the last zebra tries to flee, only to be blown away by another magical ray.

I charge at the unicorn, he doesn’t notice me until I’m right up on him, my tail wraps itself around his neck and places its tip on his horn; he flails in air as my tail slowly strangles him. I fight against the urges to end his life right here and now.

“Don’t try anything stupid, one wrong move and I’ll snap your horn clean off.” My tail lightly pressed against his horn, causing him to flinch.

“F-FINE! Just loosen your grip around my neck!” He starts to wheeze as he gasps for air.

My tail slowly loosen its grip around his neck, the foal starts to breathe easier. S.K slowly approached us, only to stop as her face became grim as she sees the foal. S.K slowly placed her talon on my back, hesitant at first. The black smoke engulfed her talon, I can feel her warm talon against my icy scales; I slowly turned my head to see S.K’s grim face.

“Put him down, Horror.” I’m reluctant at first, but my tail lowered him to the ground and released him from its grip.

“Tell me what you’re doing here, and why you’ve attacked us.” He rubs his throat with his hoof before answering.

“You don’t need to know why I’m here, and I didn’t attack you, you’re just in the crossfire.” He looks up to me, with rage burning in his eyes.

The smoke comes to a stop and my scales lower back down, Fade returning back to the Darkness, my blood starts to warm up as she leaves; the vein in my tail no longer pulsing with her frozen energy; the spines retract themselves as the power dies down.

“Give me one good reason why I should let you live.” Narrowing my eyes at him, my tail ready to strike him at a moment’s notice.

“Do you honestly think you’d kill a foal?” His words struck home as my tail slinks back behind me.

“Thought so.” A smug look makes its way onto his face.

“Let’s go, we shouldn’t stay here for too long, more zebras are bound to show up. It will be better for us to move at night anyways, we’ll use the veil of night to conceal our actions so we can go deeper into the cultist territory.” S.K starts to look over the area, trying to find a good place to make make camp for us.

“Hey, what about me?!” The kid yells out as S.K and I start to walk away.

My tail quickly wraps itself around his barrel and carries him behind us, I can feel him struggling to get free from its grasp, but gives up after a few minutes and just dangles there in the air. After searching for awhile I spot an entrance of a cave, I further inspect the surrounding area and the cave seems to be the best bet for us to stay at.

“Hey Horror, why are you still walking like that?” I didn’t realize I was still crawling around on all fours until she mentioned it.

“I don’t know. I’ve kind of gotten use to it, seems a little natural to me.” I get off my hands and start walking on my feet as we reached the cave.

“Hey kid, mind lighting this place up for us?” My tail brings him over my head and shakes him.

“H-H-HEY! Don’t do that!” His horn aluminates the cave for us as we enter it.

My tail still dangles him over us as we entered the cave, the kid just sat there with his front hooves crossed and his horn glowing a bright red. The cave itself was a decent size, no other tunnels splitting off from the main chamber, but deep enough for us to make camp in; the mouth of the cave was big enough for S.K and I to walk through side by side. Tail sets the kid down on the ground, he quickly backs away from us and goes deeper into the cave, S.K and I have a good laugh as he staggers away.

“Okay, S.K., stay here with the kid. I’ll go out and find some food and bring back some firewood, keep him safe.”

“Got it, bring me back something meaty, dead or alive.” I laugh a little before leaving the cave, my tail pats her on the head as we left.




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