• Published 29th Apr 2012
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Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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The Creeping Shadow

Chapter 3 - The Creeping Shadow

Standing there, dumbfounded and unbelievably confused to no end. She is just sitting there, staring at me like I’m some sort of abomination.

“Do you not understand me? Or can you simply not speak?.”

Her voice had a raspy/cocky tone to it but still rather pleasing to listen to.

“Well? Spit it out or ready.” Standing there still shell shocked on what my “reward” was, I just stood there speechless, couldn't put any words together.

Standing before me was a Pegasus, a talking Pegasus... Her coat white as a cloud, and a light blue mane that looks like she has bed head, all uneven and rough looking, she is approximately 4 feet tall. But something puts me off though, she too is all so wearing a slave collar just like me. My mind struggles as it tries to figure out how Pegasus exist, let alone a sentient one.

“Why do you have that dumb look on your face? It’s like you’ve never seen a Pegasus before.” First the manticore, and now a talking Pegasus, what has happened to me?

“So Subject 27, what do you think of your “reward”? Subject 27 meet Cloud, Cloud meet Subject 27. Cloud, Subject 27 is a “rare” species, we’ve never seen one like his kind before, until now. So we thought it would give us interesting test results so we decided to pair you two together, good luck.” Has he finishes both are mics on are collars go silent, Cloud is just standing there her head slightly cocked to the side, with a puzzling look on her face staring at me.

“Hey, Subject 27, that’s your name, correct? What a strange name to have. Any who let’s go, I don't like standing in one place for long” As she says that, I shamble over to the door on the far side of the room.

Trying to open it once more, slightly hesitant since what happened the last time, I begin to open this door. As the door swings open, Cloud walks past me into the room first but to only stop cold in her tracks as she entered the room. I stepped into the room the door closing and locking behind us, I looked around the room to see what made Cloud stop dead in her tracks. The room was poorly lit, the floor wasn't the same smooth grey stone, but sand instead and the walls were the same white as before, but covered with scratches and blood splatter.

The room was rather warm, the air felt stale and heavy. I noticed four cameras in the room, one in each corner of the room, slowly moving back and forth. I took a step to walk past Cloud, she put her wing up to stop me, and pointed her hoof to the middle of the room. I looked to where she was pointing and then noticed what made her freeze, there were bones scattered throughout the room, no decaying flesh on them, no muscle, nothing, just bone. The bones looked as if they were picked clean of everything. I was stricken with horror, my mind started to race trying to think what caused this, there was at least four skulls I could see on top of the sand, wondering how many more hidden beneath the sand. I look down to see Cloud’s face shaking with fear of what is in this room. She slowly backs up behind me whispering quietly.

“Subject 27... I.... I don’t like this room, what ever brought this much death is probably dangerous, please be careful 27....” I kneel down to eye level with Cloud and giving her a hug to reassure her that everything will be fine.

Slowly walking into the middle of the room, my eyes surveying the room to see what caused all this, walking to one of the nearby skulls , and picking it up to examine it. It was about the same size as Cloud’s head, most likely a pony skull. I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about why these people, no monsters where testing on innocent creatures. Walking farther into the room, I spotted something shiney out the corner of my left eye, only a few feet away from me. I turn and walk towards it when my foot got caught on something and I tripped. I landed in the sand, my body hitting the ground and kicking up dust, my ribs on fire once more, my eyes watering from the pain.

“Subject 27! are you okay?” I lifted my arm up to wave at her to assure her I was okay.

Looking behind me to see what my foot got caught on, it was another skull, but this one much bigger, I dug it out of the sand and surprised that my foot was easily able to fit in this skull’s mouth, I would not like to meet the creature who this belonged to.

I turn my attention to the object that caught my attention early, I started to dig it out when I thought I saw something moving underneath the sand. I stop and watch carefully where I thought I saw movement, but nothing happened.

“ Must be my imagination playing tricks on-” As I thought that something grabs my foot and starts to pull me across the room, dragging me over the bones, my back being dragged across the sand.

“27! What is that thing?!” Cloud screams as she takes but stops as she sees more tentacles coming out from the sand all surrounding me as the first one continues to pull me across the room.

I frantically try to grab on to something as I’m being dragged across the sand. I managed to grab a skull that was buried underneath the stand, I toss the pony size skull at the tentacle that’s wrapped around my foot. It hit,

“ I think I just pissed it off even more.”

As saying that one of the nearby tentacle shoots towards me and wraps around my chest squeezing me as it holds me in the air. All I can feel is severe pain from the tentacle squeezing my fractured ribs. I try my best to force the tentacle to release me from its grasp. Doing so it retaliates and starts to pull me into the sand.

“27! I’m coming!” (lol) Cloud shoots towards me, as the tentacle drags me underneath the sand.

Cloud dodges and weaves through each tentacle flying faster and faster quickly closing the gap between us. With both my legs in the sand, Cloud is only a few feet away from me.

“27! I got you!” I reach out my hand to grab Cloud’s hoof, with only a foot in between us.

I notice one tentacle right behind Cloud, quickly closing in, my eyes going wide as time slows down to a crawl, every second is like watching a train wreck happen. The tentacle wraps around Cloud’s left hind hoof and flings her across the room. Grasping for anything to stop myself from being pulled into the sand, but ultimately failing as sand slips through my fingers as I get pulled completely under. Terrified out of my mind as the tentacle wrapped around my torso, pulling me further and further down into sand.

A fragmented memory flashes in my mind showing me a small memory. The feeling of the hot blistering sun on a summer day as it hits my skin, hearing locusts in the neighboring trees, hundreds of them. The sound of a horse galloping across the ground. There was a rope tied around my waist as the horse dragged me across the ground, the feeling of small pebbles scraping against the back of my jacket as I tried to escape, hearing a man yell commands at me mixed with the sound of the locusts chirping in the nearby trees made it hard to concentrate on trying to escape.

“Twist boy, twist! The enemy ain't gonna let you go if you play possum!” Hearing that, I started to twist my body in any direction I could, only after a few seconds after twisting the rope snaps under the strain of the horse tugging on it while it was being twisted at the same time.
I came to a stop, my back slightly sore from being dragged across the ground by a horse.

“God dang it boy! It took you a lot longer than it should have! If it wasn't for me, the enemy would of brought you back to their camp, raped you, and then skinned you alive for the hell of it! But hell, what are families for, right? I reckon your ol’ uncle might teach you a thing or two before you get shipped off to boot camp”

I quickly come back to reality and started to twist as my uncle commanded me to do. Twisting in the sand with the tentacle still around my waist, quickly making the tentacle slow down before becoming injured. Only a few seconds after twisting, all I can hear is a loud snapping noise coming from the tentacle below me. Releasing me from its grasp, I started to dig towards the surface, trying to escape before the tentacle tried to grab me once more.

Reaching the surface, my arm reaching out of the sand, slowly digging my way out. Gasping for air as I made it to the surface, spotting Cloud slumped over next to the wall not moving, I fear for the worst. Quickly running towards her, hoping she is still alive, I pick her up in my arms, darting towards the closest door near me. Praying it was unlocked and that the tentacle monster didn't come back for round two. I made to to the door without seeing the it, Cloud still in my arms, I quickly open the door, not even hesitating to see what’s behind it. Rushing into this hallway, only stopping after the door closes and locks itself.

Putting my ear next to Cloud’s mouth, praying to whatever god exists here that she was still alive. Holding my own breath so I wouldn't make a sound. I can hear a soft inhale coming from Cloud. it’s shallow, but she is still alive! Laying Cloud gently on the ground to assess my condition. My ribs are still on fire, head not throbbing as bad as before, but still there. My torso and back were both bloody from being dragged across the sand, the cuts and scraps weren't bad at all, but enough to break the skin and cause very minor bleeding. I lean down and pick up Cloud’s unconscious body up, cradling her close to me.

Continuing down the hallway, trying to spot a safe place to rest and tend to my wounds and see if I can help Cloud anyway I could. Not noticing anything out of the ordinary, the hallway was the same white stone, and the floor was the same smooth grey stone as the other rooms. Feeling like I’ve been in this hallway for ages now, never ending, no cameras on the walls, no doors, nothing. Continuing down the hallway, briefly stopping to take a break for only a few moments. Sleep deprived, body begging me to stop moving, go lay down in a corner somewhere and sleep, sleep for a very long time. Keeping on moving, must find somewhere safe to rest at, I quickly looking behind me, see nothing but the hallway and the shadow....

Wait, shadow of what? There’s nothing in this hallway to cast any shadows, as thinking that, I hear something once more, coming from the shadow. Something wrong, very wrong about that shadow, it’s not natural. What ever is creating it most likely just looking for it’s next meal, like most things i’ve faced so far, just trying to survive on the weak. But.... It feels like the shadow is beckoning me, like it wants me to walk into the darkness, where I feel the safest in.... Slowly walking towards the shadow, not knowing what I am doing. Entranced by the shadow’s call. Walking closer and closer to the shadow. Walking to the very edge of the shadow, taking the last step into the..... NO! Turning away from the shadow. Sprinting down the hallway with Cloud in my arms, in a dead sprint, trying to make as much distance between the shadow and I.

The hallway seems never ending, as I run down the hallway, my legs cry in pain, but I will not stop, I will not be taken over by the shadow. Seems like I’ve been running nonstop for hours, coming to a stop, only to catch my breath, sweat beading up and dripping down my blood stained body. Trying to catch my breath, turning around to see if the shadow followed or not, just seeing the endless hallway, stretching on for eternity. Turning back around and continuing down the unending hallway, looking for any sign of a door, or even a camera. Walking for what seems like years now, with Cloud still unconscious in my arms, hoping she is okay, hoping to see anything in this damn hallway that just keeps on going.

Stopping, slowly turning around, feeling something watching the back of my head, its eyes burning a hole straight through the back of my skull, but nothing, nothing is behind me, just the hallway. Starting to question my own sanity, not evening knowing if this is all true, maybe I just asleep and this is just a really bad dream, yeah that’s it, it has to be it! I hear a quiet whisper coming from behind me, making my blood run cold with every word it speaks.

“Or you could of died on that operating table and you’re just in limbo.” That could be it.... I am probably dead and most likely stuck in purgatory..

“It must be true, how else could a manticore even exist, or even a talking Pegasus?” The voice does have a very good point but, what does that make Cloud then?

She feels so very real laying in my arms, her soft fur resting against my body. Petrified stiff with fear, with every word whispering to me, chilling me to the very core.

“All you have to do is set that Pegasus down, turn around and embrace the shadow.” Looking down and seeing Cloud unconscious body resting in my arms, starting to feel heavy all of the sudden.

Slowly lowering my arms, doing as the shadow tells me to do, not even thinking on what I was doing. Just doing as I was told, like I was in a zombified trance, obeying every word it was told. Kneeling down to lay Cloud’s body on the ground, slowly turning towards the shadow, every step I take brings me slightly closer to the edge of the shadow.

“That’s right, come towards the shadow, embrace it, feel safe once more, become one with “us”, let go of your mortal shell and surrender yourself over to me.” My spirit weakened with each word whispered through my ears, doing as told by the shadow commands.

“Tsk tsk, Subject 27, are you that easily manipulated in just surrendering your very being over to a false shadow? “ Sighs” Well Subject 27, I won't interfere with what ever you are doing, but if it jeopardizes our contract, then you’ll be forcing “our” hand.” As he was saying that, my foot lands in the shadow, realizing what an idiot I am. Letting myself easily be manipulated by this false shadow, but now it was too late to turn back, the shadow had me in it’s grasp and I was now it’s prey.

Trying to muster up as much strength as I could, only enough to turn the other direction. The shadow quickly crawls up my leg, consuming every inch of it, making its way to my hip. Not feeling any pain as my body is being consumed by the shadow, but instead, extreme cold where ever the shadow consumes. The shadow is not wasting any time, and is now consuming my torso, as I fell to the ground. As the shadow reaches my neck and soon my head, desperately trying to reach for anything to pull myself out of this frozen hell. Feeling helpless and very powerless as the shadow makes me into its dinner. Terrified of being consumed, feeling a tear run down my face as the shadow continue to consume me. Seeing the shadow in the corners of my eyes as it’s consuming the rest of me, the last thing I see as the shadow consumes me is Cloud’s unconscious body laying on the floor where I layed her.

In some dream like state, with the same feeling as last time I visited here, but the presence of something else was much stronger this time. Looking around to see if i can spot the other presence, but only seeing darkness all around me. Then it hit me, the intense cold affecting my body, my heart feeling like it’s about to stop beating any second, the crippling cold affecting my mind, making every thought run slow, it felt like I had one big brain freeze. Trying to do what ever I can from my heart from stop beating, the cold bringing me to my knees, helpless against it, my right hand clutching my chest trying to stop the crippling pain that the cold was causing to my heart. The agony that the shadow brought with it was unbearable, felt like my whole body was failing on me, every single part of me felt like it was frozen solid. The whispering started to echo through the darkness, penetrating my very soul.

“Surrender yourself over to me, and I’ll end your suffering.”

“NO! I will not surrender so easily to a false shadow!”

“False? I was the shadow that every filly was scared of, I was the shadow that crept into your dreams and turned them into nightmares.”

“Why are you here then?! Prying on any unfortunate souls that helplessly falls to your trap?”

“Aren't you a curious one? Very well, I shall tell you my story before consuming your soul, enjoying every last tasty bit of it. I was once one of Princess Nightmare Moon’s “creations”. I was born out of pure darkness, driven to feed upon the countless dreams that any pony or creature had. But When my Princess was defeated by the Elements of Harmony I was driven back from the small town of Ponyville.”

My body feeling completely frozen over now, I was helpless and was at the mercy of the shadow. The crippling cold was making it very difficult to breath, every breath I inhaled made my lungs feel like they were frost bitten.

“I was forced to life in the Everfree Forest, trying to survive on any creature that I could get cold grip on. I stumbled onto a small camp one night, with several very tasty looking ponies in it, my hunger got the best of me though. As I was about to feast upon my first pony in ages, I was captured by some damn unicorn’s spell. They brought me here for there damn test, using me like some brainless lab-rat. It feels like I’ve been here for a very long time.”

Barely able to take a single breath now, my lungs were nearly frozen over, my heart beating very slowly now as the shadow lays upon my soul.

“I’ve just have one goal now, and that’s to find that unicorn and torment her and feast upon her very soul, one bit at a time, revenge for what she did to me, trapping me here.”

Shedding tears now, the crippling cold was too much to bare, but each tear that I shed froze on my cheeks.

“So my prey, now that I told you my story, it’s time to dine on your delicious soul.”

Struggling even to speak, I manage to only say a couple of words before I was consumed by this shadow.

“Wait! before you devour my soul, I have a proposition for you!”

“Oh? And what is this “proposition” you speak of?”

“You want revenge on the unicorn that trapped you here, correct? Spare my life and I’ll give you your revenge you seek!”

The whispering stayed silent for a couple of minutes, pondering over the idea I made.

“You do have a very fine idea there little one, very well. I shall agree to this, the terms to are contract is this. If you’ll assist me on taking revenge on the pony who trapped me here, I in return shall spare you. But if you try to break our contract, then I shall not hesitate on devouring your soul.” My heart nearly stopped beating now, unable to breath, I managed to get one last word out before dieing.


As saying that, the shadow slowly loosen its grip around my soul. Gasping for air as my lungs start to thaw, my heart pumping hot blood once more through my body. Kneeling in the darkness as the shadow released me from its icy grip.

“Oh Subject 27! You brought me a new friend! FANTASTIC! “His insane laughter echoed once more through the darkness

” And aren't you a cute little shadow, yes you are! And what might be your name lass?” As he said that the shadow merely stayed quite.

“Oh come on now, don’t be shy lass, if we’re going to share the same host, might as well be friends.”

Appearing right before me was, well , me once more with that creepy looking smile across our face. Bending over and extending our hand to help me up off my knees, grabbing it and being brought back to my feet the whispering finale speaks.

“Where did you come from? And why didn't I sense you coming from him before I entered his mind?”

“Well my lovely, because I simply didn't want you to know I was here. Like you, he and I both have a contract, I am willing to share him, for now. As long as you are willing to aid him if, and only if his life depends on it.”

Saying that, the shadow stays silent once more, for only a few seconds.

“I haven't been called by my name in many years, most refer to me as the creeping shadow, but my name is Fade.”




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