• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Beta Testing

Chapter 63 - Beta Testing

“Sir, the shipment of livestock shall be in before nightfall. Our scouts counted eleven fresh heads.” Razor reports.

“Eleven. That’s below the quota.” The Don replies. I look over to Silver to see her looking away from her father.

“Originally there was twenty in the herd. But due to complications, we lost a few during transportation.” Silver stands up from the table and walks out; Don nor Razor pays her any mind.

The Don unfurls a document, he takes a quick glance at it before breaking the awkward silence Silver left in her wake. “She never had the stomach for this. She’s a disgrace to the family, so is my brother; they're too soft. But you, you my son. One day, you shall take the rightful place as Don and lead this family to glory.” The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree I guess. Would explain how Razor obtained such a poker face.

“It was a loss for us when she came back from Unyasi. The flock of guards we sent with her should’ve made sure she never returned.” Just hearing Razor speak ill of Silver makes me want to disembowel him right here and now. But this, this puts me right on the edge of murdering everyone in this room.

“Make sure her pet is ready for tonight. These documents show an increase activity from Celestia’s special forces; they’ll be here soon enough.” Razor lets out a sharp whistle, I turn to see him already walking out the door, before I leave the room, the Don says one finally thing.

“Horror, I have my eyes on you. One mishap, and you’re gone.” I don’t even respond, I just push past the open door and followed Razor.

We continue to walk in silence, we turn a corner into a hallway that’s filled with servants; they see Razor and instantly press up against the wall as we pass them. He stops next to the girl who brought me food last night. “You’re the one who brought Horror scraps last night?” She timidly nods.

“Take him to the kitchen, make sure every need is met.” He emphasizes on the word every; she gulps at the insinuation thought.

“Horror, come find me before the twilight hour; other than that, what you do on your free time is your own business.” He turns around and walks back the way we came, leaving me to the cowering servant in front of me.

The other servants quickly get back to work, my escort pushes off from the wall and leads towards the kitchen. I follow the young girl, but mainly my nose; I can already smell the sweet, savory scent of food wafting out from behind the white double doors that swing open when my escort pushes past them. Before I reach the door, a handful of servants file out from behind the door; leaving the double white doors swinging carelessly. Tail opens the door for me and I walk into a neatly kept, well stocked, spotless kitchen and the girl nervously standing next to the island counter top.

“I-I am at your disposal, s-sir.” Her beak shattering against itself, her wings quiver and her eyes rapidly scanning me.

I move in closer to her, just into arms length. She flinches as I move my hand closer to her head. “Relax, I’m not going to do anything to you; if I did, my mistress would tan my hide faster than you can blink.” I reach past her, grabbing a pan from the hanging rack over the island counter top.

“Oh thank Celestia.” She relaxes. “May I speak, sir?” She asks, Tail takes the frying pan and sets it on the stove while I make my way over to the industrial size fridge.

“You may.” Opening the fridge was like opening up someone’s skull for a zombie; over stocked with vast amounts of different food; just the most beautiful sight I’ve seen in a long, long time; brings a tear to my eye.

“What exactly are you?” She asks the age old question, my back turn to her; hiding the grin that's creeping onto my face.

Raiding the refrigerator, I grab what I know is edible; eggs, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and ground beef. “Oh, I’m nothing special, just your typical Horror.” My frying pan is all nice and hot, I mix in various spices into the ground beef and turn it into a thick patty. I throw the patty on the pan, the meat sears and sizzles as it cooks; I breath in deep the savory smell of the meat cooking.

“What exactly IS a Horror?” Tail picks up the spatula and flips the patty over; I crack an egg into the skillet.

“Now, that, my fine feathered friend, is a question that no one has dared to ask.” I cut up the tomato into thin slices, Tail throws on several slices of cheese onto the charred meat. The young gryphon places a loaf of bread next to me, I look over to her with a gentle smile.

“Thank you, care for one?” I ask, she only looks to me with a puzzled look.

“What exactly is it that you’re making?” I place the patty on a slice of bread, then two slices of tomatoes, a slice of lettuce, a fried egged, another piece of cheese and crown my master piece with another slice of bread.

“A Royale with Cheese; go on, take it.”

“I-I can’t, Razor w -.” I shove the burger into her mouth, she bites down into it and slowly chews as she ‘Mhmmms’.

I throw on another meat patty on the skillet. “Let me deal with Razor; you looked famished.” Not going to cook it well-done like the other, I like my meat bloody.

She greedily eats at my creation, devouring it before I finish making my own. “That was really good!” I look over to see her liking her talons of the remnants . “Where did you learn to cook like that?” I take the first bite of my Royale with cheese; can’t beat home cookin’ like this.

“Just something I picked up from where I’m from. Sometimes to create the best tasting foods, you’ll have to go outside your normal comfort zones.” My burger is perfect, medium-rare and bloody.

She eyeballs my burger, licking her beak; I tear off half of it and she grabs it in the blink of an eye. “That good, aye?” She nods before sinking her beak into it. I finish off my half of the burger, this might be the last time I get a decent meal; might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

Tail cracks open a half a dozen more eggs into the skillet, I mix in a tablespoon of milk, dash pepper and salt and make scrambled eggs with cheese. Tail reaches up into one of the cabinets and grabs two plates. “Still hungry?” I didn’t even need to ask this, she’s already grabbing chopsticks for us to use. I load up both our plates with eggs and we chow down. Just watching her eat puts a smile on my face, the feeling of making someone else happy is a nice feeling.

But another thought boils to the surface, a thought that I can’t simply force back down; even though my stomach is full, there is still an emptiness inside me. A void that only souls can fill; and this young gryphon is looking mighty tasty right about now. I wonder if the soul tastes different depending on the person’s current emotional state: if its bitter when they're sad, or spicy when they're angry, or if its sweet when they’re happy. Her back is to me, she’s currently distracted by my scrambled eggs; perfect opportunity to see what a happy soul tastes like. This void inside me is eating away, I’m starving and all I need is to eat this soul that someone was so gracious to put in front of me. Quietly placing my plate of eggs on the counter top, moving like a cat; utterly silent.

All I can hear is my heart beat, faint first, but growing louder with each beat; thump, Thump, THUMP; the war drums that thrum away in my ears are almost deafening. Tail slithers around her neck and up her beak; wiring it shut; he applies light pressure to her throat, but more to her beak; clamping it shut. I place my right hand against her chest, under the feathers so I may feel her heart; the feel of it racing, nothing else like it. Her eyes widen as I sink my teeth into her neck; she tries to struggle, flailing about like a desperate animal fighting for its life. I force her to the ground, she goes down with a fleshy thud; her heart beating a mile a minute, and so is mine. I drink it all in, her warmth, her blood, her life, and her sweet, so very sweet soul. This feeling, the feeling of taking an innocent life is so... EXHILARATING!

“That’s it Lad, do it! Drink it all up!” Friend’s mad, thick scottish accent rings out in my mind.

“YOU’LL DRINK HER MILK SHAKE! YOU’LL DRINK IT UP! HAAAHAHAAHA!” The more I take, the more I can feel my humanity slipping away.

“27! Stop this! This isn’t you!” Fade cries out.

“No! I want MORE! This is me! I -.”

“Horror, STOP!” I rip my fangs out from my prey's neck, turning around to see Silver standing there in the doorway.

My meal-ticket’s heart faintly beats; she’s still alive and the way we’re position is rather awkward. She’s bent over, her rump in the air against my groin, and me bent over her like I’ve been driving her home like a pack of sled dogs. “Well then, this is awkward.” I say, licking my lips; savoring her blood on them.

Tail unfurls around the servant girl, I push off of her; leaving her panting heavily on the floor. “What do you think you’re doing!” I don’t know what I was doing; but that, was; breathtaking!

“I’m not around for two seconds, and here you are, going at it with another gryphon!” The servant girl clumsily gets to her paws; I can still smell the fresh blood staining her feathers; the scent of blood and fear with a hint of excitement radiating from her; there’s nothing else like it. Oh wait, that’s me. “I know what this looks like Silver, b -.” My throat closes up, my stomach turns upside down and inside out. Quickly, I redirect my mouth and spit out a ball of bile; it flies across the kitchen, splattering against the far wall.

“Look’s like somepony learned a new trick.” Lighting Charmer snickers.

“I’ve already done it once before, the night before you, or Hyper Crasher and I, had our ‘adventures’. But that was purging my lungs of building fluids; this, is a nice little trick to know. Cleared the fuck out of my throat, but look at that; it’s eating the paint off the wall.” I point out as inky green bile melts away the wall.

“It may be a mild corrosive, but it’s just one more body part for me to reconstruct...” He retorts.

“I would rather spend an entire night in Celestia’s torture chambers before I allow you anywhere near me again with that mouth.” Silver rethinks what she just said, snapping her talons together like a lightbulb just went off over her head. “Scratch that. A night with Celestia; that sounds too appealing for one to pass up. Just wash your mouth out with soap before you get any ideas.” Yeah, my mouth taste like vomit, brushing my teeth thoroughly sounds like a good idea right now.

“W-What j-just happened?” The servant girl props herself up on the counter top, her hind legs wobbly and she struggles to even support her own weight.

“Fen, answer me, what did you and MY Horror do?!” She tries to push off from the counter, but her front forelegs collapse under her and she falls back down onto the counter.

“L-Lady Silver Wing! F-Forgive me. Razor told me to take Horror to the kitchen and to... Accommodate his every need...”

“What?..” I got to speak, but Tail shoves a bar of soap in my mouth; the taste is awful to say the least.

“Lady Silver Wing, it’s not as it sounds. H-Horror only wanted food, nothing else!” Tail hands me a cup of water, I spit out the bar of soap, I throwback the cup of water, gurgling it.

“Then what were you two doing when I step in! Because where I’m standing at, it certainly looked like you two weren't eating.” I hate the taste of lavender; in fact I think I just hate lavender in general; could never stand the stench of it.

“N-N-No, Lady Silver Wing, you misunderstand. Horror, he, I, I don’t know what happened. All I felt was a sharp pain on my neck, then I was overcomed by this cold sensation. I r-really co -.” She stops, placing her claw on the puncture wounds.

“Mistress Silver Wing, she’s not the one to lay blame on. I had a hunger that simple food nor flesh could quench. I was feeding on Fen’s life energy, if you hadn’t intervened when you did; she would most likely be dead.” Fen’s hind legs give out, Tail catches her before she hits the floor like a sack of potatoes.

“Don’t worry Fen, just some rest and you’ll be fine.” Should be, I only ate a small portion of her soul; she should be fine if she takes it easy for a day. Her soul is meager at best, the small bit I took wasn’t enough to put my soul in a more stable status. The Don, or Razor would suffice; I can sense how powerful their souls are; if it wasn’t for Silver, I would rely on my old professions to claim what should be rightfully mine. Already have a plan in mind, I would create a toxin, poisoning the Don’s food; wait for him to weaken and strike while the iron is hot. Or, or I’ll follow him from afar; shadowing him. Learn his patterns, his ways, his fears; manipulate those fears to my favor. Keeping him on edge, get him all worked up, and then when he makes one mistake; I’ll fall upon him like death itself.

For Razor, he’s a different story, he’s more careful than his old man. Patients is a virtue, and I have plenty of that. I would bide my time, earning his trust, show him that I’m a valuable asset to him; when I get nice and close like to him, that’s when I make my move. From the shadows is where I’ll strike, he’ll never know what hit him. But there's one little thing that’s stopping me; and that is my mistress. I could always turn on her, her soul would do nicely, I -. Oh god, what am I turning into? What have I’ve become for me to think such awful thoughts? Why do I think of one of my own as food? No, I shall not think that! Never shall I harm a loved one, never again! I don’t want to do unto her what I’ve done to so many others, including myself. All I want is for her to see her happy, by whatever means necessary.

“Horror.” Silver calls out, freeing me of my evil thoughts. Shaking my head; clearing the cobwebs I look over to see Silver tapping her talons impatiently against the floor.

“Go to your our room, I’ll be up there to punish you shortly.” The way she said punish, I don’t know if I should be worried, scared, excited, turned on, or all of the above.

“Silver -.” Her talons stop tapping against the floor, she raises an eyebrow.

“You disobeying an order?”


“Then go!” She points to the door with her wing; I do as I’m told. Tail grabs the plate of eggs before I walk out the room. I demolished the plate of eggs before I reach the monolith of stairs. Who, in their right mind decides to build flight of stairs spiraling upwards? I would think that they would have the technology by now to invent a damn elevator. Tail grabs a nearby servant’s attention and pulls him over to me, I hand him the empty plate that’s been licked clean and send him on his way. I do my normal routine before racing up the staircase to valhalla; three steps at a time.

I beat my record by a few seconds. I triumphantly crawl into Silver’s room and onto the bed; flopping down into it with a thud. If Silver plans on punishing me, whatever she has in mind can wait; it’s been far too long since I had a lazy afternoon to myself and I plan to cash in on it while I can; because now, it’s nap time.

“Table one has already shown minor mutations by day two; the new strain of the virus has already far surpassed the old strain that father first created. I’ve decided to name the original virus Alpha and the new strain Beta; crude, but effective. Typical survival time can vary from four days to seven at the most; factoring in the human will to survive. This seems to be the case for both Alpha and Beta; the mutations though, that’s where things get rather interesting. Alpha’s mutations are as follows: higher bone density, increased size of the major organs; to accommodate the physical toll on the body; a drawback on the increased organ size, the human organs weren't meant to grow so rapidly, which leads to the organs to be strangled by the cramped quarters.” I grab my cup of tea, sipping down the warm liquid.

“Nothing like a cup of earl grey to warm the soul, back to work. Alpha Horrors still can’t reproduce the traditional way, the virus neutralizes the reproductive system for both male and female; thus making the infected sterile. Estimated lifespan of Alpha breeds, few years at best. With Betas, the organs don’t enlarge, instead they shrink to accommodate the lack of space. One major flaw, the dwarfed organs are prone to failure; need to find a way to bypass this in the future. Fertility is a problem, females still can’t give birth; their ovaries shrink along with primary organs; such as heart, lungs, so on and so forth. The male counterparts on the other hand; the virus didn’t eradicate the semen, nor the testicles like Alpha did; possible breeding with males; need to run some experiments on this. Must create a better strain of virus to give the Horrors a longer lifespan and the ability to reproduce on their own without needing to infect others. I n -.”

“I’LL FRRRUCKING MURRRRDER YOU!” Table one screams. He violently trashes around, trying to break free from his restraints; the sounds of his heels and elbows banging against the metal table echos off the empty walls in the operating room. I let out a long, drawn out sigh while pushing away from my laptop. I swivel around in my chair to see table one kicking and screaming; he’s been at it for the past two days. I’m surprised that he hasn’t lost his voice yet from all the screaming he’s been doing.

“Would you please be quiet table one?” I pleaded, rubbing my tired eyes with my hands.

“QUIET?! You want QUIET?! Look at what you did to me!!” He’s already begun to late stages of evolving: a new set of canine teeth, his lower jaw jutting out with two tusks like teeth where his original canine were. His skin harden, taking on a new dark, almost black green color to it; the bones in his hands and feet pierced from his skin, turning his fingers and toes into claws. His muscular structure bulging from beneath his hardened skin; giving him a more ripped look.

I turn my attention to table two, her eyes puffy and red; she ran out of tears to cry after the first day here in my labs.She doesn’t know it, but she is infected; although, no signs of her evolving; which means, she’s a carrier. I could use this new discovery to my advantage; someone very important is trying to find me and he has something I need to proceed with the plan. “Table one, it’s time for field testing; behave and you’ll earn your freedom.” He jerks his head over to me, his eyes filled with a mixture of disbelief and hatred.

“W-What?” Before I can reply, an alarm pours out from my laptop’s speakers.

“What perfect timing; my honored guest has finally arrived.” With a few swift clicks of my mouse, I enlarge the video feed to the larger monitor mounted on the wall. “You see that man there? The one wearing the peacock coat and black jeans, that’s my guest; he goes by the alias of Arkis. He has something, a device that’s called a PDA; I want you to retrieve it for me without killing him. As for his friends? Do to them whatever you wish.” Another click of my mouse, I release table one from his restraints. “Oh Bob, can you come in here please?” I call out, the double doors swing open, and in walks a fully evolved Horror; comparing Bob to table one is like comparing the differences of fire and ice; polar opposites. Table one being a more burly, beefier Horror that’s still just a whelp himself; but Bob, he’s on the more narrow frame, long lengthy body with a long tail that maintains a consistent diameter, only tapering off into a point towards the tails’ end.

Table one pushes himself off the metal table; rubbing his sore; bruised wrists. “Click. Click. Click” Bob glances over to him, but redirects his attention to me.

“No Bob, I’m quite alright; thank you for asking though.” Bob merely wags his tail to my answer; Bob lurks over to me, keeping an eye on the whelpling.

“What’s stopping me from just killing you now that I’m free of my chains?” Bob stops, his tail swings around to face him; its tip rising up to eye level. His tail splits up into fourths, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth on each of the tentacles.

“Click, click click, click.” His tail opens up even more, splitting it to the halfway point. Table one quickly back pedals, he trips over himself and falls over.

“You see, Bob here is the very first Beta Horror. The one thing that sets them apart from Alphas is some have tails; a few of those that do can do special things with their tails. Bob here is what I call Shredder; self explanatory I do believe so myself.” Bob’s tail reseals itself, leaving both table one and two stricken with fear.

“Table two, I’m feeling mighty... Generous today. Go with table one, you might be of use to on this tasks. Bob, make sure the both of them don’t try to escape, would you? Table three, I almost forgot about you; I have something very special planned for you.” Bob unlocks table two from the table; my ears begin to burn, which puts a smile on my face.

“We have a certain individual spectating us, this indeed a very spectacular day indeed; let’s hope he’s enjoying what he see.”

“So, what do you think of my old Colt Agent gear?” Alex does a full spin, showing off her skin tight apparel; short black shorts so tight on her ass I swear she wasn’t wearing any pants at all. Long black leggings stopping before they meet the shorts; leaving just a few inches of thigh exposed. Her black shirt, hell it’s more of a bra; it only covers up breasts; and I swear, if someone would push her the right way; they’ll probably pop right out of their tight bindings. The mini or large bra, however you want to call it; has sleeves covering her slim arms, leaving her shoulders bare.

“Yeah, yeah, that gets me there.” This earns me a giggle from her. My maw left swinging in the wind, tongue rolled out like a red carpet and steam hissing from my ears.

“Alex, are you suppose to give your enemies a massive hard on while you dispatch them?” Ice Cube states before flicking the butt of his cigarette into the wind.

“A girls’ gotta use what she’s born with.”

“I’m just glad she’s on our side.” I can’t tear my gaze from her ass; I shit you not, I could bounce a quarter off of that; and I’m almost tempted to try.

“Please tell me you’re hitting that.” Ice Cube whispers to me in a hushed tone.

“You know I don’t kis -.”

“He is Icy.” Alex gives me a firm smack on the ass as she struts past the both of us; how she heard us is beyond me. “Come on boys, Warwick Freeman won’t find himself, now will he?” My eyes follow in her wake, just watching that tight, oh-so-tight rump of hers in those shorts.

We follow Alex and her... Lovely figure through the dark, damp alleyways of China. The chilli sea air carries with it the scent of fermented sewage, fried rice and Ice Cube’s cigarette. Trash, literals the alleyways, rats fight over scraps of food, there's a starved dog gnawing on a dead homeless man’s bare foot. Ice Cube takes a hard drag from his smoke at the site of the rabid dog eating at the corpse. A dark blur darts pass the crossroads in front of off; the rats scurry away; not by us, but by the presence of the shadow; the dog flees with a chunk of flesh in his mouth, tail tucked between his legs.

Clicks bounces off the walls; amplifying the sound. “W-What was that?” Alex asks, coming to a dead stop.

“Horrors.” Alex unholsters her silenced 9mm beretta pistols, Ice follows, drawing out his .44 magnum. I, don’t like using guns, too missy; I unsheath my twin daggers from behind my back. The blur runs pass again, followed by a loud shriek. “Don’t move, don’t run, and most importantly, don’t panic.” A young woman turns the corner, running towards us screaming.

“Help ME!” A flurry of clicks follow, rebounding off the walls; making it nearly impossible to tell where it’s coming from. “Please! There’s a monster chasing me!” The girl nearly slips on a puddle, I catch her as she falls; her face lands against my chest and she wraps her arms around me. “T-That thing has been chasing me for so long!” She cries; something is not right here. That Horror should’ve caught her in the matter of minutes...

“Ambush!” I yell, the girl pushes me down to the ground and takes off running down the way we came. Something lets out the deepest roar I’ve ever heard, we look up to see this massive Horror dropping into the middle of our little group; Ice brings up his magnum but the Horror is faster on the draw as he slams him into the brick wall. The blur turns into a thin, almost twig like shape, Alex opens fire on it. The thin Horror throws a metal trash can at her, causing her bullets to ricochet off in random directions; she artfully dodges the flying metal box with the grace of a ballet dancer. The tank of a Horror grabs the trashcan mid flight, he spins around, releasing it at me. I roll to the side before it has the chance to crusht me; the metal box hits the ground and comes to a shrieking halt with sparks flying.

The Horror’s tail opens up and lunges at Alex, she backflips to avoid it but one of the tentacles grabs her ankle. “Let me go!” She yells, swinging around guns ablazing, sending two badly placed shots into the Horror’s kneecap; it cries out in pain, dropping to the floor with a thud, along with Alex. Ice Cube unloads three shots into the beef castle of a Horror; each one finding a home into his back. He swings his massive arms at Ice, misses and embeds them into the brick wall.

‘You should never turn your back on your enemy, especially an enemy like myself.’ Clenching both daggers, I lunge at the meatbag, plugging both of them into the top of his shoulders; his muscles are so dense, I’m struggling to even get my blades into the beast; it’s like trying to cut through a thick piece of leather with a pair of dull scissors. The Horror wails in agony. I twist and turn my daggers deeper into him; grinding against bone and tough-as-nails muscle. The Horror reaches behind him and grabs a hold of me, throwing me off his back and into a nearby wall. A piercing whistle rings out, both the Horrors stop what they're doing and look up. “We got what we needed, let’s go!”

The beefcake staggers off down the dark alleyway, his back covered in its blood. The other Horror crawls away, his kneecap shattered from the two lucky bullets that Alex shot. Alex gets up and dusts herself off, Ice cube lays against the wall, his right arm mangled and broken; he desperately tries to fish out his pack of smokes from his right pocket; eventually he manages to get the pack out but is unable to get a smoke out. “Arkis, mind helpin a brother out?” He chuckles with a painful cringe.

“This might be a good time to stop smoking, don’t you think?” I have a splitting headache, a stiff drink would do me wanders right now.

“I’ll quit when we kill the sonofabitch who did this to me. Now, would you please help an old friend out?” I give in to his pleads, I push myself off the wall and stumble over to him. Grabbing his pack of cigarettes, I pull one out and hand it to him. “Heh, thanks brother.” He takes care of the rest on his own.

“Damn it, that thing ruined my favorite pair of boots!” Alex pouts, I look over to see her boots to have a few scuffs on them; I’ll never understand women as long as I live.

I reach into my coat pocket to grab my PDA but notice that it’s missing. “Fantastic, just bloody fantastic... That girl pickpocketed me, she stole my PDA.”

“Thought you didn’t smoke?” Ice says sarcastically.

I suck down, filling my lungs with smoke; thought I kicked this nasty habit, but losing my PDA brings out the worst of habits. “I quit a while back; I need to get my PDA back before it falls into the wrong hands.” I finish off the cigarette on the second drag. Turning to Alex who’s still pouting over her “ruined” boots. “Alex, know of any nanite specialists in China? I can’t call any of my contacts without my PDA; mind doing me this favor? Ice Cube is pretty banged up and it would be best if we got him fixed up before we come across another Horror pack.”

I stand there beaming with glee as I watch the video stream from the fight between Arkis and my Horrors. Excited to finally get my hands on the one thing I desperately needed; once I have the PDA, the human race will experience the next stage of evolution. Turning on heel with a spring to my step, I stride over to my tea kettle and pour myself another cup. Shouldn’t be long before they come back, Bob will need some work done. He’ll be able to heal on his own; but this is an opportune time to study how their damaged tissue cells regenerate.

“W--What a--are you going to d--do with me?” First word that table three has spoken; her medical file didn’t say she was mute; or deaf. Female, weight one hundred and thirty two pounds, height five foot six, age: twenty six, blood type AB-, illnesses, stage three lung cancer; the cancer has already spread to her lymph nodes. I had to tug on a few strings to obtain someone with such rare blood type; but that person with such advanced cancer is the cherry on top.

“My dear; why have you decided to speak? You’ve been quiet for so long, why now?” This girl, has my undivided attention now.

“P--Please, j--just kill me... P--Please be my angel of m--mercy.” She blankly stares up at the ceiling; just idly laying there; begging for death’s embrace.

“Why would you wish such an abrupt end to your own life?” She blinks, eyes still fixated on the overhead lights.

“I--I’ve lost everything; d--doctors have given me j--just a few months to l--live... I--I want to end it o--on my t--terms. P--Please, I don’t care what y--you do to me; just p--promise that you’ll t--take away the pain.” I unlock her from her shackles; she only lays there with a deadpanned face.

“You’re free, why don’t you flee?”

“N--No point, I--I’m already dead, there’s n--no point in r--running anymore.”

“You have stage three lung cancer, lymph nodes are infected; this I know. But what if, what if I told you that there’s still a chance for you?” Not even my words spark any emotions in her face.

“T--There’s no more c--chances for me. They’ve sent me t--through countless rounds of r--radiation and c--chemotherapy. God has forsaken me; it’s h--hopeless to fight this; I--I’ve given up all hope.” The cancer has shattered her will; but I think I’ll be able to restore it.

“There is no God, nor will there ever will be. I on the other hand can give you a second chance, a clean slate, a new life! My creation is already coursing through your veins, I know you can feel it. The doctors might have given you an estimated time on your death, but I think you need a second opinion!”




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