• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Madness (Censored)

Chapter 38 - Madness

Caution! This is the Censored version of 'Madness'! It's CLOP free, enjoy!

Friend takes control of my body, he stretched my body into unnatural positions. Each muscle stretching out far past their limits. My joints emitted a most satisfying, loud pop. The scales on my back quickly regrow, S.K. and Cunning just watched with their mouths wide open as Friend manipulated my body. I look up with a grin and see the spirits and demons flying around inside of the sanctum, something out of the corner of my eye catches my attention, it was a good ol’ tail.

“When did I get a tail?!” My tail starts to wag happily and I start to run around in circles chasing my tail like a dog.

“Get back here you little scamp!” I laughed gaily as I chase after my tail.

After the fifth circle, Tail wises up and trips me, I come tumbling down to the lake’s edge. The blood casts my reflection back at me and my grin becomes even wider when I see my horns.

“When did I get my horns?!” I run my hands along my horns, if my grin became any bigger, my face would split open.

“I know the lad has always been a attractive fellow, but my horns make him look even more dashing, if I do say so myself.” I stroke my horns with pride, still admiring them in the reflection.

“F-Fade, is that you?” S.K. finally chimes in, I stop stroking my horns and slowly turned my head.

“So, you’ve meet Fade? I don’t care much for her, but I really don’t much care for anyone!” My insane laughter fills the air in the sanctum.

“Then who might be the one in control of the Tailed one’s body?” My eyes land on Isaac, my eyes go wide as I can see Cunning’s blood red aura radiating off his body.

“I haven’t seen you in ages, Cunning! How’s life been treating you?!”

Fine... Now, answer my question, who are you?” He shoots daggers at me, only causing me to laugh even harder.

“That’s a low blow, Cunning. But let me refresh your memory, for I. Am. Madness!” I throw my arms up in the air, releasing a shockwave of powerful dark energy.

The shock wave hits Isaac and S.K. forcing both of them backpedal a few steps. The shock wave makes contact with the barrier that Agony created, shattering it and releasing the spirits and demons back to the hell they crawled out of. Agony’s aura dissipates with his barrier, felt as if someone just removed a ton of lead off my chest.

Isaac’s horn flares up to the black charge in a heartbeat, he launches his black laser and it penetrates through my chest as if it was made of paper. I look down and see smoke rising from my new hole, burning flesh fills the air and makes my stomach gurgle with hunger. Another beam strikes my stomach, and another one grazes my neck, turning me into a walking piece of swiss cheese.

“So, you still want to kill me? That’s FANTASTIC! Now, where’s my cane?!” Scales quickly erupt from underneath my skin, covering my body completely. I reach out with my right hand, I focus for only a second to summon a shalalie.

“This isn’t my cane! It’s a SHALALIE! Better than a umbrella I guess!” My holes quickly heal and I start to stroll towards the kid, twirling my shalali as I do.

Several more lasers come flying at me, not a single one lands or even grazers me as I dodge each one with ease.

“Oh, what’s wrong Cunning?! Having trouble predicting my moves? I’ll tell you why! Because even I don’t know what I’m going to do!” My insane laughter echoes throughout the jungle.

A black box forms around me, encasing me in the matter of seconds. The box implodes around me, sending a massive shock wave outwards, nearly causing Isaac and S.K. to be blown backwards. After the smoke clears, I’m singing - Oomph! - Ready or Not (I'm Coming) - as my scales regenerate. I charge the kid before he can even charge up for another attack, I grab my shalalie by the tip and bring back behind my head and up into the air.

“FOR!” I swing my shalalie with great force it shatters on impact with the kid’s chin, he’s sent rocketing backwards fifteen yards and crashes into a smoldering tree.

I turn my attention towards S.K. she’s petrified stiff as she watches me.

“Well then, aren't you a pretty little thing? No wonder the lad has been so keen on keeping you around.”

“S-Subject 27? I-Is that you?” My tail falls to the ground along with my jaw.

“Ah, so you knew the lad? How wonderful!” I walk right next to S.K., she only stands there and watches me.

“Would you like to know a little secret about the lad?” I lean in next to her ear and whispered it, her breath catches in her throat as she falls to the ground.

“Even the lad doesn’t know about that little secret!”

“He-He-He...” She only manages to stutter as the gears in her head comes to a screeching halt.

“How can one person do something that horrible? It’s because he’s HUMAN! HAAHAHAHAA! They’re such a naturally destructive species, that’s how! Whole reason why the lad is still alive till this very day, h-.”

NO! My Little Horror couldn’t be such a-.”

“A what? Monster? Abomination? Horror? You’ve seen what the lad can do, even without my powers. How can someone like him commit such an unforgivable sin as that and still can sleep at night? EASY! He is a true Human.” S.K. barely gets back to her paws and talons, I reach my hand out to S.K. but my tail quickly wraps itself around it, entangling it.

My tail’s vein starts pulse with power, its grip only tightens and pulls back my arm away from S.K. Friend simply laughs as my own tail disobeys even his commands.

“Silly little scamp! Trix's are for ME!” I yank my arm forward, but my tail pulls back even harder, and dislocating my left arm from its socket.

“W-What have you done to my Horror!?” S.K.’s eyes burn fiercely as she cries out in desperation.

“Bad tail! Bad! How dare you disobey your master!” My tail lets my dislocated arm swing lazily to my side and wraps itself around my neck.

“No! You’re not Horror’s master! Whomever this 27 is, he’s not my Horror! Don’t yo-.” A large black beam slices between S.K. and I, it kisses my stomach and melts off the scales.

“Look’s like Cunning is still alive, good I was getting bored talking to you anyways.” My tail squeezed even tighter around my neck, causing me to gasp for air.

“S-Subject 27... You’ll pay for what you’ve done!” Isaac retakes control over his body, he bends Cunning’s power to his own free will.

He teleports behind me and launches off a three round burst of lasers, one grazes my left arm, the second one rips through my right collarbone, and the third barley kisses tail, causing it to spasm and accidentally pulling me to the ground. The kid lets out a primal scream as he charges up a powerful spell, creating multiple clones that circled me. Friend forces a great deal of his chaotic power into my right arm, forcing the vein to pulse beyond its own limits, my right arm shakes violently as Isaac starts to cast another spell.

Each clone’s horn flares up to its ebony black layer, a black sphere appears in the air above me. Each clone focus to keep channeling this new spell, I bring my arm down in a full swing, the spell goes off before I can catapult myself out of its directory, the world around me is ripped away and the last thing I hear is Friend’s insane laughter.

- - -

The icy breeze kissed my cheeks as the wind starts to kick up, I can feel my ears going numb and I open my eyes. I’m standing at the iron gates of a cemetery, the gates looked like they haven't been used in ages, rust plagues the hinges and the gates squeal as I push them open. A fresh blanket of snow lays on the grave markers and the surrounding world, I look up to see the grey clouds casting snowflakes down onto the world below.

Gravestones litter the ground, each one serving as a reminder that someone used to be alive and is no longer. I feel an eerie peace overtake me as I breath in the cold winter air. The snow crunching underneath my footsteps as I walked through the cemetery as though I had a purpose of being there. Theres to many gravestones for me to count, rows and rows just stretch for miles, each one a different shape and size, poking out from the snow like goosebumps on skin.

A thought runs through my head that puts me into a even deeper level of eerie peace, how many of these souls died young? How many were as old as I am now? When do I wind up with a marker of my own? How much longer do I have left before my corpse is six feet under and my soul claimed by the Abyss? The concept of not waking up, not seeing another new moon, this concept seemed to be a happy one for Arkis. It doesn’t frighten me, I walk among the dead, all I can think about as I see their stones is who they were or what they could have been if they’d only had more time.

I cast my gaze further down the row of gravestones and see a man standing in front of one, he’s only wearing black and holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand. I stop just a few feet away from him and look down at the gravestone, iced covered most of the stone but the writing on the face just clear enough to make out a few words.

“Here lies Elizabeth-.

“Mother of three.”

“May she find peace in-.”

The rest of it is covered in ice, I look back up to see the man staring at me, his face motionless and he tosses the flowers down to the grave.

“I’ve been coming here every year on this day, the day that my mother was murdered by some monster...” His voice steady and calm, his breath hangs in the air.

“Do you know what this place is?”

“A cemetery, resting place for our mortal bodies”

“No, this is your cemetery, each gravestone you see is someone you killed, and now it’s your time to join them.” He raises a revolver into the air, pointing it at my chest and pulls back the hammer.

“Syotos.” Is the only thing I say before he pulls the trigger.

- - -

“Damn, those memories are powerful!” I wake up laying on a cot in a cell.

Sirens are going off, my cell door is open and people in orange jumpsuits running past with makeshift weapons in hands. I get out of my bed and follow suit, I turn right out of my cell and followed the crowd. A few guards lay dead on the stairs and floor, along with a few of the inmates. All I hear is the sirens going off and yelling and screaming of the inmates as they brutalized the hell out of the guards.

I jump down the stairs and run through the gates as the inmates fought the last of the guards that were in this block, I was in wing C and my goal was to “recruit” one of the inmates for my employers. I ran with the mob, a few splitting off into the other areas of the jail to either help the other inmates or just to kill some of the guards.

I see one of the gang’s Lieutenants as he’s ordering some of the inmates to carry out the riot.

“Yo, I’m looking for someone who goes by the name of ‘Mouse’, you seen him around?”

“Who da fuck do yah think you are?!”

“Woo buddy, I’m just looking for ‘Mouse’, can you point me in the write direction?” He points down a hallway and I take off running.

I’m blocked by a sea of orange jumpsuits, they’re circling around two guys as they fight, one I can’t even see and the other sticking out of the crowd of inmates by a good two feet. I push my way through the crowd and break into the inner circle, there was my target, Mouse was fighting this giant of a man, he’s at least eight feet tall, and mouse is only four foot short.

“Kill him, TINY!” The crowd roars out, egging on the giant attack.

“Hey Tiny!” I yell out before I jump up to land a punch on his chin.

“Who the hell are you?!” Mouse punches me in the lower back, it felt as if someone was patting me on that back.

“I’m the guy who’s here to save your lif-.” I turn my head to yell back at Mouse, and as I turn around I’m met by a fist to my face.

The punch sends me sprawling onto the ground, stunning me. The giant raises his foot and brings it down onto my chest, I roll to the side as it slams down into the concrete floor. I kick his legs out from under him, his body slams in the floor with such great force I can feel vibrations traveling through the concrete floor. I lunge at him, his foot slams into my chest and sends me flying into the crowd, knocking down at least five of them.

- - -

“Looks like Friend is having trouble with this memory, 27” I turn my head to see Arkis standing next to me as I watch the silver screen.

“Yeah, but he needs to be taken down a few pegs though.” This comment earns me a small chuckle from Arkis.

“Yeah, and I like watching him struggle for once, if this drags on for too long you’ll need to step in.” Arkis chuckles a little more and continues to watch the fight.

“Hey Arkis, I’ve been trying to piece my fractured memories together, and now none of them are making any sense to me. For example, that last one in the cemetery. Who was that man?”

“Spoilers.” He points back at the screen and I simply watch as Friend takes a hit to the stomach.

- - -

“Jeez, they sure do build them big down here in the south!” I land several jabs in his kidneys, causing him to elbow me in the face.

He might be slow, but not matter how hard I hit him he seems to just keep on getting tougher. I’ve landed several blows in the soft spot but he just shrugs it off like it was nothing! I decided to fight dirty now, I bring my foot all the way back and kick Tiny right in the family jewels. My foot makes contact and he squeezes my foot in between his thighs, trapping me and giving him a couple of free blows on me. I can’t but help to laugh as he pummels my face in with his fists of iron, my mouth fills with blood and I spit it out in Tiny’s face, earning me another kick to the chest.

I laugh hysterically as pleasure fills my body, my bones ache and I’m bleeding pretty badly, but I feel nothing but pure bliss. Tiny looks as if he’s just gotten out of a spa, not a single scratch on him, this gives me an idea though. I turn around to see the crowd still cheering us on while we fight, one of the inmates in the front row is holding a small shank. I throw a punch at the inmate and steal his shank, Tiny simply watches as I hold it in my hand.

“What do you think you can do with dat little tiny shank?” Tiny points out with his large index finger.

“Oh what, this little thing? I’m going to do this!” I trust the shank into my chest, it barely nicks my heart, sending a tidal wave of pleasure throughout my body.

- - -

“Did he-.”


“But wh-.”

“No clue...” Both Arkis and I merely facepalm as we watch friend stabbed us in the chest, almost striking our heart.

“Looks like I need to intervene now... Before this fucking idiot kills us.” I turn and made my way to the door that leads from the Abyss to the Darkness.

“Wait, before I go, is there anyway I could come back here without dying or taking critical damage?” My hand rests on the doorknob, all I needed to do is twist and pull.

“In due time, 27.” I nod and open the door and stepped through it.

- - -

I returned back to my little happy place that I call the Darkness. My soul feels as if I’ve been sliced and diced through a jig-saw and someone didn’t take the time to glue everything back together. I open my eyes to see Fade laying on top of me, her head resting above my heart and her hair isn't in its normal bun; its freely resting against my body, draping down her back and to the floor.

I look down and see fractures running throughout my soul, like canyons through the Earth’s surface. Fade’s cold presence is keeping my soul from falling apart into a million pieces. Again, it must’ve taken her quite some time to put this puzzle together. I’ve grown quite fond of Fade and her chilly presence. I can hear her humming that same song as before, I wait for a minute for her to finish before I make myself known.

“Heh, I gotta admit, I’m impressed by your true potential, Fade.” My sudden comment causes her to jump a little.

“2-27... Y-You’re alive!” She lifts her head off my chest and stares into my eyes.

“Yeah, I barely got out of the Abyss, I’m glad to see you’re st-.” She places her finger against my lips, effectively silencing me.

“27, can I ask you a favor?”

“Sure. Can’t guarantee I’ll be able to do it soon bu-.” Fade giggles and pulls me into a kiss that starts out soft but deepens into something almost desperate.

“Stay with me? Please?” Her voice has dropped to a whisper, the question is barely audible.

“Yes.” Is all I could possibly say at her request, I wrap my arms around her, hugging her tightly as we kissed.




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