• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Cruel Ultimatum

Chapter 69 - Cruel Ultimatum

“The entirety of my life will not be lived as a weapon!” I barked at Arkis. “No more puppeteering! No more guiding me with Friend’s hand or yours!” I can’t be reckless any longer, not with Fade being pregnant. “Whatever you or Friend have planned is all for not! I’m calling the shots now, you hear me?” I may sound a bit ungrateful, but I don’t care.

“You done?” He says with an unamused expression.

“Done? I’m just getting started!” I rear up, ready for a fight and I plan on making myself heard. Arkis points at the silver screen, I’m too hot headed to pay him any mind. “No! You will not distract me with a memory!”

“You’re a fool.” He abruptly adds. “Just watch.”

- - -

It’s Silver’s room, I’m laying in her bed, covered from head to toe in bandages. Boy, a mummy ain't got nothin’ on me. There’s a cast covering my entire left leg, that mace must’ve done one hell of a number on my knee if they had to put a cast on my entire leg. Hushed murmurs fill the room around me. Characters fade into existence as the fog surrounding my body seems to dissolve into nothingness. “I don’t like seeing Horror like this.” Lizz and Fizz both say in unison. “Is he in pain?” Lizz asks at the side of my bed, holding her sister’s talon.

“No Lizz. Nyuel and I made sure he isn’t in any pain.” In my current state I honestly can’t feel a thing, not while I’m in here and not out there. There’s several IVs sticking into me, most of them belong to blood packets but a few others are filled with a clear liquid and others are filled with some earthy looking colors. “I assure you girls, that Subject 27 will make a full recovery.”

“Yes little ones, Demon will be fine.” Nyuel says, her accent still as thick as ever. “You little ones may join him if you like, no harm will come to Demon if you do.” It’s like the magic words that they’ve been waiting to hear. Without hesitation, Lizz, Fizz, and Stella fly into bed. Keeping in mind my condition, they do so with utmost care.

“H-How... long will Horror be like this?” Fizz asks, carefully maneuvering her way around the IVs.

Nyuel and the good Doc both look at each other with an uncertain look. “A while, but you girls may visit him anytime that you’d like.” Fade chimes in setting at my bedside along with Cloud and an empty void with Silver’s name.

“‘Kay!” They all shout with glee.

“How’s Silver Wing holdin’ up?” Cloud asks.

“Still a bit shaken up, 27... wasn’t himself when he woke up...” Silence falls on the room, no one speaks as they just watch the girls find comfortable positions next to me.

- - -

“The endgame is upon us,” Arkis says, staring me in the eyes. “How you proceed to execute it is entirely up to you now. You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain; which one is it going to be?” That saying... I’ve heard it before somewhere, but I don’t know where. “You need to get your act together before it’s too late.”

“I... I want to be there for my child when he or she is born. I want to be there for their entire life, not like our father, Arkis...”

“So, the villain it is then.”

“No... No. I don’t want them to live the life that we’ve lived. I want them to actually live their lives instead of fighting through it like we did. If... If it means I must die or sacrifice myself to give my child a peaceful world to grow up in, then so be it.”

“If you choose the hero’s path, you won’t be there for their birth. If you choose the villain’s path, you’ll be there to experience the pleasure of fatherhood, but at a grave price. Your children will fall by your hand.” Talk about a rock and a hard place.

“How long?” My question earns me a confused look. “Hero’s path, how long?”

“Before the new spring.” When someone puts an expiration date on your life, everything, and I mean everything comes crashing down around you. Oh, you might think, ‘Nah, I can beat this, I’ve survived tougher than just a little expiration date. Hell, I’ve even came back from the brink of death during a fight.’ No, absolutely not. Be it a doctor or the gate guardian in the afterlife who gives you the expiration date, you’d better heed it. Steel yourself, have your affairs in order, do what you’ve never done before. Or, that’s what I would like to tell myself.

I have no more fight left in me, only thing I can do is accept this. “Okay...” Arkis seems upset that I’m not putting up a fight.

“You’re accepting defeat that easily? No denial? No fight? Nothing?” I nod. “So, just accepting it? Well... This is unexpected.”

“There’s work to be done. It’s time for me to get up.”

“You need to rest, your body isn’t fully recovered yet.” Arkis warns me.

“I can rest when I’m dead.”

“Very well.” Time isn’t on my side, it never was. Fall is here, meaning I just have a couple of months to make sure my family is taken care of before my untimely departure.

When I awaken, I’m greeted by an old-yet-familiar pain; a permanent resident it seems. No one’s noticed me yet, which always me to quickly take stock of who’s in the room: Fade, Cloud, Nyuel, a few nurses, and the girls; who are tangled up in Tail.

“PRHL, you about?” I think to myself, my question quickly answered.

“Horror... You’re awake?” He sounds almost uncertain. “Why aren’t you still in your coma? You’re far from optimal condition.”

“How long was I out?”

“Three days. I strongly urge you to go back to sleep.”

“Status report.” I can feel PRHL fidgeting about inside me before answering.

“Heart, sixteen percent; stable. Arteries, repaired for the most part, the foreign power you forced through your veins, whatever it was, don’t do it again. Severe damage to your muscular system. The tendons in your left arm have been reattached, for now. Minimal movement is optimal and strongly advised. For future reference, next time you see phantom weapons flying at you, dodge them; it will save you from a world of hurt if you do. Your bone structure on the other hoof is a whole different subject. Doctor Helping Hoof did his best to reconstruct your left knee, and so did I. There’s permanent damage that we couldn’t reverse. Minor fractures in both arms, missing two false ribs on your left side. Be thankful for your thick skull; both figuratively and literally. Your horns’ durability combined with your thick frontal bone saved your brain from any permanent harm. I couldn’t care less if I left this report on a happy note or not, but if you haven’t discovered yet, your tail regrew itself.” Yep, I should’ve stayed out longer.

“I got it mum, take it easy.”

- - -

“B-Bring me Razor, Uncle, and G-Gramps.” I moaned, struggling to set up in the bed.

“2-27?! Y-You’re awake!?” Cloud asks with a dazed expression.

“Demon, don’t push yourself.” Nyuel says as she trots over to my bedside.

“N-Now!” I growled. Nyuel stops dead in her tracks, Cloud back peddles away from my side, and Fade quietly sits there.

Nyuel quickly regains her composure. “V-Very well, Demon. We shall summon them for you. Cloud, come.” Cloud quickly jumps to the air, and the both of them leave. Fade is left sitting quietly by my side as the girls hide in Tail.

The nurses in the room timidly make their way to the bed, I pay them little mind as they change out the IVs’ bags. One of them tries to change my bloodstained dressings but backs away when I stare at her. Fade opens her mouth to speak, but reconsiders it and keeps quite. Awkward silence blankets the room, only being broken when Nyuel and Cloud return with Razor, Gramps, and Uncle in tow. I wait to speak until they’re all standing in front of me. “You all know whom I work for, or use to work for if Ironhide is good on his word. The Don is gone, which leaves me. So, I’m going to ask one simple question. Just one. How you all answer it will determine my response. What are your plans for me?” The three of them seem shocked by the odd question.

Gramps is the first one to walk forward. “I can safely say, for all of us is what you did was a great feat in-and-of itself. For what you did for us, you are family, and we take care of family.” Uncle is the next one to step forward.

“The moment my little ones spotted you, they instantly fell in love with you.” The girls poke their heads out from under Tail. “You protected them with your life. You did right by me, son.” One by one, the girls crept out from under Tail and made their way up to me.

“Horror.” Razor calls out. “I don’t know what my half-sister sees in you, nor do I care to. But you did us a great favor, and we’re in your debt.” One of many weights has been lifted from my chest. Its been a very long time since I breathed this easy. Just knowing that I have powerful friends that I can call on in times of need.

“Horror?” Tiny whispers came from the girls as they slowly made their way up to me. “You’re our big bro, ‘kay?” Lizz says, hugging my side.

“We love you, Horror!” Fizz announces as she hugs my other side.

Leaving Stella, standing in front of me teary eyed. “Don’t scare us like that ever again!” She yells before tackling my chest.

In the company of aliens, I find a family. “Good.” I say as Tail wrapped around the girls and me, hugging them. “Forgive me if I sound ungrateful, but I’m going to be blunt about this. I’m going to need a couple of things from you all.” All three of them look at each other before nodding in agreement. “A: If anyone asks, I’m dead. Two: I’m sure Fade has already told or showed you all that she’s expecting. So I’ll be needing a few things for that specifically. Resources; such as money, a home; preferably someplace isolated and quiet. And C: protection. A counter measure in the event word does get out and your enemies or friends of the old Don come after me.”

None of them spoke, they all just silently nod at each other. “Done.” Razor says. “How would like to be addressed now?” I don’t have to think long and hard about this, a name is just a name. I have many names, the former died four days ago.

“Horror, Demon, It doesn’t matter to me.”

“Horror. Money isn’t an issue, the hospital has exceeded my expectations; It’s been growing at an incredible rate. With how well it’s been doing, you’ll be able to support your new family and not have to worry about work.” Two down, all I need is a home.

“Cloud.” Gramps chimes in. “You already found a hideout.”

“I did?” She says, tilting her head.

“Mhmm. I’d say it’s exactly what Horror is looking for.” Cloud sits there for a brief moment, then it’s like a lightbulb going off over her head.

“Oh! Right!” She nearly facehoofed. “There’s this old mining house that my crew and I scouted out for a possible hideout just outside of Trottingham. Isolated, abandoned, out of the way, it’s perfect!” Isolated, and out of the way, all I needed to hear. “It’s tucked up against the mountainside. It needs a little work, a bit of elbow grease and a lot of pony-power!”

“Looks like I finally caught my first real break.” I silently chuckled to myself.

Two of the nurses bring over a fairly sizeable tub filled with piping hot water, steam escapes over the top of the tub. One of them motions to the other to remove my dressings but Tail quickly intervenes. “Would you please give 27 and I a little private time?” Fade quietly asks.

“Yeah, sure, come on everypony.” Cloud orders as she ushers everyone out of the room. Each of the girls give me one last hug before fluttering out of the room. Cloud waits for everyone to leave, making herself the last one. “Don’t overwork him now, got it?” Cloud smiles before leaving the room herself.

Fade repositions herself behind me on the bed. She begins working at my dressings, carefully pulling them off one by one. Fade keeps quiet as she delicately undresses my bandages, at one point she presses her swollen belly against my back and I can feel the pulse of the baby. “I’ve known for some time now.” She says, draping her arms over my shoulders and doing her signature awkward hug. “I just didn’t know when to tell you.” She starts working on my front.

Silence falls on us again. Fade continues to remove my bandages, which gives me time to think things out carefully. I should've asked why the mining house was abandoned; mine probably went dry. Home repairs shouldn’t be too troublesome; carpeting, fixing the roof, just the small stuff. As long as I don’t have to reconstruct the house from the foundation up, there should be no problem. I won’t be able to tell for sure until I see the house myself. Fade starts working on the lower half of my body, which doesn’t take her long; all that’s bandaged is my right leg. “Does it hurt?” Fade asks, gently running her hand down the cast on my left leg.

“No.” I hate lying, especially to her. “Itches though.” This earns me a smile from Fade, god, how I love to see her smile. “Fade.” I grasp her hands in mine. “I know the past couple of days must’ve been tough on you. What you saw... It... I wasn’t myself, but that doesn’t absolve me of my actions.” I feel a tear in my eye, but I hold it back. “I want to be there for our child, and for you.” I look into her icy sapphire-blue eyes, and there’s a million things swarming around my head that I want to tell her; one being the cruel ultimatum that Arkis forced onto me. “I-I’’ve been pushed to the edge... a-and I’m scared. If I cross it... I’ll be lost...” Fade quietly sits there, the same small smile on her face. “What I’m truly scared of is... losing you.” I fight back the tears that threaten to overflow the dam. “I-I need to do this... I promise you that I will never lose my humanity.” Fade does something I expect, but still surprises me. She slowly embraces me in a hug, and I return it.

“I know... I know.” She whispers softly in my ear. My shoulders slump, tension in my body slacks, and I begin to shudder as the imprisoned tears break free of their confinement. Fade puts a hand on the back of my head as I buried it in her shoulder. “Just let it all out, 27.” And I do. I’ve fought, and fought, and fought. My guard was constantly up, I never had time nor a chance to just let it all go.

Tail slowly wraps around the both of us, pulling us closer to each other. The past four days have been hell for me; an emotional rollercoaster doesn’t even begin to describe it. Emotional hurricane? Maybe. I’ve been far past my breaking point for some time now, being alone with Fade finally allows me to just break down. The tears begin to flow freely at this point, as they streak down my scaly cheeks, Fade continuously pets the back of my head. It’s been a very long time since the last time I shed an emotional tear, too long in fact.

Fade starts to silently hum something, I can’t tell what, all I can hear in between my sobs is her beautiful voice. “I’ve got you.” Some tears manage to fall onto Fade’s back, the ones that do freeze on contact. Crying, such a human emotion; it can express sorrow, anguish, joy. I didn’t realize how badly I needed to cry until I actually started. “Everything will be alright, 27.” I wish that was true.

I eventually stop crying, or the tears run dry; I couldn’t tell. My eyes are red and puffy that’s accompanied by a stinging sensation. “I-I needed that... Thank you.” I saw, slowly breaking the embrace.

Fade gives me a tender smile as she runs her thumb across my cheek; successfully wiping away the leftover tears. “Now, let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” I sheepishly nod. Tail hoists the tub of now warm water onto the nightstand and hands Fade the sponge. “Glad to have you back, Tail.” Tail happily wags at Fade’s praise. I sit on the edge of the bed with my legs hanging off the edge as Fade begins to wash my back. “If you’d like, we could get that cast off of your leg.” She says, wringing the sponge out before going back to work.

“It’s fine, be better if I’d let the bone set and heal properly.” It does itch like crazy though, a long stick or something would do me wonders.

“I know that this isn’t the right thing to say, but Doctor Helping Hoof seemed to be really enjoying himself as he worked on you.” Figured he would. Curious mind thirsting for knowledge, one that intends to help with the knowledge he seeks, I’m always happy to oblige. “I’ve noticed Nyuel being in high spirits lately; almost glowing in fact.” The newly formed muscles spasms when Fade accidentally applies too much pressure on it. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you.” There’s several spots on my body with shiny new patches of scale where the Doc had to cut away to preform surgery. The new muscle is still tender, they involuntary spasm as the sponge washes over them.

“Y-You’re fine, it doesn’t hurt.” Another white lie, thankfully she buys. Tail shoves my PDA in my face. To my surprise, he’s already on the picture library, subfolder ‘Recent Pictures’. “What’s this?” I ask, taking my PDA. I paw through the recent pictures, looks like some-tail was busy.

“Tail has taken a liking to photography.” Fade giggles to herself. “Everyone thought it was adorable when he was taking pictures.” There’s over a dozen pictures, most of them with people taking care of me, sleeping on or next to my bedside, some really good ones that you can only obtain when the person isn’t expecting a picture to be taken. “How does he do it? Tail that is. How does he have such a keen eye for photography?”

“I’ve stop questioning the unexplainable.” Fade goes back to her cleaning and Tail takes my PDA begins taking pictures. We don’t talk much as Fade continues to clean. I zone out, becoming a father was the last thing I would’ve expected, it seems so surreal. I’m all twisted up inside, I’m scared, excited, worried, and so much more. A poisonous mixture of sorrow, rage, regret, and remorse that taints the incorporeal blade stabbing at my gut, knowing that I will never be there for my child is the worst feeling one could have.

- - -

“The cast is irrelevant, why not remove it?” PRHL asks.

“Keeping it on makes Fade feel happy.”

“Why? It’s clearly a burden, it restricts your mobility. Why would that make her happy?”

“Honestly, I don’t have the slightest clue. Maybe because she knows I can’t get myself hurt with this stupid thing on?”

“That makes little to no sense at all.” I agree with you there.

“What are you going to do now since the Don is out of the picture?” PRHL answers the question without hesitation.

“Retirement, but somepony still owes me a few bits.”

“Patience is a virtue. I might need a helping hand to repair this mining house, if you’re up to it.”

“We’ve got nothing better to do. Oh, hey, the other’s have been nagging me to say congratulations; so, congratulations I guess, you’re about to have your claws full taking care of a little Horror.”

“Thanks guys, means alot hearing that from you.”

“Yep, this one you can pass on.”

“I’m sure Fade will appreciate it too.”

“I’ve, or to be specific, Phantom Shadow has seen the mining house, quite large; built to house roughly twenty ponies. Last we visited was two months ago, the house is still standing, good shape, easy fixer upper.”

“Since you’ve all already been there, mind giving me the layout?”

“The house exterior is constructed of stone, typical roofing. Just the main floor of the house with basement level that’s connected directly to the mine shaft itself. Main floor is as follows: kitchen and living room are joined as one, making for one large open room. Crew’s quarters was built to house anywhere from ten to fifteen ponies. Overseer’s room, large with its own walk in closet and private latrine. Supply closet at the end of the hallway, big enough to be converted into a different room, such as a library, rec room, or a guest bedroom. A secondary latrine adjacent to the crews’ quarters. Three fireplaces, largest one is located in the living room, two smaller ones are located in the overseer’s and crews’ quarters. The subfloor is just a vast empty space, you could build a numerous things down there.”

“Sounds... big. Even with four people living there.”

“Agreed...” PRHL quietly says, the passive aggressive vibe I’m getting is so thick I can cut it.

“PRHL, care to join us? We could set you up in the basement. I certainly can use an extra pair of hands to help out.”

“Yes!... I mean, we would like to.” He jumps on it like a heroin junky jumping at a free bag of blue ice.

- - -

“27? Are you alright?” Fade snaps me out of my prolong zoning. “You’ve been sitting there with a distinct look.”

“Oh, sorry to worry you. I was just talking to PRHL about the house, that’s all.” Fade smiles at me before taking a seat next to me on the bed.

“Is it nice?” I nod. “Big enough too?”

“Big enough for Cloud, you, our child, myself and PRHL.” Fade gives me a puzzled look at the roster I just gave.

“PRHL? I did not know he was part of our little family now.”

“He’s grown on me. Is that alright with you, Fade?”

“I see no problem with it, but I would like to get to know him before our child is born.”

“He’d be glad to meet you. As for now, is not the time, need his help to accelerate my recovery.”

“I’ve had a lot of time to think, and if it’s a girl, I would like to name her, and if it’s a boy, you can name him.”

“That’s fine with me, and what would you like to name our possible daughter?”

“Morrigan.” She says, laying her head on my arm.

“Morrigan? That’s a beautiful name.”

“Any names come to mind for our possible son?” Talk about being put on the spot.

“Oh jeez, hmm, can I get back to you on this?” Fade giggles again, taking my hand in hers.

“Would you like to get out of this room?”

“I would like that.” Tail helps Fade off the bed first, and then I. My first is almost my last step, as soon as I put weight on my bum leg, a painful spike shot up my left side. “Aww...”

“Would you like any help?” Fade asks, moving in to carry some of my weight.

“N-No, I just had a dumb moment.” I need to have a long talk with Fade about her pregnancy. What to do, not to do, etc. “M-Maybe Friend is willing to spare his cane?” A quick snap of my finger tears a tiny rift in the fabric of space, the hole is no larger than a golf ball. A weird song pours through the hole, like a litter of adorable, fuzzy kittens are on the other side of that hole. “Friend...” The cane pops out of the hole, and the sounds of playing kittens disappear with it.

“That’s awfully kind of Friend.” Fade says, waving away the strange anomaly.

The cane helps more than I’d like it to; supports my weight with ease. I take my first few practice steps with it. Walking with a cane is going to take some getting use to. I push my luck, which was a bad decision on my part because I topple over; landing on poor Tail. “Okay... Baby steps...” Maybe I fell for a reason? Because down here I spot a fresh pair of clothes neatly folded and resting on and around the dresser. Tail begins to slither underneath me, no clue what he’s doing until he launches me into the air and I land cast first. “T-Thanks... buddy....” I moaned as Tail happily wags.

“Tail, we’ve talked about this, you need to be gentle while 27 is in recovery.” Fade scolds, waving her finger back and forth.

“Little late for that...” My quest for clothing is finally complete. I search for something that I can easily get on over a cast without hurting myself again. Among the stacks of clothing, I find a kilt with a unique design on it: the main body of the kilt is white, black outlines of scales neatly placed in rows covering the kilt. The final piece consists of small traces of blue that resemble flames leaking out from underneath the scale. “Gramps...” I chuckle to myself before putting on the kilt.

“That looks good on you.” Fade says, appearing behind me.

“I think anything Gramps makes looks good on me.” Fade takes my right hand, I turn to her with a smile of my own; happy that I finally caught a break. “You’re so beautiful. Look at you, you’re glowing.”

“Aww, thanks 27.” I lean in to give her a kiss, but her stomach gets in the way.

“It still really hasn’t sunk in that I’m going to be a dad.” Our child lets out a small pulse, making him or herself known. “Does it hurt when our baby kicks?” Another little pulse, little guy sure is active.

“Not at all.” She says, leaning into me to give me a kiss. “Did you really mean it? That you’re done fighting?”

“Yes.” I quickly answer without any hesitation whatsoever on my part.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” We walk out the room, cane in one hand while grasping Fade’s in the other. I’m taken aback at seeing the empty hallway, I was expecting to see everyone waiting for us; I’ve must’ve been crying longer than I thought. It doesn’t dawn on me until we reach my nemesis, the unending stairs. “There’s no way I’m walking down all of those steps with a cast...” I say bluntly.

“There’s an elevator right down the hallway, that’s how we got you up here.” Really? There’s a damn elevator? What th-. No, no. I won’t let this get under my skin.

“That makes everything so much easier.” Fade leads me down the hallway, past... her room. I can’t even think about her right now without my blood boiling. We pile in the elevator, Fade gestures for me to pick a floor and I hit ‘G’ for ground. “I would like to go outside and sit in the sun’s light.” The elevator ride is smooth and fast. Upon our arrival, we’re greeted by a servant.

“Sir, you’re up!” She’s surprised to see me. “I-I was ordered to be at your disposal.” She stammers, trying to make herself more presentable.

“That’s not needed.” Fade intervenes to my displeasure, I am a tad famished and a bit deprived of food.


“Tell Razor that this is a nice gesture, but isn’t needed.” But I’m hungry.

“Hungry.” I voice my needs. “Food would be nice.” The poor girl relaxes, letting out a sigh of relief.

“I can do that, any requests?” Your sweet little soul would be sufficient.

“Anything.” The servant nods in agreement before flying off to the kitchen. Fade and I walk together, hand and hand, eventually we make it outside into the warmth of a fresh autumn day. A gentle breeze greets us, bringing with it a draft that kicks up my kilt. “Oh jeez, that’s refreshing.” I find myself at a lone cherry tree inside the grounds next to the queue lake. “This will do nicely.” Fade helps me down to the ground, I try to find a comfortable position, I settle for laying on my stomach; letting the black scales on my back bake in the light.

“Are you tired, 27?” I wish I could curl up in a ball in this nice little sunbeam I’ve found.

“Exhausted, that’s all.” The sun beating against my back feels great, the natural warmth brought with it fills me.

“I’m going to go help that poor girl with the preparation of your lunch. Don’t go anywhere, okay?” Fade giggles, I watch her as she disappears into the castle.

I’ve must’ve fallen asleep in the sun, because the next thing I know there’s Cloud, balancing a large tray of food on her wings. “Hey 27! You’re not going to spring to life or anything and give me a heart attack like you did Sil-.”

“Please don’t mention her name.” I growled.

“What happened between you two?” Cloud asks, setting down the tray of food in front of me. “Of what Fade told me, it seemed you two were pretty close...”

“She betrayed me.” I snarled.

“How?” A simple sandwich is on the menu today, but I’m not complaining, food is food.

I three-shot the sandwich, white bread, lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, ham; simple sandwich but still good. “She forced something on me, a decision I would’ve happily and willingly accepted if she just asked.”

“What was it?”

“None of your concern.” Cloud looks hurt. “We’ve spent so much time apart and you’re more worried about some hurt gryphon?”

“B-But, I-.”

“When I’m ready to talk about it, I’ll talk about it. More importantly, how have you been?”

“I... I’ve been busy.” She laughs.

“Busy with what?” Cloud takes a seat under the cherry tree with me. We talk well into the day, she goes into great detail about her life in the Family. We continue catching up late into the evening, eventually Fade comes wandering outside to fetch us.

“Dinner is about to be served, would you like me to bring you some?” Honestly, I really don’t like to be waited on hand and foot, nor am I a big fan of having someone else do something for me.

“No need, I’m perfectly able body to fetch my own dinner.” I groan as I tried to get up, failing in the process.

“Oh 27. There’s no need to overexert yourself, I don’t mind bringing you your dinner.” Before Fade has the chance to turn, I quickly grab her hand.

“Fade, wait. I’ve been needing to talk to you about your pregnancy. I-” Fade puts my hand on her stomach, as I do I can feel a pulse resonating.

“I already know, 27. I’m aware of my ‘limitations’. I’ve delved into your medical memories, some were a bit disturbing but others were more important. Carrying a tray of food won’t be stressful at all.” That’s a load off my mind, saves me a lot of time and effort on my part. I’m glad that she’s resourceful. “Cloud, would you be so kind and give me a hand?” Cloud agrees, they both wave goodbye before walking back into the keep.

I sit there underneath the night’s sky, staring up into the great void. The stars seem unusually bright tonight, or, maybe they’ve always been this bright and I just didn’t notice until now. It makes me wonder how many light years away Earth is from Equis. The satellite reports say I was in cryo for about thirty thousand some odd years or so, but that doesn’t tell me anything.

“We’re back!” Cloud announced as the two of them return with a tray of food. “We got a little bit of everything, that alright?” I nod in agreement. “Coolio!” Cloud, without hesitation digs into the food.

Fade sits down beside me, handing me a bowl of fried rice. “Thank you, Fade.” I demolish the rice in seconds, licking the bowl clean. “Hey Cloud.” She’s muzzle deep in a bowl of rice, when she looks up, pieces of rice fall off her face.

“Wha-?” She asks with a mouth full.

“Excited about moving into this house?” Cloud’s expression quickly changes from curious to overzealous excitement; like a kid on Christmas day.

“Wait wait wait, let’s back this up here. I get to live with you two?” We nod. “No foolin?” And again. “Awesomesauce!” Here I thought she knew this already. “You’re both cool with this?” And again. “Does this mean I get to help take care of the baby?” Fade looks at me, and I give her the ‘It’s your call’ look.

“We’d love it if you’d help out, you’d make a great aunt.”

“We’re going to need all the help we can get.” It pains me to say that, raising a kid all by yourself is tough. But a Horror baby? Well, I have a feeling that’s entirely a different story.

“Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh!” Her wings rapidly buzz with joy. “This is going to be awesome! When are we going to leave?”

“I’d like to leave tomorrow if it’s possible.” Fade shoots me a concerned look, first at my cast then at me.

“What about your injuries?”

“I’m a bit stiff and sore, leg is fine.” No it isn’t, there’s a dull ache in my knee that I doubt will ever go away. “Nothing a good run can’t cure.” Just walk it off, easier said than done.

“Oh, Shell Shock can just teleport us to the house!” Nope, nope nope nope, no teleportation, no way, no how.

“Cloud, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. 27... He doesn’t have the best of luck when it comes to pony magic.”

“Pshaw! Shell is the best pony when it comes to utility magic. If some freak accident occured, what’s the worse that could happen?” Oh, I don’t know, a multi-story free-fall perhaps? “Come on, trust the kid.”

“Fine. I’d like to leave early. Before lunch if possible.” I know I’m going to regret this.

“A‘ight, I’ll talk to him tonight, after dinner.” We ate in silence for the rest of the meal, too busy eating to even talk. I was hungry, I ate my own weight in food. I offered Fade some, but she politely declined. “Boy, that was good eatin’.” Cloud says, patting her food baby.

“I’m stuffed, my tank is full.” I too pat my belly. “Any more and I’d explode.”

“Not even room for a wafer thin mint?” If I ate that, I would literally explode, sending food giblets everywhere.

“Hehe-. Oww. It hurts to laugh.” Which causes me to laugh even more.

“Where do you plan on sleeping at, 27?” Cloud asks, moaning as she gets up.

“Right here seems as good a place as any.” If I dare to move, nothing good would come of it.

“Out here? By yourself? It’s been getting cold at night.”

“I’ll be fine, the cold doesn’t bother me.”

“And you Fade?”

“I’ll be fine out here with 27, good night Cloud.”

“Alrighty, good night you two.”

“Good night Cloud, sleep well.” I give Cloud a hug before she departs, Fade returns back inside; the instant she does, the dull aches and pains become null as she numbs my entire body.

“Thank you Fade, for everything.” I can still feel the dull thrum of pain in my left knee, but it’s barely noticeable.

“Oh 27, you’re a terrible liar, how can one walk with such pain?”

“I’m used to it by now.”

“Hopefully your poor habits don’t become our child’s habits.” We both share a heartfelt laugh together. “Rest up 27, you’re going to need your strength for tomorrow’s journey.”

“Good night Fade.”

“And too you, 27.” The soothing sensation of Fade’s presence quickly lulls me to sweet slumber.

“Lass.” Friend says, giving a half nod.

“It’s seems that you’ve redecorated.”

“Indeed I have.” God, this is painfully awkward. “Congratulations are in order, I assume.” Friend says with a pained expression.

“Thank you.” Yeah, I’m going to get out of dodge before I’m dragged into this.

- - -

I awaken to the warmth of a new day. The birth of Autumn is still upon us, the day’s have been getting shorter and colder, the nights longer and darker. Hopefully Autumn lasts a long time, the following Winter as well; at least long enough to buy me more time. “You growl in your sleep.” My sleep filled eyes snap open to see the good Doctor standing before me. “Or have you not noticed this defensive gesture of yours?”

“I have not.” I say, clearing my voice.

“You did give my staff a good scare the first few times. I did notice that you don’t act this way when Fade is by your side.”

“I see.”

“How long have you’ve been doing this? Since before or after Unyasi?” Good question.

“I don’t rightly know. After, I think.” The Doctor merely smiles before examining my cast. His horn glows a light grey, scanning my leg.

“When I first saw you, I didn’t recognize you; you’ve changed; a lot. Nyuel recognized you right off the bat.” I guess for Nyuel, how I look now is all she knows, but for the Doc, I can understand where he’s coming from. “Should’ve believed her when she told me that, well, you...” The good Doctor quietly sighs. “When we first met, my curiosity got the best of me. I scanned your anatomy back in the dungeons of Canterlot, and again after your battle. I’m astonished. Everything internally about you has changed; your organs have shifted, they’re working harder and more efficiently. Your bones became denser, nearly triple that of what I saw back in the dungeons.” His voice filled enthusiasm. “What your body has endured is mind boggling!” My cast glows a light grey, I look up too see the good Doctor scanning it with his magic. “I did my absolute best in reconstructive surgery, even then I had my doubts that you’d regain use of your leg.” The Doc says grimly before my cast splits wide open like a nutshell. “Go on-.” I don’t hesitate to attack my leg with my claws, scratching it furiously.

“Ohhhhh my God!” I scratch the itch that’s been plaguing me for what it seems like an eternity. And I scratch it good. “You have no idea how itchy dead scales can be.” We both share a good laugh as I shed my leg. “Whelp, let’s see if I can move it.” I groan as I raise to my feet. My left leg is stiff, it hurts when I flex my muscles; but it’s a good kind of pain that’s much welcomed. “Here goes nothing.” I bend my knee, an ungodly cracking sound comes from it that splits the air asunder, but it bends.

“Status report?”

“Heart, eighteen percent. Vitals, stable. Your leg, should be able to bear weight.”

“How about a little exercise?”

“Whatever I tell you, you’re still going to do it anyways; just take it easy.” And with that, I stretch a little before dropping to all fours and take off charging.

- - -

It feels incredibly good, running that is. The pain brought from stiff muscles being used again is tolerable, the crunchy feeling in my knee quickly fades away as it moves. The Doctor stands there, stunned. I quickly lap around the koi pond, making my way back to the Doctor’s side. “It hurts, but it works. Thanks, Doc.”

“You recover quickly.” Running with a kilt on feels oddly unburdening.

“A skilled hand or hoof and some rest is all I really needed.”

“A bed is the best medicine one can afford.” We share another laugh together.

“Off topic question, how are you and Nyuel getting along?” Doctor Helping Hoof grins after I ask this question.

“She’s something else, that’s for sure.”

“She’s your partner in crime, her interest in Equestrian medicine is what drew you together right?” He nods, the grin only becoming bigger. “Take good care of her, okay? She’s a close friend, and seeing her around you, how happy she is makes me happy.”

“Partner in crime? Heh, that’s an interesting way to put it.” He looks at me, sighing a breath of relief. “I plan on asking for her hoof in marriage.”

“She’d be lucky to have you.”

“I’d be lucky to have her is more like it.” And another laugh is shared between us.

“Doc, mind being my child’s primary physician? You’re the only who knows anything about my species, and you’re the only one I would trust-.”

“Y-Yes!” He jumps at the opportunity. “I would love too!”

“Fantastic!” One less thing for me to worry about.

“Since we’re on this lovers topic. Si-.”

“Please don’t.”

“No, this needs to be said and you need to listen. The poor girl needs to hear you say ‘sorry’. I don’t care if you’re lying through your teeth when you say it, or you honestly mean it; but you need to tell her before you leave or you’ll emotionally destroy her.” I look behind the Doctor to see Cloud walking out with just about everyone.

“Fine.” When they reach us, Gramps trots over with a big ol’ grin on his muzzle.

“What a special day it is for you, no, what a special week it has been for you!” I look on his back to see a white box on his back. “And you look sharp in that kilt I made you. I mended your suit and also made you a little something special.” Tail fetches the box for me, inside is my suit and laying on top of that is a collar. Not just an ordinary collar, no, Gramps wouldn’t make anything ordinary for me.

I gingerly lift the collar out of the box, the interior of the collar is made from a fine, soft leather, and the exterior is made of scale, the housing of the bell is gold and the ringer is silver. Above that is a sapphire blue teardrop gem; the same light sapphire blue as Fade’s eyes. Traveling around the collar are red rubies with silver sockets; the same dark red as Silver’s eyes. This collar is breathtakingly beautiful.

“Jezz Gramps. I-I’m speechless.”

“I would like to see you in your suit one last time before you go.”I gladly put on the suit. “Marvelous!” The suit feels a little tighter than before, but still extremely comfortable. Next, I put on the collar, the soft leather feels great against my throat, snug fit. “Ruin this, and I will kill you.” He smiles from ear to ear, which throws me off because I can’t tell if he’s saying that in jest or not.

“I wouldn’t dare ruin such a work of art.” Without even thinking, my scales envelope the suit, earning a horrified look from Gramps. “Don’t worry! The suit is fine! My scales are protecting your masterpiece!”

“You ready, 27?” Cloud asks, with saddlebags stuffed to the gills strapped on her back.

“Hey, let me just say goodbye to everyone first.” Each of the girls bum-rush me, their tiny wings buzzing like hummingbirds’ wings as the fly to me.

“We’ll miss you, big bro!” They all cried as they hug me.

“I’ll miss you too!” I’ve survived countless battles, great falls, unicorn death magic, and the irony of it all is that their cuteness is what might do me in. “You can visit me anytime you like, okay?” I return their hug with an even bigger one, earning squeals of joy from them.

“‘Kay!” They say in unison, hugging me as tight as their little arms can allow.

“Don’t be a stranger now son, got it?” Uncle says, motioning for a hug.

I hugged him the best I could with three adorable girls hanging onto me. “You got it, pops.” Honestly, it felt right calling Uncle pops.

“If you need anything made for your little one, just let me know.” Gramps and I shook hands/hoofs.

“Good luck to you, Lunar Knight Subject 27.” Razor nods from the back.

“Safe travels, Demon.” Nyuel says as we hug.

Shell Shock steps forward from the small crowd, his horn already glowing a bright yellow as beads of sweat break out across his brow. “Ya’ ready?” He asks, putting everything he’s got into this spell.

“I-.” I see Silver Wing in the back of the group hiding, she notices me noticing her and steps forward. “Silver, I-.” What she did... Betraying me like that still burns me up. “I’m sorry.” A tear streaks down her face, I give the ‘okay’ nod to Shell and the spell hits Cloud and I.



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