• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Stage Two, Paranoia

Chapter 25 - Stage Two, Paranoia

I sit here at the alchemy table going over what I’ve learned; my chest starts to itch but I just ignore it as I must be diligent in my studies. I look behind me to see Nyuel still fast asleep on the cot that I left her on. I don’t know what time it is but nor do I care, my only goal is to learn more about alchemy. Time just flies by the more I study, I’ve memorized the few herbs Nyuel has shown me and what their uses are for. By the looks of it, plants with a light blue stem seem to have more beneficial traits to them, there are several other different colored stemmed plants sitting here but I have no idea what they do, yet.

I rub the sleep from my eyes that the sandman tries to put in them. I pop my neck and back and step back from the table as my mind feels a little fried. My overworked mind is already too taxed from everything I’ve learned and went through since I’ve arrived in this odd place. I clear my mind the best I could and start to think about the memories that I’ve made since I was thrown into this strange world.

I’ve been tested to my breaking limits of my sanity and my life more than once; I nearly lost control over to Friend due to another human who goes by the name of Colt. I wonder what his story is, how he arrived here in Equestria and what he’s been through. I think about more memories that I’ve created and Cloud comes to mind, that mare. I don’t know what to think about her, but she is definitely something else.

She charges in head first not thinking anything through. Although she seems a little headstrong at times but she is determined to get what she wants though. I think about the first time we met and how unbelievably confused I was when I saw her, or when I woke from my first encounter with Fade; Speaking of Fade, what’s happened to her?

After that horrifying memory I had about the bunker and when I woke up in the darkness alone, she’s been through thick and thin with me. But when I awoke I was just alone; Just me and that small white box with the seals on it I remember from my dream. Did she become sealed away with Friend? Or did she simply just leave my body when I hit the ground thinking I was dead? I hope Fade and Cloud are both fine and happy where they’re both at right now, this is all I can hope for at the moment. I know both of them are very strong and determined to get their way, Cloud is smart and aggressive to do fine on her own. Fade is clever a woman to play on others to survive, I hope she does fine in Unyasi against the Zebras and their black magic.

I look back up at the table, now ready to start to study again, before I can my vision goes black as I fall asleep; My body falls backwards and lands on the floor as I’m swept away by the sandman’s hand.

- - -

I come to in the darkness, standing in front of the little white box; I lean in closer and examine the box, the seals and runes must be what’s keeping Friend inside. I can feel the box beckoning me to come closer but I don’t dare to touch it in fear of being zapped by the magic again. I stand back up and look around, wondering why I’m in the darkness and not a memory instead; And that’s when I hear the clicking.

I look around trying to pinpoint where the clicking sound was coming from, but failing as the clicking seems to be coming from all around me. The clicking becomes louder as I stood there nervously trying to see what was creating it. The clicking comes to a stop and I slowly turn around to see what was creating it.

- - -

I wake up in the hut in a cold sweat, I quickly look around to see I was alone; Nyuel has already gotten up and left the hut. I fear that my own little ‘happy place’ is now being tainted by the Horror’s corruption, my chest feels as if become thicker as it’s a little more difficult to breath now; But I’ll be able to manage though, shouldn't be too much of a problem.

I just hope I’ll be able to survive long enough to find a cure for this virus before its taint corrupts my very soul and consumes me. I can already feel the horror’s presence bearing down on me like a wet blanket, I can feel its claws slowly digging their way deep into very being. If my fate is meant to end in such a cruel way as this, then I shall do whatever I can to make sure no one else is infected like I am; Even if it means ending my own life, I would not wish this cruel fate on anyone else.

I retrieve my PDA from my pocket once more and quickly make my way back to the ‘Horror’ folder, I went through each document and picture I could trying to find out how long it took the virus to claim its victims. I found what I was looking after looking through dozens of pictures and written notes, I begin to read through this document and study it very carefully.

“Day one after injection, the subjects show no signs of mutation, yet.”

“Day two after injection, the subjects are now showing some signs of paranoia, and complaints of itching in their chests.”

“Day three after injection, the subjects now show some minor mutation.”

“Day four after injection, the subjects show some aggression towards anything that moves, some more than others; It looks like it varies from subject to subject though.”

“Day five after injection, a few of the subjects have died, the virus was just too much for their bodies and overwhelmed them. We now have a fresh batch of Horrors though, so I guess there’s that..”

“Day six after injection, the aggression has increased in the living subjects, the mutations have drastically increased in severity as well. A few more subjects have been taken by the virus, we’ll begin battle testing immediately on this new batch.”

“Day seven after injection, the last test subject has fallen to virus, his body has been severely altered before dieing. He’s our ‘prized pig’ and hopefully we can create more of him.”

The turn my PDA back off and slept it back into my pocket, I’m currently on day two, I have roughly three to five more days before I’m taken by the virus; Maybe a extra day since my immune system is stronger than any average human’s. I’ve already experienced some minor mutations in my chest, I’m a day ahead of schedule, this does not look good for me.

Without me noticing while I was so entranced with my studies, Nyuel crept her way up behind me, just standing there watching me as I looked through my PDA. She taps my me on my scale-covered shoulder, startling the crap out of me and causing me to bring my flattened hand quickly to her throat, stopping just a few inches away.

“Sorry Nyuel! Please don’t sneak up on me like that!” Bringing my hand away from her throat after saying this.

“You show much restraint, Demon. I’m pleased to see you can control yourself with such discipline or my spirit would be joining my Ancestors right now.” She says as she sighs in relief.

“I’m sorry once again, Nyuel. Old habits die hard, so to speak.”

“What was that magical device you were just looking at just now?” She says as she points a hoof at the pocket that contains my PDA.

“Oh, it’s called a ‘PDA’ or ‘Personal Digital Assistant’, it’s a device made back in my world. It contains information about what my past life was like, but I can only recall a few of the passcodes to retrieve any of the information that is stored in it.” I try to explain the best I could about what the PDA was used for.

“Passcode?” She cocks her head to the side in confusion.

“How should I explain this? Hmmm, oh I got it! Think of passcodes more like seals, they protect and keep whatever I want safe from unwanted eyes.” It looks like she understood that as she uncocks her head and simply nods.

“I see, so Demon are you ready to start learning again about potions?”

“Yes, let’s get to it, the sooner I learn everything about alchemy the better!” I say with enthusiasm.

We carried on with studying. We studied more about beneficial plants for several more hours, I crammed in as much knowledge as I could; Asking many questions about everything. Nyuel seems to be really enjoying herself as she teaches her craft, I’m truly grateful for her help. We finish up with the basics about beneficial herbs and plants and start to move in towards some weirder looking plants. These plants have more of a reddish stem to them. She describes to me that these plants are used for more of poisons and harmful potions; But she says that if you mix red stems with blue stems you’ll get some rather interesting effects.

We continue on about the basics of new plants and how to use them properly, we take a short break for some food.

“Demon, let’s take a short break and put some food in you, come.” I follow her to the entrance of the hut and walk to the outside world.

I’m blinded by the sun as it hangs in the air as it’s roughly lunch time. I’m blasted by the heat of the jungle and the sun, god I hate the heat! So very hot here. My vision adjusts itself quickly to the bright sun and I can see zebras walking around the village, Nyuel calls to me and catches my attention as I see her already walking ahead of me.

“Do your legs not work?” Her exotic accent is just so different from any accent I’ve ever heard before.

I quickly catch up to her as she continues walking away from her hut, as I walk beside her I see many zebras stopping and staring at me as we past them; I don’t like all this unwanted attention, I prefer to be unseen or at the very least not to be the center of attention. I see them out of the corners of my eyes as they stare and gawk at me, I keep my head forward as I follow Nyuel.

“Hey Nyuel, why do your people keep staring at me so?”

“Do ponies not stop and stare at you when you walk past them?”

“No, not really, some might stop and ask me a question, but for the most part they just ignore me and go about their day.”

“Oh? Well we do not get many demons in their true forms, in fact you’re the only one who's ever walked amongst us.” She does have a point, I’m the first human they’ve seen, and as far as my current appearance goes, the ponies I already know might be scared off by the sight of me.

We walk across the village and into a small market place, Nyuel talks with some of her fellow tribesmen and purchases some fruit. The stall owner keeps on looking up at me as I stand there quietly behind Nyuel looking over the many colorful fruits and vegetables and other herbs and plants that fill the small market place. Nyuel finishes talking with the stall owner and goes to pick up the basket of fruit, I grab the basket before she can and she simply just smiles up at me as she trots past me and back to her hut. As I start to walk away from the market place I can hear their whispers and murmurs coming from behind me.

I simply ignore them and follow Nyuel back to her hut, about halfway back I hear quite clicking sounds coming out of nowhere. I slow my pace down as I concentrate on the clicking, I can feel the Horror’s presence lurking around in my head as it explores its new feeding ground. It’s not quite strong enough yet to devour my soul whole and take control of my body for its own purposes; But it’s slowly tainting my soul the longer it resides inside my mind.

I make it back to the hut as Nyuel already step inside, I see her writing something on a piece of parchment at the table, I make my way over to the cot and sat down. I began to munch on the exotic fruit and just watched Nyuel as she writes down something on the parchment, she finishes when I’m about halfway through the sweet fruit. She trots over to the cot and hops in it and grabs a piece of fruit and starts to eat it. I finish my food quickly and sat there patiently for Nyuel to finish.

“Hey Nyuel, how long have you been the healer for your tribe? I don’t care to prey into someone else’s life but her and I will be spending some time together might as well get to know her a little.

“I’ve only been a healer for a few short cycles, my master taught me everything that I know today. He was an old and wise zebra who held much respect in the tribes before his spirit was was whisked away by the Ancient Ones.” I simply sat there and listen to her tales as I see pride and joy fill her eyes.

“What do you mean when you say ‘cycles’?” I’m a little confused by this term.

“Cycles, as in the cycling of the seasons.”

“Okay, that makes sense, now please continue; I’m entranced by your story.” I eagerly say as she continues on with her tales.

“After his death, all the tribes banded together to hold a ceremony for his passing. I was saddened by his death, but I accepted it and took my role as the healer for my tribe and taught the little ones the way of healing. Demon, you’re the fourth soul I’ve taught the ways of healing.”

“You must be very proud of your hard work and everyone you’ve helped.” My words make her face light up even more.

“Yes, I do enjoy my work and I love to teach my ways to eager minds who yearn to learn. But I feel it is my time to step down and let one of my pupils take the role as healer, I would like to explore this beautiful world and see it with my own eyes.”

“Yeah, I’ve only seen very little of this world so far and I’m astounded by its beauty, when things aren't trying to kill me that is. Nyuel, why do you wish to leave your village?”

“I wish to expand my knowledge on healing and of the outside world, I’ve learn all that I could from Unyasi and the great spirits of this land. There’s so much that I can learn from Equestria but it’s too dangerous for me to travel to a foreign country by myself. An old friend of mine went to Equestria when she was still very young, the spirits have not spoken a word of her well being for many cycles now; I hope she is safe.”

“I see, Nyuel if you like, you can come with me on my travels back to Equestria when the time comes.” My words light a flame in Nyuel’s eyes, but I wasn’t expecting what she was about to say next.

“Demon, your words fill me with great joy, but I cannot leave. Caesar has forbidden anyone from the villages from leaving Unyasi.”

“I assume that Caesar is the leader of your three tribes?”

“Yes Demon, he is the one who the Spirits have blessed, he is the ruler of the three tribes. His primary duty is to keep the peace. But ever since one of the tribe’s Shamans been corrupted by a demon, we’ve been at war as this corrupted Shaman’s cult grows stronger by the day. Ever since this event, Caesar has forbidden any of the tribe’s members from leaving Unyasi.” I can see the flames in her eyes starting to die down after saying this.

“The reason why I came to Unyasi because I was called upon by the Princess of Equestria to figure out what’s going here. I would like to speak with Caesar before I intervene with any of your country’s affairs. I do not wish to cause problems or exacerbate any tension that might already exist between Equestria and Unyasi.” The fire in Nyuel’s eyes stabilizes as she hears my words.

“Very well, Demon. If you wish to speak with Caesar you will need the blessings of both my tribe’s Shaman and High Priestess. After you’ve obtained their blessings, we may see Caesar. Demon, may I ask you a personal question?” Nyuel has my full attention as I sit there.

“Go ahead Nyuel, ask away.”

“When you said ‘I was not the one who shepherded his soul to the Abyss’. What is the Abyss? Is it your belief of the afterlife?” She catches me off guard as I was not expecting this of all questions she could've ask.

“The Abyss is what I consider the afterlife; it’s where any of the souls that I may take with my hands go to; To be judged for their sins. If my time comes to be judged in the Abyss, I’ll gladly accept any punishments that I may receive. I’ll repent for any of the souls that I may take and pray for their safe travels into the Abyss. I find comfort in knowing that one day I may find peace in the Abyss; I do not fear death.” Nyuel sits there quietly as I explain as best as my shattered and fragmented memories would allow me to.

“Thank you Demon for sharing this with me, for whatever your past life might of been I do wish it not to carry over into your new one. You have a new start and I wish you do make the best of it, now we have much to finish.” Saying this Nyuel and I walked over to the alchemy table and started studying again.




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