• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 5,345 Views, 520 Comments

Subject 27 - Phyrexian

Subject 27 is a dark mystery story with ahint of sad. Mysteries deepen the further you read.

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Darkness on the Horizon

Chapter 62 - Darkness on the Horizon

This night seems endless, my body is exhausted, my brain desperately wants to rest but I just can’t seem to fall asleep. I feel safe enough here; I don’t sense any intruders, the castle feels almost desolate at night; everyone is off in slumberland and I’m forced to hear my own thoughts echoing off the walls. Silver on the other hand is restlessly sleeping, every once in awhile she toss and turns in her sleep; her talons scraping across my scales. I run my hand the back of her neck, trying to calm her down. But she continues to thrash about in her sleep, I run my hand down her body at a snail’s pace, first down her chest and onto her abdomen; she settles down, a quiet sigh escapes from her beak while my hand rests on her stomach.

“What’s plaguing your dreams, Silver?” I think to myself.

I begin to pet her warm stomach, gently running my claws through her short fur. Silver rolls over to her other side, taking all the blankets with her. I scoot in closer to her, giving her a light kiss on her beak before tucking her in. “No more bad dreams, you hear me?” I whisper into her ear. I set up on the bed, letting Tail stretch out and pop my back. Out of the corner of my eye I see a dim glow moving in the hallway, it stops at the door and goes out.

“Up we go buddy.” I think to myself, Tail gets the idea and stretches towards the rafters.

I jump up and Tail pulls us up to the rafters. As I do, the intruder opens the door and steps in. A cloud passes over the moon, snuffing out it’s light, the very little light that leaked into the room through the window vanishes; depriving it of all light. With the room pitch black, my mutated eyes promptly adjust to the new dark; turning the invader to a small blob. The urge to click is almost too much to fight back; I can’t let this unwelcomed guest to know that I’m watching them.

I creep across the rafters on all fours like a cat walking across a tree branch. My prey takes baby steps into the room, making very little progress. It’s time for me to go fishing. I grab onto the rafter, lowering myself down so Tail can catch the little fishy. Just another few steps puts ‘em in grabbing range for Tail; he lunges forward, corkscrewing around their muzzle and throat; hook, line, and sinker. I just caught me a freshwater pony! I reel in my catch, her screams are muffled, she flails about wildly in an utter failure of an attempt to escape. I pull myself back up, Tail dangles my prized catch in front of me. Raising just a handful of scales on my arm, they vent off enough frost-fire to espouse who the intruder is.

“S-Stella?! What are you doing here?!” My stifled whisper causes Stella to flap her tiny wings, she reaches out to me for a hug.

“Hmrrmr!” She mutters.

“Tail, let her go, would you?” Her tiny wings flap furiously, like a hummingbird hovering. Tail let’s her go and she flies straight into me.

“Horr-!” I shut her trap before her shrieks for joy wake Silver up.

“Shhh! Silver Wing is sleeping!” She nods silently.

“I missed you Horror!” She tries to hug me, her forehooves aren't able to make it past my sides.

“I missed you too, Stella.” I return the ineffective hug, nuzzling the top of her head with my cheek; then it hits me, her scent, she smells of Cloud! She reeks with it, she must’ve had contact with her in the past twenty four hours.

“I got soooo excited when little brother Shell came back looking for big sis, he said he was attacked by a monsters, and I knew it was you! Uncle Lemon told me to stay put, but I snuck out!” Good, that little shit did what I asked.

“Shouldn’t you be in bed? It’s almost midnight.” She shakes her head in my chest, disagreeing with me.

“Can’t! I couldn’t sleep! I was too excited to sleep, I needed my Horror! You’re the bestest teddy bear!” I cradle Stella in one arm, grabbing the rafter with the other, lowering us back down to the floor.

“I can’t sleep either. Come on, let’s go for a walk under the night sky; that will calm us down, I promise.” I use the dull light from the small flame on my arm to find the door, we creep out the room and made our way outside.

I step foot out into the night sky, Stella buries her head into my arms. “I don’t like the dark, it’s scary!” She cries.

“Oh, I love the dark, especially the night sky. Don’t worry Stella, I won’t let anything happen to you.” And just like that, out pops her head from my arms.

“I know, you’re just so cuddly!” Her big blue eyes peering up to me, reflecting the stars like a surface of a lake late at night.

We only work for a short while before finding a cozy spot next to a lone cherry tree in a sea of white sand. I set down on the sand, resting my back against the trunk of the tree, Stella seeks shelter in my arms as the cool late summer night’s air kicks up; bringing with it the first cool breeze of Autumn. I look up to the vast night sky, the moon is full, casting its glow down on the land below; the stars twinkle, like miniature fireworks exploding, but their flash never fades away.

“I love the night, such beauty lies within its dark depths. Each stars’ light takes years for it to reach us, by the time its gotten here; the star could already be dead. No star is alike, each one unique in its own way.” Stella shifts herself so she too can stare up at the night sky.

“Endless worlds, endless galaxies waiting to be found. So many wondrous things, black holes, wormholes, stars that are dying, stars that are being born anew. Just empty space, housing an infinite range of possibilities; you just have to go willing to explore the unknown.” The moon seems so close, like I can just reach out and pluck it right out of the night’s sky.

Stella only lays there speechless, soaking up every ounce of knowledge I’m spewing out. “How do you know so much about Princess Luna’s creations?” The wind stirs, causing Stella to shiver. Tail wraps himself around her, she snuggles into his makeshift blanket.

“I can’t tell you how I know all of this.” A light streaks across the sky, it’s tail burns a bright white.

Stella points up to the sky with her hoof. “Hey look! A shooting star!” Her voice fills with even more innocent joy; we both follow it until it burns up in the atmosphere.

“Just brilliant, purely brilliant.” Stella moves further down my lap, just past my knees; Tail makes sure she’s able to move freely while he shields her from the cold wind.

“Horror look! The sky is falling!” I look up to see over a dozen shooting stars dancing across the night sky, more and more follow; their tails leaving an afterglow that slowly fades away into the dark.

“The sky's not falling, that’s a meteor shower. Most likely a Perseid shower.” Tail raises Stella up into the air, her eyes widening while we sat there watching the flurry of meteors shoot across the sky.

Tail stretches out more, almost to full length as the light show continues on. I reach into my pocket and grab my PDA; the screen flickers to life and I type in the necessary passcodes to get to the picture library. I hit the camera button and go into the options; turning on the recording function. I aim the lens up and hit the record button. We laid there, watching the beautiful show; the time flew by, the last few remnants of the stars disappear into the great darkness above. Stella sits there awestruck; I save the recording of the meteor shower; before I turn my PDA off, a icon flashes on the screen.

“Horror, what’s that blinky thing up there? Is that some kind of star too?” I look to where her hoof is pointing, a slow moving blink glides across the stars.

“No... That’s... Could it be? It couldn’t be, could it?” The icon flashes again, an urgent message pops up on the screen with a loading bar.

“What? What is it Horror?”

“It’s a satellite!” The loading bar crawls across the screen, zero percent, then jumping to ten percent; what is my PDA downloading?!

“Sat-el-ite?” She tilts her head in confusion.

“Yes, it’s a piece of technology that’s launched into space, doing various things; one of them is space exploration.” Thirty percent of the way complete.

“This might be far fetched, but it could be from my home planet!” Fifty percent, I’m at the halfway point!

Her eyes stay fixated on the satellite, her head following the flashing white light.“But Silver Wing said you came from Unyasi, did she lie to me?” Her voice sounds like she’s been betrayed; hopefully I can explain it so she can understand.

“She didn’t lie about that, long story short Stella; I originally came from a planet called Earth. I have a theory on how this satellite arrived here; It must’ve traveled through a wormhole.” Sixty percent, come on satellite, just stay in range a little longer!

“How can a wormhole lead all the way up there into Luna’s night sky? I thought wormholes went down into the dirt?” I stop myself from facepalming, you poor naive child.

“This is a different kind of wormhole Stella. Think of it as this, a wormhole in space acts like a bridge, connecting two locations together.” Seventy percent.

“Oh, kinda like unicorn magic? What was that spell little bro used?... Oh that’s right, teleportation, I think.”

“Exactly! Wow Stella, you’re pretty smart for being so young.” I rub the top of Stella’s head, causing her to squeal joyfully. Eighty percent complete, it’s almost downloaded!

“But, for something to travel through a wormhole without being torn to shreds, it must be perfectly spherical; which distributes the stress put on it perfectly. But what bothers me that it would have to made out of Unobtainium which is suppose to be nearly impossible to create.” Another cold wind kicks up; Stella quickly seeks shelter in Tail, wrapping herself with him. Just ten percent to go, just a little more, that’s all I ask for.

The wind blows even harder, causing the tree branches from the cherry tree to sway. “What is it doing here though?” Tail brings Stella back to me, only her head sticks up from cocoon of Tail she’s in.

“Let’s find out, shall we?” One hundred percent, my curiosity is about to be fed a big ol’ heaping spoonful of piping hot goodness thanks to this rogue satellite.

I open the file that I’ve download, my PDA’s screen turns black for just a second. Lines of coding fills the screen; a metallic voice pours through the speakers. “Date - September third, 32,727 A.D. Home world, Earth, solar system, Sol System. Current status on China - Error. Redirecting, current status on Japan - Error. Redirecting, current status on U.K - Error. Redirecting, current status on U.S - Error. Redirecting, current status on Mar’s outpost - Weak. Connecting to Mar’s outpost... Connecting... Connecting... Connected.” More code scrolls across the screen before the robotic voice returns.

“Current location of unit: Azure Horizons. Solar system - KHO-08132021 - Planet B, of A,C,D,E. Scans of planet B’s shows: Nitrogen levels at seventy nine percent, Oxygen levels at twenty percent, remaining one percent composed of trace gasses. Water level at seventy two percent. Life forms - sentient. KHO-08132021-B suitable for settlement. Dark energy levels, high. Calculations show planet B’s orbital period is four hundred days. Sending coordinates of possible habitable planet to the Mars outpost. Sending... Sending... Sending... Sent.” More codes floods the screen, before a single line of text crosses the screen, “The Black Death”.

“Loading prerecorded audio logs... Loaded.” - “If I’m hearing this message, then it means that I’ve survived reentry and the botched landing.” It’s my voice, h-how can this be possible?

“Audio logs are corrupted, tempting to repair... Repairing... Repairing... Repairing... Success, salvageable audio files, nineteen percent.”

The sound of someone having a coughing fit fills the speakers. “I-I don’t know h-how I’ve been in cryo. My PDA is still in functioning condition, I -.” I violently cough again. “That’s blood, I need to proceed early with the plan, cryosleep is already taken its toll on m -.” *Static* “Memory loss is highly probable after traveling through a wormhole while in long period of stasis, if this is the case. Age: twenty six before cryo sleep. Name: -...” *Static* “Remember, I need to rem -.” *Static* “I can’t tell if I’m on a different planet or not, I’m in a goddamn forest, noting too alien about th -.” I cough even harder this time, followed by a sigh. “Even more blood, I see the darkness creeping in around me, just in the corner of my eyes I -.” *Static* “Returning home is improbable, can’t return to the satellite; my pod is no longer in functioning condition after impact. Dark energy -...” *Static* “Key, find a source -...” *Static* “I see the darkness creeping in around me, just in the corner of my eyes I -.” *Static* “May the Abyss guide my movements.” The logs cut out, only leaving white noise.

“Retrieving data... Retrieving... Retrieved. Cryogenic stasis, thirty thousand seven hundred and six years. Connecting to Cryogenic pod... Connecting... Connecting... Connecting... Failure, cryogenic pod is not responding, running diagnosis... Diagnosis complete. Cryogenic pod is out of range, unable to connect.” The screen returns back to the homepage as the satellite moves out of range; leaving me utterly speechless.

“Horror, what was all of that?” Stella’s voice sounds muffled, feels like my head is being held underwater while she stands over me; peering into the water.

“H-Horror?” I sink deeper into the watery depths, Stella’s voice is barely audible to me now. I let this drowning sensation take me, letting this memory engulf me.

The thick metallic door closes behind me, it’s locks engaging with a mechanical hiss. “Azure Horizons, don’t, and I repeat, don’t administer the vaccine during cryo stasis.” I lay down in shell like bed, strapping myself in before it’s cover slides over, sealing me inside.

“Affirmative. Launch countdown will commence after cryogenic stasis is in effect.” The monitor in my chamber flickers on with a hum. I can’t but help to grin at what I see, Alex Orlov, Tiny, and Ice Cube being swarmed by a hoard of Horrors while my brother is laying dead in a pool of his own blood. Alex let’s loose a blood curdling scream as a Horror’s tail impales her through her abdomen. Tiny has a Horror on his back, its teeth sinking into his massive shoulder, another one gnawing on his ankle, and a third flailing wildly in his left hand while he pummels it with his large fist. Ice Cube goes to reload a new magazine in his M4 Carbine, only to collapse to the ground when a acidic bile lands on his back. I lick my lips, metallic taste of blood on them.

“S.Y.O.T.O.S, brother.” The countdown for my cryochamber starts, Ten - Nine - Eight - .

“Azure Horizons, is the package secured?” Seven - Six -.

“Affirmative.” Five - Four - Three -.

“Fantastic. And here, we, go -.” Two - One.

I come back to a lone tear streaking down my cheek, I couldn’t tell why I shed it in the first place; only knew that the memory I just relived was... Incredible. “Horror, why are you crying?” Stella’s voice sounds so tiny, looking down I see her eyelids half masked with her head resting on Tail.

“I’m not sad, I just had a happy memory.” Just a little white lie, the memory was happy; but something about it, I felt... Sad during it.

She nuzzles against Tail, who in return gently pets her mane with his tip. “That’s gooood to hear.” Stella lets out a long, drawn out yawn; her eyes slowly closing.

“I’m sweepy Horror, can I sweep with you toni-.” She falls asleep before finishing her sentence. Tail makes sure she’s completely covered up, he rests his tip against Stella’s muzzle.

“You’re such a good boy Tail.” He doesn’t acknowledge my praise, not wanting to wake the little one sleeping inside the makeshift blanket he’s providing.

Another cool summer’s night wind softly blows, carrying the scent of sand and water with it; the pink cherry leaves sway and rustle in the breeze. I just count the stars, each one twinkling in the dark night sky. I manage to reach five hundred and two before the Sandman comes for me as well; whisking me away to slumber land with everyone else.

After Ice finishes off his pack of cigarettes, we walk through the heavy iron door; and instantly get bombarded with music. Techno is being blasted through the speakers, the bass pounding against my chest as the beats rip through my head like a chaotic storm; tearing everything up inside; making me want it even more.

“HOW CAN WE FIND OUR TARGET IN HERE?!” Ice Cube leans in close to me, shouting at the top of his lungs; his words being drowned out by the overpowering music.

I merely shrug in response before walking away from him; just letting the music take ahold of my body. My head bobbing in motion with the sound of the bass pounding away; I meld into the crowd of people, becoming one with the party. I look over the moving bodies and see a rather attractive woman sitting at the bar across the sea of people dancing the night away. Her body has a beautiful tan on it, her curves in all the right places; slim, short, wavy bronze hair with a coppery sheen to it, and very fine. Her long tanned legs seem to go on for miles, her hair sways back when she takes a sip from her white russian. Her jeans are skin tight, shaping her ass into almost a heart shaped, tank-top resting just above her bellybutton with a low V-cut in it. She runs her fingers through her hair before finishing her drink and leaving the bar.

I push through the sea of dancing people, following the women down a hallway; passing few people making out against the wall or just getting it on. She stops before entering through a door, turning her head and looking at me with a smile on her face; she raises her hand next to her lips and moves her index finger; beckoning me to her. I start walking down the hallway after her, she steps into the room before I near her. Reaching the door, I hear faint footsteps coming from behind me, I turn to only see the few couples in the hallway going at it.

Shrugging it off as it was nothing, I turn and walked through the door; there she stood, staring at me; her head slightly tilted, still moving that skinny index finger of hers; beckoning me to come closer.

Her dark emerald green eyes piercing through my very soul.“很高兴你决定跟我走。”
“Glad you decided to follow me.” Her rich Russian accent betrays her Chinese words.

“You're the first thing I saw when I walked into this club, you looked so lonely sitting there by yourself at the bar.” I take a step closer, she simply smiles at me while her hands move behind her back.

Her eyes narrowing, but the green from her eyes still penetrate me. “Your Chinese is rather impressive. For an American.”

“And your English is impressive, for a Cold Agent.” Her smiles widens, I come to a stop when I hear more footsteps from behind me.

“Ex-Cold Agent, not many people know about that, for someone of your talents you must have some friends in dark places.”

“And what talents might you be referring too?” I start to walk closer to her with a lustful grin on my face.

“The talent of being a ghost, why did you come all the way to a shithole in China? Did you come just to see me? Or something else?” She quickly removes her hands from behind her, now duel wielding silenced 9mm beretta pistols.

Stopping only a few feet away from her. “So, you’ve done your homework; you yourself must have some friends in dark places to find out one of the many talents I have.” Her pistols trained on me, holding firm.

“I may know a few people, you’re a hard man to find any information on. Now, what do you want from me?” She bites her lower lip, I continue to wear my grin.

“You’ve been a busy girl, Alex Orlov.” Her guns lower; just by an inch, giving me the opportunity to move in. In one swift movement, I disarm her left gun, slapping her right hand into the air; I grab ahold of her left arm and twist it behind her back with my free arm hold her other one in the air.

She lets out a sensational laugh, pressing her warm body against my front. “Looks like someone is excited to see me.” She shifts firm rump, rubbing it against my rising member.

“You know very well why I’m here, Alex; it’s time for work, play time can come later.” I let go of her right arm; she runs her now free hand down my arm, down my front and stopping right on my pant’s button.

“It’s been months since the last time you paid me a visit, I know Ice Cube is somewhere in the club right now; we’re alone, why would you want to squander this?” Sounds like someone is approaching me, but only us are in the room.

“Tell me where Warwick Freeman is. After that, maybe, just maybe you and I can get reacquainted.” Her free hand moves away from my pants, dragging her slender fingers across my shirt, against my cheek and resting her hand against the back of my head.

“Fine, but I’m coming too. I’ve spent months tracking him down, I’ve gotten this close, I’m not going to let him slip away ag -.” The footsteps become even louder, I jerk my head back to only see a brick wall.

“Easy now, I know better than to get too close to a sleeping animal.” I open my eyes to see a brown stallion; he stares at Stella with a sour scowl.

I look down to see Stella still sound asleep in her cocoon. “Don’t worry about Stella, she sought me out, not the other way around.” With Tail laying on my lap, I place my hand on Stella and gently pet her. “I wouldn’t dare think of hurting one of my own.” Another one in my weird little pack mortality, this little one seems to warm up to my Horror instincts.

“I don’t trust you, the scare you gave Shell Shock only adds to my dislike towards you.” His scowl only deepens before continuing. “Stella on the other hoof feels fondly of you. She’s a little too trusting if you ask me; but she’s still a foal.” A rogue sun beam makes its way through the leaves, kissing Stella on her eyelids; she retaliates by pulling her head into the nest of Tail before settling back down.

“An honest pony, that, I can respect.” A slight twitch on the corner of his mouth, I act like I didn’t notice it. “Safe to assume you’re Lemon, no?” He nods his head in agreement. “There’s no point on us being strangers, is there? I’m Horror, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” I extend my right claw towards him, he looks down to it; he places his hoof in my palm and we shake hands.

“You shouldn’t judge most books by their covers, you can never be too safe; can you?” I retract my hand from the kind gesture, Lemon just stands there looking at Tail.

“No, you can’t; especially in our line of work.” I like this guy, honest, and straight to the point; his attitude I can admire.

“She wanted me to pass a message along to you, I think you know whom I’m talking about.” I set straight up, Lemon now has my full attention. “She says not to worry about her, don’t come looking for her; she’ll find you.” Butterflies float about in my stomach, that, or Lighting Charmer is rearranging the furniture again; hopefully it’s the former of the two. “Don’t worry, she’s a clever mare. Hare is with her and her plans that she devises on the spot work out for us; mostly; no plan is perfect.” With a happy sigh of relief, I lean back against the tree trunk.

“I appreciate that I -.” I feel Stella stirring from her slumber, Tail unravels around her; revealing Stella with a big smile on her muzzle, her eyes halfway open, and I can’t quite put my finger on it; but something's different about her.

“Good mornin, Horror.” She lets out a yawn before standing up on Tail.

She stretches out her tiny wings before she wipes the sand from her eyes. “Sleep well Stella?” She happily nods.

“Tail is best blanket!” Tail gives her a hug, which she returns the favor.

“Congratulations Stella.” Stella turns around to see Lemon with an amused look.

“For what uncle Lemon Face?” He taps his flank, she looks at his; Lemon shakes his head and points at her flank.

I’ve never seen anyone with such a big smile on their faces before, she’s literally beaming with delight. “I got my cutie mark!” She squeals, bouncing around on Tail like a trampoline.

It’s like watching a child on Christmas day, so much innocent joy; every pony and zebra I’ve seen has one of these butt tattoos on them but I have the slightest idea what they're for. Stella launches off Tail, flapping her tiny wings to fly the small distance to me; she wraps her forehooves around my neck and hugs me tightly. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou!” Thank you for what? What did I do?!

Lemon only smirks, I look at Stella’s new butt tattoo to see it’s a meteor shower; a total of seven stars, six white following one black star; their tails glistering with stardust. The contrast of the stars on Stella’s light purple coat makes them stick out like a sore thumb. “You’re welcome?” She hugs me as tight as her tiny hooves will allow her to.

“Go on, give us a look.” She breaks the hug, landing back on Tail.

“It’s a meteor shower! Like the one from last night!”

“Look, the black star is you Horror!” She points out; sticking her flank high into the air so Lemon and I can see.

“So Stella, you wish to learn more about Luna’s night?” Lemon ask.

“No, I want to learn about the universe!” Lemon tilts his head with a confused look on his face. “Horror told me so much about the universe, how big it really is! I want to go out in it like he did!” I can’t but help to chuckle in the inside at Lemon’s confused look that only grows by the second.

“First thing I want to know is how a shooting star is created!” She turns her head to me with eager eyes pleading for answers.

“A meteor is made up lots of dust and dirt with a little ice mixed in. It’s very tightly compacted into an oddly shaped ball; it can either go by the name ‘shooting star’ or ‘falling star’ when it enters the planet’s atmosphere. When it hits the air in the atmosphere, it’s going so fast that the air in front can’t move out of the way fast enough. As the super fast moving air rubs along the surface of the meteor, it generates heat from friction, causing it to burst into flames; hence the name.” Stella’s eyes only widen with each word I mindlessly speak out.

“See Lemon Face! There’s so much I want to learn about the universe!” Beaming with excitement, anymore she might explode.

“When you get back to Cloudsdale, if you ask Uncle really nicely; I’m sure he’ll help you.”

She jerks her head back to me at break neck speeds. “Can’t you teach me Horror?!” Her voice whimpers, and her eyes look like she’s just been betrayed.

“I can’t Stella, I’m sorry. I’m under strict orders right now from Silver, but maybe, just maybe after everything has settled down; then I’ll be more than happy to teach you the basics; I won’t hand it over on a silver platter; it’s going to be hard work but it’s very rewarding.” Just like that, like a simple flick of a switch, her eyes fill right back up with the innocent joy that fills Stella.

“Yay! I love you Horror!” She wraps her hooves around my neck again; I return her hug, earning me a gleeful squeal.

A loud whistle rings out, we look over to the source to see Razor standing on the walkway. “Horror, come!” He orders; I give Stella one final hug before Tail sets her down next to Lemon.

“Byebye Horror!” I wave to her while I walk towards Razor.

It only takes me a few moments to reach Razor and his trademarked blank expression. “The Don sent out orders to bring you in, he’s displeased by your outburst from yesterday’s training.” I stand there silently, we both know what I did yesterday was a little rash; hopefully this will all blow over so I’m not compromised. Razor leads me back into the grand hall, there sits the Don and Silver. The first thing I notice are her eyes; their red and puffy.

“Kneel Horror.” Razor orders, I do as I’m told and take a knee.

“So, this is your true form?” The Don remarks. Silver can’t even look at me, she’s just looking past me.

“Horror, shed your armor.” Silver barks, I ignore the command.

“Horror, I said to shed your armor!” I hear a slight whimper hidden away in her voice, looking up I shake my head; refusing the order.

“No.” I bluntly say.

“Your pet is disobeying you, thought you’ve trained it better.” Razor remarks calmy. Silver not responding to well to his answer, she opens her beak her beak but her father speaks before her.

“Horror, your armor, what purpose does it serve you? You’re not in combat, why do you wear it?” I know he’s not taking in interest in me, no, he’s fishing for information; know thy enemy; smart move.

“I’m still regenerating from last night’s events that transpired. Me being in my natural state consumes less energy; thus speeding along the process of reconstruction.” False positive, hopefully this will satisfies him enough.

The Don takes look at Razor, who only stands there silently; “I was informed yesterday about your impulsive actions; one more irrational move and I’ll see to it personally that you’re put down like a rabid dog.” Not a hint of emotion fills his words; the unnerving part is that I can’t get a single tell on him.




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