• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,454 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Sixty Six: Bubbles and cuddles

Trixie is Pregnant

Chapter Sixty Six: Bubbles and cuddles

Twilight sat there, staring at the bubbles as they seemingly swarmed around her and Trixie. Spike had fled the room the moment the explosion of bubbles happened. Yet now she was starting to think perhaps she should have followed. Trixie was pressed against her. "Um, Twilight, love... that's not normal."

"What did you do?"

"I made bubbles. I am the bubble queen."

The bubbles began to swell. Once again Twilight found a bubble growing around her, consuming their world and locking them in. While she screamed in frustration at dealing with bubbles. She heard Trixie cackling.

Twilight shot a glare at her as the bubble surrounding the two of them pushed the smaller ones away. "What is wrong with you?"

Trixie cackled. "I am both great and powerful, for I am the bubble queen. Fear me ponyville, for you shall be covered in my bubbles!"

Twilight groaned. "Celestia darn it..."


Along the walk home Fluttershy had caught a glimpse of a very strange and unique event going on with Twilight's home. Bubble's were frothing and pouring out of her various windows. In fact, it seemed every window in the home was pouring out hundreds of bubbles some as large as her head.

Celestia smiled. "Ah I see, she finally decided to use the cleaning spell I taught her for her home."

Fluttershy let out a sigh. "It looks so weird, but it looks like fun."

"It is quite fun, works on ponies too." She gave Fluttershy a wink.

Fluttershy could only imagine what kind of fun they could have with bubbles. Her mind showed her an image of a pool, but instead of water it was all floating bubbles that could hold a ponies weight. Kind of like a ball pit, but hopefully cleaner. She'd worked at a restaurant with a ball pit once... the things she'd seen... oh the horror.

Going on their way home Fluttershy began to wonder a few things about the princess that she was currently... dating? Oh that was a question in itself wasn't it? Well she'd focus on that later. Poly ponies were not always the easiest things to organize, at least in her experience. She sometimes wondered if she should ask Twilight to help organize her relationship charts but honestly at this point she'd annihilated almost all of them and was still healing from that mess.

"Princess Celestia," Fluttershy spoke quietly.

"You can just call me Celestia. Even in public."

"Have you ever had a job?"

Celestia raised her eyebrow. "Ahem, my job is the Princess and Ruler of Equestria."

"I-I meant a normal job."

Celestia laughed. "I have done this for over a thousand years. I feel that by now it is quite normal."

Fluttershy puffed up her cheeks. "I meant a job normal ponies would do."

Celestia giggled. "I'm teasing."

Flutter shy’s heart skipped a beat. Celestia was teasing her. It was a little mean, but more playful. Yet it was exactly what she wanted.

Celestia snorted and a small bit of steam left her nostrils. "Jobs. It's an interesting prospect. I am a thousand years old so I can assure you that I have certainly had many, but mostly for choice out of boredom. I've worked the forge to craft my own armors and blades, I've tilled the fields to grow my own crops, I have... well I have plunged toilets before."

Fluttershy blinked. "You, plunge toilets?"

"Yes, well... I had to find out what it was like at some point. It was rather fun if not nasty."

Fluttershy gasped. "Oh my."

Celestia looked down at her. "I'm sorry if that grosses you out a little. I'm sure you've only ever had peaceful... um... wait, Fluttershy, do you have a job?"

Flutter shy’s eyes widened. "O-of course I do."

"Doing what?"

Fluttershy looked at the ground. "Things..."



Celestia nodded. "I see, well I hope that your 'things' are going well."

What Fluttershy did not tell her was that Fluttershy's job per se, was whatever odd jobs she could find and bumming money off of her parents. Oh she did work. She helped out on Applejack's farm. In Rarity's boutique on the weekends so Rarity could get a couple days off. She had been a spa pony for a few weeks until she got fired for flirting. Then she started a pet grooming service but not enough people in Ponyville had the money, or the care for well groomed pets. Finally she attempted to become a vet, and the local vet/doctor promptly accused her of being a fool... and she almost caused an octopus to die, so... she stopped doing that.

Fluttershy let out a final sigh. She needed to be more honest, if she wasn't she would just repeat the same mistakes that led to her losing Rainbow Dash in the first place. "Celestia... I don't have a stable job."

Celestia reached out with a wing and covered her back. It was so warm to the touch, like a heated blanket, and smelled faintly of cinders and ash. "I know, and I'm thankful you were honest with me."

"I make enough to survive, but it's a struggle. I often times borrow money from my parents... I hope that's not... too pathetic for you."

Celestia chuckled to herself. "You are not pathetic, my dear Fluttershy. I am not much better. However, if you ever need money, just ask. I'm sure I can find a way for you to earn it if you really desire."

"Thank you."

"By the way, what is the worst job you've ever worked?"

Fluttershy's ears twitched. "Oh... that's a bit forward."

"Come on, tell me." Celestia nudged her side. "Please."

THey were almost to Fluttershy's home by that point. In fact she could see the little cottage up on top of the hill, yet it felt so far away once she realized she'd have to answer this question. Well honesty was her new policy, and even if she wasn't named Applejack, she'd put on a cowpony hat if it made her more honest. "Mcfluries."

Celestia looked a little confused by the response. She looked back at Fluttershy's cottage as they slowly made their way up the hill. Silence crawled between them for several seconds. Finally, at length, Celestia asked, "What's Mcflurries?"

Fluttershy blinked several times. Looked up at Celestia and her jaw dropped. "You can't be serious."

Celestia deadpanned. "I'm afraid so."

Fluttershy looked back at the nearing cottage. "It's a popular fast food chain of restaurants."

"Fast... food... oh, oh wait. I've heard of this. It's an establishment that caters to ponies offering subpar food at cheap and fast rates."

Fluttershy looked at her. "Have you never eaten at Mcflurries before?"

"Oh heavens no. that's like asking me to wear a saddlebag. Fluttershy, darling, I'm a princess."

Fluttershy looked back at her own little castle on the hilltop and wondered. Was Celestia secretly a snob? She smiled to herself realizing that she was not in fact a perfect princess but she wouldn't say anything... yet.

Fluttershy opened the door and stepped inside. "So, Celestia. We're finally home. had a nice date, and even a good conversation. Is there anything you'd like to do?"

Celestia smiled warmly. It felt as if the entire world was becoming warmer. Perhaps a little too warm. Fluttershy had to take a few steps back from the goddess currently radiating a few too many degrees of heat for her comfort. Sun goddess, can't live without ‘em, don't always want to hug them.

Celestia blinked. "Oh, sorry, I was enjoying the smell of your home. Did you ask me something?"

"My home smells?"

"Not in a bad... it smells okay most of the time. Like animals and lemon fresh cleaner."

"Yeah... they uh... leave messes sometimes. I clean them. It smells like cleaning."

Celestia watched as three squirrels ran up the side of the all into a little hole near the ceiling. "Do you ever imagine that you could have just collected cats and been a normal crazy cat lady?"

"I do, but cats are kind of mean. So I prefer anything other than cats."

"I see. Crazy animal lady it is."

"This is true." Fluttershy turned toward her kitchen. "Let me get us some tea. This has been a fantastic date."

Celestia agreed. "Quite amazing indeed."

Once inside Fluttershy looked at the window that had been left open. Just outside she could see the town of Ponyville. If she looked hard enough she could even see Twilight's tree library. Though she had to stare really hard as something was obscuring it. A strange cloud perhaps.

Celestia peered over the top of Fluttershy's head. "Hmm... interesting."

Fluttershy tried to ignore the fact that her head was being used as a chin rest. Or the fact that she could see right up Celestia's nose and could see a booger that really, really needed taken care of and some nose hairs that were in need of trimming. Where was the royal nose picker when you needed them?

She glanced back at the library. Her mind began to understand more of what she was looking at. Oh no...

Fluttershy spoke quietly. "Are those bubbles?"

Celestia nodded, pushing Fluttershy's head down with the motion. "Why yes, yes they are. And they seem to be growing."

A single, massive bubble the size of a house floated above the town and inside it Fluttershy saw Trixie and Twilight. Trixie was standing on her rear legs and making a dramatic pose while laughing, though the words she was saying were unintelligible. Twilight was rubbing at her face as if this was the most humiliated she'd been since the casadiaincident... so much cheese... not enough mops.

Celestia purred. "Should I go rescue them now, or should I let them have fun for a little while?"

Fluttershy groaned. "What if Trixie gets hurt?"

"Oh, you're right. I'll go save them now. Toodaloo love. Hope to see you later." With a wink, and the opening of the back door, Celestia took off into the sky like a hero. A hero with a giant horn that was primed and ready to pop a giant balloon... or bubble.

Oh... Celestia's help was going to be a mess.

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