• Published 16th Nov 2020
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Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter one: Of Pregnant Trixie and Stuffy Librarians

Trixie Is Pregnant and It’s Twilight’s Problem

Chapter One: Of Pregnant Trixie and Stuffy Librarians

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Trixie was great and powerful yet she somehow found herself in the kind of situation that she never wanted to be in. After the recent events of the alicorn amulet the last thing she wanted to do was come back to Ponyville. Still when she thought back to where the safest places in Equestria were, all of them paled in comparison to Ponyville. Even with her devastated reputation this was about the only place she could think of that would be safe, and there was one pony in question she realized might be, just might be willing to help her.

She let out a sigh as she dragged herself forward. Hidden in a gray cloak as the skies turned stormy above. She had come at the worst possible timing too. A rainstorm was not exactly what one would call safe. Still she had to do something. The rock farm she had been before was far too distant from her and even if she went there and begged for them to forgive the way she left so hastily, they’d put her to work and right then she couldn’t risk the heavy labor. She had something more important to do, something to protect.

Pride… pride was something Trixie was filled with and it was one thing she would absolutely defend until she died. In the face of this new challenge though she couldn’t risk her own demise so foolishly anymore. Flirting with destruction was a favored pastime but those gambles might have been the exact problem that put her there to begin with.

Each step into the town made her body scream with paranoia. The sky rumbled with thunder. Any signs of the sun were gone from the sky now. She shivered as a cold wind blew through. The first droplets of rain came down and were freezing; they quickly became a downpour causing her to move quickly. She had to find it, the Golden Oaks Library.

After a minute or two of galloping she could feel her body protesting the motion but she saw it, the library was just ahead of her. Its lights were all dimmed but it was there. Trixie slid through the mud and stopped at the door. Lightning flashed in the sky above her and struck the mud some distance away causing a large splash and tingles to go through the air. The roar of its thunder was far more dangerous than she’d planned.

Trixie knocked on the door several times as loudly as she could. No response came. This was a public library was it not? Could she not just enter the lobby and wait? She tried pushing the door open and found it locked. A small sign said that the place was closed. This was not what she needed.

Trixie was nothing if not persistent. With a bit of telekinesis Trixie was able to move the gears in the lock and with a click her efforts were rewarded. The door opened and trailing mud behind her she ventured inside and shut the door behind her. It was dark in here. Too dark for anypony to be home. She called out, “Hello?”

There came no reply. Trixie let out a sigh and found a place nearby the door to lay down. At least it was dry in here and she could take her cloak off. The thing was covered in mud and soaking wet. Most of her fur was soaked through as well. She was freezing but could at least warm up in here.

“Safe, Trixie is safe.” She stroked her barrel for a moment. “Safe.”

She lay there shivering from the cold for what felt like ages. Eventually she began to wonder if she had the right place. Did Twilight Sparkle have her own house someplace else and only worked here? If that was the case chances were she’d be here all night by herself and frozen to death by the morning… that metaphor was a bit too dark to think of at the moment.

For awhile she lay there listening to the pitter-patter of the rain and the occasional lightning bolt causing an applause of thunder. It was a fierce storm outside, the kind of which was dangerous for normal ponies to be out in. With her condition she was even more vulnerable.

The alicorn amulet had caused some serious problems in her life. It had caused her to do some vile disgusting things. It had ruined her already damaged reputation. It had even cost her a good job and a place to stay. But it did do one good thing for her, just one. She rubbed at her barrel once more at the thought.

Luckily she heard some voices eventually. They were muffled through the sound of the constant downpour but she felt she could make out a female and a young colt. The door handle began to turn and then there was a pause. Oh no, Trixie had forgotten to lock the door. Would that be a problem? What would Twilight think if she was coming in here… what if it wasn’t Twilight?

The door opened a crack and Trixie saw the tip of a horn poke through. A red light began to surround the horn and Trixie cried out. “Wait, it’s just Trixie, please!”

The aura didn’t vanish but the door did open all the way. Twilight stood there with narrowed eyes and the small dragon on her back had much the same expression of discontent as they looked at Trixie. Twilight walked in, looked around at the mud and growled. “So, you break and enter into my home and you have the audacity to leave mud everywhere.”

Trixie swallowed. “Trixie does not break and enter, you should feel lucky that she choose to come to you instead of anypony else.”

Twilight shot the glare right at her, their eyes met and that aura grew a little stronger. “I don’t really care, you're leaving. Now!”

Trixie felt her body growing light and the red aura was surrounding her. She was being lifted into the air. “NO WAIT PLEASE!”

Twilight glared at her. “You were just here like, a week ago and tormented the entire town, why should I ‘wait’ when you’re obviously planning something else.”

“Trixie is not!”

Twilight met her eyes, for a moment the anger held but it began to soften. “So what are you here for?”

“Please, set Trixie down, this can’t be safe. Trixie needs safe, not scary or painful.”

Trixie began to fall. “NO!”

Much to Trixie’s surprise she realized she didn’t fall, Twilight had set her down safely. Twilight was staring at her with wide eyes. “Were you… scared? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you scared. At least without a giant monster on your tail.”

Trixie was shivering, now more from fear than cold. She sat up and began inspecting her belly. “Shhh, it’s okay. It’s okay.” She shivered. “Trixie is not scared. She is in need of help, and there is nopony in Equestria who could offer her safety. She knows you hate her, and for good reason, but Trixie asks for safety from you nonetheless, not for her sake, but for the sake of her unborn daughter.”

Twilight blinked. “You’re what?”

Trixie met Twilight’s eyes and felt she shaking more. “Trixie is pregnant.”

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