• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 6,454 Views, 364 Comments

Trixie is Pregnant and It's Twilight's Problem - TheCrimsonDM

What happens when a pregnant Trixie shows up at the Golden Oaks Library during a storm? Twilight ending up as an unwilling caretaker of the showmare and her unborn child is what. What happens after that is all chaos.

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Chapter Twenty Four: Of Messy Floors and Dirty Horses

Chapter Twenty Four: Of Messy Floors and Dirty Horses

Rarity had heard it all and knew that Rainbow Dash was making a very big mistake. One that might end up destroying all the hard work she and PInkie put into this. She was not going to have her hard work, and their relationship go down the drain for nothing. Yet, she wasn't quite sure how to tackle this situation. If Rainbow Dash was going to be denying herself then it was going to be hard to break through that wall. After all, when it was discovered that Rainbow Dash had some reading challenges it took weeks before they could get Rainbow Dash to let them help, and even then it was really only Twilight who managed to break that barrier by using the Daring Doo series.

This was on an entirely different level. Rarity stepped out from around the hall and froze. She hadn’t heard them kissing. Yet here they were, two ponies laying on her floor, tongues so deep in each others mouths that Rarity thought they might trigger each other’s gag reflex. WIth both mares having very erect wings she was not entirely positive this makeout session might spiral out of control on her clean floor. Judging by the wet stains already left, it was already going too far.

Rarity cleared her throat.

Neither of them paid attention.

Rarity spoke gently. "Girls?"

Again they weren't caring. Fluttershy's hoof was even sliding down Rainbow's flank going dangerously close to that tail.

Rarity nearly shouted, "Girls!"

The two of them stopped and looked over at her. Fluttershy swallowed. "Oh um... R-Rarity. I-I think me and Dashy should have f-first time together s-so could ou wait until after were um d-done. You c-can join the next um, round."

Rarity's eye twitched. "Oh, okay, I'll just let the two of you have messy disgusting sex on the floor of my shop then. No worries."

Fluttershy smiled. "Thank you."

Rarity glared daggers at her. "Are you insane? Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, the two of you can't rut each other on my shop's floor. At least not during the middle of the day like this. If your so intent to lust after one another go do it at home, or at least ask to borrow my bedroom."

Fluttershy's ears perked up. "O-oh that would be more comfortable, could we go upstairs an-"


The scream was enough to make Fluttershy flinch away. Rainbow Dash swallowed. "Um, what's going on?"

Rarity stared at her. "Fluttershy was just about to take your virginity all over my floor is what. I do not want to be involved in cleaning the fluids or the blood left behind."

Rainbow Dash huffed. "I am not a virgin... also... blood?"

Rarity glared. "Get off each other, now."

Fluttershy crawled her way off of Rainbow Dash and the two of them sat up looking at the floor with some shame in their expressions, not enough shame but at least a little. Fluttershy spoke quietly. "S-sorry, I just..."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Guess I wanted to do that more than I thought. Sorry, Rares."

Rarity couldn’t remember what she was going to talk to them about now, she was fuming at their behavior. "I want you two, to leave. Go have sex at home, or under a bridge, or if you truly are shameless borrow one of Applejack's trees. I'm sure nopony will notice two pegasi making love in an appletree, but try to use my floor again without significant cause and reason and I will spank the two of you with a studded belt so hard you'd wish you were dead."

The two of them nodded and quickly trotted out saying quick and minor apologies. Once gone Rarity looked at the stains on the floor. She did not have the time to clean this, but yet here she was. It was worse than the last time she made out with Applejack here... not that she was going to allow herself to think of that too much or else she might be the one in an appletree.


It wasn't long before Rarity arrived at Pinkie's after shooing the confused lovebirds out of her home. She wasn't honestly too worried about things in the long run. Seeing them on the floor like that told her that they would figure themselves out and then probably get lost in bed somewhere for a good few weeks. For now Rarity was planning to give Pinkie a bit of a heads up before Rainbow figured out what she was doing and decided to ask some very confronting questions.

With some luck Rarity found Pinkie Pie at the Sugarcube Corner, along with Applejack. The two were sitting inside in a corner and chatting over smoothies. Rarity decided to join them and smiled at the pair, "How are you two doing today?"

Applejack smiled. "Been doing some work on the farm, saw Luna in the day for once, she was helping pick some apples off the highest trees fer us. Ah was wondering why some extra baskets were being filled. Tried talking to her and she done run off scared. Poor thing."

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Awww, she's so cute when she's nervous. Sounds like she really wants to be part of the family."

Applejack shrugged. "SHe's already a weird part of the family, Ah mean, even Ah open mah window to wish her good night."

Rarity stared at her. "So... when did Luna's obsession with your brother stop being creepy and become normal?"

Applejack took a drink of her smoothie before answering. "About when we realized two things, one; she wasn't doing anything besides watching him sleep or doing a few chores in secret, and two; she's a princess and we couldn't really do anything about it if we wanted to."

Rarity nodded. "That does make sense. I suppose she could just sit down for dinner and join you and you'd have to accept it."

"Honestly at this point, we'd all welcome her."

Pinkie Pie leaned forward. "Awwww, Luna's stalking is so cute."

Rarity bit her lower lip. "Pinkie, I fear we may need to talk."

Pinkie Pie smiled. "Yeah, I know, why do you think I didn't leave a smoothie for you?"

Rarity swallowed. "You know?"

"Yeppers, you made a Pinkie Promise about a year ago to never tell Rainbow Dash why I was flirting so hard with her. You broke it."

"Ah... I see... darling, I'm terribly sorry. I feel it was an important thing to bring up for Rainbow Dash, but I wanted to give you a heads up that she's going to come asking questions about it sooner or later."

Pinkie Pie leaned back in her seat. "I know... I think I might be scared."

Both Rarity and Applejack looked at her. Rarity asked, "Are you?"

Pinkie Pie nodded. "Yeah, my heart's all fast and my chest feels tight and I'm imagining just how mad she's going to be. I guess I knew this would happen eventually but you know... like... I had hoped it wouldn't until after me and Rainbow sealed the deal."

Applejack spoke next. "Um, do you two mind enlightening me as to what in tarnation yer going on about?"

Rarity could feel her ears folding back against her scalp. "Pinkie, is it okay to tell her?"

Pinkie Pie laughed but it was sharp and high pitched, unnatural sounding for her. "Oh with Rainbow Dash everypony's going to hear about it eventually. Short version, me and Fluttershy have sex sometimes. Used to do it a lot more before she broke up with me. Rainbow Dash didn't know and she'd probably going to be mad because I was trying to have sex with her too."

Applejack face hooved. "My sweet baby Celestia, ayep, this is going to be one fine mess."

Rarity nodded. "I'm afraid so. I'm thinking there will be a lot of hard conversations for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash that... hold up, Pinkie did you just say you still have sex with Fluttershy?"

Pinkie nodded. "Last time was... a month ago? Got all in costume too. I dressed up as her, and she dressed up like me and we-"

Applejack waved her hooves about. "Nope, stop, don't, talking is bad. Please let me keep mah sanity."

Rarity smiled. "Probably for the best you keep what the two of you did secret. Now, you weren't planning to do anymore with her were you?"

Pinkie smiled. "Only if Rainbow accepts Fluttershy's more open nature. Then it's threeway central."

Applejack's eyes widened. "Pinkie, what is wrong with you? They’re going to be married mares."

PInkie's grin only widened. "I know, means threesomes are easier to do. Trust me, I'm still trying to figure out how to achieve an orgy for all six of us. Maybe Spike too?"

Rarity stood up. "You involve Spike, and I assure you I will tell the Cakes about that little Pinkie's Silly Sauce incident."

PInkie's eyes widened and her ears folded back. "I um... maybe he could just take pictures of it?"

Applejack covered her eyes with her hat. "Rarity, please make her stop talking."

Rarity growled. "I would if I could, but we both know only Triixe ever managed that one."

Pinkie covered her mouth with her hooves. "No please, I like having a mouth and Trixie making me watch her eat cupcakes was the worst torture ever."

Applejack raised her hat a little. "Uh, speaking of cupcakes, me and Big Mac were wondering if you might be willing to make a special batch fer us again sometime. Really helped with our stress you know."

Rarity groaned. "Darling, please."

Applejack looked at her. "Well what else am Ah supposed to do, after all Ah'm in an awkward place too you know."

Rarity sat down. "I... believe I am to blame for that. I'm sorry, Applepie, I didn't mean to put you in such a position."

Applejack shook her head. "It's fine, just you know... questioning things."

"Like what?"

Applejack looked directly at Rarity. "Like... what am Ah to you?"

Rarity's eyes widened. "Applepie, you are so very special to me."

"Special in the same way that Spike is?"

Rarity cleared her throat. "I have no idea to what you refer, and I would ask that you not mention that again. I am fairly certain if Twilight even imagined such things may have or may not have happened, she would not hesitate to kill me in the slowest, most painful way imaginable."


"But when you give Spike a horde he tends to grow and it is hardly my fault if his temporary transformations require some special needs."

Applejack shook her head. "And then you take his horde away so that he goes back to normal size and Twilight never finds out."

"I never said I did that."


"But nothing, I never said I did that."

Pinkie Pie giggled. "You’re not denying it."

Rarity looked around. "For the interest of my own well being and safety and knowing how our friends tend to like spying on each other I am going to hearby deny any and all charges of spending more personal time with a larger version of Spike that I do not actively create in sleepovers with a small treasure horde that does not currently exist in a secret chamber in my basement."

Both Applejack and Pinkie pIe nodded in agreement.

Rarity let out a sigh. "Honestly, are you two trying to get me killed? It's not my fault that Twilight has stunted the poor thing's growth so much that I sincerely doubt he'll get wings until she gets a castle and he has an accidental horde by proxy. But that dragon is half as smart and wiser than Twilight ever will be."

They nodded in agreement once more.

Rarity also grumbled. "I also did my research on dragon biology after I realized the poor dear was crushing on me. Turns out dragons tend to breed at fairly early ages when compared to ponies, but their first clutches of eggs usually get poached by predators and other dragons as they are too young to fully care for them. Probably how Spike ended up with Twilight in the first place."

Pinkie Pie rasied a hoof. "Oh, oh, I know the answer."

Rarity gave her a look. "Yes, Pinkie?"

"Spike was actually a rock and Twilight created him from that. Like she literally made Spike. The current theory by her teachers is that Spike is some kind of familiar or golem. Or perhaps a creature made from part of Twilight's soul, if I had to guess probably the part of her that is wise, and a butt."

Applejack snickered. "So what yer saying is, that Spike is a wiseass."


The trio shared a hearty laugh at that. At least things were getting a little more relaxed now. Still, Applejack had raised a question that she wasn't quite sure how to answer for herself. For now she knew what she felt. Rarity reached out and placed a hoof over Applejack's and squeezed. Once the mare looked at her Rarity spoke gently, "Applejack, my Applepie, you mean the world to me. I may not fully understand what it is that we may have, but I want to learn more about it. Would you be against meeting for dinner tonight to help me explore this a little further?"

Applejack looked down at her smoothie. "Ah would like that, but before Ah actually agree, what are you going to do with Spike?"

Rarity's hoof squeezed tighter. "Applejack, don't make me pick favorites, at least not yet."

"Why, afraid Ah might lose?"

Rarity squeezed tighter. "Since Spike doesn't pressure me to make choices... maybe."

Applejack’s body grew a little tense. "Ah got it. So what yer saying is thinking too hard is stressful and what you need in yer life is somepony to help you feel relaxed."

Rarity nodded. "I'm sorry if that came out wrong."

"No, Ah get it. It's why Ah like Pinkie's cupcakes so much. Ah won't make you pick favorites yet, but if we keep doing this Ah might one day."

Rarity nodded. "And when that day happens, I'll deal with the consequences then."

Pikie Pie let out a quiet sigh. "This sucks. Everypony gets to have somepony to love and I just get to be all lonely. Maybe I should ask Maud to come visit again, at least she takes care of my needs."

Rarity looked at Pinkie. "Who's Maud?"

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Nopony you need to know about yet. Let's give it another six months and I'll introduce you all, you'll even forget who she is by then."

Rarity nodded. "Okay, that's cryptic but okay." For now Rarity had dinner plans. "Oh, I'll need to pick out the perfect dress for tonight."

Applejack swallowed. "Um... Rarity."

"Yes, darling?"

"Could you wear the red sparkly one?"

Rarity's eyes widened. "That one? But it's so... revealing."

Applejack's cheeks were turning pink. "It looks nice on you."

Rarity smiled. "Okay then, I will wear it just for you."

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